13 December 2001, 06:26 PM
AmethystWhat if ...??
What if Cloneing really takes off, and they keep cloning brucy, cause it is such a fun game, and we end up with 2000 Brucy's?
14 December 2001, 02:15 AM
<li'l tiki>quote:
What if I bought a book about the Darwin Awards today?
What if I bought my Dad one for Father's Day this past year? What if I wanted to borrow it afterwards? What if I loooooooooove The Darwin Awards?

14 December 2001, 02:25 AM
Brucy Bralessquote:
Originally posted by She who makes babies with big heads:
What if Cloneing really takes off, and they keep cloning brucy, cause it is such a fun game, and we end up with 2000 Brucy's?
YaY I LOVE ME soo much That I think the world could only be a Better place with more me-s in it

15 December 2001, 01:36 AM
ArgeauxWhat if I started to throw white confetti around to emulate snow, just so that I could empathise with some of my Northern Hemisphere buddies?
What if I discovered it's REALLY difficult to make a decent snow ball using white confetti and water?
What if I found out it's even MORE difficult to create a snow person out of white confetti?
What if I gave up and went swimming instead?

15 December 2001, 01:50 AM
AmethystWhat if a horse wasn't a horse of course of course?
What if I didn't dream of Jeannie?
What if the very first Australian Xena convention had 40 people from the show.. All the main ppl like Xena, Gabby, Joxer, callisto, Autolycus, Eve, Ephiny, Virgil, Laso Ma.. etc etc... YAY
What if it was just a pipe dream and will never happen
15 December 2001, 01:55 AM
<Warrior Priestess 9>What if we actually had a winter in Philadelphia during the winter months, a spring during the spring months, a summer during the summer months and an actual fall during the fall months?
15 December 2001, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by She Who Has Odd Shaped Toes:
What if the very first Australian Xena convention had 40 people from the show.. All the main ppl like ... Laso Ma.. etc etc... YAY
What if I reckon that "Laso Ma" was one of the background characters in the shoot out scene from "Animal Attraction"?
15 December 2001, 02:20 PM
TwinXenasWhat if X-mas was here and we haven't done any shopping at all?
What if there was really no end to this "What if" thread?

16 December 2001, 06:40 AM
<xenachick>What if Caesar and Pompey shared an on-screen kiss

What if Xena had nothing to atone for?
What if TPTB actually explained what Joxer's "unresolved business" was in
Fins, Femmes, and Gems?
What if
The Bitter Suite wasn't a musical?
What if there was an entire season based on fanfic?
What if Mavican from
Successor was like a "Where's Waldo" in every episode?
What if the Gabrielle of Seasons 3.5-6 is secretly one of the 3DNG's?
What if Xena didn't mind that?
What if Amarice stayed and helped Gabby in
Ides of March?
What if Xena and Callisto never got their bodies back?
What if Velaska really was gonna make the Amazons a stronger tribe?
What if X:WP was a reality series(e.g. "Temptation Tavern")?
What if Xena and Gabrielle weren't soulmates?
What if subtext didn't exist

What if Gabrielle had picked up two sausages instead of two sais in
What if Gabrielle was just a genie in a bottle and you had to rub her the right way?
What if it's time for me to hit the sack?
16 December 2001, 12:01 PM
ArgeauxWhat if this was really THE THREAD WITH NO HOME in disguise?
16 December 2001, 12:37 PM
<li'l tiki>What if I was part Hobbit or Halfling, and that explained to me as to why I was short and had hair on my toes?
What if the fact that I have hair on my toes grossed everyone out?
What if, frankly, Scarlet my dear, I don't give a damn?

[ December 16, 2001: Message edited by: panda claus ]
17 December 2001, 10:42 PM
<li'l tiki>What if this thread really needed to be bumped?

