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Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i have had an eyelash in my eye for 3 days and it wont friggin' come out >_<? what if how the HELL am i supposed to sleep on that?? what if i have to go to social doo tomorrow night, and then back up tp see yugi with say the next day? what if, don't ask me where "say" came from, i've just been hearing it in my head for a while now? what if say (in my twisted logic) is apparently short for salem, by the way? what if i don't expect it to last and i discourage any further use? what if, if fact i copy write it, so that no one can use it without my express written consent? what if god i've been awake too long today ![]() what if "duel masters", by the way, not "duel monsters"? what if "duel monsters" is the yugioh card game? what if ps, i want those lolipops? what if i'm sure they'd just end up squashed and ant-infested at the bottom of my schoolbag like that goku lolipop did? what if i never got to taste his sweet jelly? what if...*blinks*? what if SLEEP!! GO NOW!!? what if okidilidokilyschmokilido, i'm going to bed? what if i'll see YOU later ![]() ~ what if uh oh, new page, a responsibiltiy i was not ready to face? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if thanks lila? ![]() What if usually when I'm speaking of you, to a non-Scroll person, I refer to you by your given name? What if but if it's to a Scroll person, you're just lila? What if no worries madogis, I've heard every single 'Sadie' song, even had them sung to me so it's okay? What if I think my favorite would have to be that song 'Sweet Sadie', just because a group of my friends sung it to me as a choir? What if and I usually hate people singing at me, but that was cool? What if my computer at home is being stupid so I am stuck using the work comp til I get it fixed? What if oh technology, how fickle is thy heart? What if I'm curious too, just how Heitie truly pronounces her name? What if rolling r's are fun, specially if you can do it for quite awhile? What if yet another benefit of speaking Spanish? What if I've actually seen that Duel Masters cartoon? What if I did have to laugh at how much they poke fun at themselves? What if "Oh no, there's that ominous music again, something bad must be about to happen!"? What if heh? What if hopefully the comp will be fixed tonight? What if yay? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
quote: What if not THAT often but always with fondness? ![]() What if I was almost named Deidre or Jamie? What if I don't feel like a Deidre or a Jamie? What if *really* I was supposed to be Robert or Christopher but my anatomy had other plans so adjustments were made? What if that last line makes it sound like I had a physical problem at birth? What if nope it's just that everyone thought/hoped that I was going to be a boy but I was a girl? What if I don't think there were ultrasounds way back when? What if my family relied on old wive's tales and Italian folklore to determine the sex of babies in utero? What if ![]() | |||
What if I was either gunna be Samantha or Michelle? What if since they already knew i was to be a girl? What if i think i woulda preferred Samantha? What if my Brother was gunna be either Simon Peter (which he is) or Adrian David, he is very glad he didn't get the later, since my mum and my aunty were recieving children around the same time (ok my aunty gave birth) and who ever had their kid first got simon, and the other one got adrian (cause they both liked both names) but then my cousin Adrian grew up with the nickname Aidy..lol... which is why my brother is very glad he never got to be adrian. ********************************* | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if i'd been a boy i'd be named Walter Robert? what if III (the third) ? what if i think i would've preferred WEndy Ruth to being THE THIRD!!!!? what if geez, how original? what if my brother got that honor and goes by Wally? what if, yes Shawn, WALLY!!!? what if that would be more amusing to me if my sister weren't coming to visit tomorrow? what if....long-ass story, don't ask? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if cora has gotten meatloaf songs in my head? what if i'm unsure if that is good (cause i like meatloaf) or bad (cause i don't know much of the words)? what if i'm cold ![]() what if i wonder if australia is slowly drifting back down to join onto antarctica again? what if gondwanaland, here we come? what if i really shouldn't watch documetary snippets at random? what if when the HELL is harry potter 3 coming out!?>.<? what if i'm betting that what if pissed zoomie off somethin' royal (harry, anime face, the fact that it's by me...) ![]() what if salem was trying to send me anime smut about female bats and female cops gettin it awwn?...potentially? what if bakura doesn't seem like he'll be in the yugioh movie ![]() ![]() what if, interesting that the phrases "anime smut" and "getting it awwn" immediately lead me to think of bakura? what if i suppose i am getting pegasus in the movie - i can't have everything? what if i go watch the ep where those two delightful boys had their confrontation and reminiss? what if i bet bakura's dead ![]() what if somthing i read said that yugi now holds the millenium ring, which is supposed to belong to bakura ![]() what if i guess the evil spirit within it(whom i love and adore) has been banished to the shadow realm for all eternity? what if, but he's come back before, he can come back again? what if he turns up at the end of the movie to rain bloody vengeance down upon them all, but ted lewis (the guy that voices him) hasn't been credited anywhere because the writers wanted it to be a surprise? what if yeah, that's it - i'm sure that's what they're up to ![]() what if *rocks back and forth in a nervous little ball*? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I want to see what Heitie really looks like now? What if Sonic X is a filthy show? What if at least we know where it gets the 'X' in the title from? What if I love Hocus Pocus? What if I named one of my rabbits Binx? What if the other one was named Salem? What if, I wasn't allowed to have cats? What if they weren't black rabbits either? What if I had a depressing childhood? ![]() What if hehe? What if I just got home from my terrible ordeal of being fitted for a suit? What if there was far too many people there? What if I don't have the body shape to wear a suit properly? What if I sigh? What if *sigh*? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
