Oh, no King Friday! That IS evil! Oh, yeah, I forgot to add to my list of rants: people who drive in congested areas & talk on their cell phones!!! It's called "an accident waiting to happen" people!!!
quote:But I think the #1 all-time annoying thing for people to do to me is ask when I'm going to have kids. When I tell them "never", they act like I just told them that I blow up kittens for fun. Guess what: whether or not I want to have kids is MY (& my hubby's) decision, NOT YOURS!!!!
Definitely! I get the same thing. Wanda Sykes did a special for Comedy Central where she says, "People always ask me when I'm going to have kids. I always say that maybe later I'll adopt. But I don't mean it. That's just something I say so that people will think I'm a good person."
OMG names. I have the easiest to spell last name, really its exactly like it sounds yet EVERY single person gets it wrong. (except, strangely enough, in america, they always seemed to get it right!)
Not only spelling, but pronunciation too. For example, the first part of it is Halley k, now how do we pronounce that? Hayley? NO there IS NO Y before the LL. its HA-LLEY. Get it? You don't call Halle Berry, Hayley Berry now do you? No. Good. Just cus there's a Y at the end, doesn't mean you transport it to before the L's to make it Hayley. That IS NOT how it works.
Also, English people never seem to be able to understand when we say our last name, which explains why I'm changing it asap. They always think we're saying Hollywell, or Halliwell, WTF? the last part doesn't even contain them letters! DUMBASSES, are you DEAF AS WELL AS DUMB?! then when we spell it to them, they make up a completely different way of spelling it.
Also, when EVERYONE puts an I D and A in my first name, even after I spell it to them. LYNSEY changes to LINDSAY on their forms. ARE YOU ON CRACK, do you EVEN LISTEN!?
*sigh* I'm cranky cus this reallllllly does my noggin in.
I haven't read every single post, so this may have been mentioned before, but one thing that really annoys me online is abbreviations like "how r u." Drives me NUTS.
In RL ... people (men or women) calling me "hon." I never say anything because it's too silly to object but it does seriously annoy me.
quote:Originally posted by ArtemisRed: [OH I KNOW !! I can't stand when someone is singing WAY OFF PITCH, but they swear up and down you are the one messing up. "This is the note , hon." and sing the note totally flat.(or sharp)
Hey what Musical Are you in ??
(I'm doing Pippin right now)
We're doing Guys and Dolls, tonight was the opening night. Yay! It was all kinds of fun!
Posts: 920 | Location: Iowa, USA | Registered: 23 June 2003
quote:Originally posted by ladykate: I haven't read every single post, so this may have been mentioned before, but one thing that really annoys me online is abbreviations like "how r u." Drives me NUTS.
In RL ...
Heh heh! Did anyone else find it kinda funny that ladykate wrote the abbreviation "RL" after saying how much she hates them?
Posts: 5457 | Location: Oz | Registered: 22 June 2003
Here's another. Generally people mean well when they give me useless suggestions like "take an aspirin" when I've got a screaming migraine but it bugs me. Um, hello, aspirin won't cut it (never mind I'm allergic to salicylates).
I don't mind people asking me questions about my epilepsy or sharing experiences about their own seizure disorders or people they know who have them. It's the poeple who try to tell me about my own epilepsy when they know little or nothing that bothers me. Like when people tell me that that I need to be on this diet they head about on TV where people drink cooking oil or need to stop drinking Coke or that I can never drive a car or hold a job. Gee golly guess what, that diet is for kids only and only a small percentage of kids with seizure disorders are on it, the doctor says drinking caffeine is okay because it doesn't affect my seizures, I've had a driver's license since 1982 and never had it suspended or revoked for any reason seizure or otherwise, and oh, yes, I've worked pretty steadily from 1977 to 2000 and guess what, I'll likely be working again! I try to gently enlighten them but it rarely works.
[ March 08, 2003, 03:08 PM: Message edited by: King Friday XIII ]
Posts: 335 | Location: East Hallelujah!, IL | Registered: 23 June 2003
The WORST thing is when they are offering something like cake to a large group and they come up and wave a plate of it in front of you and then go "oh, you can't have any of this".
I think I know what I can and can't eat after having this disorder for 26 years. And I CAN have my cake and eat it too. If I want to. Let me eat cake!!
Posts: 5457 | Location: Oz | Registered: 22 June 2003
As Eddie Izzard says - "Cake or death?!?" - "Cake, please."
And as for my production of Anne Murray's Riverdance opening night at the Paramount has been delayed. PETA seems to have some sort of problem with the seal beatings. Go figure
Smart Asses, every damn one of you.
Posts: 1673 | Location: everywhere, nowhere at all | Registered: 23 June 2003