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What if i have a few things to what if about, but i need to peel some potatoes first, so i will be back? ********************************* | |||
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what if all the best to Tam's mom with hopes eveything comes out ok, especially the offending gall bladder? what if Ame must've had a helluva lot of spuds to peel? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
What if, 6,221 spuds to be exact? What if i was getting ready for the grand opening of the castle ![]() What if, but really, it was the finale of BB over here, and that sort of over took everything else? What if, now i will start my what ifs? What if the secretary at work resigned? What if WOO! What if, hehe, since she is also my sister in law? What if quitting the family business for a job to earn more money, whilst the big boss is away on holidays, and not even having the courteousy to ring and tell him is a big no no? What if, hey it makes me look better? What if, now if we can get rid of her prick of a husband, i'll be a happy chappy and glad to go to work ever day? What if they've always been jealous of the fact that michael has the highest position in the business, except daddy, who is the big boss? What if, maybe they've come to the fact that they'll never have control of the business, so they are off to seek their fortunes elsewere? What if, so we've gotta get a new person at work now, and i'm hoping it's someone to fill my job, and i get to be secretary ![]() What if, not that my life long ambition in life is to be a secretary BUT it's in the office all day, being on the computer and such? What if, first thing i'll do is download trillian to that computer hehe? What if, i'll find out in 2 weeks, but i know when mick rang his dad to tell him, he mentioned to his dad to swap me over to secretary and get someone new for my brain numbing job :P What if, i'll keep ya posted? What if, now i need to get my own office, so people don't see me surfing the net all day hehe ********************************* | |||
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What if Yay!? What if sending you positive secretarial thoughts, Ame? What if I need to finish the cross stitch that was supposed to be done two days ago for Rachel's bestfriend's birthday? What if my fingers almost gave out on that last what if? | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if thanks zoom, serius and heitie? ![]() what if mom is home sans gallbladder and stones tonight? what if i go home to see her on the 31st? | |||
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What if hoping that Tam's mom is doing well? What if minus that pesky gallbladder? What if we are minus a girl at work? What if no call/no show? What if so we are assuming she quit? What if taking on extra hours now? What if I hate her? What if but my pocket book doesn't? What if so I can make friendly donations to the castle? ![]() What if Panda is going in for her second shots today? What if I'll be at work so I won't have to hear her cry? What if and I know she will? What if I should eat some breakfast? What if but nothing sounds good? What if hmmmmmmm? | |||
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What if T's mom will pass no stones before their time? What if, I am glad she's doing good and I know how stressfull it can be when your mom is ill? What if I finish the flooring in the front living room tonight? What if while my gf works on the kitchen walls? What if my parents have done a ton of work already and I am soooooooooo thankful? What if they will never see this post, but I'm thankful for their help and wanted others to know as well? What if my mom finally met Zoom? What if she almost immediately put her to work? What if it made me laugh? What if Xena and Gabrielle didn't shave? What if the show was true to the time period? What if they not only would not have shaved, they would have rarely bathed and not met half the people they did? What if Xena had worn a smelly wolf pelt? What if she would have been travelling alone and Gabrielle would have known herself very well? What if Tam tells me how the bike search is going? What if any news on an October scroller get together? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if a lodged stone looked most painful? what if she's still not comfortable after the surgery, but hopefully she will be soon? what if i called a couple of shops and couldn't find a 2005 tw200? what if one shop says they'll be getting the 2006s in, but the last two times i've called they haven't been in yet? what if i have no idea when they'll arrive? what if, yes, i am tired of waiting? what if i wait all this time and then decide it's not the bike for me? what if i'm waiting for certain other scrollers to get back home to coordinate about october? | |||
