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What if I have always wanted to go to the Texas State Fair? What if it is supposed to be a one of the better state fairs? What if in college I went to every county fair within 100 mile radius? What if I used to be a bit of a hick? What if lila should come to Texas and that could be my excuse to hit the fair? What if I also want to go to the Renaissance Festival? What if I haven't been in years? What if as goofy as it can be, I always enjoy myself immensely? What if all of the fun starts in October here because it is too frickin' hot the rest of the year? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ![]() | |||
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what if decided against going to KY state fair? what if have to think of closer, cheaper thing to do? what if rent a dvd? what if click on state fair links & pretend i's there? what if rearrange sock drawer? what if take socks with holes to backyard & burn 'em? what if roast marshmallows over burnin socks? what if have xc wives in contest for Miss Burned Socks 2013? what if its a bikini contest & i'm the judge? what if yay!? | |||
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What if I wonder if the Texas State fair is the one with that REALLY BIG cowboy statue? What if this October is too soon but what if I go to Texas State Fair next October and see for myself? What if I owe Shawn a visit? What if I make a countrywide tour to visit ALL Scrollers at their state fairs? What if a WORLDWIDE tour? What if it could happen, that'd only be, what, 6 stops? What if ![]() ( What if edited -twice- for spelling and grammar because I'm still a geek?) | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if the Michigan State Fair was dissolved a couple years ago and the grounds sold? What if we now have "The Fifth Third Bank Michigan State Fair"? What if I wish I were kidding? What if we have some good county and local fairs, though, thank goodness? What if the Ionia Free Fair is amazing, and then there's the National Cherry Festival and all the Renaissance dealies? | |||
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what if how awful to have a bank state fair? what if no one takes an "interest" in it? what if it "loans" nothing to having fun? what if you'd be "savings" time & money by not going? what if it be better to "deposit" yourself at a county fair instead? | |||
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what if i'm considering going to a flea market/craft show for Labor Day? what if there's a big one in New Castle Indhickiana? what if another big one- a Blueberry Festival- in northern Indhickiana? what if maybe i go to one of them? what if maybe i talk myself outta it like i did with the KY state fair? what if i would like to get outta town before the year ends tho? | |||
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What if it's not just a bank, it's a bank and two-thirds? ![]() | |||
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What if xc has me giggling? ![]() ![]() | |||
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What if hahaha, indeed? ![]() What if for years I did a 'the hell...' face every time I drove past one of their 5/3 signs? | |||
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what if dreadin dentist tomorrow? what if dread mouth gettin over numbed again? what if even after tomorrow i still have one more fillin? what if that's if they are not scamming me which they might be? what if not sure yet i believe i need the crowns they say i do? what if wish i could afford a 2nd dental opinion? | |||
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what if dentist keeps comin up with supposed things wrong? what if dental insurance will run out before they can bleed me poorer? what if i have no intention of seeing all those supposed dental appointments thru? what if dental conspiracy? what if Illumindental? what if the only crownin be done will be on their heads? | |||
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what if i have finished watching Xena for this year? what if i start again next year? what if gotta find something else to watch in the meantime? what if i watch old eps of the first Beauty & Beast show? what if but only S1 & 2? what if not crappy half-season 3? what if when Linda Hamilton left series it sucked badly? what if guess i start on that next week? what if maybe? | |||
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what if woke up today with sore finger? what if maybe an insect bite? what if hope not arthritis? what if arthritis runs in fam? what if mama xc got arthritis much younger than me? what if put hydrocortisone on finger? what if took mortrin pain pills? what if finger turns green? what if gotta chop it off? what if its the middle finger? what if would hate losin the bird finger when i gotta flip off politicians on tv? | |||
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what if finger feeling somewhat better? what if takin pain pills & putting lotion on it? what if must've been one heck of an insect? what if takes more than a insect bite to keep an xc down? what if my job keeps me down tho? what if that's a subject for another 'what if' or 'why is it that'? | |||
