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29/11/04 Dylan opened the door. “Tasha, Robbie, you made it!” he said excitedly, hugging each of them. “Well the bus almost left us behind at a petrol station,” said Tash, staring pointedly at Robbie. “What?” said Robbie, defensively, “I was hungry! How was I supposed to know that the bus was leaving?” “Because the driver said ‘the bus is leaving’.” “Drivers,” scoffed Robbie, “What do they know?” Dylan invited them inside his home. “It’s a bit small,” he apologised, “I hope you don’t mind sharing the same room.” Robbie raised his eyebrows at the thought of it. The same room as Tash for three days and three nights. He wondered how easily maintained their vow of celibacy would be. “It’s fine,” Tash assured her brother happily. “Yeah,” agreed Robbie, his voicing raising an octave with nerves, “No worries.” There was an awkward silence for a minute or so, before Dylan offered them something to drink. Tasha ignored him completely and instead, hugged him tightly. “Hey, what was that for?” asked Dylan, a little confused by the sudden display of affection. “Just for making me realise how dumb I was for ever thinking that I didn’t have a real family.” She let him go, smiling. “I thought that, you know, since Mum died before I knew her, and my dad hates me…” “He doesn’t hate you,” Robbie tried to assure her. “Well, he doesn’t want me in his family anyway,” amended Tash. “I just thought that no one really cared about me, you know? No one related to me,” she added, smiling back at Robbie. “Of course I care about you Tash,” said Dylan; “You’re my little sister. Besides, you’ve gotta have someone to keep the riff-raff away.” He glanced jokingly at Robbie. Robbie laughed nervously, not entirely convinced that Dylan wasn’t serious. The phone rang. Sally dashed over to it and picked it up. “Hello?” “Yeah, hi Sal, it’s me.” “Flynn? Where are you?” “I’m in the city.” Flynn looked out of the van. The dingy streets were peopled with homeless kids. None of them, as far as he could see, was Eric Dalby. “I got a call at the surgery,” explained Flynn. “Someone said they saw a kid fitting Dalby’s description.” He shook his head sadly. “But I don’t know. It’s been five days. I’m starting to think that I’m looking in the wrong place.” “Well maybe,” said Sally, “But it’s the only lead you’ve got. All you can do is try.” Flynn nodded. “Thanks Sal. I won’t be home for dinner.” Dalby stumbled through the alleyways. He held his stomach, as if trying to keep his brutalised body from falling apart. “Hey!” Dalby looked up to the voice. “Yeah, you!” The street kid got to his feet with his friend in tow. “What do you think you’re doing?” Dalby looked behind himself to see who the kid was talking to. There was no one there. “Hey, you look at him when he’s talking to you,” said the friend. Dalby realised that they meant him. He tried to put a hand up, and tell them that he didn’t want any trouble, but he was in too much pain to do so. “You look like you’ve been in a fight,” said the street kid, “You a street fighter?” They laughed. “You wanna fight us?” Dalby shook his head, almost crying from the pressure in his skull. He didn’t want to fight – he could barely stand. “What have ya got for us, street fighter?” they taunted. “Got any money? Drugs? I bet a pretty boy like you’s got a bit of jewelry on him somewhere.” Dalby backed himself up to the grimy wall for support. “I don’t have anything,” he said desperately, “I swear!” The two advanced on him, leering dangerously, trapping him against the wall. “We’ll see about that.”This message has been edited. Last edited by: Amethyst, -------------------------------------- ![]() | ||
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30/11/04 Dalby doubled over as the street kid punched him in the stomach. His back grazed against the wall as he slid down it, no longer able to stay on his feet. “Down in one hit!” laughed the street kid. One hit after a lifetime of hits, thought Dalby. He felt sick. They dragged him up by the collar, and slammed him hard against the wall. He coughed, winded, and threw up. “Ugh,” said the street kid, looking at the mess, “You disgusting little punk! Look what you did to my shirt!” He backhanded Dalby. Dalby breathed heavily, trying to remain conscious. “That’s it,” said the street kid menacingly, “I was going to let you live, but now…” He pulled a small knife from his pocket and held it to Dalby’s throat. Dalby whimpered – he didn’t want to die. “It’s getting darker,” said Flynn. “I don’t like the thought of him spending another night out here.” “Well, he’s lasted this long,” said Sally at the other end of the phone. She didn’t mean to sound so blasé, but she didn’t know how else to reassure him. “He’s hurt Sal,” said Flynn, a note of panic and desperation in his voice. “I’ve looked in every place I can think of – the only thing left is to do a street by street search, and in a city this size…” He sighed. “It’s hopeless.” “Don’t say that,” said Sally. “You’re the only hope Dalby’s got – if you give up, then what chance does he have?” Flynn scanned the streets as his van rolled passed them, frustration and anguish showing on his face. “What if I’m already too late?” The street kid’s friend looked nervous. Clearly murder had not been part of his plans. “Wait,” he said, “If the police find him dead they’re gonna come looking for us.” The street kid twisted the knifepoint into Dalby’s neck, shallow, just enough to create a small nick in the skin. He had to think about this. Dalby shivered, closing his eyes. He didn’t want to die, but then, neither did his father. Maybe this was just the universe’s way of paying him back for what he’d done. Maybe, at the very least, this would end his suffering. Tires splashed into the gutter at the end of the alley. The kids looked up. Dalby couldn’t bring himself to open his eyes. A car door opening and closing – footsteps. The kids looked at each other. Dalby felt the blade leave his skin. He sighed, relieved, before feeling something much more concerning. He looked down at his pants to see the street kid trying to unbuckle his belt. “What are you –?” The kid backhanded him again. He fell to the ground, concussed, while the street kid continued to work the belt roughly through the loops. His friend removed Dalby’s shoes. Dalby, dazed though he was, did not like where this was going. The footsteps came louder. Dalby looked back towards the sound, thinking that he might be able to call for help. The street kid, as though reading his mind, hit Dalby again, rendering him unconscious and completely helpless. The room was dark. Robbie lay on the ground, looking up to the ceiling. He had opted for sleeping on the floor, rather than sharing Dylan’s double bed with Tash (Dylan had graciously taken the couch). Tash leaned over the side of the bed to talk to him. “Are you hot?” she asked. “In so many ways,” answered Robbie, throwing off a sheet. Tasha grinned. “Me too,” she said. “I’m gonna take my shirt off.” Robbie’s eyes widened, but remained firmly on the ceiling. “Uh,” he stalled, “Do you really think that’s a good idea?” “Come on,” said Tash, lifting her shirt over her head, “It’s nothing you haven’t seen before.” “Yeah,” said Robbie, “But I haven’t seen it in bed before.” He had a point. “Well,” said Tash, “You don’t have to look. Just forget I said anything – go back to sleep.” Forget she said anything? Go back to sleep? Like that was going to happen. Robbie kept starring at the ceiling, determined not to let his lesser urges get the better of him. One thing he could say about Tash, she did have annoying habit of making things harder. -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
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01/12/04 Dalby opened his eyes to the light – bright, pure, blinding light. He felt warm, comforted, and safe. “Dalby…” said a voice. He squinted into the white light, trying to see who was calling him. “Dalby,” said the voice more clearly. He thought he almost recognised it. “Flynn?” he asked in confusion. Dalby couldn’t understand why it would be Flynn’s voice that he could hear. He had expected someone close to him – his mother, his father – someone dead at the very least. For that’s what the light meant – it meant that Dalby had died…didn’t it? For the first time, Dalby thought that he might actually still be alive. And if he was still alive, then he was still in danger. He sat up quickly, ready to defend himself. He felt a steadying hand on his chest as he panted, suddenly feeling the painful strain of the action on his tired wounds. “Take it easy!” pleaded Flynn, settling Dalby back down into the hospital bed. Dalby was in no state to resist him. As he lay down, he saw the light again – a fluorescent hospital light, starring back at him from the white ceiling. “What happened,” he asked. Even as the words left his mouth, he began to remember. “Those kids – what did they do to me?” His fear escalated into anger, as Flynn wouldn’t answer him quick enough. “Tell me!” “Just calm down,” said Flynn, trying to be firm and comforting all at once. He was so afraid that Dalby would hurt himself. “They didn’t do anything – nothing you weren’t awake for.” “No,” said Dalby, shaking his head, “I remember, they were trying to…” He shuddered at the vivid recollection of the street kid fumbling with his belt. “They wanted…” “They wanted money,” said Flynn. “Yeah,” said Dalby, “ And when I didn’t have that, they thought they’d take something else from me.” “Yes,” said Flynn, continuing Dalby’s thought for him, “They took your shoes, they took your belt…” Dalby turned his head. He couldn’t look Flynn in the eye, knowing that he knew what had happened. “And then they ran away to sell them.” Dalby looked back at him suspiciously. “I saw them run off,” explained Flynn. “I was gonna go after them, but when I saw you lying there…” He looked away, trying to bring himself back from the memory. “They were just stealing your stuff for money, I promise. Besides, I think you’d know if anything else had happened.” Dalby laughed at the absurdity of that last part. “Everything hurts so much, I wouldn’t be able to tell one pain from another.” “Well that’s why you have to rest,” said Flynn. “And no more running away – your body can’t take it.” “I’m not going to jail,” said Dalby defiantly. “Dalby, what happened to your father was an accident,” said Flynn, “Self-defense; no one would convict you for it. You’re not doing yourself any favours by acting like a fugitive though.” “You wouldn’t understand.” “I do understand,” Flynn assured him. “You’re scared and alone, and no one cares what happens to you, right?” Dalby didn’t respond to Flynn’s textbook analysis of him. “Well you’re not alone, and you don’t have to be scared. I want to care for you, If you’ll let me,” said Flynn. “I’ve arranged for you to be transferred to Yabby Creek in the morning,” he said. “After that, well…Sally and I were kind of hoping you’d stay with us.” Dalby looked at him, bemused by the suggestion. “What? Like a foster kid?” He shook his head. “I don’t need your charity.” “Well you’re gonna have to stay with someone,” Flynn reasoned, “Might as well be someone you know.” Robbie tossed his sheets away. It was morning, but he could still hear Tasha sleeping, breathing comfortably in the bed above him. Sweet, beautiful, shirtless Tasha. He rolled over quickly, determined not to think about her. There was someone standing in the doorway. “Dylan,” he gasped, “God, I thought you were a serial killer or something. What are you doing?” Dylan flinched at that word, ‘killer’, but didn’t say anything. If only Robbie knew. “Just seeing if you two were up,” he explained, “I’m making breakfast. Toast okay?” Robbie nodded. “Thanks,” he said. Dylan left. Robbie looked up to the bed to wake Tasha. Her back was facing him, but it was clear that she was topless. Dylan must have seen her lying there. Robbie panicked, and went out to the kitchen to explain. “Dylan,” he babbled, “Tash and I didn’t do anything. It’s just that she was hot, and I…I swear I didn’t –” “Rob,” he said, “It’s okay. It’s none of my business what you two do or don’t do. Just don’t hurt her.” “I never would,” replied Robbie, sounding almost sickened by the suggestion of it. “Good,” warned Dylan, taking a very brotherly tone, “Because if you did, then it would be my business.” He dug a knife into the butter, then spread it on his toast. There was something very unsettling about it. -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
