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What if xc's new sig is fun? | |||
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what if i had tried to find a pic of both Angie & Julia together? what if couldn't find such a pic? what if opted out for Angie then? what if all xc wives are trapped under the harem dome? what if but i need them all!? what if and i need more xc wives!? what if more & more xc wives!? what if a planet of the xc wives!? what if ![]() | |||
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what if i went out walkin earlier? what if there were 7 sheriff cars on a nearby street? what if they had the street all blocked off? what if they had a van pulled over? what if not sure what goin on? what if the deputies eyed me suspiciously? what if i forgot to tell them i had a harem of wives? what if i forgot to tell them i had neighbors buried in my back yard? what if i forgot to tell them that awful smell was my stinky socks? what if i shoulda sent them after the missing scrollers? what if arrest them for not posting in a timely manner!? | |||
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what if worked a record 20 hrs this week? what if damn university don't pay much? what if no insurance either? what if still lookin for full time jobs? what if slim pickens to no pickens? what if mostly babysittin jobs? what if i already babysit the scrolls & i dun get paid for that!? | |||
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what if here i is? what if didn't what if yesterday? what if posted in music & movie forums? what if at least i posted? what if more than i can say for YOU!? what if whatever? | |||
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what if October? what if mama xc's b-day this month? what if halloween this month? what if xc fights falling leaves? what if leaves win? what if apple cider? what if gov't shutdown? what if shut down all re-poop-licans & dumb-o-crats? | |||
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What if thats a Great Idea..? What if me Spell checker is gettin all snotty @ thats..? What if piss off-age & stuff I say..??? Whta if I dont get No Respect not even from a spell checker..? | |||
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What if I think the BEST answer is to declare ALL tea-baggers traitors ..? What if we round them up & ..well you know what we do with traitors dontcha..? WHat if alla them going to meat their maker would be better than winning the Lottery..? What if Im too poor to say that ,,but its been said...? | |||
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what if the Obombyacare site crashed? what if Obombyacare couldn't fight that virus? what if affordable health care = not!? what if affordable fer them that can afford? what if congress gettin paid during gov't shutdown? what if revolution time!? | |||
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by xenacrazed: what if affordable health care = not!? What if it will be.... Im not crazy about the law but it WILL work.I want Single payer & NO Insurance companies at all. what if affordable fer them that can afford? I think it actually goes down to free for the truly destitute what if congress gettin paid during gov't shutdown? What if yes thats obscene..? what if revolution time!? What if oh yeah THAT will guarantee us a newer more better Govt..? | |||
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what if revolution won't guarantee a better gov't but at least we'd be rid of the crooks in office now? what if i still don't trust obombyacare? what if a scam is a scam & nuthin is free? what if i don't trust the gov't where health is concerned? what if i don't trust the gov't- at all!? | |||
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what if i bought a wet/dry shop vac? what if i also bought a gutter buster? what if vac & gutter buster are for sweepin up leaves outta my gutters? what if so's i don't have to climb ladder & get on roof? what if it works but i had to order an extension attachment? what if hopefully it gets here next week? what if i had the mullah i'd have all trees in leave cloggin distance of my gutters cut down? what if Euell Gibbons was alive he could munch on them trees? | |||
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WHat if they just need to be voted out....if you ask me this is pretty much where I thought Reagan & all his BS would bring us....? WHat if I mean a corrupt government beholden to big money....? What if thats whats corrupting politics? WHat if xc will LOVE Affordable Healthcare Act first time he gets drastically ill..??? what if he {& all of us} would be better off under a Govt run single payer system ...if we can keep the Repubicans outta govt..? What if yes Nuthin is free unless youre rich & can manipulate the govt. & public opinion..{can you say Fox News}? | |||
