Can I go twice in a row? Because if I can I'd like to say I'm bringing "Yellow Submarine" by the Beatles
06 September 2005, 01:28 PM
the category is songs that were popular when you were a teenager...were you even born when that was popular????
roadtrippin' & taking "Werewolves of London" by Warren Zevon
WHAT WOULD XENA DO? are you sitting on the soap?
sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
07 September 2005, 09:01 PM
Smirk Morgan
Next Category: Songs that make you think of Xenaverse characters.
Not only alphabetical, but be sure to tell us which characters. You don't have to explain why if it's obvious. And no fair using a song or piece that was used in the show.
08 September 2005, 07:05 AM
roadtippin' and taking "What's the Name of the Game" by ABBA. always reminds me of S1 a subtexty kinda way.
Xena is taking a road trip and bringing along C'mon, c'mon by the von Bondies because it reminds her of that very sick relationship she had with Boris Badenov---er Borias.
09 September 2005, 07:54 AM
roadtrippin' & takin' "You Spin Me Round" by Dead or Alive--reminds me of the eaten by crabs girl (yes i know her name's Thelassa...).
When roadtrippin' Pwiestess Leah knows to Follow the Fold from the musical Guys and Dolls
10 September 2005, 01:08 AM
roadtripping and taking a hilariously bad song called "Gabrielle" by Cradle of Filth that i found purely by accident in a Google search and was so enamoured by it's hideousness that i must now post the lyrics...
Foul snake despair Where once you darkened gardens Another coils there Where twice you sliced all hope from me And left these present scars An insane love now burns above The weft of incandescent stars
Hilt your dripping fangs that range Skywards to rend apart I might have sang of wings unchained But long before I locked my heart
For Gabrielle A fit and perfect stitch of foreign parts Whose beauty fostered poets Whose laugh like silver belts Thawed your bitter winter from my path
Foul snake despair Where once you peddled secrets Another spoils there With speech that sweetens drowning In deep lagoons of eyes And legs that begged apologies For lengths that mesmerised
Spare your hissing sentiments For her fee welts more than thine Though no malice she weans Just a palace of dreams Where windswept chambers pine
For Gabrielle Whose hair-spun onyx is run with gold Her rouge lips smack of dark blood Her name in whisper rolls Forever on my tongue Lest her memory dissolve
Gabrielle Oh, Gabrielle
Once crucified I would have died A thousand more times Just to feel her breath On my neck as a fervent lover To drown her sighs In floods of tears so well refined And blind from spying her In the arms of others
Gabrielle Gabrielle
Buried inside Where she’s all but mine Save for those that dine Oh her, on her perfect carcass
Gabrielle Gabrielle
Foul snake despair Where once you wreaked my misery Another toils there For long lost Gabrielle Whose nightly spreading grin Persists in other faces By whom I’m slowly taken in
gotta love the extended snake metaphor...
WHAT WOULD XENA DO? are you sitting on the soap?
sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'
11 September 2005, 04:39 PM
beauTifully tragic
taking along 'the reason' by hoobastank
I've found a reason for me To change who I used to be A reason to start over new and the reason is you