27 March 2002, 01:26 AM
CoraWhat if ...??
What if Cora took out all rellik's braids that she had in her hair.
What if Rellik lost alot of hair?
What if Cora wants to go watch "The Bitter Suite"?
What if Cora wants to sing songs?
what if Cora wants to help a friend but he won't let her?
What if it is because he is too negative?
27 March 2002, 01:48 AM
<li'l tiki>What if that gorgeous guy with the long, white hair in Cora's siggie looks waaaaaaaay too much like Sephiroth from Final Fantasy 7?
What if I feel like a total idiot because I have absolutely no clue who he is?
(what if this post was edited for effect?
[ March 26, 2002, 10:49 PM: Message edited by: dead end kid ]27 March 2002, 01:57 AM
Originally posted by: dead end kid
What if that gorgeous guy with the long, white hair in Cora's siggie looks waaaaaaaay too much like Sephiroth from Final Fantasy 7?
What if I feel like a total idiot because I have absolutely no clue who he is?
What if Cora was wondering how dead end kid didn't know?
What if Cora thinks dead end kid is talking bout my Hottie, Legolas.
What if Cora wonders If dead end kid knew that?
27 March 2002, 02:01 AM
<li'l tiki>What if I had no idea who the frack Legolas is?
What if I have been living under a rock alla dis time, and didn't know it?
[ March 26, 2002, 11:01 PM: Message edited by: dead end kid ]27 March 2002, 02:11 AM
CoraWhat if I told you you must be living under a rock?
What if Legolas is a character played by the actor Orlando Bloom?
What if Legolas is a character from the popular movie LORD OF THE RINGS?
27 March 2002, 03:12 AM
<li'l tiki>What if I haven't been living under a rock, but I have been working full-time, 24-7, and when it's not at the job I actually go out to, it's raising two small children, as a single mother, all by myself, so it is almost impossible for me to go see "LOTR", as much as I wanted to, ever since it came out?
27 March 2002, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by Silver Salem:
What if Salem's wrist is sore?
What if I don't wanna know why?
*What if Argy sticks her fingers in her ears and runs away??*
[ March 27, 2002, 08:52 AM: Message edited by: Argeaux ]
27 March 2002, 03:14 PM
CoraWhat if Cora didn't want to know why Salems hand was hurting either!
What if Cora was lying on the ground laughing reading Argeaux's last post?
What if I think that dead end kid should ave at least heard of Legolas?
What if I think that nothing is an excuse not to know bout the cuttie Legolas?
What if I think I should dtop being mean and just realize that you have a busy life?
27 March 2002, 03:41 PM
RellikWhat if tiki's last what if about being the poster child for marrying too fast made me think about this kind of what if stuff?
What if I were the only other person other than cora, to seek approval of the lucky anyone who wants to marry cora?
What If I still want to kick a certain someone's arse for getting some sort of certain permission to do a certain something to a certain someone else?
what If a certain what If made my head hurt?
what If I was the only one to care about why salems hurt wrist and it has nothing to do with my gutter-tainted-mind?
27 March 2002, 03:51 PM
<li'l tiki>quote:
What If I still want to kick a certain someone's arse for getting some sort of certain permission to do a certain something to a certain someone else?
What if that really piqued my curiosity right about now?
what If I was the only one to care about why salems hurt wrist and it has nothing to do with my gutter-tainted-mind?
What if I have a really, really tough time believing that? ![[Big Grin]](biggrin.gif)
27 March 2002, 03:54 PM
CoraWhat if I still want Rellik to kick that certain person butt?
What if I wouldn't do anything with out Rellik permisson?
What if I really am conserned about Salems arm but want ot make fun of him first?
What if I would think it would be fun to trade palces for a day?
What if my life isn't as easy as you think?
What if I am sure it is not as bad as yours, or as interesing
[ March 27, 2002, 12:55 PM: Message edited by: Tangle Queen ]27 March 2002, 03:58 PM
RellikOhh tiki, I'm glad you have such faith!
what if I didnt say anything only cause everyone else already did ? lol
what if *shudders* there ISS SSSSSSSSssuUUUUBTExT ?
what IF i wasnt referring to xena alone?
