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Scroll Stalker![]() |
What if I find it funny that anyone wold think it anything other than a cannon? What if I thought a trundle wheel to be an incredibly obscure thing to have as a game piece? What if then I thought about a thimble and a shoe? What if none of them really make and sense? What if they should have all been cars or people? What if we really charged thimbles rent on Boardwalk? What if it seems like it would be sewing discrimination? What if I never had a favorite piece? What if as an only child a game of Monopoly was a rare occurence? What if when the chance for a game of ANYTHING with ANYONE came along I never cared what color or piece I was? What if I didn't even care if I won or lost? What if I was just so happy to have someone to play with that I would lose on purpose so they would keep playing with me? What if that's really pathetic? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ![]() | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if...a wombat!? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if little Shawn sounds like a sweetie pie? What if I read that the creator of Monopoly didn't intend to include tokens in the game, but wanted people to use household items, so when they did put tokens in they sort of mimicked things you find around the house? What if some were added later like the cannon,etc? What if we don't have a lot of top hats in our house, but I guess for the time...? What if board games were kind of rare in my house, too, mostly saved for special occasions or to cheer us up when my father was away on business? What if my mother always had to be the banker, the person in charge of the money? What if in later years I learned that she did that so she could cheat, giving herself extra money so the game could end faster and then she'd lie about it? What if I used to cry from frustration because I wanted to be an amazing Monopoly player just like her, winning seemingly at will, and I played the exact same way I saw her play, but I never ever won, or even came close? What if then she'd tell me that if I didn't stop crying she wouldn't play with me anymore? What if she admits all this and thinks it's funny? What if I disagree with her assessment? What if Shawn and I go back in time and play some Stratego or something? | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if we've gone from talking about monopoly pieces to fighting about what they are to blaming the whole damn game for our childhood traumas? what if i too have some depressed memories of playing against myself when my brothers and sister moved out and left me all alone... ![]() what if it's probably a major factor towards me developing a personality disorder? what if, how do those parker brothers sleep at night? what if the idea of someone using an actual top hat as a game token amuses me? what if "my turn!!" *throws hat onto the board, lands on everything from whitechappel to euston road* "i'll buy it ![]() what if i was looking up boards online to check if any of that made sense, but i got distracted by this?? what if i think i'm inspired to change my name for once ![]() what if this monopoly pub crawl also looked interesting, hehe?This message has been edited. Last edited by: Madogis, -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroll Stalker![]() |
What if I did have my brother to play with? What if but it usually ended in accusing each other of cheating? What if and me getting peeved and putting the game away? What if stupid siblings? ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I get a weekend? What if I get two whole days? What if and I don't have to pretend to be sick? What if and I'm not doing anything special? What if that's kinda special? What if I may go look at cars? What if I may just stay in all weekend? What if one thing I will not do is be at work? What if yup? ![]() | |||
Scroll Stalker![]() |
What if I was wondering what happened to Sara and Keri? What if I was wondering if I missed some kind of announcement of vacation or something? What if just curious? What if I hope they are okay? What if after two days of rest I feel much better? What if I'm still stuffy but I can smell my food? What if that's a plus? What if I think they wanted me to come in to work yesterday? What if my super and my coworker called me? What if I stayed huddled in my house, watched Xena and didn't answer the phone? What if so there? ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if Gabber posts in Fiction & Poetry sometimes? What if Sara presumably looks or doesn't look in as she sees fit? What if it does no good to harrass the perennially grumpy one? What if she can't be guilted? What if she can't be gilted either? What if someone tried gilting Sara once? What if noone knows what really happened, but folks driving along Mingo Fishtrap Road during the wee hours of moonless nights have reported the occasional blood-curdling scream? What if that's just a mort canard? What if or something? ![]() | |||
Scroll Tragic![]() |
What if Smirky has been laywering for Sooooo long she no longer speaks like a real person..?? ![]() What if I have suddenly become amused by the thought of : What if I insert a Smiley in between color brackets..?? What if smiley italics..???? | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if this place is kinda slow lately? what if i'm wondering if my new name is driving off business? what if i start shooting randomly into the air to draw people back in? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if Maddie starts shooting at people's feet when they do come back? What if Gabber and Sara don't need us at all anymore? What if they have wigs of all of our hair, and imitate our voices in an effort to simulate conversation with us? What if playing Monopoly by yourself was alright when you had toys as your opponents? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroll Stalker![]() |
What if it's 4am and I just got done reading a book? What if it's been a long time since I've been that dedicated to reading? What if The Witching Hour by Anne Rice? What if it was intense to say the least? What if on to Lasher? What if but tomorrow? What if time for sleepies? What if minus the nightmares, I hope? ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i didn't hand in any of my final assignments last term and therefore i've failed everything? what if...there you go? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
