Lily Rose has landed a big movie role apparently--in a movie called The Dancer! Way's hoping the movie actually comes OUT and I can SEE it, rather than have it vanish into thin air like Yoga Hosers did...
Interesting that Yoga Hosers was even mentioned here at all?? Hmmmm...
"Planetarium!" That's the movie I was thinkin' about with Natalie Portman. Hope THAT movie comes out too! lmao...
Meanwhile, on the Johnny front, Black Mass apparently dropped 60 mil last weekend from its first weekend, bringing it down on the Oscar list--but still people were saying Johnny might get nominated...
Ahhh...there's no business like show business!
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
06 October 2015, 02:10 PM
Free Madness
Johnny's worried about Lily Rose...well I'm not surprised! The girl has gone VIRAL in such a short time, and she is indeed very young. I hope she doesn't get caught up in any corrupt stuffage!
Something tells me no, though--Vanessa seems to have a pretty solid handle on her career, and I believe Johnny does too even if he's mostly photographed by himself at events or with Amber whilst the dishing of the tabloids continues...
Saw a picture of Jack at a Chanel event where Vanessa and Lily were featured...he's adorable! Wonder if he'll come into the world of fame like his sister and parents? If so, I can only hope for the best! I do think it's cool that Johnny and Vanessa raised them in seclusion so that they at least had a chance at a "normal" childhood.
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
06 October 2015, 05:19 PM
Free Madness
Forgot to mention that NOW they are saying Yoga Hosers is going to come out in 2016? Hmmm, guess something got delayed but that rocks--I'll be able to see it then!!!
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
08 October 2015, 07:44 PM
Free Madness
Just read somewhere that that yacht Johnny supposedly gave the Heard on their wedding--the one named after Vanessa, the kids and Johnny--"Vajaliroja" was put up for sale in 2013. Not only that but it was bought--and renamed "Amphitrite!" I saw the actual pages stating this from Burgess and Boat International, after someone slammed the tabloids for saying that the Heard "forced" Johnny to put the yacht up for sale, as in like--now.
Stoopid tabloid!! It was all over the internet around the time those two had their second wedding ceremony, not only did Johnny give Amber the yacht, but the guests actually SLEPT on it during the wedding weekend. Cuz--there wasn't enough room on the private island for them all to sleep.
It was also reported that after Johnny "re-gifted" the yacht--that HE renamed it Amphitrite himself.
NOT TRUE! None of it!!! The yacht was bought, and renamed Amphitrite by its new owner, and is now available for charter.
That makes me feel better, cuz I actually thought that was true about Johnny re-gifting/renaming it, and that always bothered me. Dang tabloids--it's hard to tell what's a tabloid and what's not on the internet news. I'm learning! I grew up in the dinosaur age of "National Enquirer," "Star," "The Globe" and other tabloid mags being THE tabloids. Now? You never know WHAT you're reading.
Johnny was criticized by some people for the "re-gift" and then they said he also bought Amber two ponies, which was supposed to, what-ev. Some tabloidites are just damn Johnny-haters wanting to make him look distasteful--when he's anything but. Shut the hell up, you morons!
Oh well. Screw the ding dang tabloids, I'm waiting for the next Time mag article and leaving the rest of 'em to chase their tails as they always do. This message has been edited. Last edited by: Free Madness,
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
17 October 2015, 11:08 AM
Free Madness
Ok I promised that I wouldn't talk about the Heard anymore except in passing, but I can't help it--proof is finally in the pudding. She has friends/insiders working for her in the press, and she's trying too hard to make her marriage look happy and normal.
