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What if ...??
Scroll Guardian

posted 25 December 2004 12:21 PMHide Post
What if Inu Yasha's 2nd movie is in the mail?

What if there's still some anime sittin around yet to watch?

What if i make me self promise me self to finish watching the Kodocha anime series once & for all?

What if the subtitles on Kodocha go by way too quickly & there's no English dubbing?

What if i like watching anime with both subtitles & English dubbing just to sort out the difference in what's being said?
Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

Picture of Sara
posted 25 December 2004 01:10 PMHide Post
What if you lucky duck xc? Big Grin

What if I too like to watch in both languages to see the differences?

What if we watched Metropolis finally?

What if eh, it was okay but...the animation seemed cheesy to me?

What if and now, to finish getting ready and go over to give Tiff and Cole their presents?

What if and today shall be better than yesterday?

What if rock on Salem, you're gonna love that game!?

What if you'll have to let me know what you think of it?

What if laters?


I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.

There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
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Scroller Needing Therapy
Picture of Salem
posted 25 December 2004 11:10 PMHide Post
What if everyone makes such strange noises during fights in Warrior Within?

What if, especially that chick in the metal thong? o.o

What if, when she does that attack where she thrusts both swords upwards?

What if I enjoyed my Evanescence concert last night? Smile

What if, well it would have been better if no one was trying to sleep, so it could have been louder, but eh?

What if Maddie will have to listen to Breathe No More, as it is different?

What if it's not 'rockin' like My Immortal though?

What if I don't know the right words to describe it so I'll settle with pretty?

What if I wonder if they'll record a new studio version of it like that for the 'Elektra' soundtrack?

What if, also, I hope they record a studio version of the cover of 'Thoughtless' they do for the next album, because that was just grayshsh?

What if Smile?

What if it's kinda hot today, compared to the coldness of yesterday?

What if now I'm sleepy?


Posts: 3209 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

Picture of Free Madness
posted 25 December 2004 11:39 PMHide Post
What if...rum and raspberry zinger tea--EXCELLENT!Big Grin

What if i saw the School of Rock on pay per view tonight?

What if no pun intended, but it ROCKED?Razz

What if cool chrissie dinner too?

What if my dad was coolly in the spirit, he gave me the rest of the mint jelly?Big Grin

What if I got a lot of warm things for xmas?

What if like slippers and a thermo blanket?Smile

What if that's great cuz it's FREEZING outside?Eek

What if that green christmas is sounding better and better?

What if, hmmm--*fantasizes about crashing the party at Oz next year with eggnog and redrum--er rum!WinkBig Grin*

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

Posts: 3539 | Location: Dreamland | Registered: 06 April 2004Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

Picture of Smirk Morgan
posted 25 December 2004 11:42 PMHide Post
What if Salem's post made me think of a book I always meant to read but never did?

What if it was a collection of short stories edited by the infamous Esther Friesner called Chicks in Chainmail?

What if at some point in the reading I know I would have said, "hee"?

What if I'm pondering my plan of attack for after X-mas sales?

What if this is not to be taken lightly?

What if I should hit the fabric store for materials to play with my new toy?

What if we got my cousin this Alamo Bowl T-Shirt for Xmas?

What if he put it on immediately?

What if he said he had put off buying it because he was convinced his Aunt Kathleen (my mom) would come through with it this year?

What if he thought he was going to get the Cotton Bowl t-shirt from last year when he saw that we'd given one to another cousin?

What if we'd already bought an OSU shirt for him earlier though, so we held off?

What if he was so disappointed that we knew we had to get him the Alamo Bowl shirt?

What if we were a bit conflicted though when we were buying the shirt because this t-shirt featuring Eddie Sutton was there?

What if we figured his birthday is in January?

What if the Eddie Sutton shirt had me nearly in tears from laughter though?

Posts: 2306 | Location: DFW | Registered: 24 June 2003Report This Post
Besotted Scroller
Picture of Madogis
posted 26 December 2004 03:40 AMHide Post
what if it's sunday?

what if thus far, no dispatches?

what if the gods are on holiday?

what if slight change of plan, my sister, her husband, and their child were all staying the night at my dad's place (which is where i was supposed to be for these "couple" of days)?

what if that was not part of the deal when i signed on?

what if i therefore asked my brother to drive me home, and i now have the house to myself AND a whole stack of unseen dvds to keep me entertained Big Grin?

what if life is good Smile?

what if p.s., the panel christmas wrap was cool Big Grin?

what if "jesus" was priceless ^_^?

