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Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I'm used to having to go to the liquor store for real beer myself? What if the grocery stores in OK just sold beer colored water? What if and there was this really archaic requirement that liquor stores couldn't sell it cold? What if but the grocery stores had to sell the 3.2 stuff cold? What if there is real beer and wine in the grocery store, but I haven't seen hard liquor? What if when I was growing up in CA, the grocery stores sold the full range? What if I used to like the Beefeater bottles? What if the liquor stores were really just neighborhood convenience stores without the gas tanks? What if now my trip down memory lane is over? What if because I'm hungry in the here and now? What if and I'm wondering if I can make it to WalMart and back before 2:30 to get either bread or those ziploc food container thingies? ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i feel your pain? what if he seemed to know an awful lot about the veronicas for a grown man..? what if not that there's anything wrong with that.. i guess? what if i felt like changing my sig finally? what i feel edgey ![]() what if, but not really? what if it's nice (assuming it's worked..)? what if i post to check, and then edit to add more things? what if it's alright, but needs tweaking? what if, theerre we go? what if anyway, back to.. wait, was i talking about anything..? probably not.. what if i'm having a good day today ![]() *what if further tweaking?* -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Chief Chesty Forlock![]() ![]() |
What if the supermarket doesn't sell beer in a lot of NSW? What if it can be sold by licensed bottle marts? What if the way that most supermarkets get around this is to have their own bottlo right next door, often with a door linking the two? What if you just wheel your trolley into the bottle mart, buy your bottle(s), wheel back to buy groceries, and proceed through the checkouts? What if, ah, beeeeeeeeer ...? ~~~~~~~~~~ ![]() | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if .....yawn....? what if.....stretch....? what if.....scratch.......? what if zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz? what if damn that pesky snooze button!!!!! WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Chief Chesty Forlock![]() ![]() |
What if I snooze-chak the button? ![]() ~~~~~~~~~~ ![]() | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if...yes!? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
What if i love my xena 10th anniversary collection box set? What if i have been going through watching the bits where the girls are watching the eps, and commenting on them? What if i love Argy to bits? ![]() ![]() ********************************* | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I was in a hospital today? What if I don't like being in hospitals? What if I also had to walk up a rather steep hill to get there? What if the more I play Sonic Riders, the more I like it? What if I got past the Plant challenge in Project Rub? What if I died on it in the Nightmare one? What if re: Spicks and Specks, it seems I only missed the guest introductions, but knowing Hamish, I'm sure he said something devestatingly clever during it? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if i have the 10th anniversary box set? what if i realy need to spend some quality time with it...? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Scroll Stalker![]() |
What if I have yet to buy it? What if but yes, it will be mine!? | |||
Scroll Guru![]() |
What if, I'm hoping Salem's trip to the hospital was an OK kind of a trip to the Hospital. Not the kind where Salem, or one of Salem's loved ones is hurt? What if I hate Cleaning my house? What if, as soon as I get rich, no more cleaning for me!? What if, I've been wondering if the 10th anniversary edition is worth it? What if I would like to know if the interviews and such are different than those on the regular sets? What if, I think I'm out of what ifs for now? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if the extras are indeed different? | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if thanks Tiggs, I was just there as a visitor? What if my sister was there, something to do with her apparently severe morning sickness? What if she's out now though, after.. I think two nights? What if Ame will be happy to know I finally got to the first Task in the Goblet of Fire video game? What if Maddie was playing it with me? What if now I need more shields for the next stage to open, SIGH? What if 'Prefects Bathroom', sounds like such Restricted Section material? ![]() ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if, ehh they've taken Ghost Whisperer off the air here again? >.< What if yes, the new singing show featuring Kate Ritchie, Juddy Nunn and Mark Furze seems like a delightful romp, but that's beside the point?! What if speaking of, when is stupid Channel 10 going to stupid put Veronica Mars back on? What if I wish I could boycott TV networks but I'm weak? What if they be a harsh mistress? ![]() ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroll Guru![]() |
What if, I completely understand that one? What if, my sis was in the hospital 30 out of her first 35 days of pregnancy due to "morning sickness"? What if, she was there so often the number to the hospital was saved in my cell, under her name? What if thankfully she and my nephew are just fine now? What if, thanks for the info Lila, I will keep that in mind! | |||
Chief Chesty Forlock![]() ![]() |
What if curse you lila997 and your knowledge of all things Xena merchandise? *shakes fist* What if I'd just convinced myself that I didn't need to order the Xena box sets, due to the fact that the commentaries on the 10th Anniversary box set would be the same? What if that reminds me, I need to send the rest of those NTSC Xena videos to a friend ...? ~~~~~~~~~~ ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if the 10th Anniversary set has superior featurettes both in volume and diversity? What if the boxed sets do have some different stuff though? What i have not watched all of the boxed sets episodes but I have watched 95% of the featurettes in all sets? What if they are nifty? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if I have been thinking about Shawn, zoom, le and the Subtexans today? What if it's because one of my favorite local eateries is currently being consumed by fire? ![]() What if I can see the smoke? What if it started with a brisket? What if I kid you not- the chef had a crazy brisket accident this morning and the whole place is up in flames? What if I had my first brisket in Austin? What if I was once a brisket virgin? What if virginket? Brisgin? Virbrisgin? What I just go take a nap because that made my head hurt? | |||
