20 November 2003, 07:12 AM
AristaAngel 5.8 (Nov. 19, 2003) - SPOILERS!
Episode Title - "Destiny"
Screw the triumphant return of Drusilla! The return of LINDSEY McDONALD in the final minute of the episode totally trumped her return! That twist was completely unexpected! I had heard rumor that Lindsey was returning, but had no idea he and Eve were in cahoots together! Methinks his evil hand issues have spread to the brain!
* Spike on the cell phone -- ~Spike makes static noise~ "What!? ~more static noise~ "You're... what do they call it?" ~more static noise~ "Oh yeah, breaking up!"
* The Angel/Spike fight.
* The contents of the Cup of Perpetual Torment -- Mt. Dew.
* Angel and Spike discussing Dru in the carriage.
Spike - "She's got a bit of child in her."
Angel - "Maybe two or three by now."
All in all, I really liked this episode.
20 November 2003, 05:41 PM
beauTifully tragicok.. replying and trying not read this b/c i missed the ep
anyone happen to tape it?
No more rhymes now, I mean it!
Anybody want a peanut?
21 November 2003, 09:44 AM
Originally posted by tamE:
ok.. replying and trying not read this b/c i missed the ep
anyone happen to tape it?
I did. Private message me your address and I'll send it off to you after one of my co-workers finishes watching it.
21 November 2003, 05:34 PM
beauTifully tragicthanks

i started a private topic.. hope that's what you meant
No more rhymes now, I mean it!
Anybody want a peanut?
13 December 2003, 06:26 PM
beauTifully tragicdru wasn't really back tho was she
lindsey being back is a very interesting development.. wonder what all the symbols are about tho
really liked the ep.. especially the fight scene which gives you insight into both spike and angel
thanks for taping the ep

let me know if you want the tape sent back
do dreams make no sound as they die?
14 December 2003, 11:43 AM
AristaYeah. You only really saw Dru in flashbacks, but any Dru is good Dru. I like the character.
No problem with the taping of the ep. I tape them for
lila anyways. She doesn't get The WB, so no "Angel" where she lives.
Yeah... send the tape back. I'll be able to continue recording the rest of Season 5 when it comes back on in January on the same tape. I think
lila put my address on the box as the return.
By the way, I'm taping "Angels in America" for you and
lila, so eventually I'll need your new address.
01 April 2004, 10:23 PM
Madogis*watching angelus/spike interaction* holy crap this is hot o_o
well, i have to say i am a fan of this ep. there's dru, there's angel and spike with cute acents and pretty hair, there's all the fighting and sexual tension between the aforementioned, there's the mt. dew (did he drop the cup because it was a false prophecy, or he just didn't like the taste?) and then there's lindsey lindse; all i could think when i saw him is "there is a god."

i assumed the symbols to be some sort of cloaking device against the ptbs/senior partners. of course, i'm probably horribly and embarrassingly wrong.
02 April 2004, 03:55 AM
AmethystThis is my fav ep of the season so far i think.
Except for the last few mins of the first ep when spike came back.
Spike.. Angel.. Fighting.. back to the core elements of why i love this show..lol
02 April 2004, 06:45 AM
AristaI knew this one would start to suck you in. Heh.
Keep watching. It gets better. I know it's hard to believe, but it does.