25 January 2003, 09:48 AM
ArgeauxThe 'Scape and The Dwarf
I've noticed some similarities between these two series.
Dwarf is more of a comedy, and 'Scape more a drama, but they both have dramatic and comedic moments.
They both feature one human interacting with a group of non-humans, trying to negotiate his way through the universe to get back home to Earth.
They also examine the human condition through the different situations each member of the space ship goes through.
Anyone else notice these things?
25 January 2003, 03:30 PM
The XenatizerI sure did!
Occasionally the similarities go even further, especially in Farscape's more outrageous comedies like 'John Quixote', 'Scratch 'N Sniff', 'Crackers Don't Matter', 'Won't Get Fooled Again'...etc. I call 'em LSD Eps. At least the writers must've been on something when they wrote 'em.
Rygel: "She couldn't've done it. She was with me all the time. You know... Hynerian love-making tends to exhaust the..."
John: "Woo-woo, now there's a mental polaroid I can gladly do without."
The Xenatizer
28 January 2003, 10:40 PM
<Stace>Kryten & Crichton..
That's the best I can do until I see more episodes
03 February 2003, 02:13 AM
<Breen from London>I've not noticed that, but I've noticed similarities between Farscape and Andromeda.
Go to
http://www.breen.connectfree.co.uk/cultsim.html03 February 2003, 11:02 AM
The XenatizerNicely done, B.
When I saw the first Andromeda eps, I already was an obsessive Scaper, so, said similarities seemed a bit too 'in your face, suckers' to me.
Especially where the show took a definite holiday from the Roddenberry style it was obvious where they had looked for a bit of jazzing up the surface.
With time, though, they must've realized that they were aiming too high. The special Farscape tone can't be re-created on the drawing board - let alone in a mix with the totally opposite Roddenberry style. Bit like Cliff Richard trying to do a Zappa song.
Andromeda's 'message' is much more conservative and p.c. than the positively anarchic SF punk from the unchartered territories.
Now, the Andromeda stays on familiar ground with a bit of Star Wars and HTLJ thrown in.
It's no use copying trademarks if the spirit isn't in it.
Oodles of X:WP clones had to find that out the hard way.
The Xenatizer
[ February 03, 2003, 06:01 PM: Message edited by: The Xenatizer ]04 February 2003, 07:54 PM
Amethystfor Argy and Stace, Red Dwarf s2 comes out on the 2nd of April on dvd.