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02/12/04 Yabby Creek hospital was much quieter than the city. Flynn felt safer knowing that Dalby was closer to home. He sat at the boy’s bedside, gently caressing his hair. Dalby, feeling it, woke up. “What are you doing,” he asked, moving away slightly. Flynn pulled back. “Nothing,” he said, “It’s just a comforting thing.” “For who?” asked Dalby. “Well, both of us I guess,” said Flynn. “I was kind of doing it subconsciously. I’ll stop if it’s upsetting you.” Dalby looked at Flynn suspiciously. He was starting to deduce the real reason that Flynn wanted him to stay with him. Flynn looked at his watch, and stood up. “I’ve gotta meet a patient anyway,” he said. “I’ll be back later.” As Dalby watched Flynn leave, he noticed someone standing by the door. “Is that a cop?” “Ah, yeah,” answered Flynn, turning back into the room. “He’s court-ordered. They consider you a flight risk because you ran away to the city. Don’t worry, I’ll talk to someone about it later. You just try and get some rest.” “No rest for the wicked,” quoted Dalby apathetically. “I guess that includes murderers like me.” Flynn didn’t say anything. He had no intention of trying to remove the police presence – Dalby could run at any minute, and that was not a risk he was willing to take – but Dalby wasn’t a criminal, and he didn’t deserve to be treated like one. Flynn only wished he could help him see that. “Ah it’s good to be home,” said Robbie as he saw his house. “It’s too bad that you weren’t feeling well,” said Tash. “It would have been fun to stay with Dylan a bit longer.” Robbie looked away. He felt guilty dragging Tash back from the city a day early, but he couldn’t be near Dylan anymore – it was too creepy. He grabbed his stomach and moaned theatrically. “Yeah,” he lied, “I should be alright once I’ve had some sleep though.” Tash smiled and hugged him. “Okay,” she said trustingly, “Take care of yourself, and tell Kim that he has to look after you.” “Will do,” said Robbie. He went to kiss her, but she backed away. “No,” she said, “I don’t want your germs!” He sighed, and kissed her on the cheek. She was okay with that. “See you later,” she said happily. Robbie waved and turned towards the house. As Tasha skipped away, Robbie wondered how anyone so naive and innocent could have a brother as scary as hers. Kim sat alone in his room – ‘The Pit’ – an apt title for it, he thought desparingly. “You’re not still pining over Kit are you?” asked Robbie as he entered to see Kim staring into space. “Hi Rob,” said Kim, hastily changing the subject, “How was Dylan’s place?” Robbie paused. “It was fine,” he lied. “You on the other hand seem terrible. You’re not missing my sister are you?” “Well that’s just it,” said Kim thoughtfully. “Ever since I had sex with her…” “Whoa!” yelled Robbie, covering his ears. “I don’t wanna hear about it!” Kim frowned at him. “Please, I need you to hear this.” Robbie realised that Kim was serious. Disgusted and horrified by the subject though he was, he listened. “I don’t think I’m meant to be with Kit,” confessed Kim. “What?” asked Robbie. “But you two are perfect for each other! I mean, you care about her, don’t you?” “I do,” said Kim honestly, “More than any girl I’ve ever been with, but it still doesn’t feel right. Which makes me think, maybe I want something else, something I can’t get from a girl.” Robbie blinked. “You’re saying…you wanna get something from a guy? As in…be gay?” Kim noted Robbie’s shock. “That’s the general idea of it,” he answered dryly. Robbie stood up defensively. “Well you can’t just decide to be gay,” he said, “What’s Kit going to say? She’ll think that you used her!” Robbie paused, wondering if that wasn’t the idea. Maybe this was just a consequence-free way for Kim to ditch his sister. Kim wasn’t known for his moral reliability. Robbie had to know for sure. “Kiss me,” he said suddenly. “What?” asked Kim, caught quite off guard by the request. “I need to know if you’re really gay or if you just think you are.” Kim started laughing, but Robbie just stared at him. “I need to know the truth,” he said. “For Kit’s sake.” “You’re serious,” Kim realised. He was a little offended that Robbie would think that he would lie about something like this, but he understood. Robbie sat down at the end of Kim’s bed, and waited. “You’re sure about this?” asked Kim cautiously. “Positive,” answered Robbie. Kim sighed, and nodded. He crawled to the end of the bed, and leaned into his friend. If that’s what it would take for Robbie to believe him… -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
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It's going to be strange when Home & Away returns next year and none of this has actually happened ![]() ____________________ ![]() | |||
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03/12/04 Kim put his hand at the back of Robbie’s neck, and pulled him gently forward. Robbie closed his eyes, determined to think about his girlfriend. His body shivered with nerves, and he kissed back. Kim ran his fingers through Robbie’s hair. Robbie felt himself reaching out to hold Kim as he would Tasha – as he would any lover. He pulled away. “Um,” he said quietly to Kim, “I think you’re gay.” Kim nodded, smiling. He let his hand trail down from Robbie’s neck to feel his chest, rising and falling with a mixture of mild panic and excitement. Robbie didn’t want him to stop. He quickly jumped off the bed and backed up to the door. “Ah, I have to go meet Tasha,” he said shakily, “For food…and talking…and…other stuff.” He turned the handle behind his back and bolted out of the room. “I’ll see you later,” he called back hurriedly. “See ya,” Kim sighed. He wondered what all this would eventually mean for him and his friends. Irene went to the door. The knocking became louder and more urgent as she approached. “Hang on! Hold you’re horses!” she said. She opened the door. “Robbie?” He was panting. “What on –” “Is Tasha home?” he breathed. Irene stared at him wide-eyed and pointed him towards the lounge room. “Robbie?” said Tash, “What are you –” Her sentence was cut off by a passionate kiss as Robbie threw himself on her. She tried to push him away, struggling to breathe, as she had not had time to prepare. “Oi!” said Irene, hitting him over the back of the head with a newspaper, “If I’d have known you were gonna do that I would have locked the flamin’ door!” Robbie cringed, and released Tasha. “Sorry,” he said, as he took up a less predatory position. Irene and Tash both looked at him. “Do you mind tellin’ us what that was all about?” asked Irene. Robbie squirmed a little. It was about proving to himself that he wanted Tasha – Tasha Andrews – and no one else. But… “I’m not sure,” he said. Tasha was still watching him, leaning back a little. Irene grabbed him by the arm. “Well I think you’d better go cool off a bit, Sunshine,” she said pulling him off the lounge. “Go on! Get!” Robbie left Irene’s place and went down to the beach. He thought about what had happened, and how he felt about Tash. He thought once that he might have been gay, and when he kissed Kim, he thought it again. Was everything he wanted from Tash just a front for what he really wanted from Kim? Love, lust, friendship – all of it confused in his head. There was no way around it. He knew what he had to do. Dalby lay staring up at the fluorescent light. How could he have thought that he was dead? If he had been, there’s no way he would have been on his way to Heaven, not after what he’d done. He heard a knock. “Hi,” said the stranger, leaning in from the doorway. “Flynn said you might need someone to talk to.” “And who are you?” asked Dalby, not terribly impressed by the gesture. “My name’s Kane. I live with Tasha Andrews.” Dalby knew Tasha from school – knew of anyway. “I suppose you know why I’m here?” asked Dalby. Kane nodded. “So I guess you feel sorry for me?” “What makes you say that?” asked Kane. “Well you’re not carrying a sign saying ‘Die, Murderer, Die!’” said Dalby. “It’s usually one or the other.” “No,” said Kane, “I’m certainly not doing that. From what Flynn’s told me, we’ve got a lot in common. My old man used to beat me up too. And I’ve made some pretty bad choices.” Dalby rolled his eyes. “So I guess we’re soul mates now,” he said sarcastically. Kane was not in the mood for Dalby’s attitude. “If you don’t want my help,” said Kane, “Just say so. But if you keep pushing people away, pretty soon you’re gonna have no one left. Trust me, I know. I did some pretty rotten stuff in the past that I didn’t think anyone would ever forgive me for, but they did. I’ve found that if you give people a chance, and give yourself a chance, things can eventually work out okay. Just give it some time.” Dalby thought about it. “Well,” he said half-heartedly, “Thanks for the pep-talk, but there’s one small problem with your theory.” “And what’s that?” asked Kane. “My dad is dead,” said Dalby bluntly. “No amount of time is gonna fix that.” Kim looked up from his bed as Robbie flung open the door and strode over to him. “Rob, what are you –?” The words were stolen again by that same passionate kiss. Kim tensed up, startled for a moment by Robbie’s advances, then let go. He pulled Robbie closer to himself, rolling him over onto the mattress. They broke apart for a second, long enough to stare deeply, if not anxiously, into each other’s eyes. At that moment, Robbie knew what he wanted. “Kim,” whispered Robbie timidly, “I think I want something else too. I think…I want to be with you.” _______ lol at salem ![]() -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
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06/12/04 Robbie walked into the lounge room. He was already showered and dressed when Beth saw him. “You’re up early,” she said surprised. “Did you forget that you’re on holidays?” Robbie looked away. “Uh, yeah,” he said. “My internal clock’s still adjusting to the idea of sleeping in I guess.” It was a poor excuse for an excuse. He grabbed the TV remote and maneuvered himself carefully onto the couch. “Are you alright?” asked Beth as Robbie winced at a pain in his back. “Yeah,” said Robbie, “I must have slept wrong.” He slowly settled himself down into the cushions, looking exhausted. He’d done some very wrong things last night, but sleeping was not one of them. “Hey,” said Kim cheerily as he entered the room. He tugged at the towel around his neck, and waited for a response. Robbie didn’t want to say anything, but didn’t want his mum to be suspicious. “Hey,” he mumbled into the cushion. Kim knew that something was up, but thought it best to leave it. “Is the shower free?” Kim asked Beth, sweeping the towel away from his bare shoulders. “Yeah, go for it,” said Beth. “The twins are asleep, Robbie’s had his. Just don’t use up all the hot water.” “I won’t,” Kim laughed. Beth smiled at him and went back into the kitchen. Kim turned to Robbie. “Rob,” he said curiously, “Are you okay?” Robbie stared at the television, bitterly annoyed by Kim’s ignorance. “I’m fine,” he said. Kim nodded passively, though he suspected that Robbie was lying, and continued on his way. Robbie didn’t watch him go. Instead, he stared blankly at the TV, and then got up and left. Kane sat in the hospital waiting room, rocking slightly. His stomach was churning rapidly in anticipation of what was to come. He really didn’t need the Chemotherapy on top of it. He stood up as he saw Flynn. “Hey mate,” said Flynn tiredly – the general exhaustion of a doctor on call. “I know that this probably isn’t the best time, but I was wondering if you got a chance to talk to Eric Dalby?” “Ah, yeah,” said Kane. “Well I tried. He doesn’t really seem to want to talk though.” Flynn sighed. “Yeah, he’s been like that with everyone. I just thought if he could talk to someone who’d been there…” “Well I don’t think I have been there,” confessed Kane. “Flynn, this kid killed his old man.” “Yeah but it was an accident,” Flynn protested. “Yeah but it doesn’t matter,” said Kane, “Not to him. He’s killed someone he cares about, and he’s as guilty as hell because of it. Right now he’s lying in that hospital bed, thinking he deserves to be there. I had a pretty crappy childhood, but I can’t even imagine what he must be going through. How anyone could do that to their own kid…” He shook his head. “I’ll never do it to mine. Never.” Flynn smiled. There was a time he might have been concerned about Kane becoming a father, but those days were well and truly over. “Maybe you’re not the person that Dalby needs to be talking to,” said Flynn. He thought about it. “I might know someone,” he said optimistically, “And if he can’t get through to Dalby, then I don’t know who can.” Kim wandered into the bedroom, dripping wet from his shower and wearing nothing but a towel. He was about to put some clothes on when he noticed a piece of paper on his bed. He picked it up and read it. He got dressed and walked down to the beach, where Robbie was sitting alone, contemplating the waves. “I got you’re note,” he said, settling into the sand. “‘We need to talk’?” Robbie didn’t respond. “So talk.” “You don’t get it do you?” asked Robbie heatedly. “What we did last night was bad, Kim. It was wrong.” Kim was getting bored with Robbie’s scorned princess act, but understood. After all, it was his first time. “Well I’m not the one who started it,” he grinned. Robbie didn’t share Kim’s amusement. “I didn’t mean to hurt you,” Kim apologised, “But you wanted it, I wanted it. I don’t understand what the problem is.” “The problem,” said Robbie, “Is that we betrayed Tash and Kit – people we’re supposed to care about. Doesn’t that mean anything to you? I mean do you even care?” Kim sighed and looked out to the ocean. “Of course I care,” he said, “But there’s not much we can do about it, right? I mean we can’t help how feel about each other.” He put a comforting hand on Robbie’s shoulder. “Tash and Kit will understand.” “Will they?” asked Robbie. “I’m not so sure. I’m not even sure they should.” He looked away sadly. “Tash has been through so much lately. I can’t stand the thought of us hurting her again. She trusted us.” “So what,” asked Kim, slighted, “You want to lie to her?” Robbie shook his head. He could never do that. “I have to tell her,” he said, “And the longer I wait, the harder it’s going to be. I have tell her now.” Tasha heard a nock at the door. She got up and answered it, smiling brightly, as she saw who it was. “Dylan!” she exclaimed, “What are you doing here?” She wrapped her arms around him excitedly. “Flynn called me,” he said. “He wants me to meet one of his patients, so I thought I’d stop in and say hi.” She hugged him again, thinking how sweet he was. Dylan smiled at his sister; glad to see she was happy. -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
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07/12/04 Robbie stood outside Tasha’s kitchen door. He lifted his hand up to knock, but let it fall back down again. He sighed. He tried to think of some way to say what he had to say that wouldn’t seem so bad, but there was none. He took a deep breath and knocked. A second later, Tash was at the door, greeting him happily. “Hey Tash,” he sighed. “There’s something I…I really need to talk to you. Can you come outside?” Tasha frowned at him curiously. He was acting very strangely. She nodded and followed him out to the porch. Robbie looked at her. How could he be doing this? He thought about taking her hand, but shook his head. He didn’t deserve to touch her. Tash waited for him to say something, and he was about to when… “Is that Dylan?” he asked, having glanced in through the window. Dylan was quietly sitting on the lounge. “Yeah,” said Tash brightly, “Flynn wanted him to meet a patient, so he came here to visit me too. Isn’t that cool?” Robbie stared at Dylan, frozen. “What’s wrong?” asked Tash. Robbie snapped back to her. “Nothing,” he said quickly. “I have to go.” He turned to leave, but Tasha grabbed his hand. “But you said you needed to talk to me,” she said, still holding his hand. “It sounded important.” “Uh…” He was too panicked to make up an excuse. “You’re busy,” he said lamely. “I’ll talk to you later.” He pulled his hand from Tasha's and walked off at speed. Tasha stared after him, wondering what was up. Kim sat cross-legged at the end of his bed, seeming very anxious. He looked up as Robbie entered. “Did you tell her?” he asked eagerly. Robbie ignored him. Robbie closed the bedroom door behind himself and locked it. He leaned up against it and closed his eyes, exhaling with a trembling mixture of relief and worry. Kim stood up and went to him. “What’s wrong?" he asked. "Did Tash take it that badly?” “I didn’t tell her,” said Robbie, trying to catch his breath. Kim groaned at him. “Rob, you said you could handle it! I wouldn’t have let you go over there alone if I thought you’d chicken out on me!” He saw that Robbie was upset. He sighed apologetically, and held him by the shoulders. “I know you think that Tash would feel like we’re ganging up on her, but maybe we should do this together.” “It’s not her I’m worried about,” breathed Robbie. Kim listened, surprised. “I went over there, and I was about to tell her about what happened but…You know how I said that Dylan’s place was fine?” Kim nodded. “Well it wasn’t, okay? The guy’s a psycho! And now he’s here!” Kim smiled at him, and laughed. “You’re afraid of Tasha’s brother?” Robbie was a little insulted that Kim would be making fun of him when he was clearly terrified. “Robbie,” said Kim, “Do you really think I’m going to let anyone hurt you?” Kim moved into Robbie and kissed him on the cheek. “I love you,” he said, “I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” He kissed Robbie again, pressing himself closer. Robbie turned his head. “Stop,” he said. Kim seemed puzzled by the request, but stood back. “I can’t do this,” Robbie whispered painfully. “I’m still with Tash.” Kim stared at him for a second, then let go. He walked back towards his bed. “You’re a real tease, you know that?” he said angrily. Robbie watched him sadly. He didn’t want to hurt Kim too. He followed him to the center of the room, and turned him around to face himself. “I’m sorry,” said Robbie, “But I don’t want to cheat on her again. If nothing else, she’s still out friend. She deserves better than that.” Kim glared at Robbie, but then gave it some thought. Robbie was right. “But we will tell her?” said Kim, more of a demand than an inquiry, “Soon?” Robbie nodded. “Soon,” he agreed, heartened by Kim’s pledge to protect him. “And then I’m all yours.” Robbie hugged Kim, more as a friend than a lover. He left his head on Kim’s chest a little longer than was necessary, as he felt Kim’s hands move across his back. He hugged Kim tighter, reminding them both that this was comfort, not foreplay, and broke away. They stared at each other, and thought for a moment they might kiss, but Robbie stepped back, laying a hand on Kim’s chest to keep him at arm’s length. “Soon,” he reiterated. He turned to leave. Kim caught Robbie’s hand from his chest and held it for as long as he could before the distance between them forced him to let go. Robbie smiled back at him and unlocked the door. Kim smiled as well, though a little half-heartedly, as Robbie left him. Soon, he thought. Soon... Kim walked down to the Diner. He saw Tasha and Dylan sitting at an outside table, talking and laughing. “Tash,” he called to her, stopping a good distance from the table. Tasha saw him and excused herself. “What’s up?” she asked innocently. Kim took both of her hands in his. “Is this about Robbie?” she asked. Kim stared at her. “It’s just that this is kind of what he did before, but then he ran off. Is he okay?” “Tash,” said Kim, shaking his head, “We never meant to hurt you.” Tasha looked at him, concerned. He gently stroked her hands, trying to prepare her. “Robbie didn’t want to say anything because he didn’t think you’d understand, but…Tash,” he confessed, “Robbie and I have been seeing each other…We’re in love.”This message has been edited. Last edited by: Madogis, -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
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08/12/04 Tasha stared up at Kim, unable to speak. “You and Robbie?” she said in disbelief. She blinked a couple of times, before starting to smile. “Kim, you have got the weirdest sense of humour,” she laughed. Kim wasn’t laughing. Tasha stopped smiling. Her jaw dropped slightly as she realised: “You’re not joking.” She ripped her hands away from him. “Tash,” he pleaded. “How!” she yelled. “How you could do that to me?” She shook her head, truly appalled at the treachery of it. Kim reached out to her, but she fended him off. “Don’t!” she demanded. “Just…don’t. I thought you were my friend.” She ran away from him. Kim made a step to chase after her, but decided it that was best to give her some time. Dylan watched from the table as their conversation came to an abrupt end. He got up, realising that Kim must have said something terrible for Tash to react like that, and went to confront him. Dylan moved swiftly towards Kim, who stood unsuspectingly at the end of his fierce trajectory. “Dylan?” Dylan halted suddenly as a body blocked his path. He looked up to see Dr Saunders. “I was wondering if now was a good time for us to go and see Eric Dalby?” asked Flynn. “Unless you’re busy?” “Uh…” Dylan looked past him, but Kim was already gone. “No,” he said absently. “I’m free.” Kim was lucky that Flynn arrived when he did. Nobody hurt Dylan Russell’s little sister and got away with it. “Henry, pick a channel and stick with it,” scowled Matilda. Henry glanced over at his sister, but kept flicking. Maddie swiped the remote form his hand. “Hey,” he yelled, “Give it back!” “Nes pa de Anglais!” she replied. Henry paused for a second, feigning defeat, and then lunged at her. “Guys…?” The twins froze at Tasha’s voice. “Is Robbie here?” She was shaking with rage and the threat of tears. It was clear she was upset. They pointed her into the house, and followed her eagerly. “Is it true?” demanded Tash, seeing Robbie on the lounge. Robbie sat up, and Tasha dragged him the rest of the way. “What Kim said about you two,” she asked, “Is it true?” The twins watched curiously. “Tash,” he began, terrified and dumb-founded all at once, “I…We didn’t meant to hurt you.” “How long?” she asked him in a deathly soft tone. She had hoped until now that it had all been a mistake. “Since yesterday,” he replied shamefully. “Tash, I wanted to tell you, but…I’m sorry.” “So that’s it then?” she asked. “You – what? – Kiss him, think you love him, and it’s over for us?” “I…” Robbie glanced over to his brother and sister. It was bad enough that Tash had to hear this, but them? “Do you guys mind?” he said. Maddie shook her head – she didn’t mind one bit. “Get out!” he ordered. He’d never yelled at them like that before. They ran outside, surprised and a little scared. Robbie hung his head. “Tash,” he continued meekly. “I…I did more than kiss him…I had sex with him.” Tasha stopped breathing. Her whole body went numb. Robbie had had sex…with her best friend…while she was still honouring their vow, and their relationship. She slapped him, hard. It was almost involuntary. Robbie held his face, stemming the flow of blood that Tasha’s fingernails had opened up. He stared at her. “Well,” she growled, showing no remorse for the action, “I hope you and Kim are happy together, because I don’t want to see either of you ever again!” And with that, she left. The twins crept back into the doorway to check on their brother. Robbie slumped onto the lounge, still holding his stinging face, and started to cry. He’d just lost his best friend – the girl that he’d loved for a year and a half – and it was all his fault. Dalby turned his head as someone opened the door. He sat up in his hospital bed curiously. “Oh Flynn,” he moaned, seeing another one of the doctor’s ‘helpful’ friends. “Can’t you give it a rest?” “Dalby,” said Flynn, ignoring the boy’s attitude to the situation, “This is Dylan. He’s come all the way from the city to talk to you so be nice.” Dylan waved, and smiled nervously. Dalby looked at him. “Flynn, stop trying to make me talk about this,” said Dalby, “There’s no point.” Dylan looked at them. “Uh,” he asked, “Talk about what?” Flynn nodded for Dalby to tell him. Dalby gave a disgruntled sigh. “I killed my dad,” he answered bluntly. “Flynn seems to think that if I talk about it, I’ll accept it and move on or something. A lot of good that’s gonna do me when I’m rotting behind bars.” Dylan looked at Flynn. “He…he killed his dad?” “Shocking, isn’t it?” mocked Dalby. Dylan was still staring at Flynn. What did he expect him to do? “It was an accident,” said Flynn softly, “Just like Angie. I thought if you could talk to him about it…” “I can’t,” said Dylan, shaken. He didn’t want to talk about it – he didn’t want to remember. “I can’t!” “You can,” Flynn assured him. “You both can.” He looked at Dalby, who seemed intrigued, but confused. “Who’s Angie?” the boy asked innocently. -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