What if unless you've had morning sickness you shouldn't be allowed to comment on it :P What if also, if any male wants to tell me that being kicked in the balls is simialr or worse to the pain of labour... i shall cut the forementioned off ![]() What if i ask what sort of extras the region 1 xena dvd's do have, just out of curiousity? What if Jessica is 6 this sunday? What if there are ather geminis abound who shall be having birthdays shortly too? ********************************* | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if, brisgin? what if i got a cat? what if two cats, actually? what if fully grown cats, not kittens? what if a boy cat and a girl cat? what if the boy cat was a stray, apparently? what if he didn't look very stray? what if i think we've stolen someone else's cat? what if FINDERS KEEPERS!!! >.<? what if he's a pretty cat? what if ginger? what if i've named him kim? what if the girl cat, i don't know what to think of her yet? what if she's also pretty, a tortis-shell deally, but she doesn't seem as needy as kim? what if kimmy needs me ![]() what if i've decided all this after spending only a few minutes with each of them? what if we haven't actually brought them home yet, they're off getting.. proceedures.. ![]() what if i feel bad... but i explained to them that now they can do whatever they want with each other, consequence free? what if that's gotta be a plus..? what if i still feel bad ![]() what if i hope kim is still nice and his personality hasn't changed completely, though i don't think i'd blame him if it did? what if the girl cat (currently unnamed) seems nice enough as is, but i didn't really bond with her, so i probably won't be devestated if she turns? what if kim might run away? what if i just hope my parents don't *say* that he's run away, when really they've just taken him away somewhere to get rid of him..? what if i didn't even think of that ![]() what if kimmy's fur is all sandy-like? what if he's pretty? what if kitties are neat? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroll Guru |
What if I love cats!? What if good for Mag!? What if mine's so fat and spoiled? What if that's why I named him Meatball? What if I got him from a cat pound? What if he was bigger than his cage? What if I found that soooooo cute!? What I love him so death and now want to go home to squeeze him and love him and call him George? | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if.. am i "Mag" ![]() what if i'm supposed to be attempting an assignment right now? what if i'm not stressing about it, cause i think i can make a lot of it up? what if that, or plagerise the bejesus out of it? what if, should be fun ![]() what if, but i'll tell you what's not fun - fear factor? what if i really don't know if i can watch that show EVER again? what if it's not because i'm afraid or grossed out, it's because i find their lack of ethics unfathomably appalling? what if i thought i could handle watching 400 rats suffocate under the writhing weight of one another while a ditzy blond freaked out and inevitably crushed a few of them.. i could tell myself that they were all okay, and that i was just imagining that look of depseration and hopelessness as they clawed at the glass they were mercilessly squashed against.. unable to move.. or breathe.. but then last night i saw people eating live dragonflies and worms? what if LIVE dragonflies, one of the most beautiful, magical insects in the world, crunched and digested to death for the purpose of a stupid tv show? what if LIVE worms, compacted into a saussage skin, and therefore having the problem that the rats did, only to be chewed up and swallowed at the end of it? what if i think i actually shed a tear over the dragonflies...? what if next epsode they'll probably "dare" someone to bite the head off a dove? what if people are twisted? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I don't see how anyone can watch Fear Factor? What if it's not allowed in my home if I'm anywhere near the television and could possibly catch an accidental glimpse of it? What if I don't care if someone wants to fling himself from a moving car to a moving boat, or whatever, but it doesn't thrill me, nor do I wish to see any of the aforementioned bug and animal "feats"? What if those, as mentioned, involve other creatures and are also just gross? What if eeeeeee! kitties!!? What if I want to suggest the female be named Kath, but it's probably obvious that I would say that? What if there would probably be all kinds of explaining what with Kim being the boy Kim, etc...? What if Kim will be, as you probably know by now, even nicer after his...procedure? What if boy kitties are snuggly? ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if some network on my cable system runs Fear Factor in sydication at 6pm weekdays? What if at least twice a week I inevitably channel surf right on to it just as I am about to eat dinner ? What if it's always the "let's-eat-some-cow-eye-worm-foot-spider-intestine" challenges? What if the same thing tends to happen to me with particularly graphic CSI scenes too? What if someday I learn my lesson and start eating in the kitchen instead of in front of the TV? | |||
Scroll Guru |
What if oops typo, I meant Mad? What if I hate Fear Factor just as much? What if awwww, poor Dragonflies? What I used to tag Dragonflies? What if I also tagged a butterfly in Ohio that flew all the way to Mexico and BACK? What if WOW, I wish I could to that? What if if the butterfly can do it broke so can I? What if I'll stuff myself in a the cargo bay of a plane? What if I'll steal the uniform of a maintenance worker and hijack a flight of stairs and climb into the cargo bay that way? What if I think that might actually work? What if I'm scaring myself with my thoughts? | |||
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