WHY would she try so hard if that marriage really IS happy? No happily married couple has to explain anything to anybody. They certainly don't hire lawyers to go after tabloids! (Lol, I actually don't think that article is true--it comes from a tabloid itself, after all, but it was entertaining to read! ) Now? Good God, Alice Cooper and People Magazine are involved!! A friggin article is named some damn thing like "Alice Cooper on Pals Amber and Johnny," bla bla. He says "They were very much in love. They're doing great!" That's it! Then he goes on about the hearing aid distribution in Rio and the OTHER people involved besides Hollywood Vampires. Then, he talks about his OWN marriage, of 40 years! I love what Alice said about it, LOL! His secret? "I love her. We never get publicity because we never get divorced!!!"
Something is up with Johnny's marriage--sorry. It's not all happy land over there, not if all these damn stories have to not only SHOVE it down our throats that all is great--but to bug veteran rockers like Alice Cooper--in People Magazine--to get him to CONFIRM all is happy happy there.
Probably on their way out as we speak! Give it up, Heardy! That "very much in love" catch-phrase is too overused to be believed coming from Alice Cooper. Get along, li'l doggie!
Also note, Cooper is quoted clearly as saying "WERE very much in love." Was that a typo? Hmmmm...This message has been edited. Last edited by: Free Madness,
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
25 October 2015, 08:07 AM
Free Madness
I tried to watch "Transcendence" last night when I was still mourning Speranza's missing-ness, but that movie is entirely TOO sad to get through! The story is devastating--although I really love that movie. The critics dun know what they be talking about wit that one.
I ended up watching "Benny and Joon," for some comedy instead. It did help! By that time, Speranza was out of her trap and safe and sound. So I was able to enjoy it more.
Johnny is SO CUTE up in that tree! (sigh)
Joon: You're out of your tree! Sam: It's not my tree! Benny: I think I need a beer.
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
01 November 2015, 05:36 PM
Free Madness
Ahhhh, Johnny, Johnny, Johnny, my love! <3
So this reality show "Overhaulin'" is coming out this month with him and the Heard, and the Heard's father. Johnny pulls a prank on the Heard makin' her think her 68 classic Mustang that she loves more than life itself it seems??? ("That car is everything to me," she was quoted as saying on the show. ...) Anywho so she's thinking it's stolen and yells at the cops and then what hoppen--Johnny and Heard's dad take it to be "overhauled" and re-worked into this gorgeous cherry red dream.
Cute huh?
I will be giving that a miss. But I must say that in general, Johnny's love of pulling pranks on people is kinda disconcerting. I think if I dated him(say what, in a parallel universe...) I would have to have a rule--no pranks on ME, pweeeeease? I hate pranks, ugh--I don't even like surprise parties anymore. Maybe that makes me boring as sin, but ah well. Life is unpredictable enuff, thanks much!
Still--Johnny is looking mighty good lately, and I dun give a ding dang about the "weight gain!" He is always Forever Young!
His upcoming movie "Fortunately, The Milk," looks Epic! Such a cool concept! Niiiice.
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
01 November 2015, 05:41 PM
Free Madness
YES!!! He's buying Wounded Knee!
I saw an article about this, posted from 2013, but it seems he's finally ready to do it--go, Johnny! <3
THIS is the true, blue, essence of the beauty that is Johnny Depp.
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
19 November 2015, 07:09 PM
Free Madness
VIVA LA FRANCE! Thank Goodness Lily Rose is okay!
Why were such shallow people on Instagram giving her grief for posting a "selfie" while talking about leaving the party and at least getting home safe? After she talks about how heartbreaking it all is--jeez are people that ICKY?
I wish Johnny and/or Vanessa had said something about it, hell, about the disaster in GENERAL. A few celebs have talked about it but not Johnny and that's his KID! I must admit to being more than a little surprised about that, but then, he's probably like me when it comes to terrorists and disasters like this--he can hardly find the words to say until they do come. I have no doubt he was totally freaked when it all happened.
Well--he will always have my support, as will Lily, Vanessa, Jack and FRANCE as a whole. As well as any decent person in this world!!!!This message has been edited. Last edited by: Free Madness,
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
01 December 2015, 05:50 PM
Free Madness
God--I just wish I could give Johnny a hug. I wonder if I could volunteer at a children's hospital--he might come in as Jack Sparrow or some such. Who knows...
