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What if, that sounds aggravating, xc, hope it gets resolved soon? What if, I have no idea why these letters look so big right now while I'm typing? What if I'm typing on my phone since my computer is down right now? What if I ordered a new computer from Best Buy but delivery has been delayed for reasons unknown? What if, not being able to just go to a store has its disadvantages at times like this? What if I spilled coffee on my computer keyboard and two letters aren't working, so I can't do much with it if I can't type on it? What if, so I ordered a new one, and it was supposed to come today but oh well. What if, aside from that, we took home alot of John's dad's furniture and it really looks nice here? What if, it's like having a part of him with us still? What if, I hope wherever he is, he's enjoying not having to worry about the coronavirus? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — Erie County reported more positive cases of COVID-19 on Monday, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 3,939. 323 people have died from COVID-19 in Erie County. If I Recall there are @ 1.1 million people in Erie County,my county,so its not real bad here... its more than a 400 mile drive to NYC...I think. Hell its only 90 miles to Erie,PA mostly south... | |||
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What if, there are 13,316 confirmed cases of Covid and 424 deaths in Philadelphia alone? What if, that's twice as much as Bucks County? What if, I guess in the suburbs, some people are less likely than in the city to leave their homes for fun? What if, they have all those beautiful houses and gardens over there and that provides all the entertainment and recreation many people need? What if... it's funny how different places inspire different behavior sometimes? What if... take this virus away from us somebody please!!! "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if my county has 140,000 people, which includes the college students, most of whom went home in March? what if there have been approx 1500 tests done & 137 cases of coronavirus? what if not sure how many of the 137 are hospitalized but probably only few. the rest self-quarantined? what if 9 deaths? what if Indianapolis has way more cases & deaths? | |||
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What if I take back that Joe Bidet isnt much better than tRump..? Thursday's PBS Newshour said that the CDC relesaed a 17 page recommendation with guidance on how & when to reopen areas safely & thetRump Administartion promptly buried it.. Someone said "It will Never see the Light of Day"..WTF? theres a legal term that escapes me when some risks/injures someone with no regard for their survival..."Depraved"..something seems to apply here..? | |||
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What if EPIC WTF????? ![]() ![]() What if maybe Trump really is trying to kill us all??? What if, or someone is...who knows. Makes you wonder about conspiracy theories and their accuracy...at least a few of them could apply here. What if, Trump said once that Covid 19 was a hoax by the Democrats to make him look bad with the economy falling apart from ppl staying home, etc. BLAH BLAH BLAH. ![]() What if...but then, we all know Trump's insane. Truthfully I don't really feel like he's got a motive, other than to take care of himself first above all others. He seems to be flying by the seat of his pants...this is one thing a REAL president would be able to handle better...you know, someone experienced in politics and (gasp) helping other people first above themselves. I think at least some presidents have given a damn about the human race and not just themselves or some corporate agenda. Then again who knows about anything anymore. I just know I'm tired of this virus. "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if still no stimulus check? what if need it for my car? what if car needs several hundred, maybe thousand or more dollars worth of repairs? what if they send bills on time but not check!? | |||
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what if county decides this weekend how & when businesses begin opening? what if you won't get me sitting in any restaurant or movie theater? what if i have ticket for July concert but doubt i'd go cause I don't know how they'd have it while keeping people safe? what if even they require people wear masks at concert, they can't make them sit 6 feet apart? | |||
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depraved-indifference is the term I was looking for... It pretty much applies to the Entire Republican party... But I have not changed my mind... I STILL wil not vote for Joe Bidet. best reason is this....Bidet will just be more of the shitty rich get richer post-Reagan horse-shit. Allowing the Whiners who say " It doesn't matter which party is in charge..nothing changes." To be correct AGAIN just like when Shill Clinton, Barack Obummer were prez.... crappy Republican-lite presidents who betrayed the average American....24/7... | |||
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What if tRump's behavior is CLASSICALLY Narcissistic..? What if Brag, boast claim total superiority {over Everyone else} all the time always rite always Blaming not looking for solutions...thats for peasants.... What if what makes him seem so stupid & insane is that he will say whatever fits the situation to feel he is right & he BELIEVEs whatever he says while he is saying it.. What if narcissists are ALWAYS rite even when they contradict what they just said a minute ago....he only seems so loopy because he BELIEVES all the crap that comes out of his own mouth. What if anyone who really thinks they Deserve to be president is a narcissist,pretty much but they arent necessarily evil.. What if I have alot of experience with narcissism as my mom is a slightly malignant one. | |||
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what if to xc good luck with your car..& Stay safe... I dont think trusting science is a big fad in your area...thus 1 might expect it to get dangerous there really quickly. What if I have had a funny scary happenstance a few days ago... What if I was cruising the net minding my own business..& *WHAMMO* I was hit with a freakish vision problem ..I tracked it down to this.. Scintillating Scotoma What if the picture is not the same but the description is perfection. What if I dont have migraines but I really need to stop looking at the computer monitor for 10 hours {at least} a day.I DO NOT want this to get worse. | |||
