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What if, I love Bill Withers' songs? What if RIP, I'm sure he's singing his songs for the people on the other side now? What if, we'll always have what he left behind? What if I took off that sig pic because it was too big? What if, I don't have the kind of software I need to size my pics right now? What if, so it's always Russian Roulette when I try to upload a sig pic and hope it's not super big so it will just disappear anyway lol? What if, I don't know if I'll upload another sig pic or not, I'll think about it but it gets annoying having to upload all these different pics to get the right size? What if, aside from that, just another day in quarantine? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if RIP John Prine? what if he was a killer songwriter? what if Hello In There is my fave song of his, one of many? | |||
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what if bye bye Bernie? what if we gotta get rid of the Trumpenstein Monster? what if Biden is much, much better choice than the orange haired baboon? what if even GW Bushit is better than the monster? what if the above statement was something i never thought i would say or think? what if Trumpenstein's stupidity is the real blame for the coronavirus killing thousands in the US? what if he wasn't so in love with himself and cared about others, things would be different? | |||
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What if I'm not happy about Bernie dropping out of the race, but I will vote for Biden to get rid of the Trumpetoid? What if I agree with xc about GW Bushit and yes I remember thinking he was the worst too? What if, and Trump IS killing us with his frighteningly pathetic take on the coronavirus!!! ![]() What if, he won't even wear a mask? ![]() What if he might secretly wanna kill us all to get rid of those who don't like him? What if, I don't want to spout off conspiracy theories but at this point I won't put anything past him? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if I listened to "Hello in There" yesterday and cried? What if, it's sad but great, and very true?? What if yes, RIP John Prine...I also love his song "Paradise?" What if, and "Some Humans Ain't Human?" What if, the older I get the older those pioneers who are older than me get...and sooner or later it will be Springsteen, a thing I am NOT looking forward to? What if, but Bruce is in such great shape, I can see him lasting a long time, like Keith Richards and Alice Cooper? What if there are no age limits on rock and roll, and that can keep ANYBODY young!!! What if, I always wanted to be a rock and roll musician, and live to be 99? What if, and drop down onstage after a dynamic song, and that'd be it! ![]() What if, John's dad died this past Monday? ![]() What if, at least he's out of discomfort? What if that's the only good thing about death? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if sorry about John's dad? what if very hard losing a parent? what if it's a loss that always sticks with you? what if hoping he takes time to grieve? what if my parents liked the song "Hello in There"? what if they couldn't believe John Prine was 24 when he wrote it? what if he had wisdom at a young age? | |||
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what if in America we elect the lesser of two evils for president/ what if the best person for the job never gets the job? what if the old guard politicians, special interest groups (liberal & conservative) & the press won't allow the best & brightest in the White House? what if it's always been rigged against the people & that is very sad? | |||
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What if thanks for your condolences xc! what if, you're right, that stays with you and you never just "get past it" but you can learn to manage it? What if, we're going to put off having a memorial until it's a little safer to go outside...if it ever will be? What if, I'm hoping it ends soon, I don't like living in fear? What if the whole government is a joke, I thought they didn't want a dictatorship anymore but they can't escape their roots, I suppose? What if, Johnny Depp once said that Trump would be the last president of the US, that it just wouldn't work after that? What if I almost hope he's right, but then what would we get? What if I hope it's the Native Americans!!!! "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if right wing nutcases protesting stay at home orders? what if the economy always recovers but dead people don't? what if low IQ'ers can't figure out anything to do with free time? what if they donate themselves to science to get a faster vaccine? | |||
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what if a handful of literary agents interested in book one? what if working on getting it edited? what if submitting some chapters to them? what if nice boost of confidence for my idea, hope it pans out to getting published? | |||
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what if Dr Trumpenstein says to ingest bleach against the coronavirus? what if him & his right wing. tea party protesting selfish assholes should try it first? what if the bleach would remove the ugly stain Dr Trumpenstein has left on the world since 2017? what if Dr Trumpenstein is COVID-17? what if coronavirus has lain dormant in us all & it was Dr Trumpenstein's 2017 inauguration that slowly began unleashing it with every stoopid thing that came out his big mouth? | |||
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What if, go you!!! ![]() What if I wish Dr. Trumpenstein would give me my stimulus check? What if, right around now would be perfect? What if John couldn't get into the supermarket without a mask so he had to turn around, go get some masks and then go back to the store the next day? What if I really wish the dental offices would open too, that would be nice, it's still medical even if it's just teeth!!!! What if, I'm trying not to read the news or listen to it bc it's all bad anyway. What if I'll stick to old country blues on YouTube. ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if thanks, Kate? what if i haven't received my stimulus check either? what if i wear a mask going to grocery store? what if when i remove it in the parking lot, people scream, babies cry so i have to put it back on? what if Indhickiana stay at home order supposed to end at end of the day April 30? what if social distancing will still be in effect? what if people social distance for me for years- i'm used to it? | |||