Posts: 2779 | Registered: 16 July 2003Report This Post
Chief Chesty Forlock

Picture of Argeaux
posted 26 December 2004 04:21 AMHide Post
Originally posted by Minya:

What if I THINK I'm finally figuring out what "SNAP" means?
What if I doubt you've figured out what 'SNAP' means coz Sara hasn't, yet?

What if we have mint sauce instead of mint jelly?

What if I find it yummy on lamb?

What if we had apple sauce on our roast pork for Christmas?

What if I have absolutely NO trouble wishing people things, because I sincerely hope everybody had a Happy Christmas!? Smile


Posts: 5457 | Location: Oz | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
Scroller Needing Therapy
Picture of Salem
posted 26 December 2004 05:19 AMHide Post
What if Sara says SNAP because she's envisioning snapping everyones necks?

What if I loved the 20% off at autopro live commercial, especially when Santo got hit by the car and kept coming back clinging to it? Razz

What if oh well, boring, going away for a week?


Posts: 3209 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
Besotted Scroller
Picture of Madogis
posted 26 December 2004 11:07 AMHide Post
what if, just checkin' my new sig and stuff Smile?

Posts: 2779 | Registered: 16 July 2003Report This Post
Besotted Scroller
Picture of Madogis
posted 26 December 2004 11:18 AMHide Post
what if, and another test?

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Besotted Scroller
Picture of Madogis
posted 26 December 2004 11:56 AMHide Post
what if i tried to delete that second post about 20 times (just cause it's redundant)?

what if, but apparently my internet doesn't believe in staying connected for more than 2 seconds or in me being able to delete and edit postsMad?

what if me thinks a nice, non-computer-disembowelling nap is in order...?

what if *dreams of taking a sledge-hammer to the computer tower and shredding the innards with sheers* mmm Smile?

Posts: 2779 | Registered: 16 July 2003Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

posted 26 December 2004 12:53 PMHide Post
What if i have the anime flick Metropolis on dvd but still haven't seen it (for over a year or so)?

What if i wanna see Spirited Away again but SX-chan still has my copy?

What if not enough hours in a day to get caught up with cd's to hear & dvd's to watch and still do chores & stcret seuff?
Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

Picture of Sara
posted 26 December 2004 02:43 PMHide Post
What if I know what SNAP means? Razz

What if at least what it means here, no telling what it means in Oz?

What if *snickers*?

What if bleh, people need to leave me alone damnit?

What if I was still asleep but noooo, people gotta call and be all "blah blah blah, let's hang out dude" or "blah blah blah, take me to the doctor tomorrow"?

What if *sigh* when I take over, waking me up before I'm ready to get up will be punishable by death?

What if I watched Read or Die and The Animatrix last night?

What if lurved it? Smile

What if and now, to make some headway on this bowl of Fruit Loops?


I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.

There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
Posts: 2158 | Location: Seattle, WA | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

Picture of Free Madness
posted 26 December 2004 02:56 PMHide Post
WHat if i'm crunching on an apple, drinking coffee and listening to Andrea Bocelli?Smile

What if I can think of worse ways to spend my Sunday?Big Grin

What if I'll hafta go out soon bleeeeh?

What if i dun wanna?

What if but at least it's to see cute kitties whom i'm feeding and scooping their boxes--so it's worth it?Big Grin

What if--almost thirty cats?Eek

What if I could totally have thirty cats?

what if just gimme a big house and we're there!Big Grin

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

Posts: 3539 | Location: Dreamland | Registered: 06 April 2004Report This Post
Scroll Guardian


Scroller and Instigator

posted 26 December 2004 04:14 PMHide Post
What if i am curious why Maddie's name has been changed back?

Posts: 4830 | Location: Michelle @ work | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
Besotted Scroller
Picture of Madogis
posted 27 December 2004 01:09 AMHide Post
what if, see the dispatch thread, my dear ame Smile?

what if ahh, it's good to be me again ^_^?

Posts: 2779 | Registered: 16 July 2003Report This Post
Chief Chesty Forlock

Picture of Argeaux
posted 27 December 2004 03:16 AMHide Post
What if I like killing people?

What if I like killing people ... for a GAME?

What if I like killing people in an online game, but I would NEVER enjoy it in real life?

What if I'm pretty sure that last line was right?


Posts: 5457 | Location: Oz | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
Besotted Scroller
Picture of Madogis
posted 27 December 2004 03:55 AMHide Post
what if, don't be so sureWink?

what if, about not enjoying the real-life killing i mean, not the line correctness?

what if don't knock it til you've tried it, i always sayWink?

what if, not that i would know anything about that...*shifty look*?

what if grammatical errors ain't not my thing neither?

what if Smile?

