04 May 2002, 07:20 AM
<StacyAmyArgy>What if ...??
What if Argy IS scary when it comes to her tapes?
What if she kicked one of Ame's tapes accidentally?
What if we're gradually getting pissed?
and more pissed?
What if Ame and Argy are having bourbon shots?
What if Argy is yawning?
What if I've had too many beers?
What if some tequila is in order?
04 May 2002, 08:12 AM
<StacyAmyArgy>What if
beer grew on trees?
What if
Salem came to Canberra with us?
What if I can't think of anything to what if about?
What i just what iffed about myself?
What if people what iffing about themselves constantly is boring?
What if we are
EXTREMELY IMPRESSED that Salem has limmericked?
What if we are enjoying but not also watching Argy's Xena Blooper tapes?
What if I have to keep correcting my typing?
What if that's nothing new?
What if I couldn't force myself to do tequila shooters?
What if i just do bourbon instead?
What if All 3 of us girls are in love with Salem?
04 May 2002, 08:46 AM
SalemWhat if it's only a matter of time when Ame is extremely drunk and posts in here?
What if that'll be fun to watch?
What if Ame took no photo's?
What if stace and Argy fall asleep and Ame places stace's hand on Argy's butt and takes a photo?
What if they all drew on stace's boyfriends face?
What if I watched 'Labyrinth' today?
What if Ame hallucinates that she is in a labyrinth and has 13 hours to save Argy and Stace from David Bowie?
What if stace and Argy wake up in the morning and find Ame gone?
What if they find Ame naked on the front lawn of parliament house?
What if the outside part of telstra tower is really windy?
What if it would be a bad idea if they went there while drunk?
What if they can't get back to the motel from staces?
What if stace's boyfriend wakes up and see's them still there?
What if he gets a broom and sweeps them out the front door?
04 May 2002, 09:23 AM
<StacyAmyArgy>What if
Ame and
Argy got Stace's boyfriend in a foursome?
What if he enjoyed it?
What if Xena was involved?
What if THEN he didnt' say no?
What if we got a helicopter to bring Salem down here?
What if then the party really started?
04 May 2002, 10:25 AM
SalemWhat if something Nina from Just Shoot Mer said something that can be used here?
What if Nina said "Lets get drunk and go shooping. It's always so fun to see what you bought the next day"?
What if Argy, stace and Ame said "Lets get drunk and go post at the scrolls. It's always so fun to see what you said the next day"?
What if I would feel special if a helicopter came and got me?
What if everyone came running out of nowhere just as I was getting in the helicopter and saw how cool I was?
What if for no reason the song by Belinda Carlisle, "Heaven Is A Place On Earth" was playing?
What if i've been watching Romy and Michele's High School Reunion too much?
What if Amethyst took Argy and Stace to her high school reunion?
What if they spiked the punch?
What if they watched everyone get drunk?
What if they realized they were the only sober ones?
What if they decided to drink the punch too?
What if Staces boyfriend reads all this?
04 May 2002, 04:59 PM
<li'l tiki>What if I am in an evil f*cking mood and decided to come and play in here?
What if my siggy is a sign of insanity?
(before I changed it, anyway)
What if ProfX was like everybody else, and actually figured out that I was certifiably insane a long time ago?
What if I hate that song by Belinda Carlisle, infact, I hate Belinda Carlisle, come to think of it, without the GoGo's, anyway?!?
What if "Romy and Michele" is one of my fave movies?
What if Janeane Garafalo's character in that movie is just like me when I was in high school?
What if the writers knew me, and that I am the very influence for that character?
What if I love to smoke and tell people things like "f** you" and "f**ck off", but have mellowed out over the years, so I only say those things on occasion?
What if I still love to wear black?
What if I wish I had invented that giant cigarette?
What if it took me all afternoon to smoke it?
What if
Pissed In Canberra appropriately changed their names to "The Three Stooges"?
What if Ame was Curly, Stace was Larry, and Argeaux was Moe?
What if they argued about who got to be Moe?
[ May 04, 2002, 02:01 PM: Message edited by: 80's Lady ]04 May 2002, 08:22 PM
Prof. LurkerWhat if The Three Stooges fans get offended?
What if I'm not like anybody else?
What if I liked very much Janeane Garofalo's character in "Romy and Michele" ?
What if I like to wear black as well?
What if I don't know what a
bitchin' camaro is?
What if I don't look forward to see a
bitchin' camaro?
[ May 04, 2002, 05:24 PM: Message edited by: Prof. Xavier ]04 May 2002, 11:04 PM
<li'l tiki>What if a "Bitchin' Camaro" was a type of car?
What if I surfed the net to post to Xavy what one looked like?
What if someone in a "Bitchin' Camaro" came and did donuts on Xavy's lawn?
04 May 2002, 11:26 PM
<li'l tiki>What if this was a perfect example of a "Bitchen' Camaro"?

05 May 2002, 05:24 PM
Prof. LurkerWhat if I think a bitchn' Camaro looks like a very classic Camaro?
What if there is room enough on Xavy's lawn for lots of donuts?