quote: What if she did and is now curious, assuming you meant the me she? What if ![]() What if I watched Supersize Me this evening? What if his scientific method was way off (he also altered his exercise regimen) so the results are skewed, but it did make me resolve to eat at McDonald's once a month at the most, and then we'll only get one thing each? What if Paco and Paco Jr. watched it as well and both agreed to the once-a-month idea? What if Heitie Jr. was asleep, but shouldn't argue the point once we explain? What if I've been making big thermal carafes of tea lately and I feel very well hydrated? What if it's awesome? What if I love Shawn's signature quote? What if Taxi irritates me for some reason, but I don't know why? What if it's maybe the Tony Danza element, or possibly that guy who was in Grease? What if watching Alias today I decided that I really want some black spywear? What if also some spyware, one being clothes, the other gadgets and various accoutrements? What if I pronounced accoutrements Frenchly like whatshername in Kissing Jessica Stein? What if because I have to say like that now, it was so funny it's become part of who I am? What if we're getting a Costco I found out today? What if that's awesome from what I understand? What if I want something with barbecue sauce on it suddenly? What if I had Chinoise for dinner, maybe that's why? What if it's not special for 800 million Chinoise because they don't have orange chicken? What if I wonder if there's a word for Kath & Kim fans? What if because the people who haven't watched the show see "Chinoise" and think I've gone off and sometimes I'd like a simple way of saying it isn't just something my brain made me say? What if I put a ![]() What if that all made little sense but I'm somehow going to post it anyway? What if like this..... | |||
Scroll Tragic![]() |
quote: What if Yeah I knows that ?? What if I kinda thought that made it extra Amusing,actually...?? Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i have far too many things to do? what if how did this happen, three days into me being home ![]() what if i pike at the party and leave at 9.30? what if i plan to have my mother pick me up out front? what if i'll be drunk and disorderly - i somehow expect my mother to be proud o.O? what if i discovered that there are episodes of yugioh being run that i had know idea about? what if the noah kaiba saga? what if it in no way effects anything to do with the movie, but it is some interesting background history to the kaiba brothers? what if noah kaiba is kinda cute, kinda REALLy cute? what if ![]() what if i wished to post a better image but frickin' angelfire wouldn't let me >.<? what if ah well, you get the idea? what if he's a bit scary though, even for me? what if that's saying something? what if he's brainwashed mokuba into protecting him from seto, when SETO is mokuba's reeeeal brother! noah is using mokuba as a decoy! he doesn't care about mokuba at all!!? what if oh the cruel irony!!*cries*? what if ohhh...yugioh and jaffa's are a dangerous mix ![]() -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I just finished Eternal Darkness!!!? ![]() What if it had a f*cking awesome final battle? ![]() What if I'm on a high, the type that only comes when you beat a game you've been at for a while? ![]() What if I think I can play through the games another two times now to get a new ending? What if I'm up for it? What if I go crack open the tia maria and put on some footy franks in celebration of the occaision? ____________________ ![]() | |||
What if now i have a CD player in my car, and new front and back speakers? What if, get with the times Ame? What if i tell Maddie i think HP3 comes out on Dec 1st, but check with the boy? What if, you buy it from ezydvd and get a free lego Night Bus? What if, whilst still talking to Maddie, whilst i was shopping today i saw something you might like? What if, you know the brand of bandaids, johnson and johnson, and how they have wiggles and HP bandaids? What if now they also have Yu gi oh, so go cut yourself all over, so you can plaster them all over yourself? What if i have prawns? What if Mick won a small seafood tray at the pub, but it only consisted of prawns and oysters? What if now i feel like lobster? ********************************* | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if, hell, after all my work of severing all ties with people, I got phoned by 'alissha'? What if she was ringing to see if I was still alive? What if, after not speaking for almost a year? What if I blame all of this on Maddie? What if she comes back and gets invited to parties, and now I get a phone call? What if, they were doing jelly shots while they were speaking? o.o What if now they want me to go visit them? What if because they live in Sydney now? What if on top of it all, I have to set the clock forward an hour! What if man! ____________________ ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i'm back from partying? what if i resorted to labyrinth songs to keep up my stamina ![]() what if "your eyes can be so cruel!!>_<?"