13 February 2002, 10:39 AM
ArgeauxWhat if ...??
What if I clapped my hands really hard, and
Salem came back to life?
What if I had also been wondering where the
Twinnies had gotten to?
What if I'm gonna put up a post about that?
What if they accidentally got deleted, along with some of the old Scroll forums?
What if that would just be too sad for words?
13 February 2002, 03:43 PM
RellikWhat if salem showed me some really wierd pics of himself and his friends (including one girl who looked like she wasnt wearing a shirt)very late last night/this morning because I had fallen asleep near my computer in the basement and I woke up to the sound of the internet Disconnecting and hooking up automatically?
what if i *just* missed my favorite scroller A few minutes ago?
what If ive been doing some laundry lately?
what if this laundry was the same as the laundry that needed to be done last saturday when my work clothes were dirty and in a pile on the floor of my room?
what if this isnt the same ...load of laundry?
what If i need to check my profile before getting kicked off of one of the school library computers?
13 February 2002, 04:00 PM
Corawhat if cora was using a computer at school too?
what if cora was excited because it was actually working today?
what if it was really really slow?
what if relliks laundry isn't that old?
what if cora's laundry is going on 2 weeks?
what if cora has to live in her living room?
13 February 2002, 04:28 PM
RellikWHat if are signatures arent working??
what if I switched back to hostedscripts instead of cgispy?-or whatever its called..
what if cora's room is usually that naRsty because of the laundry all over the floor?
15 February 2002, 10:18 PM
SalemWhat if Salem was bored and decided to revive What if?
What if Salem has the Lyre Lyre Hearts on Fire soundtrack on again?
What if Salem is home alone?
What if Salem has it up real loud?
What if Rellik became a slave to vegemite?
What if Vegemite became a slave to Rellik?
What if Salem was unbelievably angry at the Xena video's not being released?
What if they got released again?
What if Salem got a Gabrielle mini 2002 calendar?
What if Salem now has 5 calendars in his room?
What if Argy and Ame came around and started bashing the calendar?
17 February 2002, 01:13 AM
RellikWhat If I decided to take out some of my signatures for awhile in my ...
what if i had a really hard time explaining the fact that I need to take out my signatures because .. of the still shocking news of the recent loss to the xenaverse?
What If I couldnt decide wether or not to make a montage as a tribute?
what If I wasnt sure this would be respectful or show some sort of homage to a good man?
what If I am still disturbed, shocked and incredibly saddened by all of this?
what if I decided to make a happy montage of Kevin Smith's work on XWP as Ares?
18 February 2002, 02:13 AM
ArgeauxWhat if I think that would be a bloody good idea?

20 February 2002, 11:27 AM
ArgeauxWhat if this thread almost sunk to the bottom of the first page, and need to be resuscitated?
What if I don't know how to spell "resuscitated"?
What if I wrote "revived" instead?
What if I forgot to do that before everyone had read "resuscitated"?
What if I'd better stop typing before I get myself into deep caca?
21 February 2002, 12:32 AM
AmethystWhat if aliens took me away so i couldn't what if anymore?
What if i have been miserable every day since hearing about kevin?
What if i made only the 3rd motage in my life and put the words on it 'Kevin Smith - Immortal Forever' with loads of sexy kevin pics?
21 February 2002, 12:32 AM
<Stace>What if this was my first ever what if from work?
What if it was my first ever post from work?
What if I'm scared I'm going to get in trouble?
What if I do get in trouble?
What if I get fired?
What if I'll then have to go back to pouring through newspapers looking for jobs?
What if I miss chatting with Ame on AIM in the mornings?
What if I'm too tired when I get home at 6 to even think about turnign on the computer and checking the Scrolls?
What if I stare at a computer almost all day and my scrolling gradually declines?
What if the Scrolls wouldn't be able to survive without me?
21 February 2002, 11:03 AM
ArgeauxWhat if
Stace lost her job due to Scrolling, and all the other Aussie Scrollers resigned in sympathy?
What if this basically meant that only I had to resign, as none of the other bludger-- Aussies have jobs?
What if I didn't resign, I just didn't turn up for about a month to see if anyone noticed?
What if they kept paying me?
What if this meant I would be getting paid for Scrolling all day?
What if that sounds like a good deal?
22 February 2002, 05:27 AM
SalemWhat if Salem went to Argy work in her place?
What if they started paying fake Argy instead of the real one?
What if the real Argy turned up to work and had to have a fight to the death with Salem over the job?
What if they both knocked each other out?
What if they came back and haunted the Scrolls?
What if Salem made a chakram out of cardboard?
What if it's all bent from throwing it and tyring to make it rebound off the walls?
What if Salem hadn't stopped listening to the volume six CD since he got it?
What if he knows it all off by heart?
What if Salem was horribly scarred because of Pas De Deux Femmes, which he thought would be like it is in Heart of Darkness, but found out he was terribly wrong?
23 February 2002, 03:02 AM
ArgeauxWhat if
Salem must finally face the fact that he is not only the King of What If, but also the Xena Soundtrack King?
What if he put that as his Scroll name?
What if we, his loyal subjects, all went "Yay" at the same time?
23 February 2002, 03:03 AM
HerculenaWhat if... I danced nekkid in this thread too??
23 February 2002, 03:59 AM
SalemWhat if Salem would have that as his name but didn't want to sem too egotistical?
What if Salem just saw someone dance nekkid in this thread?
What if they disappeared as quickly as they had arrived?
What if this was Salem's 200th post?
What if this doesn't mean much to other Scrollers, but it does to Salem as he has never made this much posts at a message board before?