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09/12/04 Flynn had gone. Dylan sat alone at Dalby’s bedside, recounting the events of his mother’s death. “We were arguing and I just pushed her, you know? I wasn’t even thinking. I was just so angry.” Dalby nodded. He knew exactly what Dylan meant. “She hit her head and…It all happened so fast.” “My dad and me,” said Dalby, “We were fighting too. I mean, he was hitting me and hitting me and…I just couldn’t take it anymore. I snapped. I hit him back, and he fell, and then he was…I was so scared.” “Did he say anything?” asked Dylan, “Before he died?” Dalby shrugged. “Just the usual I guess – that I was a worthless waste of space. That he wished that I’d have died instead of Mum.” Dalby looked away, a tear welling in his eye. He’d often thought the same thing about his father. “But after you pushed him,” said Dylan, “Did he say anything or was he already…” Dalby shook his head. “He was already dead. I mean, I think he was. God, I didn’t even check.” Tears streaked down his face. “It’s ok,” said Dylan blankly. “If he died anyway, there wouldn’t have been much you could have done.” Dylan thought about his own words, and went back deeper into his painful memories of Angie. “Mum wasn’t dead. After she fell – after I pushed her – she said she needed help. I think she knew it was serious, but neither of us thought she was going to die. And then, just like that, she was gone. I couldn’t do anything to save her.” Dylan started to weep as well. “I just keep thinking, maybe if I hadn’t gotten so mad, maybe if I hadn’t have pushed her…But I just wanted her to stop hurting people. I never meant to hurt her.” “I know,” said Dalby sympathetically. “I keep thinking I should have just let him hit me. It wouldn’t have been so bad, even if he’d killed me. I mean it would have hurt, but not as much as losing him. I know that sounds weird, but...” “You loved him.” Dalby nodded. Dylan understood. “Everyone thought that Angie was crazy, and that she was nothing but bad news and trouble. And she was,” he said mournfully, “But she was also my mother.” Dalby understood Dylan as well, even though the world’s opinion of his father had been quite different. “Does it get easier?” asked Dalby hopefully. Dylan thought about it, then shook his head. “No,” he said, “Losing them like that, I don’t think the pain will ever get easier. But the guilt…” he looked up to Dalby, grateful that someone else knew what it felt like, “That I think we can deal with.” Kim walked into the TV area outside The Pit. Henry and Matilda jumped off the lounge as he entered. “Hey guys,” he said. They ran to the bedroom door and stood in front of it. “Ok,” he said, “What’s up?” “We know what you did to Robbie,” glared Henry. “There’s no way we’re letting you go in there!” “Wait, what?” asked Kim, confused. “What did I do to Robbie?” “You took advantage of him!” said Matilda. “I should have known you were gay – that’s why you didn’t want to go out with me.” Henry and Kim looked at her; even Henry didn’t buy that. Kim looked to Henry. “Stop undressing me with your eyes!” demanded the young Hunter. Kim rolled his eyes away from him. “Right, that’s enough,” he decided. “Get out of the way, both of you.” “Make us,” Matilda challenged him. So Kim made them. He picked Maddie up and placed her behind himself, then pushed Henry to one side. “Hey! Don’t touch me you freak!” yelled Henry. He dodged past Kim and stood at Matilda’s side. “Robbie?” called Kim as he opened the door. Robbie was standing at the mirror, fiddling with something on his face. Kim closed the door. “Trying to make yourself look beautiful?” he smirked. “Shut up,” said Robbie coldly, not turning back to face him. “Hey, I was only joking,” said Kim. He saw Robbie’s wounds in the mirror. “Jeez, what happened?” “Tash happened,” Robbie replied. “She came here yelling about what you said to her, and then scratched the hell out of my face and left.” Kim licked his thumb and gently smudged away some of the blood. “Ah,” said Kim. “I’m guessing the twins heard this?” Robbie winced as Kim dabbed at another scratch. “They heard enough,” said Robbie. “They haven’t asked me about it though – I think they’re scared.” “Oh they’re scared alright,” said Kim, wrapping his arms around Robbie’s waist. “They think you’re roomies with a sexual predator.” He licked creepily at Robbie’s neck. Robbie ducked away from him. “Well I am,” he said, “But that’s not the point. Kim, I really think they’re freaked over this. What if they tell Mum? What if she throws you out? What if she throws ME out?” Kim shrugged, kissing him. “Kim,” Robbie explained, “This is my mother – the woman didn’t want you to put a dirty poster on the wall! Do you really think she’s going to be okay with me sharing a room with you if we’re having sex?” Kim pouted. “Well she has to find out sometime. Might as well let the twins take care of it.” The door opened. Robbie looked back, still in Kim’s arms, to see Beth staring at the both of them, mouth open. He looked up at Kim. “I think they already have.” -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
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I feel I should clarify that Maddie isn't WRITING this for my benefit, she's just POSTING it here for my benefit.. ____________________ ![]() | |||
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you know you love it ![]() p.s., this installment was late due to a certain game eating up all my proper writing time. i must learn to balance things better. -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
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10/12/04 The twins ran in to flank Beth. They looked from their mother to their brother, gauging their reactions. “She looks like she’s going to faint!” gasped Maddie, seeing the blank expression in Beth’s eyes. “And he looks like he’s going to – ah!” Henry dived behind Matilda, as Robbie walked towards them. “Mum?” he said softly, not caring about the twins. “Mum!” he said louder. Beth blinked and looked up. “Robbie,” she said, suddenly registering his face, “What happened?” He flinched at her touch. She looked to the twins, who were still glaring at Kim. “Did he do this to you?” Kim couldn’t believe what she’d said. “No,” said Robbie diplomatically, “Kim didn’t do anything wrong.” Kim gritted his indignation behind his teeth. He was insulted, but did not want to upset Beth further. Beth tried to imagine what the twins had been so worried about, if not Kim hurting Robbie. Then she remembered what she had walked in on. “Oh,” she said in slow realisation. “Well…you’ll have to see Flynn.” Robbie frowned in confusion. “Those scratches,” she tried to reason, “They could get infected.” Robbie didn’t think so, but he nodded anyway. It was clear to him that Beth was going into a hyper-protective mode as a way of coping with this. Sally opened the door. She was met by a flustered looking Beth, and a very embarrassed Robbie. “Hi Sally,” said Beth quickly. “Robbie needs to see Flynn. Is he home?” Sally was a little startled by Beth’s urgency. Robbie saw Sally’s concern and shook his head behind Beth’s back. Really, he was fine. “Uh, no,” she said, “He’s actually at the hospital. I could give him a call if you’d like?” “No,” said Beth shortly, “That’s fine. Come on Robbie.” She turned to leave, but Robbie stood his ground. “Mum,” he defied her, “I’m not going to the hospital for a scratch.” Beth rounded on him wildly. “I AM YOUR MOTHER AND YOU WILL DO WHAT I SAY!” she yelled. Robbie and Sally both jumped at the ferocity of it. Beth noted their reaction, and cooled down. “Thank you Sally,” she said, her voice eerily calm, “We’ll see you later.” She reefed Robbie out of the doorway with no respect to the fact that she thought he should be hospitalised, and left Sally to tend to Pippa, who was now fully awake and crying in the other room. “Ow,” said Robbie as Flynn applied the disinfectant to his wounds. “Sorry,” said Flynn. “There, all finished. You know, you probably could have done that yourself.” “I know,” he said. “Mum was just overreacting. She’s a little stressed right now.” Very stressed, in fact. “Well if she needs someone to talk to…” offered Flynn. “Oh I’m sure she’ll be fine,” said Robbie with false confidence. He wasn’t sure that she would be. “Okay then,” said Flynn. “Well you’re free to go.” Robbie smiled and stood up. “Oh, and Robbie,” Flynn asked, “Could you do me a favour? I know you and Dalby aren’t exactly friends, but I thought maybe you could visit him, and show him there are people willing to trust him.” Robbie wasn’t one of those people. “Sure,” he agreed. Despite his better judgement, he didn’t want to disappoint Flynn. “I’ll do what I can.” Robbie entered the room. He stopped – paralyzed – as he saw Dylan, still sitting at Dalby’s bedside. “Hunter,” Dalby groaned in frustration, “Why are you here?” Robbie asked himself the same thing. “Hi Robbie,” Dylan tried to recover the conversation. “What happened to your face?” Robbie stalled. “Oh…” He couldn’t very well tell him that Tash had lashed out at him for cheating on her. “Branches…” he lied awkwardly, “Bush-walking. You know how it is. Dalby, Flynn wanted me to say hi, so…hi.” “Go away,” said Dalby, obviously finding as much point to this as Robbie did. Dylan watched them both. “Sure,” said Robbie, not needing to be told twice. “I just wanted to say I’m sorry,” he added hastily, “For, you know. Okay, see you later then.” He fled, glad to be out of there. His strangeness did not go unnoticed. “I just feel so stupid,” Tash wept to Josie from across the Diner table. “I really thought he loved me.” Josie frowned sympathetically as her niece could no longer hold back her tears. “I think I might go home,” Tash decided, not wishing to cry in public. Josie nodded and hugged her goodbye. Tash did not slow down as she pushed passed Dylan, who entered the Diner just as his sister was leaving. He walked over to Josie. “What’s wrong with her?” he asked with concern as he took a seat at the table. Josie shook her head sadly. “The poor thing,” Josie explained, “Robbie cheated on her…with Kim.” Dylan blinked. “He didn’t even tell her himself – Kim did.” Dylan’s expression didn’t change. He remembered seeing the conversation, and then realised why Robbie had been so nervous of him at the hospital. Robbie was right to be nervous. Robbie had hurt Dylan’s sister, even though he swore that he never would. Besides the thought of Tash being devastated, Dylan did not like being lied to, and soon, Robbie would be painfully aware of that fact. -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