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what if the county decides Friday whether there'll be anything opening or relaxing of stay at home rules? what if got my stimulus check finally? what if over half of it will go into the car being fixed? what if the Trumpenstein monster seems to be targeting Pennsylvania to reopen? what if run, Kate, run. the orange haired baboon is after you!? | |||
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What if, I'll be happy to see the Dental offices reopen. I need to get an upper denture that was just about to happen in April when they closed down the Dental offices and I couldn't get it done. What if my teeth suck so I really need that denture. What if...if Trumpenstein wants to open up Pennsylvania, fine, but I'll probably still stay home for most of the time. I'm not going into a restaurant with a mask on, and having to lift it up when I eat...that sounds weird lol. What if I have heard people who run or ride bicycles have to wear masks which seems very extreme to me. What if, those masks can ride up and cover your eyes when you're doing something active with them on. What if, I don't even know how many people the coronavirus actually killed...I've been hearing things like, people who die of something else but just happen to have the coronavirus, are listed as having died of the coronavirus. What if, that's scary? What if, I don't even know who's telling the truth, the World Health Organization, Center for Disease Control, the Media...certainly I know Trumpenstein's full of shit but there has to be someone to believe. What if, so I've just been listening for "up sides" to all this. What if, I need some balance if there is any, there has to be more than just Doom and Gloom. I'm not minimizing this or trying to make light of all the deaths that have happened due to this virus, but so many people have recovered from it, and it seems more have recovered than have actually died. What if...I'm not saying I know that for sure but there are a lot more cases of people having the virus than there are deaths, it seems. So it's not Doomsday or the Black Death. It's just a nasty virus that can cause a lot of problems, including death. What if, any reopening of places has to be done with care, and despite Trump's narcissism, not rushed into. "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if, i've had some experiences with narcissistic people myself so that all makes sense. What if, I always love those Trumpass supporters who claim the "left" is narcissistic and the media is lying about Trump, bla bla bla. What if, I always saw that man as a malignant narcissist. What if, there is a certain amount of narcissism I guess we all have when it comes to believing in something we're doing and wanting to succeed at it. What if, but you're right, it doesn't make them necessarily evil. What if, malignant narcissists will kill anybody who threatens their reputation or their agenda...maybe not shoot them with a gun or anything but they will go out of their way to discredit them, and ruin their lives completely. What if, that can be true anywhere, and then you have the narcissistic abusers who will belittle and gaslight anybody who disagrees with them in any way...and if you're in a relationship with one, look out! They'll mentally take you to the ground and continue to step on you until you can barely move. It's a wonder people escape those relationships with their minds still working. What if I lived with a malignant narcissist for four years, a guy who had me believing I was a piece of shit and the only one who understood me or could "put up" with me, was him. What if, I still have scars from that relationship, which is why things have not always worked out for me. But I think I have a good way of managing it better now than I did before. What if, it takes time to heal from that kind of thing but it can be done! What if, sorry to hear that about your mother Brucy, it's worse when it happens in family than it is with friends and lovers. What if, all we can do is just stay focused on what's important, I suppose. The rest will either stand or fall by either its lies or truth. "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if, by the way, glad you got your check, xc! What if I've just been treating myself with mine, but I did get a new computer a few days ago bc I had to? What if, I'd spilled coffee on my other computer's keyboard and it won't work right anymore but at least I had the money to replace it! What if, I still have some money left and I'm trying to make that last a little bit. What if best of luck fixing your car, xc, I'm sure it's a relief to have that extra money to do that! "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if got my car fixed cheaper than i was told? what if there will be other expenses for it (power steering) maybe later this year? what if Trumpenstein best get more stimulus checks out the door? what if my county is "opening up" slower than the rest of Indhickiana? what if other than grocery store & record store, i ain't going anywhere? what if Natalie Adele is happy i'm working remotely most of the time? what if now she can get petted & played with more often? what if wouldn't bother me if i worked remotely until i retire? | |||
