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i read the book, it was ok, i've forgotten much of it already. The pilot was on Monday nite. It was ok. The main character, Dale Barbie, was changed a lot from the book. They've combined characters, changed them & made them different ages. Overall ppl are less innocent than in the book cuz it's tv, i suppose, and guilt(y) = more interesting. The chick playing Angie is hot & a potential xc wife, as if xc needs more. Wish the characters were more like in the book as it was one of King's better- more recent better that is- novel of characters. But what do ya expect of Hollywood & tv? Not much. Still i hope it improves. | ||
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Koolage ! I missed it because i was re-watching IRON MAN #3 I have downloaded it{the poor man's DVR} Maybe I'll watch it now.... | |||
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Well Im done.... seems to have its fair share of ANNOYING characters too... Maybe they wont screw it up.... | |||
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i think they changed the characters to be annoying so that when they kill them off ppl won't be annoyed ha! | |||
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Episode 2 was ok but Big Jim's villiany is taking awhile to get known. Gonna have to make the chick who plays Angie an xc wife. | |||
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Ep #3 was okay. Liking the red headed reporter more & more. Looks like another xc wife in the making. A lot in this ep was not in the book. | |||
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Ep #4 was definitely not like the book. Barbie an enforcer? Pleeeze. Angie sure look hot all wet. ![]() Not sure where the Julia/Barbie thing'll end up. Junior being a deputy is true to the book, at least. | |||
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Ep #5 they finally let Angie out. MMMMmmm Angie baby. Still not sure why Barbie killed Julia's hubby. Just for a gamblin debt? Barbie don't seem the type. They might be writin him outta character. So Obombya has the dome bombed. Figures. | |||
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******SPOILER ALERT****** I thought at the end of #4 the Dad ws gonna let her out..Obviously... But as the week wore on I realized that hes so image conscious.. he might not... I like that the show made me consider the possibilities... I suspect if not for the bomb he wouldnt have let her out. Especially after what happened with the preacher.... Its pretty clear that some people are being driven mad by the dome itself,,... there couldnt be that many narcissistic ass-clowns in 1 small town like that.. | |||
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................... SPOILER WARNING BELOW .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . yeah below . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ep #6 Angie the hottie is free but not fer long. Aw Barbie & Julia hookin up. Wouldn't mind hookin up with Julia meself. That annoying girl & her annoying moms. Nuke 'em. The sheriff's a hottie too. Wish she'd nuked some of them looters. Wish they'd focus on a few more reoccuring characters. | |||
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................... SPOILER WARNING BELOW .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . yeah below . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ep #7 Except for the kids finding what they did in the woods, this was a dopey ep. It was pretty predictable & it seemed like they were over-draggin things along. Big Jim seeing more & more opposition to his rule. Barbie seems to be getting along with him & Jr much longer than i figured. 6 more eps to go. | |||
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Yeah Its running out of steam a bit..... I'll continue watching maybe even to the end but its not as good as its 1st promise .. It looks as if it could turn soap opera-y.....Ewww I hope not. I NEVER read thee book before watching something.... That way the movie/TV show stands on its own | |||
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......................... SPOILER WARNING BELOW .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . yeah below . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ep #8 So they renewed this show for next summer season! Jeepers, how they gonna continue this without running it so slowly? The li'l dome should have been found at the end of the series. Less they keep it a secret or less it moves about. Barbie makin an enemy outta Big Jim? Knew that'd happen sooner or later. Not sure how many eps about the ppl self-destructing & gettin angry they can come up with. Bout time for the outside ppl & military to come back to keep the story ideas flowing. | |||
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......................... SPOILER WARNING BELOW .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . yeah below . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ep #9 Mini-dome becoming a secret, eh? Didn't see that comin. ![]() Speakin of which, new secret lady who knows both Big Jim & Barbie reminds me of Alti. Something shamaness weird about her. Guess she's brought in as a plot device to keep the storyline going into next summer replacement. This was an ok ep. 4 more to go. | |||
