Chief Chesty Forlock What if there is no gabris ?
Ultimate Scroller What if there was no Poteidaia Scrolls ?
Dream Scroller what if there were no twinxenas???
Chief Chesty Forlock What if they outlawed KitKats?
<Evil Belle> posted 17 October 2001 12:22 AM
evil re~lick... you are banned for a week for even suggesting such a horrific thing! shame Re~lick, shame
Chief Chesty Forlock What if Coke turned out to be the best thing to clean your teeth with?
Chief Chesty Forlock What if the Evil Belle is really the GOOD Belle ?
<Evil Belle> posted 17 October 2001 12:28 AM
well, being bad does feel SO good....
ps...what coke might you be refering too?
man, did I pay my dentist $400 bucks for nothing? I could have actually done drugs for the same effect? damn.
Just kidding...JUST SO NO!
Dream Scroller but I was merely pointing out the horror, and chaos it would bring... (hangs head low) I'm sooorrryyy.
<Grand Poobah Seraphin> posted 17 October 2001 12:40 AM
What if there was no more cheesecake?
....Mother of God....
<Evil Belle> posted 17 October 2001 12:43 AM
Re~lick... I think you are asking (begging) to be punished.. *evil grin returns* no cheesecake? there is NO god.. blasphamy! (sp) sorry, too much wine makes belle a happy camper!!! eh he he
Dream Scroller Innocent look
pleease dont hurt me...
I fight against evil you know!!
look I can be scary
Scroller Needing Therapy What if the astronauts never really drank Tang?
Ultimate Scroller Thanks for coming to our rescue, Evil Belle !!Rellik , it's okay we understood your reasons.
Ultimate Scroller What if the Xena show was all but a dream?
<Belle> posted 17 October 2001 02:04 AM
twin are always under my wing... what if...god forbid.... there were no whipped cream? or leather? no cool whip? [ October 16, 2001: Message edited by: Liberty Belle ]
Dream Scroller What if Chocolate grew on trees!
<Pandie> posted 17 October 2001 03:39 AM
No,No Whips and leathers equals no God. Blasphemy I tell you What if Awes doesn't really wear little leather thongs and Nipple Tassles to bed like I imagine. What if there no Moonbeams and Chocolate Dreams?
<Pandie> posted 17 October 2001 03:44 AM
What if..XC was really Hamel? What if Gabs had never been Gab dragged? What if..the Goverment really does know if you pull the tags off pillows? What if..Pepsi had never been invented? What if,Brucy really was one of the little green men sent here just to make us think.
<PsychoJunkie> posted 17 October 2001 11:13 AM
What if the Subtexans started lusting after Ares?
There we have another cold day in Hell, I believe.....