He's just such a sweetheart. It has not been easy on him, of course. No doubt still processing the Paris stuffage with Lily...being that he's been talking a lot about her near-death in 2007 from E-Coli.
He almost cried in this interview with Graham Norton, talking about how the parents of kids with leukemia, etc. are "slowly dying." I could not even imagine.
Never had kids but man--what a wreck I'd be if that were me! I still remember that lovely girl Ula in Australia that Johnny surprised, and her reaction--it was so magical.
Johnny--you are my Angel, always. <3
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
11 December 2015, 05:40 PM
i heard JohnE was overlooked for a Golden Globe. That's too bad. i'll see his gangster film when it hits dvd rentals. As JohnE didn't get nominated i hope DiCaprio wins as he's turned out to be a great actor- and DiCrapio has been snubbed too many times.
The only xc wife to get nominated was Jennifer Lawrencecrazed. Way to go, wifey!
11 December 2015, 07:18 PM
Free Madness
Yes, I read about that Golden Globes snub--bah. What do they know? Altho I have to kinda agree with some of the write-ups about the actual movie "Black Mass." I felt like a lot of scenes must have been cut--it seemed while watching it, that some things were left unresolved, and the most "complete" scenes were the ones where the killings happened.
Johnny was freakin' amazing in it, though! Amazing. I would have liked to see more of that humanity he talked about in the interviews. I feel like some of that was cut--for example...*SPOILER ALERT*...
The scene around his son's death--was one scene. You didn't see much mourning except what Johnny normally does in movies where sad things happen--knock a few pieces of furniture around, a la Gilbert Grape. I would have liked to see more scenes, like say, by the kid's bedside, which was a half a minute at most. That part of the movie was made a big deal of, so I know a lot of that was cut. I wonder if, on the DVD, we get to see deleted scenes like on Secret Window and other movies?
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
11 December 2015, 07:47 PM
Free Madness
The Heard is due to appear in court sometime next year--after four times not showing up when she was summonsed in Australia. This time she is "definitely" planning to go, altho she's making a request for the trial to happen sometime before March. I wonder why March? It would somewhat make sense if it were before February, cuz their one year anniversary will be Feb. 3rd next year. But March--what, are they gonna take that honeymoon they never took last time? Hmmmm...guess more will be revealed.
Johnny may have to stand as one of !2 WITNESSES? 12? Wow. Are all of them standing up for the Heard or are some standing up for Barnyard Joyce? lol...either way, some were saying in Australia that Johnny may or may NOT be a witness because they were "concerned" about him being "disruptive to the court." Why--because he's Johnny Depp? That and that alone? Or because he threatened to assault Barnyard Joyce if the Heard gets sentenced to prison??
I don't think Johnny'll assault Barnyard, but I hope he doesn't throw a scene if the Heard is sentenced--I don't want him doing any jail time with those kids of his needing him. I don't really see the Heard doing 10 years--but that falsified document thingie--she could probably do one year at most...
Unless they opt for community service in Australia instead. I can just see it now--Heard has to clean Barnyard Joyce's house for a year. Lol! She'd love that-- Wouldn't be able to avoid the Land Down Under then!!! I wonder what the lesser of two evils would be for her?
Ah well. December 16 is when they're supposed to give Heard a yea or nay regarding her request to get the trial done before March of next year. I can't help but be tickled by how she words this statement of hers lmao!
"Whilst?" Really, Ambs? Is that how you actually talk? Lmao...oh well. Anything to come out smelling like a rose. Here's hoping it isn't a 10 year sentence if she is found guilty, but I think at least I know why SHE was charged and not Johnny. Obviously, she handled the whole thing, and Johnny must've thought she did everything right. But that false document charge--wow. If that really IS a false accusation, and she DID do everything right, someone out there must really hate her. Who plants false charges on people really, particularly a government dealing with another country's residents? Naa...don't think so. Say what you will about Barnyard, he's a sadist for wanting to kill the dogs--but I have a feeling if she does get a sentence, it'll be for the false document if not the whole thing in general. I don't really think anyone would hate Amber that much--even if she is some kind of gold digger or stuck-up celeb, whatnot-- that they'd lie about a false document.
