Survivor All-stars 5th episode - spoilers
26 February 2004, 07:28 PM
FahrenheitSurvivor All-stars 5th episode - spoilers
I'm just sitting here waiting with 32 minutes to go, so I thought I'd start the thread.
26 February 2004, 09:11 PM
Fahrenheitoh my goodness. Neat semi-merge idea

First I thought 'now I have a team to really root for. Hatch and Jerri, with Alicia and Rupert opposing? What else does Survivor need?'. Well, crap. Stupid Colby.
Ethan's expression was priceless when Hatch caught a bigger fish. oh gosh...wonderful.
Boston Rob won for his team, but he also showed himself to be an even bigger threat. Not always the best move.
I need to watch it again, but first The Apprentice. Also, next week looks exciting

26 February 2004, 09:27 PM
lila997"I've been bamboozled!"
What did people think of Hatch's stunt during the immunity challenge?
Did everyone get the
The next scene may be upsetting... blah blah... Viewer Discretion advised warning prior to the challenge?
Am I the only one who cringed more at Ethan whacking his head (ouch!) and thought perhaps *that* was the supposed upsetting part?
I may have to rewatch. I think I missed something when I blinked.
26 February 2004, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by lila997:
What did people think of Hatch's stunt during the immunity challenge?
Did everyone get the _The next scene may be upsetting... blah blah... Viewer Discretion advised_ warning prior to the challenge?
My kids and I were a little confused as to why he got naked in the middle of a non-swimming challenge, but then I guess we saw why. It was stupid, disappointing, and ill thought-out, in my opinion, but not really shocking. I semi-glossed over it with my kids. Not really behavior I want them thinking is ok, but I don't want to make it into an issue, either.
I don't know if we got the next scene warning or not. I was getting the kids to brush their teeth, etc., during commercials so I didn't catch all the oh-it's-back-on moments. It was rated tv14 I noticed. Nice timing. We've got the kids ready to sit and watch a show they look forward to, and
then, when it's starting, you tell us it's tv14. Good thing it wasn't too bad this time. What should we do next time? Rush them out of the room in a big drama? I'm pretty sure cutting that little bit out wouldn't have hurt the show any. I'm glad they showed Jeff scolding him at least. Still, it's on at 8, it's supposed to be a clean show. Come on now, CBS. I don't think your ratings need any boosts by that kind of foolishness.
26 February 2004, 10:02 PM
FahrenheitOn a lighter note, I can't wait to see what Sue was yelling about. She yelled at Jeff! ooooooo...she's gonna be in troooooouuubllllle...
27 February 2004, 02:26 PM
TwinXenasAnd we thought
Colby was a goner last night. The twists and turns of Survivor All Stars - this game is ON!
Jeff is the one in trouble for not disqualifying
Richard or something for rubbing on
"Worry is the darkroom in which negatives can develop."
27 February 2004, 04:55 PM
GabberI'm still not sure what I really thought of the episode. There were some good points, for sure.
Personally, I couldn't have been any happier to see the Saboga tribe dissolved-- they were becoming very pathetic. I've lost some respect for Rupert in this show as compared to the last one.
I like Ethan, I'm sad everyone is gunning for him, lol.

I'm also sad that Richard was kicked out...y'know at the beginning he annoyed the heck outta me, but dangit, he was so darn entertaining after a couple of weeks. lol, I loved the look on his face when Ethan came in with fish... "hmm...competition..."

Course now that tribe has prolly gotten a false hope that Ethan can at least take care of their fishing needs, even though they don't realize that was the first time he ever caught anything.
I'm honestly not sure who I woulda voted for-- Colby or Richard. They were BOTH power players technically, if I'm gonna use Kathy's words as for why she was voting off Richard.
All I know is that the most interesting thing about the ep was the preview for next week.