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What if I feel like I should what if, but I don't quite feel it? What if big things have happened in so many Scroller's lives and I've let it all pass without comment? What if I really do care I just haven't put it into words? What if I'm glad that Tam's mom is home and on the road to recovery? What if I'm weeks late on congratulating Shawn's new digs? What if I thought of her the other day when I was wandering through home depot and looking at paint and tile? What if a friend of mine from law school and I have decided to forgo Oklahoma State's Orange Peel and hit one day of the Austin City Music Festival? What if we haven't agreed on which day? What if I like Sunday's line-up best? What if she leans toward Saturday's? What Coldplay and Franz Ferdinand on Sunday? What if Oasis and Jet on Saturday? What if I only like two Oasis songs? What if I also like the guest vocals that one of the Gallagher brothers (I never remember which is which) sang on "Scorpio Rising" by Death in Vegas? What if I hate "Champagne Supernova"? What if it's on my worst ten list of the 90s? What if I feel another thread coming on? ![]() | |||
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what if the meeting of Shawn's parents was brief but insightful? what if Shawn's mom just recognized my innate Girl Scout desire to be helpful? what if i have a sneaking suspicion she recognizes that in most people...? what if the north Texas and Oklahoma Xenits also try to join in the October Scroller gathering? what if two Austin Xenite B&B's = larger potential for Scroller gatherings? what if i have contacted the Roller Derby about Pasta & Co. participating in a sponsorship role and they have responded with interest? what if i am now having on-going correspondense with La Muerta & Hades Lady? what if ![]() WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
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What if Shawn is tired? What if but in a good way? What if the flooring looks amazing, if I do say so myself? What if the guys who designed the interlocking system for laminate flooring also used said system for the tiles on the space shuttle? What if we'd have more Astronauts alive right now? What if I have a blue bedroom? What if the color is called Shale? What if almost all the colors I picked are from the Eddie Bauer collection? What if that fits me? What if I'm kind of a Eddie Bauer/Bass/LLBean-ish girl? What if I add Coleman and Orvis to the list? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ![]() | |||
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what if we change your name to Miss Campy Pants? what if Miss Campy Pants's flooring does look good? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
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what if i can't beat em? ![]() what if i join em? ![]() WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
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What if I'm glad Miss Campy Pants likes her newly decorated house? What if I am in the beginning stages of getting together a garage sale? What if I've never done this before? What if I am so excited? What if I wanted to get price stickers today but the store was closing when I got there? What if dash it all!? What if but the garage is clean now? What if it won't be for long with all the stuff I am going to throw out there to sell? What if I hope we sell the futon? What if more room in the living room is good!? | |||
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What if just back tonite from li'l trip up Wisconsin way? What if dat was fun but spent too much mullah? What if more mullah on gas than anything? What if bout got killed on Hwy 47 in central Illannoys? What if some lady ran a stop sign on a country road? What if she ran it right when xc was there? What if i know i accelerated to miss being hit badly (i thought best case scenerio, the rear end of my car would get hit & spun round) but don't recall how or why i escaped being killed? What if my last memory of her truck was headin right thru the stop sign at my driver's side door? What if i heard a loud boom sound, but felt nothin, then saw her in her truck stopped on the other side of the road? What if she looked like she was in shock as well? What if i was gonna go back and question her but i was shaking too hard to stop? What if my heart was racing so fast, only a nekked Jen Connelly could make it race faster? What if i still do not know how she avoided hittin my car? What if there shoulda been a swerving sound or tire marks or something if she'd swerved but i still don't know what happened? What if she did hit me, i'm dead, and this is the ghost of xc? What if i'd been goin even one mph slower, i would fer sure be dead? What if her truck phased thru my car? What if why didn't i see a shadow of her truck as it passed narrowly behind me (if that's what happened)? What if i know- i know- even though i accelerated, it didn't feel like i accelerated enough to miss being hit? What if my cat has not even noticed me since i got home 4 hrs ago? What if i am dead and my cat can't sense the ghost of xc? What if gee, with my dead social life and all, will much change with me being really dead? | |||
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What if I'm glad you're not or hope your not dead, XC? What if I was a good little girlfriend and made lunch and brownies for Rachel to come home to? What if that's about all I did today? What if still not over my cold? What if I still have to take a shower and go to work tonight? What if bleh!? What if I won't be saying that when I get my paycheck though ![]() | |||
