24 November 2004, 07:22 PM
<Ripley>Pardon Me, But...
Geeze, sorry to hear about your teeth tiki..curiosity had that problem a while ago and when she took the antibiotics, the left side of her face swelled up to make her look like a chipmunk..I remember what she wemt thru so I really do have simpathy for you...Hope it all turns out ok
26 November 2004, 11:08 PM
ShinigamiHey, Ripley!
Oh man! The thing is, chipmunks are cute! I didn't look very cute. More like a chipmunk who fell into a vat of toxic waste that just keeps oozing from its' gums til this very day. (Sorry to be so graphic

) How long did it take c to get over it?
By the way, thanks, and it's good to see you.

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