24 February 2002, 06:58 AM
Rellikwhat if I'm more original than salem because I was the soundtrack Queen before he was the soundtrack King *AND* I had make a cardboard chakram before he did?
what if He accomplished *both* of those with my help?
what If I made salem look like a little moocher by pointing out that I also made him a new signature?
What If while I was away for a little bit I had a huge craving for vegemite that couldnt be fulfilled untill I got back?
what if that little jar of vegemite is getting smaller??
24 February 2002, 07:23 AM
SalemWhat if Salem never sent Vegemite to Rellik?
What if Rellik still thought vegemite was scary?
What if Argy wasn't a silly filly?
What if Ame never went home from using the net at her parents house?
What if she moved in there, and they moved into her new house til she got phonelines?
What if Salem and Rellik fought to the death of title of Soundtrack King/Queen?
What if there were no soundtracks?
What if Salem was talking to Xena's Pride on AIM and she said that the track "Xena and The Big Bird" would go really well with the Independece day fireworks?
What if Salem agree's with this?
What if Salem went and sabotaged a fireworks display and played "Xena and the Big Bird"?
What if this hypnotised everyone into being Salem's loyal slaves?
What if Salem is getting a bit far-fetched?
What if Salem just said the name of a Pokemon?
What if that made Salem giggle?
What if Salem refuses to enter his Biology classroom as the teacher has put up a list of TV programs to watch to do with biology sorta and 'Sandra Sully Presents' is on that list?
What if Salem's teacher is really Sandra Sully in disguise?
What if Salem went to school tomorrow and challenegd her to a fight to the death?
What if Salem is having too many fights to the death recently?
What if Salem lost all of them?
24 February 2002, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by Salem:
What if Salem refuses to enter his Biology classroom as the teacher has put up a list of TV programs to watch to do with biology sorta and 'Sandra Sully Presents' is on that list?
What if Sandra Sullied?
What if I didn't eat for 36 hours straight?
What if I don't know why I did that?
What if I wasted my entire weekend online?
25 February 2002, 05:56 AM
SalemWhat if Argy did eat for 36 hours?
What if Salem just had dinner, and then pizza, and then fries?
What if Salem feels sick?
What if Salem's friend (who helped destroy the chakram) made a new one, one that is nice and round, painted and more solid?
What if she brought it to school?
What if they were throwing it around at lunch time?
What if it looks really cool seeing a chakram slice through the air at school?
What if people kept asking what it was?
What if Salem told the all it was his 'round killing thing'?
What if they all backed away, fearful for their lives?
25 February 2002, 06:37 AM
RellikWhat If rellik Is being hunted By SALEM??
what If he's currently camping out infront of cen's PM box with Rellik hunting gear waiting for me to spring out?
what if theres a boobie trap in what if that will go off if I come here?
25 February 2002, 06:39 AM
RellikWhat If I skipped off to another thread without getting caught?
25 February 2002, 08:07 AM
SalemWhat if Salem finally destroyed Rellik once and for all?
What if everyone cheered?
What if it was because Rellik is actually Sandra Sully?
What if for no reason at all Ame came and danced on Rellik's corpse?
What if Ame went on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
What if she won the million?
What if she got such great ratings they made her keep playing and she won 2 million?
What if she kept on winning and doubled her money everytime?
What if she won all the money and made the show go bankrupt?
What if she became the host of a new show called "Who Wants To Look At All My Money?"
What if Argy lost the Bargy from her name?
What if she was just Argy Mc?
What if she went on a quest to find her Bargy?
What if her quest took her to the forbbiden mountain of neverending doom?
What if when she got there she found that her Bargy had been and gone and was headed to the valley of mystic winged rabbits?
What if upon entering the valley, the winged rabbits told her that her Bargy was trapped in a cave by a ferocious beast?
What if Argy Mc set off to the cave to save her Bargy?
What if when she got there she was horrified to her very core?
What if this post was to be continued?
25 February 2002, 09:44 AM
ArgeauxWhat if
Argy Mc was completed impressed that
Rellik had thought to put a Scroll icon in her sig?
What if
Argy Mc now wants to do the same thing, but fears she will be branded a copy cat?
What if
Argy Mc now wants to try her hand at making her own chakram, so she can throw it around the house?
What if she already had plastic chakrams she could throw around the house, but doesn't wanna damage them as they cost too much?
What if she was thinking she should try to make herself a wooden chakram?
What if she double checked with
Salem to see whether this was an ideal material to make a chakram out of?
What if
Argy Mc loves the way that
Salem is able to Xenatize his entire life?
![[Big Grin]](biggrin.gif)
25 February 2002, 11:19 AM
*WHAT IF .. OOPS CAPLOCKS ?HEH.What IF I said Go ahead Argy, and use the scroll icon
[ February 25, 2002, 01:40 PM: Message edited by: *the soul of an artist* ]26 February 2002, 12:06 AM
SalemWhat if a wooden chakram would be good to knock people out with?
What if a binder chakram would be good at flying?
What if Argy Mc's quest continued?
What if the creature that horrified Argy Mc to her very core was...GABRIELLE!?!??
What if Argy Mc drew all her strength together and challenged Gabrielle?
What if the only way Argy Mc could defeat Gabrielle was by using her real chakram?
What if Arrgy Mc couldn't bear seeing her Bargy so frightened that he just had to use it?
What if Argy Mc threw the chakram at Gabrielle's head and not only did it destroy her, it also shattered her chakram?
What if Argy Mc quickly grabbed her Bargy and gave it a hug?
What if Argy Mc glued her Bargy back to her name?
What if because Argy McBargy was so brave using her chakram against Gabrielle, it magically reformed to be as good as new?
What if Argy McBargy starred in a movie based on this post?
What if Charmed is on tonight?
What if Salem is excited?