? what if people joined in ![]() what if it was an intersting night all round? what if there were children and i wasn't opposed to their presence (be shocked)? what if there was a fire and i didn't run screaming in the opposite direction? what if a girl who once had her sister punch me in the back was being really caring and supportive of me all night? what if there was a boy who i'm told i've met before but couldn't remember but ended up kissing? what if i'm kind of new to the whole being wanted thing, so i had to keep asking if i was responding correctly? what if, and yes, he was there during the labyrinth singing ![]() what if i don't know that it will go anywhere but it was nice to know that someone somewhere is at least slightly interested in me on some level? what if mum says "hi" to salem by the way o.o? what if 12 o'clock - just a reminder? what if a very intersting night indeed? ~ what if i'll remember none of this in the morning? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if oh yes, thankyou to ame for the hp information - i'll sleep better at night knowing that i have a date to aim for? what if, and to salem, it's not my fault you didn't do a good enough job of alienating your friends -leave me and my inexplicable popularity out of this!? what if only i could use a word like "inexplicable" when i'm drunk ![]() what if sleepy time - yugeeoh in the morning ![]() what if *happy sleepy face*? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if drunkeness makes me type better ![]() what if have a headache ![]() -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if we bought a bottle of Vampire Wine, a 2003 Merlot, for Halloween? What if it's from Transylvania, or rather Romania, the modern incarnation thereof? What if heh? What if it was right in our Meijer grocery store, but Michigan isn't even listed on their locator thing, which makes me think it's hard to find and I should pick up more while I can find it because it's different and unusual? What if the blood dripping from the V is a little much, but otherwise it's pretty good? | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if Vampire Wine sounds nice? What if I wonder if Heitie joins the club and gets a video? o.o What if I'm imaging Maddie and the boy kissing like Kath & Kel do? What if hehe? What if Maddie hasn't changed her clocks so 12 o'clock to her is really 1? What if I bet I need to change the Scroll time? What if I'm listening to the Jean Genie? What if that reminds me, I saw the DVD of the Reality Tour yesterday? ![]() What if I'd already been and bought things and I didn't want to go line up again because the queue was long? What if next time though? ![]() ~What if woo, the Scroll time is already changed? ![]() ____________________ ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
quote: what if *searches for the nearest razorblade*? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
What if i overkilled on the word whilst? ********************************* | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if xc was in a freak car accident? What if xc was the freak in the freak car accident? What if some lady bumped hard her car twice into xc's car? What if that was no disco bump, lady? What if her car ram mine through an intersection? What if xc had to let her car ram mine through as to avoid her swerving one way & running over a pedestrian? What if by then i noticed she was hanging on to steering wheel while looking passed out- or dead? What if after being rammed thru intersection, xc pulled his car over while the lady's car drove into parking lot knocking over a metal post, a stop sign for an adjacent alley, cracked a concrete parking block and rammed into the back of another car in another parking lot before stopping? What if it seems she must've had a seizure or some medical problem? What if i hope she's okay now as she was glazed over unconscious at the scene? What if hope she's got insurance too? What if hope my neck stops hurting soon? What if xc's gonna be paranoid now driving in town & seeing close cars in rearview mirror? | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if that does indeed sound like a freak car accident? what if i'm just glad that xc's okay? what if here's something to cheer you all up - i saw the yugioh movie today ![]() what if bakura wasn't in it *preparing to cry myself to sleep*, but from all accounts, he is alive and well? what if pegasus was fricking HOT in that movie? ![]() what if ok, so that's not from the movie, but it does show him with a glass of wine in his hand, which is always fun to see ![]() what if also fun,*pegasus to kaiba*: "let's not get nasty...not yet anyway" ![]() ![]() ![]() what if i swear those two boys are meant to be ![]() what if in fact, i think i have to buy the movie when it comes out just for their subtext-riddled exchanges ![]() what if yugi and yami aren't bad either, talking about "the people you really love" and then staring deeply into each other's eyes ![]() what if i love yugioh, i really do ![]() -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if everyone has a happy halloween? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if I am glad that xc is okay cause that sounds scary? What if I was paranoid for a while after being a passenger in an accident where we were hit from behind? What if I admit that i still am a little if I am not the driver and it sometimes results in me unconsciously hitting the "phantom brake" on the passenger side floor? What if I have control issues? What if I am wondering if xc's vehicle is okay? What if I have lots of duct tape if needed? ![]() | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if geez louisee i'm glad you're okay, xc? what if you be sure and get that sore neck checked out just in case, k? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
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