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Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I haven't left T-Town yet? What if it will probably be another hour before I do? What if it's damned cold today? What if business kept rearing it's ugly head? What if I don't understand why these people always have to wait until Friday? What if the Friday I'm trying get out early? What if...well...if not heard from by 7, give a call? ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if yay! anethesia-induced dreams of 300 nekkid Gabbies? What if anethesia wearing off to a weird between-the-worlds hazey-deja-vudoo-is-it-real or-is-it-a-memory kinda head feeling thing? What if the docs said don't make any big decisions today? What if uh does that mean i shouldn't have bought that house on ebay? What if it's also damn cold here too? What if it's also laundry day and i hope i'm clear headed enuff to put in detergent and not hair shampoo in the dryer oh i mean washing machine or did i put the clothes in the dish washer...oooops!? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if yay the scrolls are back!? What if the board caught some of that anethesia from me & passed out for awhile? What if yikes, sorry info pop eve board, i shouldn't have breathed my anethesia breath on the pc screen? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if the Scrolls have been down for awhile? What if Nora finally got her dirty ass here around 7? What if we went to eat at Chipotle and had a burrito? What if we just returned from C*ckbuster(blockbuster) with Kill Bill vols. 1&2 and....*drumroll* Barbarella? What if we're going to play a drinking game while watching all of 'em? What if and now here's Nora? What if one bottle of beer down, many more to go? What if we need drinking games for these movies? What if someone lets us know of a good Barbarella drinking game? What if one drink for every idealistic 60s notion that has since been shot down by the cynical times we live in? What if second bottle of beer and it's not one that we shall ever drink again? What if we are still honoring the rule of "no beer down the drain"? What if edited to add, yeah, f*ck that shit, this one went down the drain? What if we found the one beer that cannot be stomached? What if it's a sacrifice, but we shall drink it quickly so that it will not linger on the palate? What if my friend who sold me that will hear of our disdain? What if do not ever buy Barkley Sound Honey Almond Light? What if I mean it? What if that goes double for Sara? What if eeeeeeeewwwww? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if pizza buffet on Saturday yay? What if gotta have some fun for the tummy before starting on serious ulcer medicine? What if no like serious stuff? What if my stomach refuses to lighten the heck up? What if Barbarella? now there's a cool cult film i'd like to see again? | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i cannot express how freakin stuffed i am right now? what if exhausted that is? what if 20mins into the whole fiasco (of the toddler's birthday) i was already jack of it? what if they kept handing me toys, some of which were literally bolted into the packaging (well, screwed, but you know what i mean) and expecting me to cut them loose, AND not to destryo their precious instructions? what if all without removing the prying digits of the impatient child in question? what if 3hrs in i could stands no more, and this was BEFORE all the other kids had turned up? what if i declared that i was hot and tired and sick and was going to sleep and went to my sisters bed to do just that? what if i felt just like santo, except that i didn't have a christmas special to be doing so i just let everyone believe that i had a hang-over for some reason, cause yeah, that happens SO often with me ![]() what if that was all well and good till people started popping balloons (the sound of which terrifies me) and blowing noisemakers? what if i'm not kidding, these two little brats had to be going at it for a straight half hour? what if the pillow over my head did nothing? what if it didn't even offer sweet escape from the torment ![]() what if marty, incidentally, was invited but he "had rehearsal"? what if me thinks he was just far too intelligent to be roped into this mess? what if, on the upside, one of my sister's friends was almost attractive (he reminded me a bit of bruce samazan), so that gave me something to do for a while? what if i kept amusing myself by thinking of robbie and then "what is this, the year of the jerk!?>.<" ![]() what if heh, and i made my parents listen to green day in the car on the way back, and mother said "i heard that one", re my previous warning of swears? what if fun ![]() what if so tired...so very very tired...?This message has been edited. Last edited by: Madogis, -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroll Addict![]() |