Hope Johnny isn't involved in any funky "cover-up" jobs! You can love your wife all ya want, but a crime is a crime. Anyway--we shall see what comes out of all this! Fingers crossed that there's enough funds to pay a nice fine and no one goes to jail. Maybe then, Johnny'll pack up and leave. I can see him staying with her until this crap is over--to be the southern gent that he is. But his health isn't looking much better, and he was drinking wine on the Graham Norton show last time I saw him. It seems he drinks in every interview, and on the job. I used to drink all the time, even on the job. Even if it's not my place to "label" someone an "alcoholic"--it doesn't take rocket science to know that booze doesn't do Johnny any damn good. And Amber drinks, for crying out loud! Wonder if she keeps booze in the house? Sure, that'd be a GREAT way to help hubs to stay sober.
Sending hopeful vibes your way, Johnny Angel! <3This message has been edited. Last edited by: Free Madness,
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
22 December 2015, 04:35 AM
Free Madness
OK. Let me get this straight. Barnyard Joyce was HONORED with an AWARD--for threatening to kill Johnny's dogs????
What is this world coming to??? I am not refuting the importance of that law okay, not one bit. I can totally see the need to QUARANTINE the dogs and tell Johnny/the Heard to take them back home...but meanwhile? Where are the VETS who can do TESTS on them there puppies to make sure--hmm that they DON'T HAVE RABIES???? ( Gasp--What a concept!!!) Do they THINK, by ANY stretch of the imagination that Johnny can't, lol, afford tests like that for his pups? Orrrrr, maybe they could have, at worst, threatened to KEEP the doggies and put them in an animal shelter after deeming them okay and rabies-free, if Johnny/The Heard didn't get them back to the states within 72 hours???
Seriously--Germany handled Justin Beiber's monkey that way!!! Mali(sp?) was taken to a nice animal zoo and pampered and not returned to Justin after he didn't do all the proper declaration procedures. Justin, of course, just LEFT her there, a thing that made him quite hated, and with good reason--but in all fairness, maybe he was just too messed up in the head at that time to care for a monkey and thought that the zoo would be a more nurturing place for Mali. Say what you will about zoos, some of them are really good with animals, despite some horror stories I've read.
Gee, Joycee, can you IMAGINE, like, maybe taking a "tough stance" like THAT--threaten to CONFISCATE Johnny's dogs? Or--do you just really hate yorkies?
Or animals in general?
Or, maybe you just hate Johnny. What--do you have a secret crush on the Heard bordering on obsession? Do YOU wish you were the "sexiest man alive?"
Seriously. An award for threatening to assassinate two innocent dogs. Can anyone be so totally dismissive of sentient, breathing life of INNOCENTS, that they threaten their lives just to punish so-called "over-the-law" celebrities?
Give me a break, Barnyard. Then he has this pathetic article about how Johnny can learn a lot from Santa Claus. WHAT??? What does Santa Claus have to do with any of this??? Just because it's the holidays--I mean come on now! Sorry, Barnyard, say what you will about Johnny's "threat" to assault you but he wouldn't really do that and if you really took the time to do your Johnny "homework" you would know that he's NOT the sort to flout a law just because he's a freakin "Hollywood God" or some such idiocy.
If Barnyard knew anything about Santa, he'd know that "Father Christmas," ain't leavin' any coal in his stocking. Coal is too good for Barnyard. No--Santa'll probably leave something a little more uh--"fragrant" in that stocking, if ya get my drift.
And it may be imported from Johnny's back yard!!! Moohahaha! Will uh, anyone get in trouble for smuggling dog poop into Australia bychance?
