Worst songs of the 1990s
16 August 2005, 08:36 PM
Smirk MorganWorst songs of the 1990s
You've been there. Driving along listening to the radio, when all of a sudden you hear the opening chords to a song. THAT song. Immediately you must turn the radio off. Or if you are blessed with a digital tuner, hit the memory button.
Usually, the songs we really hate were somewhat popular. That's how we came to realize we hated them.
Share with us the songs you hate the most. Bottom Ten Lists are cool, or you can just spew 'em out. Like to categorize? That's cool. Feel free to tell us which, in your opinion, is the worst country song or the worst top 40 song, or the worst alternative song of the 90s. Or be decisive and declare an overall winner along with Dishonorable Mentions....
Oh and feel free to defend songs you like that wind up on this list. That's what makes it really fun.
SM's WORST song of the 90s--
Lightning Crashes by
Live. The "Let's pretend we are sensitive men who have deep philisophical thoughts about life, death and cycles when all we are doing is mouthing out insulting platitudes" track on an otherwise outstanding album. I admit that I developed my distaste for this song during an all nighter attempt to write a geology paper as a freshman in college and hearing this song on the radio what seemed like 9 times in about 7 hours. So, okay, maybe I have some issue. *CCg*
Dishonorable Mentions: 1st runner-up.
Champagne Supernova by
Oasis. It isn't enough that they were trying to write a Beatles song and lacked the talent to do it, they had to go on for over SEVEN minutes!
Ironic by
Alanis Morissette. It wasn't; it was merely malapropism. And waaaaaaaaaaaay freakin' overplayed.
What's your take?
16 August 2005, 09:42 PM
beauTifully tragicokay i'll disagree about
lightning crashes
oasis never did a good song
and neither did
bush16 August 2005, 10:03 PM
Smirk MorganI always kinda liked
Live Forever. Just cheesy simplistic bubblegum.
heh...ever hear about the woman (I do NOT remember her name, curses!) who once said of Gavin Rossdale, "There's no sex in his violence."
16 August 2005, 10:11 PM
beauTifully tragicgwen stefani?

16 August 2005, 10:43 PM
Smirk Morganbwahaha!
16 August 2005, 10:57 PM
ShinigamiHey, I love "Lightning Crashes".

But Oasis does suck. So does Weezer. I can't think of any songs offhand just yet, but I will...
Your Hidden Talent
You have the natural talent of rocking the boat, thwarting the system.
And while this may not seem big, it can be.
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What's Your Hidden Talent? 16 August 2005, 10:59 PM
SalemI think I like a song by bush. There was one at the end of an episode of Charmed. 'Letting the Cables Sleep' or something. It might not be the same band, I wouldn't know, and it's the only song of theirs I've ever heard, but *I* thought it was nice

As for what I think was the worst.. I can't really think

There is one song that comes to mind, but it's not from the 90's. I don't know what it's called, but this person keeps screeching "why was I the last to know". God, it gave me the shits. It would be played over and over and over again. I just wanted to scream at the radio to shut the hell up.
I'll think some more about the 90's and come back.
PS 'Ironic' still gets played on the radio all the time here, at least on the station that kept playing that song I mentioned before, anyway..
17 August 2005, 05:43 AM
Argeaux'One Week' by Barenaked Ladies
I thought it was a catchy tune the first time I heard it. When I focused on the lyrics the second time it was played I knew that I never wanted to hear it again.
Can't hit the off switch fast enough if it comes on to the radio.

17 August 2005, 06:23 AM
Madogiswell i like "lightning crashes," "ironic," and "one week."

. i like the bit about watching x-files with no lights on and hoping the smoking man's in this one ^_^
all three of those do get a bit much once you've heard them over and over again though. i'll admit that i do tend to skip the first two when they come up on my cds nowa days, from shere overexposure...
who is bush? are they the people that sing "glycerine" or whatever it is? cause i like that.
i also like "wonderwall" by oasis - yes, I'M the one

