19 January 2003, 12:34 PM
<WelcomeXenaFan>Xena Movie
I totally agree with it only being Lucy & Renee and no one else as Ares! WXF
19 January 2003, 02:20 PM
<TheLastOne>I want Ares in it. Oded Fehr is a good choice to play him.
If Ares ain't it, that's another reason why I probably won't go see it.
19 January 2003, 04:15 PM
<xenacrazed>i hope they don't make the storyline a rehash or remake of some ep, just to reel in the ppl not familiar with the Xena legend. If they make a total reworking of Xena's story, that could be
really interesting. A movie version shouldn't have
to be faithful to the tv series- as long as they have a great script.
19 January 2003, 10:10 PM
AmethystOther than people being overly cynical, when all this thread is, really, is some fans and their dreams.
I would like to see a movie set amidst, say season 3, since between 3 and 4 gab was missing, and and 5 both were dead, it would have to be in the middle of a season, unless they reserrected Xena some how.
Or they could be set no where, but us Xenites would get picky over continuity etc..lol
I'd like to see some amazons, auto, few remaining gods (no ares, for obvious reasons) and a heap of cameos of long past characters.. i little minya there, a little meg, a little iolaus and herc, callisto depending on when its set to whether she is dead alive or indifferent, maybe bump into rafe and eldin walking down a street, a quick wave to pandora and bump into Lila in a bar with some hot guy..lol
I'm not trying to be realistic, and i don't wanna be told its not possilbe, due to work commitments of others... I'm just saying what i'd like to see.
And it would have to be LL & ROC, or the whole effort would be pointless.
20 January 2003, 11:00 AM
ArgeauxUbers have never rested well with SOME of the general fan population. The Clones and Annie/hattie/Harry were never popular WITH SOME FANS. Mel and Janice would be a more accepting movie than the clones and Annie and Co WITH SOME FANS.
I happen to like Annie, Hattie, Harry AND the clones.
23 January 2003, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by Xena Revisited:
4. And, importantly, we need a movie that is going to do justice to the series. People like us would be the movies harshest critics (the fans usually are). If they do a prequel I can just imagine sitting through the whole thing making sure nothing was said or done that contradicted something seen in the series. If its a sequel I'd be carefully scrutinsing it to see if they have Xena/Gabs/anyone doing something they never would have done in the series. If that makes sense. How they bring Xena back to life wouldn't worry me, god we've swallowed ambrosia, Eli has raised us and we've had our fair share of crosses I don't mind a good 'coming of life'.
i'm sure the chances of a movie XWP NOT containing inconsistencies would be about as likely as it NOT having a secret from Xena's past come back to haunt them (or of me NOT being sarcastic...). if it is going to be true to the series, wouldn't we expect JAXI???
23 January 2003, 01:22 PM
ShawnExactly. I mean come one people - how consistent
was the show to begin with?
How old would Xena
really have been? (Pre freeze, that is) and look at Solan. He grew up faster than a bastard child on a soap opera.
It's not consistency I'm worried about, it's quality. I think if it comes to fruition, they will deliver.
I loved Ares and I would miss him in a full length film, but I wouldn't want him replaced. No more than I would want to see someone else as Xena. He's gone and they should show him due respect.
Now I vote for Sharon Bowers and Katherine Fugate as the writers. When Fates Collide would have made one Hell of a movie and you want "in character" uber, look at Bowers.
23 January 2003, 04:13 PM
lila997I was just looking through an old Xena magazine and I read a quote from a pre FIN/ post announcement that it was the last season interview with Lucy Lawless. In it she is quoted as saying that she wouldn't be opposed to playing Xena in a movie if Rob Tapert had the rights (I don't have the exact quote in front of me). So I guess we are to assume that if she made a statement like the one she recently did then either she changed her mind or Tapert got the rights which means that he'd be at least sort of involved.
And I agree with
Shawn, I wouldn't mind Katherine Fugate writing at all. There are certain writers that I got the feeling from their episodes just knew and loved the characters (almost
) as much as us. She's one of them.
Oh let's face it, no matter who writes it I'd go see it-- it's XENA!
23 January 2003, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by twist of fate:
i'm sure the chances of a movie XWP NOT containing inconsistencies would be about as likely as it NOT having a secret from Xena's past come back to haunt them (or of me NOT being sarcastic...). if it is going to be true to the series, wouldn't we expect JAXI???
Disclaimer: Change all the 'we' in my posts to 'I'.
I'm sure I am being overly cynical but that's just my reaction to the idea of a movie. Inconsistencies sure, I would expect them, but as I said, or tried to say, for this fan the movie would be a risk. I would rather have the series remain untouched by a movie. It took me a long time to come to terms with FIN let alone a movie which may not stay true to the series.
That being said, considering the number of fans that would embrace a movie I hope the idea comes to fruition. At that time I will reassess whether or not I want to watch it.
As I said in my previous post, by that time I'll probably just be desperate for a Xena fix and my standards won't be so high.
I would definitely want to see LL and ROC in it though and if they threw Karl Urban in the mix it would be hard to say no.
Now, pardon my ignorance but what the hell is JAXI??
23 January 2003, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by Xena Revisited:
Now, pardon my ignorance but what the hell is JAXI??
lol--no. pardon my bad typing--it's a freakin' typo is what it is!
i'm such a goon.
and i can't quite believe Shawn passed up the opportunity to point that out...
23 January 2003, 09:26 PM
<Stace>ahhh so many typos, so little time
Still we could make it
and none would be the wiser... apart from the whole thing posted here in black n white of course
24 January 2003, 12:18 AM
what you said!
24 January 2003, 04:03 PM
Prof. Lurkeroh, for a moment I thought JAXI was the 4th of Joxer's bros.
31 January 2003, 08:07 PM
What he said.
04 February 2003, 01:10 PM
evilswineYou know, I'd be happy with the Xena movie as long as:
--LL & ROC play Xena & Gabs AND
--For once, they share an actual kiss. And, no, passing water between their mouths does NOT count!
If that happened, I could walk away happy.
![[Big Grin]](biggrin.gif)
04 February 2003, 01:39 PM
Rellikevilswine, if that happened id walk away humiliated.
08 February 2003, 01:08 PM
<CatDaddyChris>-Understanding this
Lotsa people are looking at movies where Female characters are in leading action roles. Xena started this entire trend. So Im certian that TPTB will sell out to any movie company that will pay, reguardless of what you think.
They will do it. Whose gonna turn down 10 million for the Xena name. Your hopes, dreams and thoughts of Xena will bought and sold by the highest bidder.
They will come out with all new action figures, and things for you to buy. We'll just sit here and eat this crap sandwich, they are feeding us.
PS Make sure you dont use sarcasm, when speaking of those who make a profit off of your relationship with the pasta.
[ February 08, 2003, 10:23 AM: Message edited by: CatDaddyChris ]08 February 2003, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by CatDaddyChris:
PS Make sure you dont use sarcasm, when speaking of those who make a profit off of your relationship with the pasta.
hehe. you know, there are some restaurants that we sell to, that i have to tell myself, "after they pay for it, it's their pasta now and not mine." meaning, however they muck the top product i delivered up is on them. the thing is, most people don't know it was mine before it was mucked up. if they did i might feel differently about giving it up (albeit, for a fee...) to those who don't do it justice.
damn, cat, now you've got me thinking--i'd so much rather just be a sarcastic smart-ass... ![[Wink]](wink.gif)
11 February 2003, 01:31 AM
<CatDaddyChris>Im not always a jagoff, I just play one on the scrolls.