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Josie, woo! Also, I think you really captured the essence of Beth in that. I can totally picture her doing that ![]() ____________________ ![]() | |||
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13/12/04 Robbie strolled along the beach, breathing in the misty beauty of the morning. The sky was a soft blue; the sunlight peered gently through the wisps of silver cloud above the sea’s horizon. Robbie stopped walking as he saw the pool. He smiled knowing that Kim would be there. He wandered over. He watched blissfully from a distance as Kim stripped down to his Speedo’s. Kim stood at the end of the pool, preparing to start his training. He leaned over the edge, ready to jump. He stopped, sensing that someone was watching him. He looked up to where Robbie was standing. Kim smiled at him, and leaned over again. Robbie smiled back as Kim dove into the water. Only, it wasn’t water. It was some kind of blacky-brown liquid. Robbie thought it was strange, but Kim kept swimming; apparently he hadn’t noticed. Robbie watched on curiously as someone else approached the pool. The stranger walked slowly, casually smoking a cigarette. Kim swam on, nearing the end of his first lap. The stranger stood at the side of the pool. He took one last drag of the cigarette, and then held it out over the black liquid. He glared up at Robbie, making his identity known. Dylan glanced back to the lit cigarette in his hand, and then grinned down at the pool. Robbie’s heart stopped as he realised what Kim was swimming in…petrol. “KIM!” he screamed, “GET OUT OF THE POOL!” Kim stopped at the wall, hearing Robbie’s frantic voice. He couldn’t understand what Robbie was saying. Robbie bolted towards Dylan – he had to stop him. Dylan smirked at Robbie’s futile attempts to save his boyfriend. He kept his dark eyes on Robbie’s as he let the cigarette tumble out of his fingers. It drifted like a leaf into the petrol. Robbie stared wide-eyed at Kim. There was nothing he could do. He watched in horror as the surface of the pool rushed with flames. “NO!” cried Robbie in anguish. Dylan laughed, silhouetted by the blaze of the fire and smoke. “KIM!” “Kim!” gasped Robbie desperately. His heart was stinging. He couldn’t breath. He couldn’t see for tears. “Robbie!” said Kim. He jumped out of his own bed and ran to Robbie’s. “Robbie, it’s okay, I’m here.” Robbie stopped panicking long enough to realise that Kim was holding him. “It was just a dream.” Robbie looked around, still shivering. He was in his bed, in his room, and Kim was with him. Kim was alive. “Oh Jesus,” breathed Robbie thankfully. He hugged Kim so tightly that Kim thought his ribs were going to break. He cried – a mixture of relief and left-over hysteria. Kim rocked him comfortingly. “It’s okay,” he whispered, gently stroking his hair. “Don’t cry. I’m here.” Robbie slowly stirred his milkshake with his straw. He’d barely touched it. “What’s up?” asked Kim. Robbie glanced at him, then back down at the table. “Is this about the dream?” “It wasn’t a dream,” said Robbie, “It was a nightmare. What he did to you…I just keep seeing it.” “Rob, Dylan didn’t do anything to me,” said Kim, “And he’s not going to. You’re being paranoid.” “Am I?” asked Robbie. “Kim, I saw you burning to death, while Dylan laughed. What if it was a vision?” “Rob,” scoffed Kim, “I don’t make a habit of swimming in petrol. And does Dylan even smoke?” “Well…no,” said Robbie. “But I still don’t trust him. Kim, I’m really worried. What if he tries to hurt you?” Kim smiled. He reached across the table and held Robbie’s hands. “Nothing’s gonna happen,” he assured him. “I’ll be fine, you’ll be fine, and Dylan and Tash will get over it.” They broke away from each other as something hot splashed onto Kim’s forearm – coffee. “Sorry love,” said Irene, placing the dripping cup onto the table. Kim stared at her, holding his arm. “I’ll have to be more careful in the future, eh? Wouldn’t want to hurt anyone.” She looked at him pointedly. Kim knew exactly what she meant. He nodded and smiled, then glared as soon as her back was turned. “I’m sorry,” said Robbie, knowing that Irene was punishing Kim for him having broken up with Tash. “It’s alright,” said Kim. He held a serviette over his arm, dabbing painfully at the bright red mark. “I expect we’ll get a lot of that for a while.” He saw how upset Robbie was. “Hey, it’s okay. I can take it.” “You shouldn’t have to,” said Robbie. He got up from his seat and followed Irene to the counter. He opened his mouth to tell her to leave Kim out of this, but stopped as he saw Dylan walk into the Diner. “Robbie,” Dylan greeted him with a disturbing amount of pleasantness. Robbie shivered. “H-hi,” Robbie stuttered. Irene realised that Robbie was at the counter, and looked at him expectantly. “I…uh…wanted to…” His eyes kept flicking nervously to Dylan. “I wanted to pay for the drinks!” He said it as if it was the greatest idea he’d had all day. He dug into his pocket and slammed a mass of coins onto the counter. “Keep the change!” he said before dashing back to Kim. “Come on, we’re leaving.” “What?” said Kim attempting to drink what remained of his coffee. “I just lost a layer of skin for this!” “Please?” begged Robbie. Kim looked up to the counter and saw Dylan. Robbie seemed terrified to be in the same room as him. Kim sighed, feeling very put out, and got up. He really wanted that coffee. -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
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14/12/04 Dalby woke up to feel Flynn gently stroking his hair again. Flynn stopped, seeing Dalby was awake. “Sorry,” said Flynn, taking his hand away – he knew Dalby didn’t like that. “How are you feeling?” “Good,” said Dalby, ignoring Flynn’s actions, suspicious though they made him. “There’s been a lot of people coming in here lately,” Dalby noticed. “That cop on the door – is he even there anymore?” “Well, no,” said Flynn. “I spoke with the police a few days ago. I explained that you were just scared before – anyone in your situation would have been – and they shouldn’t consider you a flight risk anymore. Dylan vouched for you as well. Knowing he’d been there and gotten through it, it was a lot easier for them to see that you’d be fine. Anyway, I told them that I would be personally responsible for your actions. I also told them that you wouldn’t be staying at the hospital anymore. I told them you’d be living with me.” “What?” asked Dalby, surprised. He was not ready to live with Flynn. “When?” “I spoke with the other doctors,” said Flynn, “And they’re quite happy to let me take you home today. So what do you say?” Dalby didn’t like this, but he knew he didn’t have a choice. He grudgingly accepted. Flynn returned to the surgery, and saw that Dylan was waiting for him. Flynn took Dylan into his office. “What can I do for you?” asked Flynn, throwing his keys on the desk. Dylan shook his head. “Not me,” he said. “Tash has been really upset lately.” Flynn nodded, he’d heard. “Got any advice?” “Well –” Flynn’s mobile rang. He answered, and began talking. He looked at Dylan, and decided that it would be rude to carry on the conversation in front of him. “Excuse me,” said Flynn as he stepped outside. Dylan nodded in compliance – he didn’t care. But as Flynn left, Dylan noticed that his keys were still on the desk – including a key that looked like it might fit the medicine cabinet. Dylan picked up the key curiously. What would Flynn advise him to do about Tash – talk? She’d gone through so much – she needed something more. Flynn would never prescribe it; Dylan knew that. He had to take matters into his own hands. He tried the key in the lock. The door clicked, and swung open. Sleeping pills, anti-depressants, syringes – all laid out in front of him. Dylan took a few of each and hid them carefully in his pockets. He closed the cabinet door and laid the keys back into the same position that Flynn had left them on the desk. “Sorry about that,” said Flynn, settling back into his chair. “Now about Tash – I think the best thing you can do is to let her know you’re here for her.” Dylan smiled and nodded. He stood up to leave. “Thanks Flynn,” he said, seemingly genuine, “I’ll do that.” He smiled again. “You’ve been a great help.” Flynn smiled back obliviously as Dylan left, drugs and all. Flynn noticed his keys on the desk and put them away safely in the draw – he wouldn’t want them to fall into the wrong hands. Beth walked into Robbie and Kim’s room. She collected the scattered clothes into a washing basket. Robbie hadn’t made his bed. Beth sighed at her son’s untidiness and roughly dragged the sheets and quilt up to the pillows. She glanced over to Kim’s bed – he hadn’t done his either – typical. She began to shake her head, but then realised – both the beds had been slept in; Robbie and Kim had spent the night in separate beds. Beth smiled broadly to herself. She took up the laden basket of washing and headed off towards the twins’ room, a slight spring in her step. Maybe there was hope for Robbie’s purity yet. Dalby shuffled through the doorway. He’d almost forgotten what the inside of a house looked like. “There you go mate,” said Flynn, holding the door for him. Dalby nodded appreciatively and continued inside. Flynn followed him, carrying a large sports bag, presumably filled with Dalby’s belongings. “Oh hello,” said Sally cheerily upon seeing Dalby. “I’ve just put Pippa down for a nap – you’ll have to see her tomorrow – she’ll be so excited to meet you.” Dalby couldn’t understand why Miss Fletcher was so happy to see him, or why anyone else would be. Rather than ask questions, he decided to smile politely. “I’ll show you to your room,” said Flynn, pointing the sports bag towards the stairs. Dalby headed over to them and Flynn followed. Dalby was a little stiff about it – climbing stairs with stitches was not fun. Dalby laid down on the bed as Flynn gathered some extra pillows. Dalby didn’t seem very comfortable. “You’ve probably had enough of sleeping,” deduced Flynn. “Tomorrow, why don’t you get out of the house and go see Dylan? Thank him for helping you out with the police. If you’re up to it, that is.” “Yeah,” said Dalby, “That’d be good.” Flynn went to the door and turned out the light. Dalby stared into the darkness, his stomach churning suddenly with nerves at being in this strange new place. “Flynn?” he called quietly. “That thing you were doing at the hospital – that ‘comforting’ thing – could you…” It was a little embarrassing. “Do it now?” Flynn smiled, happily surprised by the request. He went back to the bed and began to stroke Dalby’s hair once more. Dalby's eyes closed slowly, and he eventually fell to sleep.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Madogis, -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
