29 November 2001, 08:44 PM
<Belle>What if ...??
Originally posted by Fahrenheit:
Argeaux says "What if Belle REALLY looks like Teri Garr? (she DOES, I tell you!)"
What if that fascinates me?
What if you can't really tell by her Scroller Picture Page picture?
What if dear O'Heitie found out
Just what my "What If" was about?
What if it's the deal
That I've met Belle for real?
What if she has Teri Garr's pout?
What if Belle did not cause a scene
That made Denny's staff all act mean?
What if Belle got tough
So we left in a huff
But they caught us, and she got obscene?
LMAO! I am too sexy to be Teri Garr....
What if Argy McBargy made Belle spew coffee all over her Laptop?
What if Belle actually got to play on her computer again instead of working?

29 November 2001, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
What if ..'Nothing compares to you' is running thru my mind..
What if that was one of Stace's all time favourite songs?
What if the cricket was starting to piss me off?
What if I'm glad it didn't interfere with Dools today?
What if being addicted to daytime soaps was sad?
What if no one knows what Dools is?
What if thats probably lucky cause otherwise people would think I was a freak?
What if I can't think of a rhyming what if today?
30 November 2001, 12:13 AM
AmethystWhat if Stace actually turned her AIM on when she got online?
What if Ully did the same thing?
What if Ame goes insane trying to get people to turn their chat programs on
What if DooL's really sucks and Stace gets Slapped around for liking it.
What if Gypsy gives birth on the way to the hospital..(hehe)
What if it's OK to like B&B
What if Channel Ten decided to show 2 hours of xena a day and they started from s1 and went right through to the end of s6
What if Ame ate the lamington she bought earlier?
What if Ame is in a really weird mood, and feels like deleteing all the threads in her forum?
What if Nora had to tie her hands so she'd stop slapping herself around the head
What if jessica actually behaved herself for once?
30 November 2001, 12:15 AM
ArgeauxWhat if I gave
tiki a nice back rub to cheer her up?
30 November 2001, 12:20 AM
ArgeauxWhat if
Argy didn't read the rest of this thread, coz she thought it only still went up to page ten, and when she read page eleven she found it tres amusing that
Belle LOLed at her past "What If", and then she also noticed that
Stace and
Ame were day time soap addicts, and thought she should confess that she used to watch DOOL and B&B in the University TV room when she was supposed to be studying, back in her teens?
What if that is the longest "What If" so far?
30 November 2001, 12:26 AM
AmethystWhat if this is the shortest?
30 November 2001, 03:20 AM
zoomwhat if it isn't?
30 November 2001, 03:28 AM
zoomwhat if people didn't have teeth?
what if all policemen were named Keith?
what if monkeys didn't like climbing?
what if i can't stop rhyming?
what if
Ame looked just like Yasmine Bleeth?
what if
Argy shaved off all her hair?
what if
Brucy &
Ame were a pair?
what if
tiki wasn't sick?
(or at least got well real quick)
what if we all stopped wearing underwear?
30 November 2001, 04:09 AM
FahrenheitWhat if on holidays we ate bald eagle?
What if Snoopy was a Chow, not a beagle?
What if Peter, Paul, and Mary
were Linda, Chuck, and Harry?
What if sad love songs were friggin' illegal???
What if I have Simon and Garfunkel's "Kodachrome" running through my head continuously as we speak?
30 November 2001, 04:13 AM
FahrenheitWhat if I think someone already did the eating bald eagle one but I'm not going to read eleven pages to find out?
What if my computer suddenly worked perfectly?
What if there was a spell checking device we could wear as a ring or a watch and it beeped when we mispelled?
What if it contained a tiny thesaurus as well?
30 November 2001, 04:20 AM
FahrenheitWhat if that beagle thing sounds familiar now, too?
What if I'm just that unoriginal?
What if I'd better stop now?
30 November 2001, 04:24 AM
Rellikwhat if that ring had an essay writing devise that made up two instant 1000 word essays for the rest of the 2891 words rellik still has to write for tomorrow morning???
what if rellik wasnt so stupid to put off such a huge assignment the night before?
30 November 2001, 05:08 AM
ArgeauxWhat if that's exactly how
Argy wrote every essay in her first degree?
What if
Argy learned her lesson and became a girly swat throughout her second degree?
What if
Argy is contemplating going back to study in 2003?
30 November 2001, 06:15 AM
SalemWhat if Salem was horrified that this was becoming a limerick thread in disguise?
What if Will gave birth instead of Gypsy?
What if Ramsey street is now called Ramsbottom Street O.O ?
What if Amethyst was cast as Professor Sprout in the 2nd movie?
What if Salem was cast as Tom Riddle in the 2nd movie?
What if Family Guy returned to channel 7?
What if Argy gre her hair long, died it blonde, got a staff and wore the BGSB?
What if in 50 years time there was a Xena movie?
What if the Video Ezy guide referred to her as Xena the Warrior Maiden?
What if a friend kept thinking Hagrid was oging to molest Harry Ron and Hermione?
What if Leah gave birth to a cat?
What if Argy was Voldemort?
What if Harry got another owl and Hedwig tried to kill him?
What if Salem tried to make the longest what if but failed horribly, so he went out side into the busy traffic, got hit by a car but didn't get hurt, so he jumped off a cliff and bounced back up, and hit a rocket, which sent him to a star where he attempted to live, but fell off and got abducted by aliens who took him to Neptune where he met lots of water creatures who thought he was crazy, so they tied him to a spaceship and sent him towards the sun, but he got loose and fell to Earth where he landed on the Statue of Liberty, who didn't want Salem on her so she flung him to Africe, whre he landed on the tribal council set of Survivor and got voted off by everyone, so he went home and sulked because this all started because he couldn't write a long what if, making him realise how pathetic he was, but when he realised that he had written a What if that just might be longer then the long What if that Argy had written, making him the one who had written the longest what if so far, until someone else writes a longer one, taking the title of "Longest What if Writer" from him which made Salem go and sit in a closet which he fell through and ended up in Narnia, where he spent the rest of his life telling all the cratures the wonders of Xena, who didn't think she sounded that great, so he killed them all, and changed the name of Narnia to Salemia which he ruled all by himself, which made him lonely so he came back to the real world and began posting at the scrolls again?
30 November 2001, 06:49 AM
ArgeauxWhat if ... never mind.
30 November 2001, 07:55 PM
01 December 2001, 03:43 AM
<xillip>What if we really grow up and become our parents?
01 December 2001, 11:40 AM
<li'l tiki>What if tiki gave Argy a cyberhug for being so thoughtful?!?
What if we really grow up and become our parents?
What if (looks in mirror)...uh, hi,Mom.