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Yeah Im still watchin...I cant believe there has been 9 eps already... | |||
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......................... SPOILER WARNING BELOW .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . yeah below . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ep #10 well this was a bit better. i don't like Maxine, i wish either Big Jim or Barbie would kill her. The whole fighting for stuff sequence was pretty dumb. Where'd all those ppl come from? The town seems to get bigger & more populated with each ep. Secrets gettin revealed. The propane thing didn't seem that big a deal. And Julia accepted Barbie awfully quick. Hmmmm. Mini-dome plot was okay but silly that the one woman who got blown away forgot the whole incident. How convenient! | |||
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......................... SPOILER WARNING BELOW .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . yeah below . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ep #11 Well i knew Julia was gonna get shot by the previews last week. But what's gonna happen when she tells 'em Barbie didn't shoot her? Maybe Big Jim gonna wanna silence her. Or not. Either Barbie ain't the brightest or else the writers are into cliches. Who'd be dumb enuff to tell Big Jim they're gonna overthrow him? Who tells their enemies their plans? Only in tv & movies. Be more interesting if Barbie was wise & kept his plans to hisself instead of broadcasting them. i'm tiring of the mini-dome mini-plot with the mini-brains' mini-hands whatever. But i'm glad Max bit the bullet. Maybe Big Jim oughta rule. Naw, but are ppl that blind & dumb? | |||
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Yeah Maxine was Definitely filler.... Too much of that & I'll be elsewhere There is too much to watch & not enuff time.. & I got all day... | |||
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......................... SPOILER WARNING BELOW .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . yeah below . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ep #12 So Big Jim kills the dj lady. i kinda thought she'd last longer. Rather see her stay & dj Phil get knocked off. oh well. Don't see the point of letting Barbie say he's guilty or not in front of the locals. Guess its something to keep the plot going. Angie rescuing Julia. Wouldn't mind be sandwiched between those 2 lovlies. ![]() i wonder when the sheriff is gonna wise up to Big Jim. Tho if she does, she'll probably end up dead. one more ep to go this season! | |||
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Yeah Im not sure I like whats happening or not.... Its too much @ the people whom I care little about & not enuff @ the 'Big Mystery".. Which will probably be a let down in the end anyways...LOL Edit to clarify: The people behave to irrationally & I feel unrealistically.. I cant tell if its supposed to be the dome or they are just a bunch of shitty nutballs who deserve to die ... | |||
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......................... SPOILER WARNING BELOW .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . yeah below . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ep #13 Season finale yay! How stoopid ugh! Is Linda the dumbest cop ever? Dumber than Barney Fife? Could she have her nose any closer on Big Jim's butt? Hangin Barbie without a trial? i was hopin when the egg zapped her it would kill her. She wasn't always this dumb. Maybe she been sniffin Big Jim's propane. i kinda figured Julia be the monarch. But how is the dome protecting them? From not being part of Obombya care maybe. Or maybe not havin to listen to Miley Circus do her waffle thing. So i guess Jr will see Angie comin his way & decide not to pull the lever, next season. Long wait. i can manage. | |||
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Yeah I may have forgotten about this by the time it starts up again... | |||
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............ SPOILER WARNING BELOW .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . yeah below . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Season 2 Ep 1 Yay they killed off Linda! Boo they killed off Angie! Angie is an xc wife but Britt Robertsoncrazed is starring in movies. But at least Rachelle Lefevrecrazed as Julia is still in the show. And who believes Big Jim turning good?!?! Just as unlikely as obombya turning good & that'll never happen. | |||