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by xenacrazed: what if i don't trust the gov't where health is concerned? Y not..? the government only runs poorly when people who hate Govt. are the ones running it.. what if i don't trust the gov't- at all!?[QUOTE] What if THATS just what those who are ruining America WANT you to feel/believe..?? What if I freak out old xc & inform him that Im a S O C I A L I S TI think we should ALL own & run the goverment & we should all own everything...? What if I continue to freak him out by saying... I think out of control Capitalism {like we have had since Ronny Raygun} is more like Communism than a REAL Socialism would be..? What if... how so...All the money & power is in the hands of a few elites just like USSR China & modern USA..? What if I dont want to overthrow representative govt. I want to over throw Capitalism & impoverish our world destroying wealthy..Make them Pay for what they have done to OUR earth..? What if our biggest obstacle is how willfully stupid & ill-informed most Americans are..? What if.. how in the 'Information Age' is it possible for so many to "know" so much that is patently FALSE..?? What if how & why is America SO Effin STUPID....? | |||
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What if Robert Reich from the Clinton Administartion.. was on Bill Moyer's Journal last week {or so} & he stated that the 40... yes only 40 of the richest Americans have more money than the poorest 150 MILLION Americans..a worth of $16 Trillion? What if this IS NOT the America I want to live in or want our next generations to inherit..? What if all the bankers & big money interests not Only Deliberately Crashed the Economy & robbed all Americans of a prosperous future they ha ve fought tooth & nail to make sure nothing is changed so that they can do it again ..? what if most of the too big to fail institutions..are BIGGER now & have no laws or rules to prohibit them from gouging the taxpayers yet again ... What if I predict it will happen in less than 10 years if we dont kick out all the Republicans & the right leaning Democrats...? | |||
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What if I get back to normal scrolling nonsense ,now..? What if I cant even imagine xc wearing a bustier to clean out his gutters but if thats what gets his freak on....so be it..?? what if alla my posting caused me to miss my 11 o'clock news...Durnnit..? What if I already know its gonna be too warm & too steamy tomorrow..? | |||
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what if there is no such thing? what if nuthin is free? what if maybe affordable quack care? what if affordable health means piss poor physicians? what if back alley docs? what if affordable means they give ya a hammer & saw & expect ya to fix yer own health probs? | |||
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what if i'll wear anything or nuthin at all if it means not gettin on the roof? what if wearin nuthin might scare the leaves away? what if my freak is always on? what if i'm a fricken freak!? | |||
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what if i wish it were too warm & steamy here? what if i hate r#$n? what if too chilly at 65 degrees? what if want drought want hot humid air? what if NOW!? | |||
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What if it made it up to 83 & was really humid with no wind..?? What if 85F is the record for this date..? What if it was 73 when they were doing the 11 o'clock weather? what if the wind is gonna pick up & its gonna rain some more but only drop down to 65F overnite...? What if average overnight low is 47F for this date & record cold is 28F..? <Sarcasm> What if damn Gum-mint is causing Global Warming..?!?!?!?!? Only Big Business can save us all now..??? </Sarcasm> | |||
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what if annual trash burnin day at the xc house? what if smoke gets in me eyes? what if burn yrs' old papers & stuff? what if burn baby burn? what if xc wives burn their bras? what if burn all documents that may otherwise send me away? what if burn papers that prove there is no xc? what if i yam what i yam n that's what i yam i'm xc the stoopid man? | |||
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what if reactivated unemployment claim today? what if gonna collect partial unemployment? what if only pt cuz on pt time job? what if go back next week to file for voucher? what if lotta red tape? what if sticky red tape? what if not duct tape or masking tape? what if bureaucratic red tape? what if ooooOOOOooo that big word for small minded xc? | |||
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What if Im pretty sure you're not allowed to burn trash in my {Erie} county..? What if maybe not even in the whole state..? What if I wish xc luck on his under-employ-mint situation..? What if egg-see gets stuck standing on a street corner sellin' unemploy-mints to total strangers everyday until Hillary is elected to save us all..??? | |||
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what if this country is beyond saving? what if its been George Bushrack Obombya'd beyond saving? what if only the xc wives can save it? what if okay they can save me at least? what if bring on the xc wives!? what if ![]() | |||
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what if almost forgot to post anything today? what if it wouldn't matter anyway? what if Scrolls Pop. 2 or 3? what if line 4 now postin? | |||
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