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what if might go to big flea market in New Castle on Labor Day weekend? what if depends on weather? what if depends on gas prices? what if depends on whether the xc wives wanna go too? what if need a harem-van? what if a harem caravan so each wife gets their own wagon? | |||
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what if campus was less crowded cuz ppl takin off 4 day Labor Day weekend? what if i hate holidays? what if i'll probabababably be workin on labor day? what if cuttin down tree & shrub branches? what if not sure going anywheres yet? what if wonder what other scrollers are up to today? what if the what if thread needs other scrollers so's i won't be yacking to meself? | |||
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What if I live right near a college and now that I read xc's thread it makes sense why it is quiet and traffic-lite around here right now? What if I am unclear if the kids went home, went away or have not fully moved in yet but I like it? What if I worked today? What if I have a sort of three day weekend if you don't count the fact that I did bring paperwork home? What if I posted part of my plans in the concert forum What if I'm not sure of the rest of my plans except that I want to grab a movie with friends and maybe food? What if I also feel compelled to be in my yard enjoying it as much as possible before new england winter comes along? What if I do not enjoy my yard AT ALL when the activity in it involves snow shoveling? | |||
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what if they held a big arts & craft show in town today? what if they do it here every Labor Day? what if the stuffage they sell is too co$tly for a poor xc? what if i walked thru the area but didn't even consider buying? what if rich college kids & prof's & dr's & lawyers & such can buy them fancy antsy artsy fartsy high priced stuffage? what if but i gots my harem & my music & they can't buy that!? | |||
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what if trimmed shrubs today? what if trees & shrubs came with levers to remove branches & leaves? what if branches & leaves dissolved instantly upon reaching the ground? what if they dissolved into a something that killed weeds & insects? what if those killed weeds & insects let off an aroma which when lifting into the air, cleared up pollution for miles? what if i bottled the aroma & it also attracted more xc wife candidates into the harem? what if i could possibly be high on that aroma & hallucinating any good it could do? | |||
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What if I want some of whatever xc is on..? | |||
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what if tree trimmed today? what if wish the branches woulda dissolved before hitting the ground? what if wish i had laser fingers to zap branches into ash? what if i'd also use my laser fingers to burn my way thru snow in winter? what if i'd join the Avengers with my laser fingers? what if then i'd cozy up to the Black Widow ![]() | |||
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What if my super power is the ability to totally screw up my previous posts..? What if that & the ability to gain say 5Lbs a year for 20 YEARS !!!!!!! Whta if i weigh nearly TWICE what I did when I started scrolling & have little more than 1/2 as much hair...?? What if LOL..? | |||
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what if my weight & hair ain't changed much since i started scrollin all them years ago? what if my socks ain't been changed either ha ha? what if i don't feel any older since i became xc? what if music & xc wives keep me young? | |||
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what if i thought i was gonna be workin 8 hr days Wed-Fri this week? what if still 4 hrs this week those days? what if not much mullah for that? what if but i dun care for that job anyway? what if gives me more time to look for good full time job? | |||
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What if apartment in my rowhouse A was broken @ 18 months ago..?? What if apartment B was broken into last nite while I was @ the movies with my daughter..? What if Im apartment C..?!?!?!?!?!??! ![]() What if my Ex has an apartment that just got cleared out by some black drug dealers..? WHat if they tore the place up pretty good I hear.. What if she wants me to fix & paint..? WHat if maybe I will try to just rent it from her instead as my lease is up in Nov. ? What if all I can afford is @ $325..? WHat if she rents it for nearly $600..ussally which is why I have never rented it from her...? WHat if thats more than 1/2 my monthly Check....? What if I cant even apply at the local Section8 office because the secretary is a racist & throws out my applications..always.. What if I applied for section 8 1st in 1999 & Have NEVER received any notices from them..or anything? What if I reapplied 2-3 more times also...? What if she will not even allow me to speak if I call their phone number..? What if I cannot get past this woman to actually get the help & need & am entitled too? What if I havent let it bother me too much because Ive always found ridiculously low rent places that were glad to have me.. but I really need this now..? What if I get section 8 & my ex sells ...that way I can keep my rent covered...YaY? | |||
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