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15/12/04 Robbie strolled into the gym, hoping that Kim’s shift would be over. It wasn’t. Robbie leaned up against the doorway as Kim helped a girl off of some exercise equipment. She batted her eyelids flirtatiously at Kim as she thanked him. Kim flirted back with a parting smile. Robbie had to laugh – if only she knew. “Hello,” said Kim to Robbie’s snickering. They watched the girl leave. “Feeling threatened are we?” “Right,” laughed Robbie, “Like anyone would want you.” Kim moved dangerously close to Robbie. “You want me,” he observed in a seductive whisper. He leaned into Robbie, threatening to kiss him. “Excuse me,” said Dylan waiting to get past them. Kim bit his lip tensely, and moved out of the doorway. “Dylan,” asked Robbie quickly, “What are you doing here?” Why was he at Kim’s work place? “I came to see Josie,” said Dylan. “Do you know if she’s here?” Robbie wanted to throw up from nerves. “No,” said Kim civilly, “Noah’s doesn’t really get going ‘til after dark. She’ll probably be by then.” “Right,” said Dylan thoughtfully. “Thanks. I think I might hang around and see if she shows. See you two later.” He walked off in the direction of the bar. Robbie watched his every move. “Rob,” sighed Kim, “You’re being ridiculous. Dylan’s harmless. And even if he did want to start something, I think I could take him. Hell, I think you could take him!” Robbie stopped freaking out about Dylan long enough to take objection to that. Kim grinned, glad to get some sort of reaction from him. “I just get this really bad feeling whenever he’s around,” Robbie explained. “Like really bad…like death.” “That’s it,” said Kim with all finality, “I’m going to talk to him.” Robbie vehemently shook his head. “Look at it this way – I spend some time alone with him, and I can see for myself that he’s a freak, and we won’t have to keep going through this whole me not believing you thing.” Robbie paused. “You don’t believe me?” he asked heartbroken. Kim made an uncomfortable noise. “You know what I mean,” he said, clearly suffering through Robbie’s neediness. Robbie pouted. “Look,” said Kim, “I’m staying here to talk to Dylan for a while. You go home and I’ll see you there.” He quickly pecked Robbie on the cheek, and followed after Dylan. Robbie kept pouting for a while, then went home. “Robbie’s actually scared of me?” laughed Dylan as he paid for another drink for himself and Kim. “Thanks,” said Kim, smiling as he took the rum and coke off the bar. “I know, it’s crazy. He’s convinced that you threatened him over Tash.” The smile ran away from Kim’s face. “We really are sorry about that.” “Yeah,” said Dylan, looking down, “Well it can’t be helped, can it? Tash had feelings for Robbie, and so did you, apparently. Robbie made his decision. I just wish he’d have let her know that sooner.” Kim agreed. “But look at the bright side,” said Kim jovially, “At least you don’t have to worry about Rob being your brother in law.” Dylan grinned. Kim got up and patted him on the back. “Just gotta go to the bathroom – back in a sec.” Dylan nodded. Kim dashed away, leaving Dylan alone with the drinks. Dylan looked at them. His mind ticked for a second, as he remembered the drugs in his pocket – the sleeping pills. He looked around; no one was watching him. Kim would be back any minute; Kim, joking about Tasha’s pain. He reached into his pocked and maneuvered the cap off the bottle. He looked around again – still no one. He palmed a few of the sleeping pills and shiftily slipped them into Kim’s drink. He grabbed a straw from the jar in front of him, and mixed the drugs into the bubbling liquid until they dissolved. “Hey,” said Kim casually as he returned. Dylan jumped. He hastily removed the straw from the glass. “I was just stirring your drink for you,” he lied quickly. “The alcohol was settling to the bottom – it’s better if it’s mixed all the way through.” Kim raised his eyebrow suspiciously, but then sat down. “Okay then,” he said, taking the drink in his hand, “Thanks.” He sipped it. “Ugh, that’s not right,” he said, disdainful of the taste. Dylan tensed up. “Bloody bars – they can never manage to get coke to taste right.” He shook his head at the travesty that was on-tap coke, and took another sip. Dylan sighed subtly in relief. Robbie lay awake in his bed. It was late – 11pm – Kim wasn’t home. He rolled over furiously, trying to get comfortable, but it was pointless. He couldn’t sleep, not while Kim was out there alone with that psycho. He picked up his mobile phone from the nightstand and anxiously messaged Kim. Dylan walked Kim from the bar. Kim was stumbling. He could barely keep his eyes open. To an outsider, it would have just looked like he was drunk (even though he’d only had two drinks). Dylan heard a phone beeping. He stopped. He found Kim’s phone and read the message from Robbie: “Where are you?” Robbie dived for his phone as the SMS sounded: “Meet me at the top of the beach.” There was no explanation. Robbie feared the worst. He grabbed his jacket and snuck out of the house to find Kim. -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
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16/12/04 Robbie’s breath clouded on the cold night air. He walked briskly with his hands in his pockets, headed toward the place that Kim had told him to meet him. He heard the roar of the ocean on the other side of the bushes as he followed the fence that separated the sand dunes form the dark road. He stopped as he came to the track that led down to the water. There was a car parked beside it. Someone was leaning against the back of it, but Robbie couldn’t tell who it was. “Hello?” said Robbie. The stranger watched from the darkness, but didn’t answer. “Hello?” “Hi Robbie,” said Dylan. Robbie’s pulse started racing as he heard the icy voice, but he couldn’t leave. “Where’s Kim?” he demanded valiantly, while struggling to breathe. Dylan paused to enjoy Robbie’s fear. “Come here,” said Dylan, attempting to treat Robbie like an obedient dog. Robbie took a step forward, then stopped. He knew he was in trouble, and if he did as Dylan asked, he might not be able to get out of it. He turned to run, but stopped as he heard his phone ringing. A chill ran through him as he saw Kim’s name on the screen. He answered the call, and placed the phone next to his ear with a trembling hand. “Come back to the car,” said Dylan in a deathly serious tone. “Now.” Robbie looked back to him. Dylan held Kim’s phone up so that Robbie could see that he had it. Robbie went cold. He walked in a trance to Dylan. He couldn’t feel anything. Dylan smiled to himself and stood up from the car. Robbie stopped in front of him. Dylan reached out to touch the faded marks on Robbie’s face. “Those branches really are a bastard, aren’t they?” said Dylan sarcastically. He clearly knew that Tash had scratched him, and that Robbie had lied about it. Robbie jerked his head away, not interested in games. “Tell me where Kim is,” he demanded. They glared at each other for a moment, then Dylan grinned. “He’s right here.” He patted the car boot. Robbie looked down to it, long enough for Dylan to produce a syringe to hold at Robbie’s shoulder. “Care to join him?” Robbie didn’t have a choice. He opened the boot under Dylan’s watchful eye, the needlepoint threatening to puncture his skin at any moment. He shuddered; horrified as he saw Kim curled up, motionless inside. “Get in,” Dylan ordered. Robbie did as he was told. He didn’t know what was in the syringe, but he wasn’t going to risk finding out the hard way. He crawled in carefully next to Kim. It was cramped and uncomfortable, but at least Robbie could feel Kim’s warm breath on his neck; they were both still alive. Dylan stared blankly into Robbie’s tearing eyes, then slammed the boot shut. Robbie cringed, at the sound and the darkness. He swallowed hard, determined to make his body stop shivering. The car’s engine ticked over and the vehicle began to move. Robbie turned to face Kim. He mournfully pondered what Dylan had in store for them. He closed his eyes in painful sorrow, and kissed his peaceful boyfriend lightly on the lips. Robbie knew that whatever peril was coming, they would both see it through together – even death. The car stopped. Robbie listened closely as the engine died. He could hear his own breath shaking in the dark; footsteps shuffling on concrete, and then silence. He jumped as the lock of the boot clicked open. He squinted at the sudden brightness of the light, blocked only by Dylan’s silhouette. “Get out,” said Dylan coldly. Robbie instinctively wanted to stay close to Kim and protect him, but he didn’t dare to argue with Dylan – he was terrified. He climbed out of the car and stood anxiously in what appeared to be a garage. Dylan smirked at him, then nodded back towards Kim. “Get him out too.” They both knew that wasn’t an easy task. Dragging an unconscious body from the boot of a car was likely to be awkward at the best of times, but with Kim being almost twice Robbie’s size, it was damn near impossible. Robbie grudgingly bent over the back of the car. He began to drag Kim forward, grunting with exertion, rocking himself back and forth to gain leverage. Dylan leered at him from behind. “I know this shouldn’t be turning me on,” he teased, “But…” He grinned mischievously. Robbie stopped as a cold chill ran through him. Where the hell was Dylan going with this? He sighed and went back to hauling Kim out of the boot. Robbie tried to cradle Kim’s head to his chest but couldn’t keep the rest of his body from scraping against the molding of the car. He cringed as the back of Kim’s leg hit hard against the tow-bar. “That’s going to hurt in the morning,” said Dylan smugly. Robbie gritted his teeth and grunted again to stop himself from retaliating. He laid Kim down gently on the concrete and glared up at Dylan. “What do you want from us?” asked Robbie, clearly unimpressed by Dylan’s twisted idea of a joke. “Simple,” said Dylan darkly, “I want you to know the pain you’ve caused my sister.” He stalked closer to Robbie. “I want you to feel it, vividly. And I want you to know what it’s like to see someone you love suffer.” He looked pointedly at Kim. Robbie’s chest tightened as he stood to place himself between Dylan and his defenseless mate. If Dylan wanted vengeance for Tasha, then he would have to leave Kim out of it. Robbie would die before seeing him hurt again, but then, Dylan didn’t really see the down side to that. -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
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17/12/04 Robbie made a decision – if he was going to get out of this, then he would have to fight. He lunged at Dylan, but Dylan saw him coming. He dodged Robbie and retreated into the garage. Good, thought Robbie, I’ve got him on the run. But Dylan wasn’t running from anybody. He reached out to a sparsely occupied tool bench – all it contained was a hammer, an old handsaw and an open box of screwdrivers. Robbie swiped at Dylan’s back, unaware that Dylan had already grabbed a screwdriver from the box. Dylan swung around and thrust the makeshift weapon into his opponent’s side. Robbie recoiled at the shock of it. The screwdriver stuck there, half the metal covered by Robbie’s flesh. It was painful, and unexpected. Before he could truly register what had happened, Robbie’s head snapped back with the weight of Dylan’s fist. Robbie tried to steady himself on his feet, but Dylan hit him again. A small sound of pain and confusion left Robbie’s throat, followed by a much louder cry as Dylan’s palm slammed the remains of the metal into Robbie’s side. His knees weakened, and collided with the concrete. He felt for the plastic handle, thinking maybe if he pulled it out…but as he touched it, a fiery vibration ran through to the very tip of the blade. His back arched involuntarily, leaving him open for another attack. Dylan did not fail to take this opportunity. With a swift kick to the head, he condemned Robbie to darkness, cold and silent on the garage floor. Dark…cold…silent. No, not silent – something shuffling…moving… Robbie’s eyelids twitched at the irregular sound. He was beginning to wake up, but he wasn’t quite there yet. His body, there was something wrong with it. His arms hurt; his back and his legs – none of it felt right. And there was something else – something inside him – cold and sharp. He gritted his teeth against it. He opened his eyes enough to see the dark pool of blood on his shirt, gathered just under the right side of his ribcage. In the midst of this was the screwdriver, most of which had disappeared through a small hole in his shirt…through a small hole in him. Robbie tried to breathe, but could only manage the shallowest of breaths. Every time his lungs moved, the blade moved with them. He whimpered and threw his head back. The shuffling sound stopped. “So you’re