COMPETITION TIME!! Win Arma II Play DayZ!! Archive

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01 July 2012, 03:11 AM
COMPETITION TIME!! Win Arma II Play DayZ!! Archive
Hello there minions! There is a competition about. This one is for Arma II as well as Operation Arrowhead. The two things required to play the game DayZ. The competition is fairly simple. Tell me three things that are bad to do in a zombie type scenario!

For example; Giving all the zombies hugs.

Most creative/funny responses will win!

Closing date is 28th of June.

<=RB= Argy posted on June 28, 2012 @ 11:25pm
Well I'm just blown away by winning. So many good entries.

<=SB= Hinisstin posted on June 28, 2012 @ 10:47pm
Aww man I was gonna post mine tonight. I probably wouldn't have won though.

<=RB= Bzerk- posted on June 28, 2012 @ 6:38pm
Alright. All the entries were amazing and great and awesome! Unfourtunatly. There can only be one winner.

Alright I lied. There are two winners because I could not only choose one.

Congratulations Argy and Liggitt! Games heading your way.

Trust posted on June 28, 2012 @ 12:13pm
1: Do not leave the fucking house, Rick
2: Do not shoot a gun in a tank
3: Do not cover yourself in zombie guts to walk through an infested street.


☜Snakezilla☞ posted on June 28, 2012 @ 10:23am
1. Never make grunting or moaning sounds as it may sexually stimulate the zombies and attract them.
2) Covering your weapons in garlic/using silver bullets.
3) Rolling around in excessive amounts of blood.

|GM| Hellreaver [Team Z70] posted on June 28, 2012 @ 9:10am
1) Don't go downwards. Zombies can't climb - but they sure as hell can throw themselves down a sewer and I'm sure they can eat you faster than you can find a way back out.

2) Don't set them on fire. Not only do cooking zombies smell terrible, I'm sure the pained screams and the intense light will attract dozens more.

3) Don't stand next to windows. Seriously. They are a thing glass pane to stop flies from getting in - and they are easily punched through by zombies. Once you get somewhere, make sure that they are barricaded and STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM THEM.

<=RB= Argy posted on June 28, 2012 @ 8:49am
1. It is very bad in a zombie situation to cut off your friend's head and ask the zombies, "Tell me, seriously, which brain you would prefer - mine or his?" All good zombies know that fresh is best.

2. It is also extremely poor judgement in a zombie-type secenario to make signs and put them out the front of your house that say NO HUMAN HERE and NEVER BEEN ANY HUMANS WITHIN A TEN KILOMETRE RADIUS OF THIS HOUSE and THIS SIGN, ALTHOUGH APPEARS TO HAVE BEEN WRITTEN BY A HUMAN, WAS ACTUALLY WRITTEN BY A COMPUTER PRETENDING TO BE A HUMAN and YOU KNOW, LIKE ONE OF THOSE AUTOMATON THINGS. CHECK THEM OUT. ON YOUTUBE. Zombies are not stupid and have no sense of humour.

3. Above all else, the worst thing you can do in a zombie-apocalypse-end-of-the-world-oh-shit-we're-all-gonna-die-hold-me-close circumstance is to eat your own brain before the zombies can get to it. Why is this bad? Remember? Zombies have no sense of humour.

Noots posted on June 27, 2012 @ 11:49pm
1. Adorning yourself with delicious toppings.
2. Be dressed in a white shirt with blue jeans (HL2 zombie, geddit?)
3. Forget to reload.

<=RB= KIRBSTAR posted on June 27, 2012 @ 1:51pm
1. no matter wat happens never have sexual relations with a zombie
2. pretend ur a zombie around ur non zombie friends... may lead to them killing u
3. (not being racist) but dont be black in every zombie game/movie its the black guy that dies first

|PMS| Aruma <=RB= posted on June 26, 2012 @ 3:58pm
1. Believing the zombie is sorry then following him/her into a dark room and closing the door.

2. Having a dance party with your friends who have been affected

3. Burning your weapons to embrace your death

faustyle posted on June 26, 2012 @ 11:05am
1. Trusting the guy with a "minor bite wound" or, even worse, is caring for a family member with a minor wound. Guess who's going to get you all killed by betraying you!?

2. Using a flamethrower/molotov cocktail/fire-based-weapon. Now the horde of unfeeling zombies coming for you is also a FLAMING horde of zombies. Genius.

3. Never ever EVER say the words, "That was a close one." Anyone who says that is 2 seconds away from having something horrible happen to them. Most likely being bit in the neck by a zombie you thought you killed.

-=THO=- Groo-V <=RB= posted on June 26, 2012 @ 7:59am
I'd have to go with 1. a Rave party
2. yell 'Marco Polo' at the top of your voice
3. try to reason with a zombie horde by
talking them down from their brain lust

P.s Already play Day Z so if I win give it to lest fortunate's. Cheers

<=RB= Liggitt posted on June 25, 2012 @ 10:08am
3 Things? hm...

1. Sleepwalk during a zombie apocalypse

2. Think that ditry biting with your partner is just forplay

3. Play load music while vacuuming the LIVING room. (see what i did there? ; P)