01 December 2001, 03:46 PM
Brucy BralessWhat If eyezoom wrote:
what if Argy moved to Texas and became a hanging judge?
what if Brucy moved to Texas and became a rodeo clown?
What If
Brucy wants to be the Hanging Judge...?
What if he does it Dresed like a rodeo Clown..??
what if this worked out well because Brucy's daughter is Fascinated by dead things...

What if I mean
freshly Dead Things .. not mummys & old pieces of driftwood shaped like Mating aaardvark's & stuff..???
WHat if my nickname
Vald the Impaler turns out to be prophetic..??
WHat if Val is getting to be Scary to me..???
What if with the right hair ,make up & shoes she becomes the Fashion Model of Evil & takes World Domination right away from Fire-Quacker & Linxi..
While theyre worrying about Boys & stuff..??
What if I were to write just
ONE what if that had Absolutely nothing to do with me..??

What if I cant think of one,right now..???
02 December 2001, 10:29 PM
Originally posted by Brucy Braless:
what if Brucy's daughter is Fascinated by dead things... ????
What if this is a sign of sociopathic behaviour?
What if
Argy enjoyed
tiki's cyberhug?
What if this thread came to replace the 12 Days of Christmas song?
What if the 12 What Ifs of Christmas became the number one international chart topping song?
What if scrollers got all the royalites?
What if we could go and rub it in everyone's face who has ever said that chatting online is a waste of time?
What if I chuckled at
Belle like a giggly girty?
03 December 2001, 08:15 PM
AmethystWhat if
Brucy went to hell in a handbasket?
What if
Eyezoom and Shawn ran out of Jagmeister?
What if
Salem went to see Harry Potter 12 times in the first week?
What if
I sent some more postcards out?
What if I actually remember to mail
Donna and Nora's Tim Tams?
What if the world was flat and all the countries were stuck together, so you could just drive around the world?
What if LL played the next James Bond? (Not Bond woman, 007 themself!)
What if SUSA board DID reopen?
What if they did a movie of the TV show Friends, and they got ROC to play Janice, cause they thought her voice was just perfect for it?
What if Amethyst had the strangest dream last night.. about Sara?
What if we all sleep through Xmas?
03 December 2001, 10:14 PM
ArgeauxWhat if
Argy would REALLY like to hear more about
Ame's dream?
03 December 2001, 10:17 PM
AmethystWhat if Argy was in it too, and a few others, but the strange bit was Sara?
03 December 2001, 10:22 PM
ArgeauxWhat if
Amethyst keeps beating around the bush, so
Argy beats her around the ears?
03 December 2001, 10:26 PM
AmethystWhat if Ame explains it to Argy in private, because it's too pornographic to say in a public forum?