finally awake,” said Dylan, looking up from his pacing. Robbie remembered that Dylan had done this to him. He tried to move his arms, but he couldn’t. His wrists were bound at the back of the chair that he found himself on. His legs too had been restrained. Robbie tried to say something but his words wouldn’t come out. His tongue caught around a piece of cloth, rendering him unable to do much more than scream loudly into it. “Sh…” said Dylan with a finger to his lips, “We don’t want to wake the neighbours.” He ambled over to Robbie with a maniacal look in his eyes. Robbie glared at him defiantly and screamed louder in the hopes that someone might hear his muffled pleas for help. “Of course,” continued Dylan, “There are no neighbours…not for miles.” Robbie closed his eyes. How the hell was he going to get himself out of this mess? “No,” Dylan went on, “There’s no one here but you, me, and…” He stepped aside. There, across the empty space of the double garage, sat Kim, tied unconscious to a chair as Robbie had been. His face and chest were bleeding – thin red lines and spots interrupting his otherwise white shirt. “I can see why you like him,” said Dylan casually as he turned to stroke a bloodied knife on the bench. “He certainly kept me amused while you were out.” A blinding wave of fear and rage rushed through Robbie. He roared into his gag for Dylan to let Kim go. Tears ran down his cheek as he bit down against the cold fire being aggravated in his side, but he didn’t care – pain or no, he would not let Kim suffer like this. “Stop it,” scolded Dylan, “You’re embarrassing yourself.” He casually walked behind Robbie and untied the cloth. Robbie thrashed away from him, breathing hard, and remembering far too late why he had been trying to avoid doing so. He screamed out loud (doing nothing to release the pressure that his lungs were exerting on the screwdriver). He whimpered again, and shivered as he tried to regain his composure. He had to stay strong…he had to…for Kim. Dylan had to laugh at the futility of it. “Shut up,” spat Robbie. It was fairly weak, but then, so was he; sweating – struggling to keep breathing without hurting himself. He ran all of this through his mind in a desperate attempt to form some kind of strategy. As it was, he and Kim were completely at Dylan’s mercy – mercy that didn’t seem to exist. “I suppose you think I’m enjoying this?” said Dylan, crouching beside Robbie’s chair. He placed a gentle hand on his victim’s stomach. “I’m not. See, unlike you, I don’t enjoy hurting people.” His fingers traveled across Robbie’s shuddering abdomen and settled around the protruding handle of the screwdriver. “But you need to learn that you’re actions have consequences.” Robbie screamed feverishly as the metal blade twisted inside him. “You’ll understand if I take some pleasure in being the one to teach you that lesson.” -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
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20/12/04 Tash trotted down the stairs in her pajamas. It was barely 8am – didn’t people realise she needed to sleep? “Dalby?” she said astounded. Dalby stood in the doorway, looking a little ashamed for having woken her. “Um, hi Tash,” he said awkwardly, “Is Dylan here? I want to talk to him.” “No,” said Tash, clearly nervous about Dalby’s unexpected presence. “He’s staying with Josie. Well, not with Josie cause she stayed at the Palace with Jesse last night, but Dylan should still be at her house.” “Oh,” said Dalby. The part about Josie staying with Jesse seemed like too much information. “Well, could you tell me where Josie lives then?” “Yeah, sure,” said Tash. She didn’t like Dalby much, but she had to remind herself of what he’d been through. She figured he deserved a break. “I can take you there now if you like, just give me a minute to get ready.” Dalby nodded appreciatively. Tash forced a smile and darted back up the stairs to get dressed. Beth walked into the Pit. Robbie and Kim hadn’t answered when she called them for breakfast, and they weren’t there now. She looked at their beds; Kim’s didn’t look like it had been touched since yesterday, while Robbie’s sheets were thrown half way to the floor. Beth didn’t want to know what that meant. She became angry with them for leaving so early without telling her. What if something happened to them? They could be hurt or lost or stranded, and she wouldn’t have a clue where to find them. She glared at their empty beds, choosing frustration over worry. They were going to get such a talking to when they got back – that’s if they didn’t get themselves killed first. Robbie shivered against the relentless prickling of the heat in his skin. He could barely see through the pain (the fact that he didn’t have his glasses wasn’t helping either). Every time he thought he might pass out, Dylan did something to keep him conscious; held his eyelids open, pulled his hair; cut him again…he only stopped to go after Kim. “Please…” begged Robbie in a deeply strained whisper, “Don’t hurt him…please…” “Sh,” said Dylan in an eerily comforting way, “He won’t feel a thing. He’s out cold, remember?” Robbie tried to look at his watch, but then he remembered that it was tied behind his back. He thought he’d heard birds a moment ago – morning birds. They must have been there for hours…it felt like days. There’s no way that Kim could have stayed out for that long – especially with Dylan having his “fun.” “What did you to him?” breathed Robbie shakily, as Kim failed to respond to yet another score on his body. “Why isn’t he waking up?” Dylan made a face as if to agree that this was a good question. “Hm,” he said with mock interest, “I’m not sure.” He roughly tilted Kim’s head back over the chair, and then let it loll forward onto his chest. Dylan shrugged apathetically. “Maybe he’s dead.” “I’m sorry,” said Tash as Dalby struggled to keep up with her. “I forgot you were hurt – I shouldn’t have made you walk all this way.” Dalby kept limping up the road. He shook his head, smiling. “It’s okay. I was wandering the streets for weeks in much worse condition than this. A little stroll isn’t going to do much damage.” His constant wincing did not support this theory. Tash grabbed his hand. “Come on,” she said pulling him off the road. “Let’s take a little rest. It’s not like we’re in a hurry.” Robbie felt himself going pale at the thought of it: Kim, dead. His boyfriend…his best friend…gone. He couldn’t decide if he was tasting blood or vomit – maybe both. He heaved a little as he stared at the blurry image of Kim across the room. He didn’t even have the strength to cry. Dylan rolled his eyes at Robbie. “I said ‘maybe’.” He slapped a couple of fingers onto Kim’s throat and waited. “There, see? – A pulse. It’s weak, but it’s there.” He looked at Robbie and started to laugh. “You should have seen your face though.” Robbie glared at him, shaking with a stomach-churning combination of fear, pain, and hatred. “You sick son of a bitch.” “Ah-ah,” said Dylan with a disapproving wave of his finger, “Don’t speak ill of your girlfriend’s mother. Sorry, ex-girlfriend.” His smug expression fell to meet Robbie’s look of disdain. “Then again, Angie was a bitch. I guess that’s why no one cares that I killed her. Did you know about that Robbie? That I killed my own mother, and got away with it? I wonder, if I killed your little toy-boy, would anyone care about that?” “Don’t!” cried Robbie, as Dylan’s knife flirted with Kim’s throat. He was too exhausted to care that this was what Dylan wanted. “Please, I’ll do anything – anything you want. Just please don’t hurt him again.” Dylan traced the blade lightly across Kim’s skin, thinking about the offer. He turned curiously to Robbie. “Anything…?” -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
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21/12/04 Dylan stalked across the garage to Robbie’s chair and placed a barring hand on each of the wooden arms. “Now, if I could have anything from you Robbie,” he hissed, “What would it be?” Dylan looked away, deeply considering the question. “Hm…” He smiled. “How ‘bout a kiss?” Robbie blinked at him; that couldn’t seriously be all he wanted. But then, kissing Dylan would not be easy – not after he’d tortured both Robbie and his boyfriend for hours. “Come on,” prodded Dylan, “You can pretend I’m Kim, if you like. Pretend that I’m your boyfriend, who you love, and who you may never kiss again. Because,” he glanced back at Kim, bloodied and unconscious, “You may not get the chance to do it for real.” Robbie began to turn away, but stopped himself. Even though he had no proof that this psychopath would keep his word, obeying Dylan was his only hope of keeping Kim safe. He turned back, defeated. He closed his eyes, trying vainly to picture Kim. Dylan smirked at him. He grabbed a handful of Robbie’s hair and dragged him roughly into the uninviting kiss. Robbie shuddered as Dylan’s lips touch his – more so, as he felt the foreign tongue slither into his mouth. Robbie winced at the discomfort of it, and groaned. “Oh, you like that?” taunted Dylan. Before Robbie could say no, Dylan was inside him again, probing harder. Robbie thought he was going to be sick, and if Dylan had pushed his tongue any further down his throat, he would have been. After far too many minutes, Dylan finally ended it (saving them both from a very undesirable experience). Robbie coughed, trying to get the taste out, while at the same time getting some air into his pained body. “Oh please,” said Dylan, “It wasn’t that bad. I mean Jesus, I was the one kissing a fag.” Robbie glared at him. “You know, I don’t see what the attraction is. You had the hottest girl in Summer Bay, and you left her for some gratuitous, steamy boy-love. What, you were sick of waiting for Tash to put-out so you thought you’d try the other side of the fence?” Robbie shook his head wearily. “It wasn’t like that,” he protested, “I love Tash…” “But you love Kim more.” Robbie didn’t answer. “Well I don’t get it – not from kissing you anyway. Maybe, to understand why you’d leave my sister for a guy, I’d have to have sex with a guy.” He stared at Robbie. “So how ‘bout it?” Robbie started to feel sick again. Have sex with Dylan? He began to shake his head without realising it. “Well, if you don’t want to,” said Dylan, “I could always test Kim out. What would you rate him,” he asked casually, moving back to pet Robbie’s boyfriend. “A six? Seven?” “Don’t touch him,” warned Robbie in fierce protection of his mate. “Oh, that bad huh?” said Dylan sarcastically. “Well I guess I’ll have to do you instead.” He walked back to Robbie and leaned over him intently. Robbie trembled with fear as he felt Dylan’s hand touch the wet skin beneath his blood-soaked clothes. He closed his eyes, trying to block the sensation, but as the hole in his shirt pulled tight against the impaling screwdriver, Robbie couldn’t help but cry out. “Sh,” Dylan tried to quiet him. He wrapped his hand around the plastic handle. “Is this little bit of metal still hurting you?” He tugged at it suddenly. Robbie yelped, desperate for him to let go. “Aw,” said Dylan, mocking pity, “Well why didn’t you say something? I’d be happy to pull it out for you…” “Don’t!” screamed Robbie, as Dylan made to rip the razor-sharp implement from his flesh. “For the love of God,” he started crying, “Don’t…” Dylan stopped and looked at him, almost offended. “God?” he repeated, “Do you really think he cares what happens to a filthy little whore like you?” Robbie’s eyes pleaded with Dylan to find some sanity. And for a moment, it seemed to have work. “Alright,” said Dylan sympathetically, “I’ll make a deal with you.” (Robbie tried to stay calm enough to hear it.) “I’m going to pull this screwdriver out of you, and if you don’t scream, I won’t force myself to…” he grinned at his imminent bad joke, “‘Screw’ you. How does that sound?” Robbie sighed in disbelief – what kind of deal was that? Dylan cruelly toyed with the screwdriver in his left hand, while his right swept teasingly across Robbie’s jeans. It was clear he wanted an answer to his proposal, one way or the other. So Robbie nodded, and clenched his teeth hard against the pain. Because really, what choice did he have? Tasha and Dalby had been walking to Josie’s house in relative silence. It was making Tash anxious. “So why do you want to see Dylan?” she asked in an effort to break the tension. Dalby wished she hadn’t. “I just wanted to thank him,” he said coyly, “For helping me out with some stuff.” Tash nodded quietly. “What kind of stuff?” she pried. Dalby sighed listlessly – he wasn’t up for 20 Questions right now. “Just stuff,” he said. “I don’t really wanna talk about it.” He didn’t have to; a distant scream distracted Tasha completely. She paused, staring rigidly in the direction it had come form…the direction of the house. “Dylan…” she breathed fearfully. She took off down the road, leaving a very confused Dalby in her wake. He eventually thought to follow her, hobbling after her as fast as he could. -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