Posts: 2779 | Registered: 16 July 2003Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

posted 27 December 2004 10:44 AMHide Post
What if i'm wondering what the task for the Race this week will be?

What if there is no task for this week?

What if keepin xc at bay is a big a task as any?
Posts: 12102 | Location: State of Insanity | Registered: 11 May 2004Report This Post
Scroll Stalker
Picture of Shawn
posted 27 December 2004 01:25 PMHide Post
What if I was sick the entire holiday weekend?

What if all 4 days?

What if said head cold is slowly going south to my chest?

What if Hack! Sputter! Cough!?

What if it was colder than all get out here?

What if places in South Texas got over a foot of snow?

What if I got Moby 18 for myself?

What if "One of these mornin's..."?


Posts: 1673 | Location: everywhere, nowhere at all | Registered: 23 June 2003Report This Post
Scroller Needing Therapy
Picture of Fahrenheit
posted 27 December 2004 01:53 PMHide Post
Originally posted by Shawn:
What if I was sick the entire holiday weekend?

What if aww, that's a pile of suck? Frown

What if I hope you're all better soon?

What if I was just looking at peacock photos from our family trip to the zoo?

What if I miss Salem already?
Posts: 2989 | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

Picture of Smirk Morgan
posted 27 December 2004 02:57 PMHide Post
What if I'm waiting for phone calls?

What if I hate waiting for phone calls?

What if it's giving me an excuse to hang out on my comp and do nothing much?

What if I should be figuring the books?

What if I should be drafting a decree?

What if I should compose a letter or five?

What if our weather is considerably warmer today?

What if we're supposed to hit 60s the next couple of days?

What if I got no plans for New Years Eve?

What if cue that melancholy little song?

Posts: 2306 | Location: DFW | Registered: 24 June 2003Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

Picture of Free Madness
posted 27 December 2004 03:28 PMHide Post
What if YAY Dite's Afro sent me snow?*bows to the Afro*

What if cool I love philly when it snows?Smile

What if it got us out of going to my hubby's mum's today, which doesn't displease my hubby at all?evil

What if we're gonna have our own romantic dinner tonight?Smile

What if more piggin out!

What if and a good movie--wonder if the bloody vcr will work and we can watch it's a wonderful life?

What if *fingers crossed*

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

Posts: 3539 | Location: Dreamland | Registered: 06 April 2004Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

Picture of Sara
posted 27 December 2004 08:31 PMHide Post
What if bleh?

What if whew?

What if *sigh*?

What if *zzzzzzz*?

What if Smile?


I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.

There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
Posts: 2158 | Location: Seattle, WA | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
Scroll Guardian


Scroller and Instigator

posted 27 December 2004 11:19 PMHide Post
What if I am getting things ready for the next task?

What if the delay is due to xmas activities, and i hope no one is upset?

What if I am sleepy?

What if having a new puppy is like having a baby in the house?

What if broken sleep, and all, whinging at 5am?

What if i am about to post a pic of Jess in her tutu my mother made her for xmas?

What if, and also a pic of Mick and Heidi asleep together?

What if i am uploading them as i type, whislt cooking some mini spring rolls?

What if I am STARVING?

What if I run around the scrolls and tell everyone Salem has gone to New Zealand and failed to mention it at the scrolls?

What if HOW RUDE?

What if his mum mentioned it to me a while ago, but i never knew when they were going?

What if and all of a sudden and then they were gone?

What if there is no one online?

What if I hate that?

What if, even if you're not chatting much, or at all, it;s nice to know someone is there?

What if i have been doing heaps of housework today, but i still haven't bought myself to start the HUGEEEEEEEEEE pile of ironing that has been accumulating for a while?

What if, i might watch Stepford Wives later and watch it at the same time?

What if watching a movie whilst ironing makes the ironing go quicker?

What if, unless you lean on the ironing board to watch a good bit, and never get back to ironing?

What if my spring rolls are ready woohoo?

What if i don't think i have what iffed since xmas day, aren't i terrible?

What if i really really REALLY need to update my dvd list?

What if but i'm not sure what i've gotten since i last posted, so i'm gunna have to alphabeticalise my dvd's again, and work it out?

What if, dang it, i need to delete some files from my homestead account to make room for the two pics i want to post?

What if, here is Mick and Heidi?

What if, and here is tutu Jess?

Posts: 4830 | Location: Michelle @ work | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
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