worst songs of the 90s...there's probably a whole lot but i can't think at the moment.
oh, there is that song about "girl i'm gonna make you sweat, sweat til you can't sweat no more..." i'm not going to go on, but i think you'd know the one i mean. and if you don't then count yourself lucky. it makes me cringe to my core. how is THAT sexy?? *shudder* and they just keep playing it, those dirty bastards >.<
the only think that seems to make me actually change the radio is kylie minogue, but i think most of her offensive stuff is post 90s, so...i'll get back to you.
17 August 2005, 11:21 PM
xenacrazed"Civil War" - Guns N' Roses
- They did one song i like or maybe it was one of the hundreds of G'n'R imitators...
"Seether" - Veruca Salt
- whiney whiney whiney! Twas the whiney rock of the 93-era that made me turn my back on alt rock for several years and start listening to surf instrumental, rockabilly, swing and that fringe rock stuff. Post grunge whiney ass angst pop sucked (imo). Post grunge whiney ass angst pop takes all the fun outta music & puts the emphasis on a buncha crybaby angsters.
"Breakfast at Tiffany's" - Deep Blue Something
"One of Us" - Joan Osborne
- It was ok when i first heard it. The other 25 billion times, it tired me out.
"All For Love"- Bryan Adams, Rod Stewart
& Sting
- From "The 3 Mustaketeers"! well, it put me in many a-tears of agony.
"Champagne Supernova"- Oasis
- i think they look like smug bastards and they sound that way when whichever brother sing sprays the "p" in "champagne". Twit! Whenever i hear the sprayed "p", i just wanna spit a juicey hocker in their faces! They thought they were the next Beatles. Ha! All the perfect pop pop songs clock in at 3 mins or so, they don't go on forever repeating the same banal lyrics and irksome melodies.
i don't care much for Barenaked Ladies, their songs seem half-finished. i did like Brian Wilson's cover of the BL's "Brian Wilson" when i saw Wilson in concert.
18 August 2005, 12:27 AM
Brucy BralessI can only think of 1 song from the 90s.... Edie Brickell's
Iam what I am or whatever its called.
THat one I like...
So I guess pretty much all of the rest of it.
I like one rap song.
M C Hammer's you cant touch this.
ok are an old one by Tone Loc.(sp) "Wild Thing"? It might be called.
"Babys got Back "tho I have had enough of it for Months after one play.
I dislike ALL disphonic Classical/Avant Garde
Most Country western.
I will Kill to make any not mentioned above Rap Song cease & desist.
I have always disliked pop music,because even ifs its not bad they will play it enough to cause it to become cruel & unusual punishment,
Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...?
18 August 2005, 09:43 AM
XF3Achy Breaky Heart- *shudders*
Pretty much any Hootie and the Blowfish tune!
18 August 2005, 12:58 PM
AristaOne word... Macarena.
18 August 2005, 01:27 PM
zoomdamn...i was just gonna post:
two words...hey, Macarena.
are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
18 August 2005, 01:49 PM
XF3Gypsy Woman- Crystal Waters
A few words....
la da dee la doo dow, la da dee la doo dow
18 August 2005, 04:32 PM
Brucy Bralessquote:
Originally posted by XenaFairy3:
Pretty much any Hootie and the Blowfish tune!
Yes! they are the ultimate Garage Band.
Thats no compliment.
18 August 2005, 05:53 PM
beauTifully tragicsugar ray's annoyingly catchy music
and ditto on the hootie
18 August 2005, 07:46 PM
Smirk MorganI totally forgot about Hootie! Were they as wooden as those golf clubs in that video or is it just me?
18 August 2005, 07:58 PM
Discord ManIf I ever hear Aerosmiths Dont want to miss a thing again,Ill shoot myself!!!!!!!!!!!
It got WAY WAY to much airplay. You would change the station and it would be just getting started on the next. It wasnt that bad of a song,Just overplayed!

19 August 2005, 09:03 AM
XF3I am almost ashamed to admit that I did purchase a hootie cd when they first came out but seeing as how I am having a garage sale it was one of the first things I grabbed to sell. Now hopefully it sells. If not, it's going to Goodwill!
And half this crap that we don't like would have been tolerable if radio practiced moderation. Unfortunately that word does not exist in their world.
For example.....Love Shack- I loved it when it first came out but I began to hate it because that's all I heard. The song and and I have made up though now and I love it again but boy did I hate it back then.
19 August 2005, 09:15 AM
XF3 Where have all the cowboys gone?- Paula (I don't shave my pits) Cole
Butterfly Kisses- Can't remember who sings this one but does it matter? Sorry for those of you that like it but it makes me gag!
20 August 2005, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by XenaFairy3:
Where have all the cowboys gone?- Paula (I don't shave my pits) Cole
I had completely forgotten "Where Have All the Cowboys Gone" which i despised to an infinity degree. I'll tell ya where the cowboys went, they heard Paula Cole sing this dumb song & rode off into the sunset.
As for Hootie, i did like their 1st cd which was ok for pop music. They reminded me of a 90's version of the band Bread.
25 August 2005, 11:12 PM
Smirk MorganI'll third the "Where have all the cowboys gone" hate.
Don't feel too bad about Hootie,
XF3. I bought Blues Traveler's "Four". Home cd of "Runaround" and "Hook". I don't count it as the worst of the 90s, but I remember that it was on one of the tapes I made to keep me entertained in the summer of '96 when I went to Switzerland and I found myself fastforwarding through it to get back to the album on the other side of the tape. It wasn't that I hated it, it bored me.
26 August 2005, 09:47 AM
Madogisof the songs you people have mentioned, the ones that i know, i like
