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Scroll Guardian

posted 16 January 2005 04:48 PMHide Post
Stupid Cupid. Why haven't the Olympians put him on a leash? He was not made for power.

This SUCKS! Why is Cupid a love deity if he harbors all this hate?


There is another love deity hereabouts. I had not planned on seeking her out. Reason dictates she desires a 'peace and love' result to any conflict. To what end will she go to reach those results? Perhaps I will find out.

This message has been edited. Last edited by: xenacrazed, 17 January 2005 07:50 PM
Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004Report This Post
Scroll Guardian


Scroller and Instigator

posted 16 January 2005 08:18 PMHide Post
Just zaps in to tell Livia that all the pieces are equal.

You have to possess more pieces to control more Xena... There is no *Boss*

Posts: 4830 | Location: Michelle @ work | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

posted 16 January 2005 10:09 PMHide Post
I don't need the help of gods. Nobody does. dite was such a push-over. It was exhilarating to control a god, even if said god is the easiest to master.

I have to laugh at how dite poured out information on who had the other pieces of the chakram. Cupid said he would start with the Soverign. Why give a piece to his new buddy, Hope? I would have given it to someone else. Though it was easier to retrieve two pieces with both being in the same locale. The gods aren't much for planning ahead.

Now I have three pieces of the chakram. Still waiting for Cupid to appear with the fourth. He would not allow Xena to slaughter his friends. Will he?

How I long for Rome when this mission is over.
Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

posted 17 January 2005 08:01 PMHide Post
Either I'm surrounded by idiot mortals or now, idiot gods.

I had no intention of killing stupid Cupid's stupid friends. It was merely a way to gain the fourth chakram piece. I never believed if I had all the pieces I'd have more power. I only wanted to unite the four pieces as one.

The damned gods must be prying into my mind and misreading my thoughts. How typical.

Patience, Livia. Rome was not built in a day. Only I know what I want for me.
Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

posted 20 January 2005 09:58 PMHide Post
What bliss. The irksome runt of a god Bliss now pinned to a tree, by his own arrows no less. Such a sweet sight I will treasure always.

Enough waiting. The time of decisive action has arrived. I'm off in search of Bella and Tara. The Bitch of Rome is headed your way, sluts. Tremble.
Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

posted 22 January 2005 12:06 AMHide Post
One chakram piece firmly in my possession. Tara has found another god to screw her, this one lives at the bottom of the beer mug. Pity I didn't have time to whip some discipline into her.

No time for that. I'm itching for a fight. Bella will scratch that itch whether she wants to or not. I didn't become Rome's Champion by accepting surrenders from those who could defend themselves.

I'm coming for you now, Bella dear. What a bloody reunion it shall be.
Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

posted 22 January 2005 11:34 PMHide Post
I'm a bitch, I'm a bitch
Oh the Bitch of Rome is back
Cleaned Bella's plate as a matter of fact
I can bitch, I can bitch
cause I'm better than YOU
It's the way that I fight
The shit that I do

Did the shimmers teach me that melody? I don't recall. It's been a long month or more, so much has happened.

Mother called me Eve again. Do I need to wear a farking badge with my name on it? LIVIA! Is it so much to ask to call me that?

I still don't understand how Aphrodite had a chakram piece when it was shimmering in the sunshine (on my shoulders) on that tree branch. Yet I won't ask, seeing as how next to nothing has made much sense in the last month or Eli's head and body both alive while seperated or Bella being stuck on the same body as some Indian deity. No, I will not question such things. Fight first and leave the questions to the Roman Senate, if they dare ask.
Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

Picture of Sara
posted 26 January 2005 05:03 PMHide Post
Pushy goddess. I swear, leave it to the Olympians to think they can just order me around and butt into things that don't concern them.

'blah blah blah, your mom loves you, blah blah blah'. Yeah yeah, blondie, whatever you say. If it weren't for the fact that she caught me completely off guard and whooshed me away, I'd have just tripped her up and went on my merry way to Rome.

But noooo, apparently someone's attention span isn't what it used to be. Nice going Livia. I'll admit that seeing the goddess of love go on a sanctimonious tirade was distracting, but still. To allow myself to get carried away like that and bullied into saving a woman I don't even particularly care for? Unacceptable.

First chance I get, I'm going to march myself back to Rome. Xena can save herself, I've got my own battles to wage.


I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.

There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
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