18 December 2001, 03:53 AM
zoomwhat if my neighbor's dogs never stopped barking?
what if i no longer required sleep?
what if i continued to require sleep, but hadn't slept in so long that i began to suffer delusions that i in fact
didn't require sleep anymore?
what if i committed an unspeakable act of violence and cruelty upon my neighbor's dogs?
what if i reconsidered that, since dogs will be dogs, and considered instead perpetrating said acts on the neighbor instead?
what if i went to bed now...?
18 December 2001, 06:40 AM
SalemWhat if when you got struck by lightning, you felt nothing and instead became an immortal?
What if every time it thundered, it was really a dragon being born?
What if Spyro was the dragon Hagrid got in the first Harry Potter book?
What if JK Rowling decided she didn't feel up to writing book 5, 6 and 7, so she left it with just the first 4?
What if Santa Claus went around giving pets to every single person in the world?
What if lightning was black?
What if there was a violent storm on christmas day, ruining all the BBQ's?
What if Salem was only doing this to keep Argy happy?
What if Salem just didn't have the energy for this anymore?
What if this thread was eternal?
What if it never died because it was never truly born?
What if at the exact same moment throughout the world, we all lost our feet?
What if the days started going backwards, so we were getting further and further away from christmas, and when it got to the 29th of December, it started going forwards again, til it got close to christmas again so it went in reverse again?
What if all the contestants on Survivor got savaged by a lion?
19 December 2001, 12:50 AM
Originally posted by Salem:
What if Salem was only doing this to keep Argy happy?
What if I'm so happy I could vomit?
What if I think
MoC and
zoom should both visit the lobotomy clinic and DEMAND a refund?
What if
tiki's signature picture was looking at me and creeping me out?
What if we all stopped visiting the scrolls and they became full of cobwebs?
20 December 2001, 01:14 AM
AmethystWhat if these TV shows had these titles instead:
Muffy the Xenite Slayer
Screamer: Warrior Princess
I Dream Of Beanie
Be Twitched
Widow Twanky: The Legendary Journeys
The Spady Bunch
OctagonGate 1
22 December 2001, 01:39 AM
ArgeauxWhat if I grabbed me an Aussie Hottie called "Ares" for Christmas?
What if my in-laws were actually fun to spend time with, on Christmas day?
What if Jake The Stunt dog didn't eat his Christmas turkey doggy dinner in three seconds flat on Christmas morning?
What if no-one visits the scrolls on Christmas day?

22 December 2001, 01:48 AM
<li'l tiki>What if my latest sigpic started a fashion trend among the scrollers?

22 December 2001, 06:25 AM
<xenachick>What if Xena had Hope and Gabrielle had Eve?
What if Virgil looked more like Joxer and less like Meg?
What if Gabrielle had a child with Perdicrap?
What if Gabrielle made the pastries with the little red stuff in the center?
What if Joxer never invented the beer-chugging hat?
What if Aphrodite had successfully stolen the North Star?
What if
X:WP wasn't based on legendary myths, but on urban legends?
What if Gabrielle ate Pop Rocks and drank soda at the same time?
What if Xena had to take a written exam to become a warrior?
What if it was multiple choice with those bubble sheets?
What if she didn't use a #2 pencil?!
What if fanfic was a literature class offered at my university?
What if there weren't any "caves" in
The Quill is Mightier...?
What if my mom made too much Christmas fudge and I need Gabrielle to come help me eat it?
What if my fan kit arrived soon so I could watch Season Six bloopers?
What if Xena ate the Rheingold?
What if Xena had been looking at one of the Hestians when Bliss shot her with an arrow in
A Comedy of Eros?
What if I'm gonna go watch a few Xena music videos?
[ December 22, 2001: Message edited by: xenachick ]
22 December 2001, 02:24 PM
<li'l tiki>What if I just love the new siggie Rellik made me?

28 December 2001, 07:37 AM
Rellikwhat if this thread was getting needlesly buried under new threads like a toy under a whole bunch of wrapping paper?
what if rellik kept on *just missing* cen before she can catch him on the scrolls?
what if salem actually replied to a thread once in a while?
what if brucy could stop complaining about SNOW?
What if the squished snickers bar really only looked like a boot??
what if all the squished snickers bar crickets had little meetings against people from the states?
what if rellik only talked about boys for some odd reason?
what if MoC wasnt going to be away for a while?
what if only purple monkeys came up with a joke about 2 apples in a microwave?

28 December 2001, 03:40 PM
CENWhat if the snickers bar was dropped on a boot that was eaten by Giant Grasshoppers that were huddled together by a window?
What if Canadians had the strangest sense of huomour?
What if snow was warm?
What if , uh oh. One of those what ifs just may have happened.

28 December 2001, 03:43 PM
Rellikwhat if ...neither of those what ifs could be good?

28 December 2001, 03:51 PM
CENI was actually referring to your what if/ the one about "almost missing a certain someone.