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I thought it would be intersting to share stories of how everyone became fans of the show? Are there any special stories to how you originally found it and also WHY you liked the show? & What drew you to it? ... Well for me I have been a complete Xena-Fan since 95, when it first came out. I was about 9 years old and it was ACE to see a strong female kicking some serious butt. She just was (and is) and awesome role model growing up, and I've simply adored the series ever since. I've love the mix of comedy and drama, action, suspense, delemma, fantasy, mythology and I could just go on and on about it! To me its just a truely magical show that will definitely go down in history! ********************************* ![]() ~*~PEACE~*~LOVE~*~HAPPINESS~*~ | ||
Chief Chesty Forlock![]() ![]() |
These will be old stories for a lot of Scrollers but we haven't shared them for a while, and they are worth repeating. The first Xena episode I remember watching was The Path Not Taken. I hated it and vowed never to watch the show again. A friend of mine kept going on and on about how cool the show was, so I watched another episode called The Black Wolf. I hated that too. Years went by and I was over at another friend's place, playing Mahjong and smoking cigars with a couple of other people. The Bitter Suite was on in the background. I had seen a little tiny bit of Maternal Instincts the week before, while waiting for another show to start, and was filling my friends in on what had happened, because they had missed that episode. I remembered being intrigued by the fact that one person's daughter had killed another person's son, and I was intrigued that the lot of them were now singing about it all. I found the final shot which took off From Here To Eternity very funny. I tuned in the next week to find out what would happen to the two women, and have been watching ever since. ![]() ~~~~~~~~~~ ![]() | |||
Scroll Nightmare![]() |
Well hmmm, I had seen a few episodes of it on tv, and wasnt much interested. I just thought it another version of Herc. meh. and I remember seeing a part of the Bitter Suite and going WHAT THE *insert word* is this. I think it might have been the part when the Wheel is spinning. lol anyways then a couple years later, my best friend Laura got really really into Xena. So I reluctantly started watching it with her. and it took a while but I got sooooo into it. and Now I watch it when ever I can. _______________________________ Can't you stop the lies, falling from the skies Down on me, I'm still standing Can't you roll the dice, I might be surprised Conscience clear, I'm still standing here | |||
Ultimate Scroller |
Well I used to watch Hercules and saw her on there and fell in love with her on that show and was ecstatic when I heard they were doing a spinoff of Herc so I've watched her from day one. WXF ![]() ![]() | |||
Dream Scroller![]() |
As I recall Xena first joined Hercules on a series called “Action Pack.” It was a rotating schedule of different shows on the WB. Each week had a different one so it was hard to know when Xena would be on. After a while those two shows became popular enough to have their own time slot. My first memory of watching Xena was at a pub on a Friday night. They had it on several screens but I couldn’t hear it. I had seen the show before and wanted to follow the story so it was a little annoying, but I liked it that it was on and a lot of people were watching. I felt very conflicted about watching the show at first. It seemed too fantastic and silly sometimes and I didn’t know if an “adult” (woman) my age should really be interested in warriors and minions (whatever they are) and strange beasts, as well as woman in revealing outfits tailored to the tastes of teen-age men. The first ep that really drew me in was the one with David and Goliath. It was great seeing a Biblical story in a new light and the characters of Xena and Gabrielle really seemed to drive the story. That got me to come back again and again. I usually played volleyball on Fridays and so I finally had to start taping the show. Even though it was on tape I ALWAYS watched the titles in the beginning. I just loved that song and the cinematography. I don’t have cable so the reception wasn’t always that good but I watched and taped anyway and I still have quite a few of those sometimes snowy shows on tape. I have no friends or relatives that recognized the genius of the show so I had to keep a low profile about it. Then, I found a world of people on the web that loved the show and wanted to talk about it. That was one great find! Ever since I have called you guys my friends and I’ve known that we are kindred spirits. The show also brought me back to an old love- writing poetry- which I am so thankful for, and to the fun of sharing ideas on message boards. I also believe it was one of the all time best television shows and had an effect on TV in general by raising our expectations for story telling. (Unfortunately it did spawn a generation of under-achievers in fantasy TV. I’ll put that down as a form of flattery). My favorite story lines are the Bitter Sweet story and the crucifixion and resurrection story. There were some intense betrayals and stories of loyalty and love in those two. But every episode gave me something to think about so I love them all. | |||
Scroll Addict![]() |
