For me it always was the the best terrible episode of the lot. One of the worst ever scripts/plots..., and beautifully directed at the same time.
The whole thing is so full of contradictions between the author's utter contempt for Xena as a character and the directors love for it that it's almost funny.
torn The Xenatizer
[ February 21, 2003, 06:09 PM: Message edited by: The Xenatizer ]
Posts: 314 | Location: Germany | Registered: 02 July 2003
Have to agree with Xenatizer. The direction and photography (I've heard it described as an "eye candy episode") made up for the less-than-gleaming script and absurd rabbit teeth for me. I like the yoga and tai chi elements. Whenever I mention that I've been to a yoga class QBstill jokes "You'd better take it easy with that stuff before you end up turning blue."
It also contains my all time favorite Xena prop: The yin yang bed. I swear that some day I'm gonna get me one of those!
Posts: 2164 | Location: USA | Registered: 23 June 2003
it is one of my fav episodes. yes,it is quite kitschy and the rabbit-teeth and some other stuff is just too much but I like the whole story! This ep has some of my all-time-fav scenes eg.: Xena massaging Gabby and Xena having that jealous/sad look when she sees Gabby crying in that strange guy's (never can remember his name!)arms!
i love the episode TOO!! for all the reasons ARGY said!! but it did manage to anger me a bit with all the righteous gabrielle BS... but, you gotta take the good9xena) with the bad(gabs).... *busts into song* YOU TAKE 'EM BOTH AND THERE YOU HAVE HE XENA LIFE! THE XENA LIFE.......