Claire (Alti) and Tim (Eli)

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22 July 2002, 07:09 AM
Claire (Alti) and Tim (Eli)
On the second day of the Convention Claire Stansfield and Tim Omundson decided to "dress like the locals", and came onstage in punk outfits, moshing to "Anarchy In The UK":

They bantered together like the good mates they are (staying out together until the wee hours the night before probably helped them hone their act):

Tim's tattoos declare "Sex, drugs + Xena" and "Eli is a FAG":

Got to lurve the eyeliner!

Eli would be shocked:

Of course the bunny ears make an entrance:

The tasty Ms Stansfield:

Va va va voom!

22 July 2002, 07:15 AM
Claire's turn for the bunny ears:

Someone bright suggested that Claire and Tim swap outfits, so they popped behind a screen ...

After removing much clothing ...

... and many loud cheers from the fans ...

... they finally emerged.

(Claire definitely got the better end of THAT swap!!)
22 July 2002, 07:26 AM
Hehehe! Claire and Tim are so cool [Razz]

Was there a reason behind Bunny ears being a theme? Or just for the fun of it?

again, Great photo's and thanks for sharing 'em [Big Grin]
22 July 2002, 07:39 AM
If you wanted to ask a question at the Convention you had to put your hand up, and someone wearing bunny ears would bring the mike to you. The ears made the people with microphones easier to spot.

The Convention organisers had first used bunny ears at a Buffy Convention, because Anya is afraid of bunnies, and just decided to use them again for Xena. They said there was no connection with Xena, until we reminded them of the "cute widdle rabbit" who attacked Gabrielle.

Hudson and Melinda played a game where Melinda pretended to be Bugs Bunny and Hudson pretended to "hunt" her, while pretending to be Elmer Fudd. It was a scream!! [Big Grin]
22 July 2002, 03:49 PM
Oh my, such hilarious pics. Thanks again!
26 July 2002, 05:40 PM
"Sex drugs and Xena"??? LMAO!!
26 July 2002, 08:19 PM
(Claire definitely got the better end of THAT swap!!)
But she forgot the eyeliner!!! [Wink]

Cool pics though.
10 August 2002, 02:51 PM
Well,what can I say?! I was there. They were there. They rocked. I loved them! [Big Grin]

Great pix! ...hope mine are better though! [Razz]