What if good lord I have been having SERIOUS cigarette cravings lately? ![]() What if but sheesh it's been 12 YEARS since I lit up a cig???? What if I have NO idea what prompted these sudden cravings? What if it's really nuts? What if AAAAAAA? What if oh well to hades with it I'll eat a carrot stick and be a goody twoshoes? ![]() ![]() What if bleh? What if later for now? ![]() --------------------- "Those who love us...never really leave us."--some mortal dude from a 21st century movie ![]() Gotta love me! ![]() Come to my Corner! Xena's Private Tent ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if it's good to hear xc's surgery went well? What if serious ulcer medicine doesn't sound nice though? ![]() What if *snickers* Bruce Samazan? What if I feel sorry for Maddie? What if I had an enjoyable enough day? What if I went to Erina, but couldn't find the book I was after? What if, well, I did find it, but I shopped around to see if other places had it but they didn't, and when I went back to get it someone else had already gotten it? What if also, I went looking for 'Russian Doll' a movie featuring Laurie Foell, but couldn't find it? What if I spied Sabrina in the S section, so I took a look, thinking it'd be that Harrison Ford movie? What if it had 'the Teenage Witch' on it and then I saw that it was that TV movie that spawned the series, with all the crazt different people playing the characters? What if it really made my day, because I didn't know you could get that here? What if it also had a "Buy me, I'm cheap" sticker on it, so that was a boon? ![]() What if I felt self conscious buying it though, because I could tell I was being judged, like Kath when she buys the apron from Trude? What if "I'll take this thanks" "Really? Alright.." What if the cover mentions Prom Dresses? >.< What if I just got home from my sisters for a BBQ, but there were no toddlers involved, so I just sat there, occaisionally chiming in to the conversation and then fading into the background? What if I'm going to be sick soon though, as I kinda ate a whole loaf of garlic bread..? What if everyone else was eating this cheesy garlic bread stuff, so I couldn't just let the regular stuff go to waste? What if I'm not proud of myself though? What if I'm ashamed? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i'm interested in a book called "the gospel according to the simpsons" o.o? what if i's just curious is all? what if i've been watching futurama and seemed to have recovered some of my sanity? what if it was touch and go there for a while, but i *think* i've pulled though? what if bruce springsteen, madonna, way before nirvana there was U2 and blondie and music still on Mtv - her two kids in high school, they tell her that she's uncool, cause she's still preoccupied with 1985 o.o? what if i think i want this to be my theme song? what if, cause of it being about the 80s and also on account of me being born in 1985? what if go figure? what if i'm not sure why i brought this up, but there it is? what if i could really go for some milk and chocolate right now? what if i could reeeeaally go for some creamed honey and milk right now? what if creamed honey i don't have, so chocolate will have to do? what if thank you all for bearing with me through that difficult few seconds of my life? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i just started reading this: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1842317/1/ ? what if it's an animorph's fic about marco and jake? what if i didn't even know i wanted it til i read it? what if tobias who?? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if post 1777 for me ![]() what if i thought i'd better mention it now before i merrily skip past it later? what if, with that said though, i think i shall go to bed? what if see ya all tomorree ![]() -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if yay sunshine 2 days in a row now? What if dun mind cold just long as it's sunnu & dry? What if listening to the Acid Mothers Temple & the Melting Paraiso UFO cd? What if trippy music for a Saturday morning? | |||
Warrior Scroller![]() |
What if the Pit of Voles announced their downtime after the fact? What if they got the date wrong? What if livejournal had a massor power outage? What if I have a bad cold, icky? What if I'm immune to local cold germies so I ended up catching this one from my sister who lives 400 miles away? What if I got several boxes packed? What if the kitten keeps trying to pull the tape off the packed boxes? What if I dunno if my plates are gonna fit in these boxes? What if I put up a Paypal button for donations so I can rent a truck one way later on? What if dancing chibi Gojyo? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if lucky, it's taking 15 min to read & post a reply? What if a music shop site was even slower loading? What if AOHell has taken over my broadband service? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
