12 April 2005, 10:09 AM
ShinigamiBizarre Music Videos
I saw this video last night by Interpol called "Evil". It was this bleeding, bizarre, grotesque puppet thing with realistic looking eyes and teeth and it was singing at an accident scene before it got carted off in an ambulance and taken to the hospital, etc. I've got to find a pic of this thing and post it. It's so freaky, I can't even get it out of my head!

Good song, though.

Your Hidden Talent
You have the natural talent of rocking the boat, thwarting the system.
And while this may not seem big, it can be.
It's people like you who serve as the catalysts to major cultural changes.
You're just a bit behind the scenes, so no one really notices.
What's Your Hidden Talent?http://www.blogthings.com/whatsyourhiddentalentquiz/ 12 April 2005, 05:41 PM
Smirk MorganLove the song. Never have seen an Interpol vid. Come to think of it, I don't remember the last time I saw a video on MTV, lol.
It sounds kinda cool.
Heaven restores you to light....
or something like that.
13 April 2005, 06:29 PM
xenacrazedThey still make music videos?

I wonder why...