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Originally posted by xenacrazed: what if bye bye Bernie? what if we gotta get rid of the Trumpenstein Monster? what if Biden is much, much better choice than the orange haired baboon? What if I disagree ? What if a Shit pie with the top layer of shit scraped off & replaced with anything else is Still a SHIT PIE !!! What if Im saddened by the observation that alla my presumed eloquence didnt even cause you to pause to think.. as far as I can tell..?? What if ..as I said B4 if Biden had ANYTHING to Offer America he would have been president LONG before this..? what if Trumpenstein's stupidity is the real blame for the coronavirus killing thousands in the US? what if he wasn't so in love with himself and cared about others, things would be different? what if right wing nutcases protesting stay at home orders? what if the economy always recovers but dead people don't? what if low IQ'ers can't figure out anything to do with free time? what if they donate themselves to science to get a faster vaccine? What if alla this is quite true..? LoL What if I stop 4 now with a quote apparently mis-attributed to Mark Twain "Its easier to fool people that it is to convince them that they HAVE been Fooled." What if ..What A Fuckin Great thought...All of us humans are NOT self-correcting machines..Its important to try to observe our thought processes from a distance .. to LEARN, ...... to G R O W !!! What if ... to Grow up ! What if I HAD to do this ,to my best ability .. to defeat my Alcoholism. WHat if I suspect THIS is why people who cant/won do this find me so annoying.... What if there were times when I could have won the least popular scroller...I suspect. | |||
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Originally posted by xenacrazed: what if in America we elect the lesser of two evils for president What if not usually...2 the Good FDR JFK LBJ....to the Worst..RR, GWB Trump.... what if the best person for the job never gets the job? What if ..Hmmmm.... Look Im busy... being super-sick & stuff..OK?? what if the old guard politicians, special interest groups (liberal & conservative) & the press won't allow the best & brightest in the White House? What if YES.. the press has REALLY fallen down on the job since 1979....It appears it cant get up either.. what if it's always been rigged against the people & that is very sad? What if THIS ^ rite here is what Imma talkin about with the fooled quote from above...Its just not true...Yes, a coupla Assholes in Florida probably cheated Al Gore outta his presidency..along with a Supreme{ly corrupt} Court .... Republican.....of course. Remember the common wisdom was that a Catholick JFK couldnt win because too many were afraid he would be answerable to the Pope...didnt happen...probably the best president of my lifetime. What if we all consider that James Comey...committed a treasonous act .interfering with US elections...& THATs why Trump is in....just that lie was enuff... didnt need any illuminati type unseen hand... What if we all question ALL our beliefs .. for veracity...."its the Only way"..ask Gollum. | |||
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What if I too wish to send my sympathy & condolences... What if speaking of Dads .... mine would have had his 99th birthday a few days ago....? ![]() What if he died last century.....so Its been a while....but still this caused me to pause & reflect. What if he wasnt a very good parent but he wasnt a bad person either....I barely missed him even then... What if I could almost forgive him if I cared enuff to... What if you & john may take this loss hard.. but at least he was worth missing..? | |||
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What if its been said by one far wiser than me..... “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.” ― George Orwell, 1984 What if THIS is what conservatives offer America....This & Only this.... but it wont last forever......they will.... must destroy the earth.. its all they know how to do. | |||
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what if Trumpenstein has nothing to offer except selfishness, hatred & being a bully? what if i doubt very much Biden would suggest people ingest or inject bleach into their body- and that alone makes him better than Trumpenstein?
Okay i see your point except i despised LBJ. No matter what else he did, Vietnam overshadows it all, IMO | |||
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What if thanks for your condolences, Brucy.. ![]() What if it's getting a bit easier to manage but some days are good, some bad. What if, we've had to deal with all my father in law's stuff from his house, and we're getting a fair few pieces of furniture(which we actually need) tomorrow delivered in a UHaul. We'll be packing stuff and clearing out the house tomorrow best we can. That'll take some time I think but we are operating on the idea that we have to have it all out before 90 days because John's dad had a reversed mortgage. What if, but...there is the possibility we may not HAVE to get everything out of the house by the time the bank claims it...we might be able to just leave some stuff. My brother in law is going to look at the paperwork on the reversed mortgage and read the fine print just to be sure. What if, but until then, we are at least trying to take out what we could use ourselves or what can be sold, etc. It's a lot, but we're staying afloat. What if, I love old country blues music. That is part of what's keeping me afloat through all going on right now, here and in the world outside. What if, it's a beautiful day too, think I'll go out in the yard! "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if in other news, I got my Stimulus Check! Halleluia!!! ![]() What if I treated myself to a couple cool things yesterday but I'm trying to make it stretch a bit just in case of emergencies. It's not like that's going to last me months lol. What if, but I'll enjoy what I have and make it count!!! ![]() What if, I'm not sure what's going to happen with the opening up of the USA but I hope at least the dental offices will be opened up...I still have a procedure that is Necessary, not just luxurious? What if Dental is Medical too, Dr. Trumpenstein...at least a lot more knowledgeable about certain healthy matters...which does NOT include telling people to ingest bleach and kill ourselves anyway. "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if was that by direct deposit or check? what if i paper filed & haven't received mine? what if hope it don't take months to get here? | |||
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Okay I Agree wholeheartedly that Biden is a better PERSON than DJT I just dont think he will be a much better president... AT least with Trump the Right wing horridness is on full display....undeniable.
You're right about Vietnam, as colossal a mistake as Iraq with GWB....probably just as dishonest a deed too. | |||
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What if I got my paper Corona-Virus check same day as my normal month SS disability check... I did not have to apply...so I have no advice there. the problem is the only place I know of I can cash checks without a bank account is a local grocery chain. they are declining to cash it for me.....at 3 different stores...WTF???? | |||
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What if, it was direct deposit since I collect Disability and don't normally have to file tax returns. What if, I would call the IRS if I were you and get some answers. What if, you filed, you should get your check, but of course I don't know how they time these things for each person so again, maybe give Uncle Sam a ring and see what you can find out. "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if the IRS aren't answering the phones? what if i had to email them? what if i'm waiting for a reply? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . what if i am still waiting for a reply? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . what if Trumpenstein read my posts about him & canceled my check? | |||
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