Why if can't figure out if my email addy is filtering out emails i should get as junk ones? What if can't figure out how to allow all emails in? What if best phone 'em & find out? What if still damn cold? | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i'm having a slight ethical crisis? what if my dad's credit card is sitting next to me all unattended and stuff...*peers over at it*? what if "come on maddie, *use* me, you know you want to..."? what if...*puts a down-payment on a castle in france*? what if talking credit cards are so evil!>.<? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I hope Maddie got a nice castle? What if my computer is working again? What if it restarted about 8 times before it stayed on? What if I'm still on the laptop though? What if now there are two working computers and it's too confusing? What if I got around to finishing reading the TWoP recaps for the 5th Amazing Race? What if I read the thing for the TARcon as well? O.o What if I had no idea things like this went on and everyone knew who Miss Alli was? O.o What if I was very confused while reading? What if I'm always confused?This message has been edited. Last edited by: Salem, ____________________ ![]() | |||
What if I am gunan go now, and start my self induced Xena marathon I have decided to have? What if i am gunna work my way through s4, 5 and 6, one by one and in order. What if, let's see how long it takes me? ********************************* | |||
Chief Chesty Forlock![]() ![]() |
What if I'm not really crazy about the sound of popping baloons, either? What if I like the song 'Single Bed' by Fox? What if I remember rocking out at the school disco to 'Turning Japanese' by the Vapours? What if one of my friends reckoned that song has the most hooks out of any he's ever heard? ~~~~~~~~~~ ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if we all turned Japanese? What if the song was Turning Portuguese? What if I knew how to spell that? What if I'm almost finished Paper Mario 2? What if I don't want to be though? What if I have 33 hours and 35 minutes on my game file? What if I still haven't started Spyro again? What if *eyebrow twitches*? What if in my field of paper flowers and candy clouds of lullaby, I lie inside myself for hours and watch my purple sky fly over me? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I should probably mention I'm going to have very limited internet connection for a while, if it all? What if in my abscence from the net I lose interest and drift away..forever? What if to think that none of you will ever see my beautiful...typing ever again? What if it would be nice to disappear off the face of the earth for a while? What if and in a few years time have people ask "Hey, whatever happened to Salem?"? What if that then caused people to ponder and look to the sky, lost in thought? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if that sounds awful pretty ![]() what if *i'll* never forget you salem, oh keeper of the back-up VCR ![]() what if, oh right, and the years of fun and loyal friendship, sure...? what if "like a prayer" seems to be the official song of the dance where i come from? what if school discos though, that "boom! shake shake shake the room!" song by will smith seems to be coming to mind? what if that and the "grease megamix" o.o? what if oooh, "locomotion" - the days before kylie sold her soul for an insufferable "la" and some hotpants ![]() what if "remember the oooold days? remember the oooold day-aays?"? what if *sigh*, yes kylie, i do ![]() what if "hey ya", "toxic", and "crazy your love" always get me out on the floor these days, provided i've had far too much to drink? what if *hears "crazy your love" on the radio* - oop here we go *throws back another vodka and starts dancing the bustop*? what if o.o? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Warrior Scroller![]() |
What if never mind Kylie, gimme Little Eva's Locomotion? What if that's just a teensy bit before my time and I remember Grand Funk's? What if when the video to "Like A Prayer" was aired I had to explain every dang thing that was going on to my friends because I went to Catholic school? What if I have a cold? What if I said that already? What if Old Ben Lucas Had A Lotta Mucus? What if I didn't go to dances in high school because nobody danced so I went to parties in the neighboring city instead? What if why not who cares if why is that? | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i'm proud to say that i never went to a high school disco? what if i count it as one of my life's great acheivements ![]() what if i found another nice animorphs fic, but the last update was in 2001, so i don't really like my chances of seeing it completed? what if the chapters were pretty long though, so i guess i can't complain? what if and FYI, i've very much remembered who tobias is and why him and jake is such a better idea than jake and marco ![]() what if ah tobias, you hot, delicate little creature you... ![]() -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if my parents had Grand Funk Railroad's on a 45 and I listened to it all the time? What if I'm remembering wrong and there's no "Railroad"? What if Salem, don't go...*dramatically reaches toward fading clouds*...? | |||
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