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What if I spent some time in my pool and would like to get used to doing that on a daily basis provided the weather gets warmer more consistently? What if, it looks like this weekend is going to be gorgeous? what if, I'll take it, I'm tired of being inside all the time lol! What if, I need to get some vitamins so I can stay healthy that way too? What if the sun is nice for vitamin D but I am sure a multi won't hurt me either? What if, every little bit helps!!! "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if John and I are making use of our stimulus money to take Julius to the vet next Thursday? What if he's been drooling, and I've always been told that when a cat drools there are dental issues at work? What if, I imagine there will be some bad teeth and maybe even surgery where he gets extractions? What if, it does seem unfair that a cat can go get his dental issues taken care of but a human being can't? What if, but the upside is, animals don't get the coronavirus or transmit it over to humans. What if, it'll be nice to see Julius get that done tho, so he can be a happy cat with no discomforts? What if, this is what being a parent is all about!!! "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if i brush Natalie Adele's teeth with cat toothpaste three times a week? what if she has some tartar on her teeth? what if it is not easy brushing her teeth? what if she likes the taste of the toothpaste but hates the brush- a baby toothbrush- being in her mouth? what if good luck on with Julius, Kate? | |||
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what if my query letter is critiqued and ready to send off to literary agents? what if first three chapters of book one are almost edited for umpteenth time? what if getting them ready to email off? what if editing takes longer than writing the books in the first place? | |||
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What if, thanks xc, we're gonna get some brushes and toothpaste and start brushing their teeth if they let us lol. What if it's hard to brush a cat's teeth bc of everything you said? What if, they'd rather eat the toothpaste I think? What if it'd be great if they could just eat the toothpaste and have it do some good? What if I wonder how lions and tigers keep their teeth from falling out? What if...probably have their ways lol. What if eating apples and carrots are a good way to keep teeth clean too, not that I can imagine a tiger or lion or even my cats eating apples or carrots lmao??? What if they made a kind of treat that brushes a cat's teeth? What if I send in the idea to Purina or somebody? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if ..well It finally happened here to me... What if my older brother was found dead in his home apparently last nite..? What if he had been dead for a while..? What if it appears he died quietly at home surrounded by alla the thigs he stole from me. What if Im a bit surprised but not upset ...he was not good person...not horrible but too odd to actually have any friends... What if he lifelong could not see other people as human beings just something he might be able to gain in a transaction with. What if I long ago joked with my mom if he hadnt been brought up in such a strict, disciplined household he could easily have been a serial killer.. What if,yeah my mom's narcissism is inheritable... What if so... in a way its not completely his fault he was an asshole ... but he never did make much effort NOT to be one.. What if oh by the way they DO make cat toothbrushes..I own some but my stupid cats barely allow me to touch them{Long Story}so I was not able to brush their teeth ever... What if Vinney eats even hard food pretty well with only his 4 fangs left to him....he just gums away at stuff... | |||
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What if condolences are neither expected or necessary. What if dont be upset Im not....*smirk* What if it might possibly have been covid... What if he was on meds for Mania that were so strong he could barely talk... What if to give you an idea of him he would come to Xmas dinner with us every year..& hadnt washed since 2016 maybe even earlier. What if when asked his whispery reply was "Cawsshh money" WTF!?!?!? What if my first thought was that he died in a car accident...we always worried he was WAY too drugged up to drive... What if well have a nice day....I may need to make a few Phone calls & such.. see ya soon | |||
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what if i have no idea if my oldest brother is still alive? what if he wanted to steal the house from me that mama xc left me? what if he is very hard getting along with & nobody in the family speaks with him? what if but still, BrucE, if there were any good times, we should recall them, hard as that is? what if there aren't any good times, well, that's a different story? what if we can choose friends but not relatives? what if family drama is the stuff that can ruin other relationships if it gets outta hand? what if death in the family is kind of a reset button for clearing the drama? what if i got passed things my older bro did to me but that doesn't mean i want him back in my life? | |||
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What if, all experiences aside, that had to be a serious shock, Brucy? What if, I hope it wasn't the covid but even so? What if, hang in there, family issues of any kind are never easy to deal with no matter what may happen...time, death, whatever else? What if, John and I did a virtual play reading of Neil Simon's "Plaza Suite" last night with some friends? What if it was a lot of fun? What if, now I'm just waking up with coffee...at least we have a brewer now where we used to just have a French press? What if it's easier to save coffee by putting it through a brewer bc you use less than you would use in a French press? What if I love French presses and they make good coffee but I like saving coffee? What if, and I like brewers because they keep the coffee hot without having to heat it in the nuker after the first cup? What if, we got a lot of my father in law's things at our house? What if some of it is valuable and can probably be sold for a nice amount of money? What if, we'll probably work on that this week? What if, at least John and his brother don't have to empty out the house completely before it goes back to the bank? What if, I think I mentioned my father in law had a reversed mortgage? What if, I almost thought of getting that for ourselves, but changed my mind when I realized the lump sum they give you won't last the rest of your life and then you don't even own your own house? What if, and you'd still be responsible for paying taxes on it so why bother? What if oh well...more coffee!!! "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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