30 January 2003, 04:41 AM
Argeaux"Beware Of Dog"
I enjoyed this episode, although I found some parts not as good as other episodes and other parts a lot better.
The special effects where the bugs crawl out of Rygel were well done and completely unexpected (although I did wonder why nothing unusual had seemed to happen to him).
I liked John seeing Scorpius everywhere, and Aeryn's creeping suspicions that all was not right on planet Crighton. I also liked the sting of John beating Scorpius at the "game", while being informed that he would never see coming what was in store for him.
Chasing the vorc around Moya did get tiring after a while. D'Argo certainly didn't have as much to do this episode and neither did Zhaan, apart from giving little bits of information.
I also noticed how much more sincere Aeryn's second apology was. Very touching.
An interesting episode, but not a classic in my book.
[This message was edited by Lady Lazarus on 03 August 2003 at 03:41 AM.]
30 January 2003, 11:54 AM
The XenatizerRight on the button, A. BoD's considered one of the weaker eps of S2, and I agree.
But I have to admit that it's also one of my guilty pleasures, when it comes to quirky comedy.
And I love how they handled Halluci-Scorpy's slow infiltration of John's mind, book-ending the ep with the chess board scenes. Great pay-off at the end.
Scorp-o-delic: "You'll never see it coming, John. When the trap closes, it'll be too late."
John: "You think?" (moves a rook) "Checkmate. You loose."
Scorp: "That-um..." (gives up the king) "...wasn't the trap I meant." (smiling a smile to make yer flesh crawl)
Heh... Wayne Pygram should be awarded for the creepiest villain voice ever.
![[Big Grin]](biggrin.gif)
Every note from smooth and silky sophistication to the lowest Scarran growl.
That reminds me, how much are you already into the show? Did you jump on the train with "My Three Crichtons" last week, or are you already familiar with what happened before or after?
I could set up a lil crash course on the bare essentials.
The Xenatizer
John: "Maybe that's what I saw."
Aeryn: "It's about this size, naked, with a face like this?" (makes scrunchy face with finger-horns)
John: "No, no, no, it looked more like Tandoori Chicken."
Aeryn: "D'Argo, you come down here this instance! I have that creature here and it's using my quarters as a toilet..."
(The creature starts to... er... 'love' her leg)
Aeryn: "... amongst other things."
30 January 2003, 12:03 PM
ArgeauxI came on board with the second last episode of Season One, because that's where Foxtel decided to start screening from (go figure). The one where they landed on the planet with the calcium deficient creature, where John learned Zhaan was a plant.
I've been reading a lot of companion books to the series, so I think I've gotten the gist of most of what's going on. I would kill to see the pilot episode, so I hope they eventually replay it.
Luckily I've seen all of Season 2.
![[Big Grin]](biggrin.gif)
31 January 2003, 02:18 AM
The XenatizerThey started with 'Bone To Be Wild'?
Believe me, there are more S1 eps worth killin' for than just the pilot..., in fact, more than in any other opening season I've seen.
Sure, it'll loose a bit of its fresh sense of wonder if one watches it with later seasons already in mind - bit like watching X:WP's season one for the first time after having seen S2 already - , but the good thing, is that they took their time in those days to build the characters as well as the style of the show with extraordinary care. And it's simply pure fun to follow the actors getting into their stride. You'd be surprised how early that happened.
I guarantee at least 16 top-notch episodes - which doesn't mean that the rest are all duds.
OK, shameless plug over.
After all, I know that the S1 DVD box isn't exactly cheap.
... still... *nudge-nudge wink-wink*
So, you're familiar with the entire season 2?
(I guess you know my tastes well enough not to be all that surprised, when I say that "The Way We Weren't" is one of my all-time fav drama eps. What is it about warrior ladies with a dark past?
![[Big Grin]](biggrin.gif)
The Xenatizer