I can see it now.
"Mr. Depp has to either get this dog poop out of here, or we're going to have to euthanize it. Wait--uh, or flush it down the toilet. Wait! Uh--is that a tough enough stance? Will I still get an award for this? OH WAIT! Father Christmas brought the poo in here, not Johnny Depp! Uhhhh--Father Christmas, uhhhh-(cough-cough)--I'm gonna have to threaten you with 10 years in prison!"
SMH! This message has been edited. Last edited by: Free Madness,
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
22 December 2015, 04:56 AM
Free Madness
By the way, the Heard's court dates start on April 18th and last for four days. So much for her plea to have it be before March. And wow--her 30th birthday is on the 21st? What a way to spend it! Damn, man...karma's a bitch.
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
Only thing is they show this edited version of the ad, altho at least they have all the dialogue intact. I like the YouTube one better--the wolf on top of the car is important, after all! And Johnny drivin' thru the highway and passing everything, lookin' all pensive til he sees the buffalo...just a more complete story.
Ahhhh, Johnny my love--come into our bed chamber, I'll work some love magic on you! Got incense, candles, oil... <3
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
30 December 2015, 05:18 PM
Free Madness
I really hope 2016 is a better year for Johnny.
Talk about a slap-in-the-face way to end this year--they vote him the most overpaid actor--geeeeeez!
Did they ever consider the idea that maybe MORTDECAI sucked, not the actor that starred in it--the MOVIE sucked, and that's the be and end all of it??
And what about Black Mass, heyyy? They were all over him for makin' such a "comeback," altho they ended up trashin' the damn movie anywho. At LEAST they recognized that he did a decent job this time and didn't lump him in with the trashing!
I do so love Johnny's comment back to that reporter who mentioned his "comeback," lmao--"What am I coming back from? The dead??"
No matter what, Johnny's a survivor. "Alice: Through the Looking Glass," is gonna be AWESOME! And then his cameo in "Yoga Hosers," is another one I'm lookin' forward to. Yep, 2016 better rock and roll for Johnny cuz I'm hopin' to get to Cali by then, and maybe we'll meet and fall madly in love, hahahaha! Well, it's certainly a fun dream but hey. Ya never know!
Y'know what else--I realized I totally underestimated "The Tourist." I watched it last night and actually really enjoyed it. I think what I said about him and Angie having no chemistry was largely due to their characters--they were SUPPOSED to be totally different from each other, but it actually kinda worked this time around. And you know, the story really was rather good--very quirky and funny. Always love Paul Bettany! He's really amazing--and Timothy Dalton, the former "James Bond?" Pretty excellent casting all the way around.
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
05 January 2016, 05:58 PM
Free Madness
Okay, Johnny honey. You need a freaking break. Stop doing public appearances of ANY kind, I don't care if you're up for an award. It's awesome that you won the Palm Springs award, but you need a farking break from publicity, my love.
People are talking all kinds of shite about you, not that it matters a hill of beans, I know you don't give a rat's ass and neither do I because people are taciturn. Nobody has your back there where you're at, just your family, and you need to get with the people who love you, Johnny baby, cuz you surround yourself with too many a-holes.
Going out there in the public is indeed surrounding yourself with a-holes...cuz there they all are, ready to talk shite and watch you like a hawk and talk up the Heard and how beautiful she is...especially next to you because "apparently" you are looking "disheveled, with a bad complexion,"(uhhh excuse me?? There is nothing wrong with your complexion babe, lol. And..."disheveled,"....screw that gar-bahge. You work the bohemian rock and roll jeans and all, look better than a tuxedo babe BECAUSE you're not a "formality" kinda guy, just like I'm not a "biz suit or gown" kinda girl. You and me are exactly the same in that respect, and that's a big part of why I stopped being pres of a "board of trustees" for a business I tried to run...I do not do business. I do Art. Ok Art is "business" in a sense, but I am not a formal or corporate girl lmao, my sister is better at that. And you, Johnny are the same as me. Let the Heard do formal lol, she's good at it. YOU be YOU and screw this crapola for awhile. ).