06 May 2002, 01:15 PM
ArgeauxWhat if I subscribed to Big Brother online?
What if that meant I can watch the house mates 24/7 on my computer?
What if I am completely addicted to that show?
What if I have to drive up to see
Ame tomorrow, coz I accidentally left my Xena CDs in her car after our Canberra weekend?
What if that is perfectly alright by me?
![[Big Grin]](biggrin.gif)
07 May 2002, 03:22 PM
CorXyWhat if I´m totally happy because I got a new program today and now I can add new effects to my montages?
What if everybody here at the scrolls is just more than annoyed by all those montages of mine?
What if I try to wait at least til I have 2 or 3 montages and post them all at the same time so I dont have to "bombard" the scrolls with montage threads?
What if you still think that it´s too much?
What if I`m totally excited about something that´s gonna happen very soon?
What if I´m not allowed to talk about it?
What if that´s nearly killing me?
What if I´ll have to say Goodbye tomorrow?
What if I´ll be in Italy for some days because of work?
What if I dont wanna?
What if my boss just doesnt care?
What if that sucks?
What if I´m gonna miss ya?
07 May 2002, 06:39 PM
CoraWhat if I haven't posted on here for a while?
What if that is because I haven't had time?
What if that is not true?
What if it was because I am lazy?
What if I have been watching hockey?
What if i am excited because my team is leading it's series?!
What if I can't wait for the next game
What if I have to go make supper now?
what if I am eating early because I have dance class?
[ May 07, 2002, 05:06 PM: Message edited by: Cora ]07 May 2002, 07:52 PM
Prof. LurkerWhat if I don't know "early casuse"'s taste?
What if I would like to do montages but I'm forced to do home planning and furniture design instead?
What if I think the name of Lucy's baby is strange?
What if I'm happy for them, anyway?
08 May 2002, 02:16 AM
Originally posted by Argeaux:
What if I have to drive up to see Ame tomorrow, coz I accidentally left my Xena CDs in her car after our Canberra weekend?
What if I can't believe Argy would forget ANY of her Xena stuff?
What if Ame has accidentally destroyed the CD's?
What if there is a big online feud between Ame and Argy?
What if Argy had have left her cd's at MY place so they had to come back this weekend? ![[Wink]](wink.gif)
08 May 2002, 10:18 AM
CorXyWhat if I totally freaked out yesterday and had a mad fit and shed a lot of happy tears after the happy news about Lucy´s baby kinda had "sunken in" ? LOL
What if I LOVE the name Judah Miro?
What if I feel like a heavy burden had been removed from my heart when I heard the happy news yesterday?
What if for the first time in months I´m really happy again?
What if I feel bad about that?
What if I better stop now before I´m gonna post something that you guys just dont wanna hear?
08 May 2002, 11:46 AM
<li'l tiki>What if I am eating yesterday's leftover microwave popcorn for breakfast?!?
![[Big Grin]](biggrin.gif)
08 May 2002, 12:52 PM
<li'l tiki>What if CorXena was exiled from the "What If" thread for not using "What If?" in her last sentence?
What if that popcorn was absolutely scrump-diddly-ishus?!?
![[Big Grin]](biggrin.gif)
08 May 2002, 01:01 PM
CorXyWhat if I cant be exiled anymore from this thread coz I edited my former post???
What if I´m in a totally silly mood today?
What if I wanna taste some of that PIP-diddly-icious popcorn?
20 May 2002, 12:58 AM
AmethystWhat if I posted in here, just to bump this thread off the 2nd page?
What if i complained in every thread how i'd been kicked out of the game, and the unfairness of it all?
What if i don't because it's only a game?
What if it's Jessica's birthday in 1 week and 1 day?
What if I am going to make her a Shrek birthday cake?
What if i take a picture of it and post it here?
What if it's weird that my almost 2 year old loves Shrek as much as most kiddies love Winnie the Pooh?
What if I am going to make Stace's Spinach Dip from the recipe thread, tonight....YAY
20 May 2002, 02:33 AM
Brucy BralessOriginally posted by She Who Can Not Be Named(& stuff):
] What if I posted in here, just to bump this thread off the 2nd page?
What if you just didnt...???WHat if you just read the OTHER what if..?? What if i complained in every thread how i'd been kicked out of the game, and the unfairness of it all?
What if this made us all think Buccy had cracked your password..?? What if i don't because it's only a game?
WHAt if THUIS made us all suspect BIG Scroller had cracked your pasword..??? What if it's Jessica's birthday in 1 week and 1 day?
YaY! What if I am going to make Stace's Spinach Dip from the recipe thread, tonight....YAY
WHat if thois just made us all think you were Cracked..?? ![[Razz]](tongue.gif)
20 May 2002, 02:36 AM
Brucy BralessHAhah YaY what if I make the 800th reply..
since I missed the 666th one..???
20 May 2002, 09:41 PM
AmethystWhat if I said that brucy was a 'hunka hunka burning love'
What if, by saying that, just proves, yes indeed I have cracked
What if I changed my scroll name daily, to make fun of other scrollers, starting with Bruce?