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What if I'm really out of the loop? What if houses, gallbladders, get togethers, castles?!? What if I leave for a week and it goes crazy around here? What if I'm glad people are recovering, flooring, getting together, buying real estate, etc.? What if and that's about all I have to say right now? What if but maybe more later? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
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what if xc's dead, i hope his ghost is as funny as he is? what if was...? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
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What if I'm glad xc isn't dead? What if Sara is usually totally out of the loop? What if we just usually do a better job of making her think she knows what's going on? What if I'm glad this week is almost over? What if I've been getting to work before 8 every day? What if for me that is remarkable? What if kind of sick, but remarkable? What if I'm rather pleased that Argy chose that pic of LL for her sig pic? What if I thought it was a rather nice one? What if I got a PO Box today? What if it's a like a palindrome? What if the first two digits are the last two digits transposed with a number one between 'em? What if my life is so pathetic, I'm actually thinking that's cool? ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i too am very glad for xc's miraculous escape? what if i don't know that scrolling could ever be the same without him? what if i'm at uni right now...weird, eh? what if it's just a social visit though - i'll send word if i need help breaking out or something? what if re salem's new sig quote - you bitch ![]() -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
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What if I'm glad xc's not dead too? What if I've had several near death experiences, and know what that's like? What if including being whacked by a train about nine years ago? ![]() What if I was arguing witih it cuz i wanted it to stop so that I could get on it and it woulnd' listen to me and wacked me around the ribs? ![]() What if I still get phantom rib pain every time it rains? What if thank fark it was only the ribs tho, could have been my spine? ![]() What if word to the wise xc, this just shows ya you are supposed to be here? ![]() What if like many of us who just ain't quite dead yet? ![]() What if ONWARD! "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if right about now would be the time that you all are glad that we are separated by miles and computers? What if because I have pink eye? What if yes Kate, pink eye? What if and a sinus infection? What if and an ear infection? What if what the hell????? What if what did I do to deserve this? What if thank god I was talking to Kate and she made my dumb ass realize what I had and went to the doctor before the weekend started? What if because when I was sitting in the waiting room my ear plugged up? What if medicine all around!? What if I just want it all to stop now? What if going to curl up in fetal position in bed and read a book and go to sleep? | |||
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what if i've had one crap ass Friday? what if pardonmy French...? what if i discovered a hideous air-conditioning related mini-flood that had soaked the entire 2004 sales stubs and cancelled checks for the shop? what if le and i have spent the day pick smal, moldy piece of paper apart, strewing them over every flat surface in the house, leting them dry and then putting the puzzle pieces back into chronilogical order? what if i reiterate that the little soaked paper peices are moldy? what if all-in-all, a wretched experience? what if i didn't even mention the mortages file, the shop lease agreement file, the insurance files, 15 years of personal tax returns and countless other things one wouldn't want soaing in 8+ gallons of water? what if i'm going out for sushi tonight, dammit? what if and a whole lot of rum...? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
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What if I want to go out for sushi and rum with zoom? What if I start heading there in my car right now? What if realistically, at that rate it'd be more like sushi and rum for breakfast? What if breakfast on Monday or Tuesday with my driving? What if I just think happy thoughts and have cyber sushi instead? What if I chase it with non-cyber rum- yum? What if I made a rhyme ![]() What if I lay off the rum before I get loopy and weird-typy and pun myself into a corner? | |||
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What if uuuuuhhhhhhhh? What if i shoulda started a near death expierences thread? What if glad other scrollers know xc is still here (whether alive or not is another story)? What if still dun know how survived car wreck but now been fightin 1st or 2nd degree sunburn? What if ouuuuuuuuuuu-chies!? What if what's worse than being a sore lobster is having my nose bridge thingie and area around my eyes all swollen? What if eeeeeeeee-k i look worse than usual, please let me heal down to my usually dreadful lookin self? What if swellin' around eyes is the worst & hardest to get ice or cold compress thing on? What if sunburn & swelling pains means i did survive the near fatal, almost occuring car wreck? What if a stubbed toe would have told me that without so much pain & misery? What if gonna need a vacation from this vacation? | |||
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