27 March 2002, 04:01 PM
<li'l tiki>What if I would give anything to be 18(that is your age, right?) for a day?
What if I wanted to be 18 again, and start all over again?
What if that meant not having my kids?
What if my life isn't as bad as it sounds, because my kids are worth it, and I could never picture my life without them (but boy, if I only could picture it without their father
![[Roll Eyes]](rolleyes.gif)
What if my life isn't too bad, but it certainly is interesting?
27 March 2002, 04:12 PM
CoraWhat if I would make you 18 if I could?
what if there isn't really anything special about being 18?
27 March 2002, 04:16 PM
<li'l tiki>quote:
what if there isn't really anything special about being 18?
What if you won't be saying that 16 years from now? ![[Wink]](wink.gif)
27 March 2002, 04:18 PM
CoraWhat if Rellik doesn't have to worry cause I am here?
what if he is so loud you can hear him half way to my house?
What if relliks mom is gonna expect her to take her cousin with her?
What if your right?
What if I will regret things in 16 years?
[ March 27, 2002, 01:18 PM: Message edited by: Tangle Queen ]28 March 2002, 12:53 AM
<Belle>what if i made a msn chat room about having all your mortgage questions answered and no one came?
(i am bored!)
[ March 27, 2002, 09:56 PM: Message edited by: Bouncin' Belle ]28 March 2002, 02:46 AM
SalemWhat if Salem went to explain why his wrist was sore but decided against it because everyone'll keep thinking otherwise?
What if Salem just let everyone believe in the reason they have in their minds from the gutter?
What if that what if seemed really hard to type?
What if Salem wants pizza?
What if Salem gets pizza?
What if Salem was Rellik's loser cousin?
What if that couldn't be true because Salem isn't a loser?
What if Salem really wants to steal Xena's picnic lunch from Heart of Darkness?
What if Xena would have Salem on the end of her sword before he got anywhere near her picnic basket?
What if while Xena was occupied with removing Salem from the end of her sword, Yogi Bear turned up and swiped her picnic basket?
What if this made Xena cry?
What if she just wanted her food back?
What if she chased after Yogi?
What if Yogi's head is now mounted on the wall in Cyrene's old tavern?
28 March 2002, 07:06 AM
ArgeauxWhat if Yogi bear had a REALLY big sword, and Xena had a pic-ci-nic basket?
What if Gebrielle was a chipmunk?
What if Joxer was Wile Coyote?
What if Eve was Minnie Mouse?
What if Argo was ... a cartoon version of Argo?
What if I am REALLY tired, and have "baby brain", to boot?????
29 March 2002, 01:40 AM
<li'l tiki>What if the thought of Yogi Bear's head on a wall made me wanna cry?
What if Cora had a baby girl 9 months from now, so she can
really regret things 16 years down the road when her daughter is a teenager?
What if tiki shouldn't laugh at such a thing, because just 9 years from now, tiki is gonna have two teenagers?
What if tiki ends up being taken away by those nice young men in their clean, white coats a little over 9 years from now?
What if they're coming to take tiki away tomorrow? What if all the scrollers visited me in Bellevue?
29 March 2002, 01:47 AM
<li'l tiki>What if all of the scrollers came pre-packaged?
What if you could buy any scroller you wanted off of a shelf in a discount department store?
What if that store was called "Xena-Mart"?
What if Callisto and Velasca were security guards there?
What if Alan had a girlfriend that came in a jar?
[ March 28, 2002, 10:47 PM: Message edited by: sailor jurai ]29 March 2002, 01:50 AM
<li'l tiki>What if there was a Muzak version of the "Xena" theme, and it piped through Xena-Mart constantly, only alternating with the Muzak version of every song from "The Bitter Suite", "Lyre-Lyre", and "Bacchae Rap"?
30 March 2002, 12:50 AM
SalemWhat if Salem finds it funny tiki will have teenagers in 9 years?
What if Salem pointed and laughed?
What if the nice men in clean white coats came to take tiki right now?
What if they decided to take Salem too?
What if tiki and Salem were in neighbouring cells?