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22/12/04 Tears flooded Robbie’s face and neck as Dylan threw the screwdriver to the floor in a trail of blood. “You just had to scream, didn’t you?” He overturned Robbie’s chair, causing him to collide heavily with the concrete. Robbie moaned as the edge of the wooden arm bit into his open wound. Dylan found his knife and cut the ropes that bound Robbie. He dragged the chair away, leaving his victim cold and exposed. “Dylan…” sobbed Robbie, almost inaudibly into the ground, “Please…please don’t do this to me…” Dylan rolled Robbie onto his back, completely dismissive of his anguished cries. “You had a chance to stop this Robbie,” he whispered mercilessly, “And you failed. Remember that.” “Tasha!” panted Dalby as he reached the house. He saw the scattered remains of flowerpots that Tash had been pillaging. “What are you…?” A piece of metal emerged from the dirt – the spare key. She picked it up, jammed it into the lock, and ran inside. Dylan’s head snapped up as Tasha called his name. “Tash,” squeaked Robbie, trying to call back to her. Dylan grabbed him by the throat, enforcing silence. Kim opened his eyes – he was sure he’d heard Robbie screaming. He looked up groggily to see Dylan perched precariously over his boyfriend, who was lying, shivering and bleeding, on the ground. “Robbie!” yelled Kim. He winced as he realised that he himself was injured. Tash and Dalby came running at the sound of his voice. They froze at what they saw; Kim looked like he had lost a fight with a barbed-wire fence, and Robbie seemed close to death. Dylan stared up at them, literally caught red-handed. “Dylan,” said Dalby in disbelief, “What happened?” Dylan quickly let go of Robbie and backed away. “You son of a BITCH!” roared Kim from behind him. Kim didn’t need an answer – he knew that Dylan had hurt Robbie. Dylan jumped, clearly shaken by his loss of control, and stood against the tool bench. Tasha went to help Robbie. Dalby grabbed Dylan’s discarded knife from the floor and went to free Kim. “Robbie,” said Tasha, trying to get a response from him. The best he could manage was a whimper. Dalby watched him; is that what he looked like when his father abused him? He didn’t want to believe that Dylan could do that to someone, but then he remembered what he and Tasha had walked in on. He remembered every detail: Robbie lying helpless and broken on the floor, while Dylan choked him into submission. It was a scene that Dalby knew well; he and his father had played it out many times before. He walked calmly behind Kim’s chair. Dalby held Kim’s wrists still and carefully slid the blade beneath the rope. Kim shuddered nervously as he felt the metal press against his skin. Dylan watched them from a safe distance, running escape plans through his mind. Dalby looked up at him one last time…his friend. “Kim,” said Dalby, leaning into Kim’s ear, “Promise me you won’t kill him.” Dalby knew that asking him not to hurt Dylan at all was pointless. The hatred in Kim’s eyes as he stared at Dylan was incomparable. He glanced at Dalby, and nodded shortly. Dalby brought the knife through the rope. Kim’s shoulders fell forward. He stretched out his arms slowly, and took the knife as Dalby offered it to him. They exchanged looks of apprehension as Kim freed his legs and stood up slowly. Kim’s eyes met coldly with Dylan’s Dylan reached behind his back to the tool bench and felt around for something to defend himself with. He glanced down at Tasha. She glared back at him, disgusted. Dylan was confused; why was she disgusted? He turned back to Kim. Kim clenched his jaw and breathed heavily though the pain that Dylan had inflicted upon him; he was determined not to feel anything but pure rage as he advanced on his target. Dylan fumbled for a weapon, and found one. He raised the hammer against Kim. Kim moved into him swiftly and blocked the attack. Kim retaliated with a savage blow to Dylan’s stomach, then smashed his fist into Dylan’s face, sending him straight to the ground. Dylan landed on all fours, somehow managing to keep a hold on the hammer. Kim stood away from him, trying to build up strength for another attack. Tash leaned over Robbie, shielding him from the fight. Dylan stared at her – she was defending their enemy. Of all the people Dylan thought would turn on him, Tasha was the last. Dylan looked back over his shoulder. Kim was still recovering – he hadn’t expected this to take so much out of him. Dylan saw his chance. If Tasha wasn’t with him, she was against him. He crawled over to her and pulled her off of Robbie. He held her head back, exposing her throat to the claw of the hammer. “Both of you stay back!” Dylan yelled to a very alarmed Dalby and Kim. He was desperate. He could run, but he knew they’d find him, and then where would he be? He pressed the claw deeper into his sister’s skin. He didn’t really want to hurt her, but she had betrayed him and if it meant keeping Kim at bay… Noises from inside the house caught everyone’s attention: footsteps, headed towards the garage. “Dylan?” called a voice that made him tremble. He turned to see her standing in the doorway – the only person that he knew would love him forever; even after everything he’d done…even after he’d killed her… “Mum?” he asked. The other’s looked anxiously at Josie, who was too shocked to speak, let alone answer. ________________________________________________________ note: how cool does my new sig look in this thread ![]() -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
23/12/04 “Dylan…” began Josie. Her mind couldn’t quite make sense of things. Kim rocked on his feet, considering whether Josie had distracted Dylan enough for him to be taken down. Dalby saw him, and shook his head – with the claw of the hammer still firmly at Tasha’s throat it wasn’t worth the risk. “Mum,” said Dylan again. He was now convinced that Angie had come back to him. “Dylan,” said Josie cautiously, “Why don’t you put the hammer down? You don’t want to hurt Tasha.” “But she lied to me,” said Dylan. “She said she wanted Robbie to hurt as much as she did, but then when I hurt him…” Dylan growled angrily at Tasha. He stood up from the ground, hauling her roughly to her feet. “She turned on me – she went back to him!” Dylan held her tighter, letting the claw scratch her skin. “Dylan,” Dalby negotiated, “You don’t want to do this. I know you’re hurt and confused, but remember what happened the last time you felt like this…” Dylan looked at his mother. He never meant to hurt her. “I’m sorry,” he breathed. Josie looked back at him, not sure what to say. “It’s okay,” she answered hesitantly, “I forgive you. Now please, just let Tasha go.” Dylan thought about it for a moment. He let his arms fall away from Tasha. Kim beckoned Tash back to himself to protect her. Dylan looked down sadly at the hammer in his hand and dropped it. He looked up to Angie. “I’m sorry,” he said again. He took a step towards her. Josie stepped back. She stayed rigid for a moment, thinking how best to handle this, and then plucked up the courage to move towards him. Against her better survival instincts, she held out her arms to the boy who just threatened to kill her niece and hugged him. Dylan hugged her back, his tears now accompanied by remorseful cries. Josie petted him soothingly. Kim saw his chance to get to Robbie, while Tasha thought to take out her mobile and call an ambulance. “It’s okay Babe,” said Kim, cradling Robbie to himself, “I’ve got you.” He placed a trembling hand over the gaping hole in his boyfriend; the warm liquid slipped through his fingers. He kissed Robbie on the forehead, both of them shaking with fear and pain. “It’s okay,” he tried to convince himself, “Everything’s gonna be fine.” Kim stared pensively at the waiting room walls. A change of clothes and some dressings to his wounds meant that he was far better off physically than before. Mentally, however, he had never felt worse. “I thought you might want some,” said a voice, as a cup of coffee appeared in Kim’s periphery. “Uh, thanks,” he said, snapping out of his daze. He took the cup from Tasha as she sat down beside him. “Where’s Beth?” asked Tasha. “I thought she’d be here by now.” Kim shook his head. “There’s no answer at the house,” he said distantly, “And I don’t know her mobile, if she even has one.” Kim sipped on the coffee, hoping that this would excuse him from any further conversation. “So they took him to the police station,” Tasha blurted out. Kim looked at her. “Dylan,” she explained, “They’re going to charge him and put him in jail.” Kim looked away from her. “I thought you’d be happy?” “Tash,” he said darkly, “He’s you’re brother – I’m not going to tell you what would make me happy.” There was an awkward silence. “Have you heard anything more about Robbie?” asked Tash. “No,” said Kim bitterly, “He’s just my boyfriend, why should they tell me anything?” Tasha surveyed Kim intently. He noticed her troubled expression. “Sorry Tash,” he added sincerely, “I shouldn’t…” “No,” Tash stopped him, “Did you really mean that?” Kim looked at her questioningly. “Is Robbie really your boyfriend?” She hesitated. “Do you love him?” Kim thought carefully about his answer. “More than anything,” he admitted. “Tash,” he asked sadly, “You know we never meant to hurt you, right?” Tash nodded. She could see by the tears welling in Kim’s eyes that he was being honest. “I wish you hadn’t gone behind my back,” she said with a hint of bitterness in her voice. “If nothing else, you guys are my friends – my best friends. I thought if something this huge was going on, you’d let me in on it, you know? I don’t think I was wrong to react the way I did, and I’m still angry, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love you both. Seeing Robbie after what Dylan did to him, knowing that he could have died thinking that I hated him…it’s just too horrible.” Kim drew Tasha into a hug. She didn’t resist him. “Guys?” said Flynn as he saw them. Tash and Kim stood up. “I’ve just spoken to Robbie’s doctors – they said he’s going to be fine.” They both breathed a sigh of relief. “Robbie’s just come out of a very tricky operation, so it’s probably best if only one of you sees him for now. Tasha?” Kim silently hung his head. “Um, actually Flynn,” said Tash, “I think Kim should go first.” Kim looked at her. Tasha smiled at him. “Thank you,” said Kim, hugging her tightly. He knew how hard this must have been for her, but Tasha knew now how much Robbie and Kim really meant to each other. If her two best friends were in love, then who was she to stand in their way? ________________________ note again: i don't know what the deal is with the break before flynn speaks - it's not meant to be there but i couldn't get rid of it when i posted it, so...yeah.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Madogis, -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
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