Hi. I`m new to all of this too. Hi all :0). Just got into Xena about a month ago. I remember it being on the telly in like `99 here in the UK but I didn`t take it too seriuosly (not sure if it`s cause I had too much going on in my own life at the time, watching it occasionally on a sat night when getting ready to go out on the raz) but now... I was at a mate`s house just chilling & The Bitter Suite came on the box & since then I just have to know more...*God`s I love Lucy & Renee i`sn`t too bad either, she has abbs to die for ;0) * I`m addicted. What a great show. I can`t believe I missed all of the hype as it was going on. *sad, :0( , what a total div? * I own all of season 3 & 4 on DVD & am working my way to owning them all (some day, `cause it cost`s a bomb). Question. Have I missed a lot in season`s 1 & 2 `cause some thing`s like Callisto I just don`t get? & of course how Xena & Gabrielle met??? but... I`ve really enjoyed what i`ve watched. I`m a lil scared of watching seasons 5 & 6 cause I have heard so much about how thing`s change & I love it as it is & I try not to indulge myself by finding out the season`s storyline`s online.....but I guess as with anything all good thing`s come to an end or is it the end? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Filthy..Gorgeous..Dirty..Nasty !! | |||
Scroller![]() |
quote: I know how you feel, my family think I am weird, and my friends probably even weirder LOL Its great to be able to tallk about something your intersted in with others who share that interest. BTW, Thanks for all of your stories, even tho you've shared them before! ************************************** ~*~PEACE~*~LOVE~*~HAPPINESS~*~ ********************************* ![]() ~*~PEACE~*~LOVE~*~HAPPINESS~*~ | |||
Scroller |
Hey Everyone... In 1996, my mum said to me one Saturday afternoon "Hey, there is a show on channel five called Xena tonight at 8pm, u will love it" and so, as i had nothing to do that night i watched it ... and from that day on I religiously watched every episode... I think the episode that sucked me in was Callisto... for the first time on television, women were actually fighting and there was just something sexy, unique and intriguing about that whole aspect, i just had to watch more... It sounds really strange and corny saying this and i think most people will just laugh at me for saying so, but when i watched scenes in Xena, (i.e. the fighting scenes) i dont know what it was, but the music, the battle cries, the power, passion, danger (ring a bell? ![]() They stopped showing Xena on channel five at about season 5 and i lost interest for a couple of months, until i was in HMV (a video/music shop in the UK) and i saw a whole collection of Xena videos, i just knew i had to start buying them... and that i did, i watched them all from start to finish and i still to this day watch the reruns ... i just find the way in which the show was directed, and the scenery used, fascinating and I don’t think there will never be a show quite like it..... | |||
Ultimate Scroller![]() |
quote:not only in TV - go see King Arthur for the newest Xena wannabe on the big screen. Well, history: Coincidence #1: Xena was on a network TV channel I totally dislike and never watch. #2 When skipping channels I hit 'up' instead of 'down' on the remote - at the very moment there was a close shot of Xena's face. So we can say the first reason was Lucy's eyes ![]() So next week I wanted to see that 'beautiful girl who fights like a super hero', and so similar to a comics character I created when I was 17. Soon I got totally on the show, I started to love the music and photography, the clever and wise lines, and how daring and creative the show was. Wow, I think it was 8 or 9 years ago!This message has been edited. Last edited by: Prof. Lurker, | |||
Scroll Stalker![]() |
I had always been fascinated with Australia and New Zealand so when I found out Herc was filmed there, I tried to watch. I didn't really like it at all, so I never gave it much thought after that. Shortly after that I saw this article in the Austin American Statesman about this local girl done good. It was about Renee and her living in New Zealand and being on this top rated syndicated show. I saw maybe 5 minutes of it and was hooked. The chemistry floored me, the campiness of it had me in stitches, and the drama grabbed me and wouldn't let go. Yesterday I said something along the lines of - you don't just stop being a Xena fan. Xena is like a drug, you may not watch anymore, but the urge never goes away. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ![]() | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
hello. i'm zoom. and i'm a Xenaholic.... i'd heard someone say i needed to watch this Xena show. i was skeptical, but happened to catch a few minutes of an ep here and there and was intrigued. then one Saturday i caught all of ADITL (sitting there all by myself going' "is this....are they...did she just say...?" and that was all before the hot tub scene!) and well...here i am. 12 steps away from normal, forever to be a hardcore nutball.... p.s. thank the gods & the Scrolls that i am no longer alone in the Xenaverse. ![]() WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
I found the show completely by accident. It was Saturday afternoon and nothing was on, so I was channel-surfing. I happened on this show with these women fighting in India and was like "WTF? What's this?" I had unknowingly caught the last quarter of "Between the Lines". I thought it was different and searched the TV Guide to found out what the show was. The rest is history. | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