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Well I found it & watched it. The show seems to be ready to take a huge turn... mostly for the worse... Tho I was no great fan of Linda as a character..Angie had some promise...are we Sure she is dead..??? I rather doubt it. If they REALLY wanted to make the show different they should have killed any 2 of these 3: Big Jim his Awesomely annoying son or Dale Barbie.... What they chose to do makes me less interested in where the thing goes but I will give it some more time... I found this dopey review online .. I disagree with almost everything in it...The man is a Lama Tard & pretty much proves in his 'bio' after the end.. Why do people like this have a job anyway..? http://www.soundonsight.org/un...son-two-episode-one/ Under The Dome’ Season 2 indicates a willingness to fix the show’s errors Posted on July 1, 2014 By Deepayan Sengupta Idiot Box, Mon Under The Dome, Season 2, Episode 1, “Heads Will Roll” Written by Stephen King Famed author Stephen King has a long history of film adaptations of his novels, resulting in features such as The Shining, 1408, and two theatrical versions of Carrie. His stories, however, have not been as explored in the television medium, save for a few tv miniseries, most notably of The Stand, and a tv version of The Dead Zone. Last summer added another show to the latter group, in the form of Under The Dome. With a first season marred by odd story segues and inconsistent character decisions on its shoulders, the show made its second season premiere on Monday night, removing some weak elements and offering potential for improvement, depending on how certain storylines progress. The reformation of Big Jim Rennie is a development that could go either way for the show’s second season. On one hand, Big Jim’s descent into villainy last season was not as effectively portrayed as it could have been, leading to the question of why so many individuals in Chester’s Mill would align themselves with him. With the baffling arc reaching a head at the end of last season as the town openly cried for Barbie’s blood without trial based solely on Big Jim’s words, the character’s continued popularity in the face of obvious lies would have further stretched incredulity. Turning him good, however, opens up some potentially fascinating storytelling possibilities. Whether or not Big Jim continues his reform in the face of adversity, and how other people in the town, such as Junior and Barbie, deal with him in his changed state could make for a compelling season arc. On the other hand, however, the change in Big Jim’s nature leaves the show without a clear antagonist for now. Despite the storytelling issues with the details, Big Jim gave the show’s first season a force that was hungry for power, but could also be defeated in a conceivable manner. If the second season looks to make the Dome itself the primary force that the town has to fight against, the writers will have an uphill battle making it an entity who can be defeated for now, yet feel imposing and dangerous in the future. Alexander Koch Alexander Koch The continuing development of Junior also shows some promise. While the show’s first season transformation of Junior from kidnapper to antihero didn’t quite work, the potential for him to be a conduit to the outside world makes the character much more interesting, while also giving him a purpose beyond simply pining for Angie and trying to figure out his father’s motivations. It’s also a good way to tie into the potentially compelling storyline of Junior’s mother and the seemingly prophetic paintings she did before her disappearance. While the paintings came into play last season, how these visions came about continues to be a mystery, and with the egg now gone, the paintings are a solid replacement for the season’s mystery. While not a start that erases all the doubts about the show that were raised by the first season, this is nonetheless a beginning with some degree of promise. The death of Linda is a particularly welcome development, as the character ended the first season as a bafflingly clueless and inept police officer, even given the circumstances. Rehabilitating such a character would have taken a significant amount of work, and her death shows the writers’ willingness to let go of elements of the show that aren’t clicking, which is a positive sign for the season. Angie’s imminent death is likewise a good sign. While not as disruptive to the show as Linda, Angie nonetheless is a character whom the writers were unsure of what to do with in the first season, and her death can manage to leave an impact without significantly altering the show. The best way the show can make the second season a marked improvement over the first is by focusing on characterisation. Much of the first season’s developments were stifled by the involvement of characters that the audience had not sufficiently been invested in, and focusing on making each member of Chester’s Mill more distinct before they’re thrown into the plot developments will go a long way towards realising the show’s potential, in ways the first season could not. - Deepayan Sengupta | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
It would be better if the show characters were originally made like the book characeters. Big Jim & Jr were bad throughout, no changes. Barbie was not a mob-like enforcer, he was just passing thru. In the show they give no motive for his wanting to help considering they made him a selfish jerk as well. It don't make sense. Angie was killed in the 1st few pages. Julia was an mid-aged, plain looking woman who'd never been married. And Linda was not a cop, she was a nurse or sumthin. But too late to change now. | |||
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