I really wanna see why Sue is yelling at Jeff...that is going to be very interesting...nobody is supposed to yell at Jeff! He's so perty. lol

"I have a dream, a fantasy
To help me through reality
If my destination makes it worth the while
Pushing through the darkness, still another mile
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream, I have a dream..." 28 February 2004, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by Gabber:
I'm also sad that Richard was kicked out...y'know at the beginning he annoyed the heck outta me, but dangit, he was so darn entertaining after a couple of weeks.
I'm thinking that Rich being more tolerable and even kinda funny in his interviews this ep and this being the ep he gets voted off on is not so much a coincidence as clever editing. If so, it worked. I found him far less offensive this week (except for the uncalled for Immunity challenge nakedness).
Originally posted by Gabber:
All I know is that the most interesting thing about the ep was the preview for next week.
I really wanna see why Sue is yelling at Jeff...
I agree with
TwinXenas. It looks like Sue is freaking out about either Rich not being disqualified for las week's behavior or about Jeff making light of it. Either way, yikes!
Heitie, I know what you mean about the kids watching. My friend and her husband are REALLY careful about their kid's tv viewing but they watch it with their 2 young girls and have never really had a problem. I guess cause the innuendos go over the children's heads and generally not a ton else has been overtly inappropriate (the kids have never questioned or noticed Richard's pixeled groin- who knows why not). The girls fell asleep this week so they didn't see Rich's stunt but last week they wanted to know what Amazon Rob meant when he said "Rob and Amber are gonna do it". They wanted to know what "it" was. Hehe. Some fast thinking on their mom's part explained that Rob and Amber may kiss. Yeah, right.

In any case, the parents now tape the show and rewatch with the kids the next day so that they can fast forward through stuff.
02 March 2004, 05:01 AM
SalemI was spoiled for this episode

I was trying to see something at The Late Show website and it said Richard was a guest next week at the top of the page. It was one of those moments where you don't stop reading til it's far too late and then you realize what happened. The perils of not living in America.
Anyway, an interesting episode. I liked the dissolving of the tribe. There was no warning shown here before the 'incidident' though.
I can't wait til the next episode

Fry: If only I could learn to play this stupid thing!
Bender: Oh, but you can! Though you may have to metaphorically make a deal with the devil. And by devil, I mean Robot Devil. And by metaphorically I mean get your coat.
02 March 2004, 09:42 PM
Madogisi've never appreciated the nakedness, but it's obvious that he was just doing it to psyche people out. or so says i. the "incident" was totally innapropriate, and i do think that jeff should have disqualified him for it. is there not a rule against sexual harassment in the game? you can't get much more harrassed than that.
it was fun watching rob bounding across the planks like a little monkey, but i gotta say, i did cringe A LOT when ethan went down. the poor kid, he's too pretty to die!
i now have a favourite team - woohoo!

. mogo mogo all the way baby: lex, ethan and shii ann, in that order.

i was pretty much hoping that colby would go instead of richard (i was starting to like the bastard dag nabbit!) but at least it wasn't colby gone, with ethan and lex left hanging. so call it an upside.
i'm still having no emotions for chapera (?), even with rupert. i'm starting to not like him anymore. meh, he was only ever fourth in my top four anyway. still, it would have been cool to have everyone on the same team. maybe next time.
oh yeah, i do have one emotion towards chapera: DIE ALICIA, DIE! also that yelling lady doesn't seem like much fun. why did she pee on the raft?? very strange.
go mogo mogo! wooh!

*happy dance*
fear me...for i am the darkness03 March 2004, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by Madogis:
also that yelling lady doesn't seem like much fun. why did she pee on the raft?? very strange.
Best I can tell, Tom had a plan to christen the raft with alcohol. As brought up a few eps ago, Sue doesn't drink alcohol at all (not sure why but it was specifically pointed out at camp). Sue decided to "christen" the raft herself before Tom got a chance to.
At least that is how it was edited to make it appear.
03 March 2004, 08:46 PM
Madogisyeah, i did hear that, but what kind of civilised human being does something like that? it's just really immature and gross, if you ask me. tom got his "christening" anyway, so she acheived nothing, except that now everyone knows how pety she is.
fear me...for i am the darkness04 March 2004, 12:02 AM
FahrenheitI think when you've been in that environment for a period of time propriety changes shape a lot. Like, they're all peeing and pooping around each other anyway (more or less), they all stink, they've got little to do so talk of bodily functions probably comes up now and then. So by our indoor-plumbing standards it's gross, but to them it's probably less so. I guess March 2004, 07:17 AM
lila997It's on tonight! Wheee! I love Thursdays.
04 March 2004, 06:00 PM
Madogisshe could have got off the raft - that's all i'm saying. i know she was making a point but i still think it was really lame and immature. another reason to not like chapera.
fear me...for i am the darkness