I'd caught it (well, parts of it) while channel surfing on a Saturday (see Arista's post) a few times but never knew when it was on so I never followed it too closely. Then QB, who was a big fan, was going on a long business trip and asked me if I could tape her 3 weeks of episodes. Watched those in their entirety and in order and was hooked. I did not know that there was a huge fanbase, that there were message boards (I did not have internet) or that episodes even had titles. I did watch the end credits right away and found out that it was filmed in New Zealand-somewhere I had always been interested in (see Shawn's post) That was 1997. Two message boards, a fan club, a trip to New Zealand, several new friendships, many dvds and video tapes and more conventions than I can count later...here I am. | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
lol, it first started off that my younger twin sisters were for some reason, infatuated with Xena. I was about 15 or 16 at the time and so was way too involved in my teenage angst to give the show much thought. Anytime I had control of the remote and Xena would come on, they would beg me to leave it there and being the bastard I am, I'd leave it on the channel for like 2 seconds and then turn it to something else. Heh. ![]() It was more their responses to Xena than the actual episode, I think it was 'Pomira's Daughter' or something, can't really remember. But here were these 8 year old girls who loved Xena because she was big and tough and strong and no one could push her around and she saved people and they wanted to be just like her when they grew up. The sincere belief of Xena and the hero worship in their eyes made me take a second glance. And here, so many years later, I still remain a devout fan. I think Shawn put it best, it never goes away. ![]() Now as for when I became a subtexter, that's an ENTIRELY different and rather embarrassing story. ![]() ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
It was during my fifth year in the state mental institution. I had finally gotten outta the rubber room to a room with a bed (well, it was a just a thick blanket on the floor actually). I was allowed an hour in the "gathering room" each night where the other crazy folk watched tv or played cards or ate cards or pee peed on themselves. One Sunday night, i remember it well as the voices in my head always like to reminiscence about it, two inmates were biting each other over which show to watch, "Dukes of Hazard" or "Carter Country". Their fight made it's way to the tv remote where they fought tooth & nail over it, biting hard on channel selection button. Luckily the boys in white came in and cracked the loonies' skulls open, and dragged 'em away to get the "juice". ha ha loved that mind fixin "juice". Anyhoo, i grabs the remote but the crazies had bit it so hard it was stuck on one station- that of the one airing the first run of XWP's "Sins of the Past". What an amazing ep! Now i had something new to obssess over & talk to myself about & pretend i was Xena's undies. I knewed i was crazed, but now- now i was xena crazed! My therapists told me i could watch the show every weekend if i gots better. 'Course there's no gettin better for me, so i hadda fake it and i faked it good. Good enough to watch Xena for 6 seasons & get released while still so sick in the head. But you won't tell 'em i still sick, willya? Cuz i knows where ya'll live. hehee | |||
Scroll Obsessive![]() |
I saw The Debt I together with my host-family that I lived with during my aupair-year. The kids there where big fans of both Hercules and Xena, so it was like a family-evning when those shows were on. I joined them one evning, watched The Debt I and I was hooked... This was in 1997... | |||
Scroller |
Hi fellow fans. I am new here, actually I used to be X.A. because I didn't understand the directions. I got it right, now. My dad used to watch Xena and I would come in and hang out with him and just so whatever he was doing (I'm such a daddy's girl). At the end of the first season Callisto came on and I was hooked. I made sure I didn't miss an eppi, but I didn't make it very much fun Dad and I. I wanted it to be completely silent and he would make that annoying noise with his feet as they rubbed together. I just had to kick him out and make him go in the next room. He still makes fun of me when it comes to Xena watching. Now when he comes over and I have my Xena DVDs on I put it on pause and wait everytime he makes a noise. He calls me the "Xena Nazi" | |||
Scroller![]() |
I saw Cradle of Hope and found it goofy. I watched it a couple more times and it started getting interesting. By the time Dreamworker aired I was a goner. | |||
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I discovered Xena by flipping through channels when I was supposed to be doing some school project or another, and I had excellent timing since it was Sins Of the Past. I kept on watching cause I had the hots for LL and ROC. And I was like 8 or 9, lol. And I think Dreamworker was the one that clinched it for me as well. ********************************************** I just think that sometimes things happen between people that you don't really expect. And sometimes the things that are important are the ones that seem the weirdest or the most wrong. And those are the ones that change your life. | |||
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