What if there should be a trivial pursuit game that instead of sections like geography, and science, it should be, xena and buffy, friends, harry potter, and gaming questions ![]() ********************************* | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if um...wigs of everyone's hair? What if Monopoly pieces? What if...wtf!?! What if I'm around as is Gabber but the new job is crazy, and the end of the month is mandatory overtime so I am grumpier than usual? What if and Nora is correct, I can neither be guilted or gilted? What if I was nowhere near Mingo Fishtrap Roads at any time and I was definitely wearing clothes? What if that's my story? What if so there, damnit? What if now I really gotta go to bed, early morning? What if *waves* and much <3 for the missage, XF3? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Ultimate Scroller |
What if now I feel guilty? What if yes, you can guilt Gabber but you can't guilt Sara? ![]() What if thanks for being worried about us XF3, but we're okay? What if we're settling into engaged-living-together life and quite enjoying it? What if now I know what I was missing out on all those years? ![]() What if however I'm still pissy about the whole not having a job thing? What if don't get me started? What if or if you do, expect many what ifs? What if which in that case, you very well may get me started just to keep me posting? What if I see how you guys work?! ![]() What if Salem is messed up in the head? What if Nora is correct, I do post in FF&P when I gots a poem? What if I miss ya'll, but I rarely go on Trillian? What if when I do, I don't stay on long or DO stay on for hours at a time just to make up for all the time I never do spend on it? What if I'm going to stop babbling? What if blame World of Warcraft for my absence? What if the game has CONSUMED me? What if I am even a guildmaster now for our guild? What if dear God, I turned a game into work.......only me? ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I wonder if Maddie wants me to go and hit people at the university? What if *raised fist* "Shall I hit them Maddie??" What if everything will be alright? What if also, yay, my mental health has been brought into question? What if, it's good to have Gabber and Sara posting? ![]() What if Ame gets the children's version of Trivial Persuit, it at least has the Harry Potter questions? What if, Pokémon ones too? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroll Stalker![]() |
What if I believe with our collected brains we could create it? What if thanks for posting you two? ![]() What if missed ya? What if I just watched the new Justin Timberlake video? What if it was hot but a bit confusing? What if I think he was a spy or being spied on? What if I'm going to have to watch it again? What if oh darn? ![]() What if I was up till 5:30 this morning? What if I could not sleep for the life of me? ![]() What if every time I laid down my mind was racing? What if I watched tv, I got up and played on the computer, I tried to think happy thoughts? What if I finally realised I hadn't eaten anything in like seven hours? What if I ate a bagel and it did the trick? | |||
Ultimate Scroller |
What if thanks guys, missed you both too? ![]() What if and yes, Salem, your sanity HAS been questioned...because...you're SPECIAL? ![]() What if can anyone hook me up with some travel agent connections for a job, eh eh? What if oh yes, I saw the Justin Timberlake video too? What if sue me, I watched the Making of the Video? What if apparently him and his chick are killers? What if the video is hot...but also kinda weird? What if did anyone else watch it and think...gee, this looks a lot like Britney Spears perfume commercial? What if y'know, the one with her in a hotel and them listening to the wall and all that crap and then finally having sex? What if watch the Timberlake video again and you'll see it? What if oh Justin, can't leave Britney behind? ![]() What if I loathe "SexyBack"...and yet CAN'T GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD?!??!! What if I'm likely to go insane just by having "Dirty babbbbbbbbbbbbbbbe... would you like it if I misbehaaaaaaaaaaaaved?" jumping around all the time in my brain? What if dear God? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I wonder if Gabber has looked at Sabre? What if she may have already? What if a search of Texas & Contact Center seemed to pull up some possible jobs she might be interested in? What if it also never hurts to look at the career pages for Southwest and American? What if American was looking for Customer Service types in the Fort Worth area? What if not greatest job ever, but it could be a foot in the door? What if I understand my erstwhile employer is still hiring folks? What if the hours are many, but it's not supposed to be a permanent job anyway? What if here's the posting for legal assistant? What if from there you may be able to wrangle your way into the travel office? What if my suggestions have probably all been considered already? What if the most frustrating thing about the job search is all that damned unsolicited advice that may be sensible, but dammit it isn't what you want? What if ![]() ![]() | |||
What if, although not alot of what iffing went on, compared to the past, that was a fair amount of what iffing in one day for what we've had recently? What if i don't even know if that what if even makes sense? ********************************* | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if I understood? What if that just makes me delusional too? | |||
Ultimate Scroller |
What if Sara's work is right next to the Sabre offices? What if I did look into it (and took another look because of your link) and unfortunately the positions are too technical? What if could you give me a link of the Texas & Contact Center you were talking about? What if I tried searching for it on google and came up short? What if I haven't checked the airlines, but I just may -- I didn't want to work at DFW basically? What if dear God, do you know how much Sara would kill me if I worked those hours/days at the legal assistant position? What if let alone the travel for extended periods? What if she doesn't like it when I just go back and visit my parents, let alone that? ![]() What if thanks for all the suggestions though, means something? ![]() What if frickin' job? What if I even applied for an admin assistant position at Sara's work (I'd never really interact with her)? What if ![]() What if hi Shelley? ![]() | |||
What if HI Keri Bearie ![]() What if i am glad to see xf3 is just as insane as i am ![]() ********************************* | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if sean hayes in a dramatic role? what if it happened yesterday, and i still haven't processed it? what if he was crying?? seriously??? what if... *shakes head*... my world can never be the same...? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
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