Anywho..."disheveled, drunk," whatever else they're saying, lmao...screw them. Take a vacay. Don't even GO to the Oscars this year even if you're up for an award. DO NOT GO. Have someone else accept it for many people do that? Many. Take a loooooong break, sweetheart, surround yourself with your kids and those who give a damn about you and your well being. Or...just take some time alone. You earned it, love.
Just get outa that rat race. Even if you quit for awhile, well I'll miss seeing you but I won't miss the B.S. people are laying on you. I don't like reading those articles but I only keep up with you so that I can know that you're okay and not lying in some ditch. Dramatic as that sounds lmao...the way things are going, you are being driven to at least a bad cold or flu due to all the Stress. You don't need any more of that's enough that your wife has to be in Australia in April for that pathetic court case.
It's time you took care of YOU. Get some rest, hon, some sleep, and then you can come out fresh and clear-headed, playing guitar onstage or doing some amazing, inspiring movie like "Fortunately the Milk," which looks EPIC.
This has been a "telepathic" sorta message to Johnny from someone who loves your soul and your artistry and always will. Maybe the crickets will help deliver it to you. Lol.
Either way...I know you know people love you. Even if you don't know them. Hang on, Johnny Angel!
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
14 January 2016, 12:40 PM
Free Madness
Wow. It's as if the Universe heard my prayer or something, lmao! Not that I wanted Johnny to be snubbed for an Oscar nomination, sure it'd be wonderful to see him actually WIN an Oscar for once. Even if he said repeatedly that he doesn't want to win because he feels like he'd be in competition with other actors and he's not like that...which is part of the reason I love him!
But...I do hope this means he will not go to that thing! Either with Amber or alone...he really does need a break. And he's not taking one, regardless...first this Elysium Art Heaven damn thing that yes, promotes good causes, but all the press talked about was how lovey dovey he and Amber were...ho hum! Then two nights ago he played with Hollywood Vampires at yet ANOTHER charity event hosted by Stella McCartney. Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled that Johnny is supporting causes, that's what he's about, largely. But I still say the public is having too much "fun" with him, good press or bad. He looked anxious and disoriented in those pics with Amber and Lily...despite the obvious attempts to make it look like one big happy family lol. Still not buying it. Amber loves the limelight. Johnny is okay with it when absolutely necessary...but stop with the pictures, already! Unless they're onstage, and with videos of the concert, which is definitely the INTERESTING part of the article...just...stop posing for pictures, Johnny and stop trying to make a big deal about you and Amber. Yes, I get it, your anniversary is coming up. You want to convince the public that you're not getting divorced, you are gonna MAKE this anniversary, dammit. But I can always tell by pictures when people are trying too hard. Just...just stop. You need a break from ALL that crap. And Amber, stop soaking up the limelight and keep things private once in awhile...geez! Everyone loves your looks yeah, you're certainly quite lovely, but puh-lease, ENOUGH of you! Let's focus on the social change you keep talking about, and things that are NEW.
Lol...okay rant over. I love seeing Johnny, no mistake, I love him...but when he needs a break, he just NEEDS one, and the pictures are too painful to look at anymore--until he takes one.
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
14 January 2016, 10:00 PM
Free Madness
Great. Now, Alan Rickman is dead. What next??
I loved him in everything he did. I'm sure Johnny, Tim Burton and everyone involved with Sweeney Todd and Alice in Wonderland are grieving too. He was so amazing as Turpin and Absolem...and of course, who could forget Snape! Even if Johnny never worked with him in Harry Potter, Helena Bonham Carter did, and she was Tim Burton's lady for many years. All one big extended family... <3
RIP Alan! Cancer SUCKS. Two shockers in one week, two hidden more shocks like that please, Tinseltown folks?
Stay safe and healthy, Johnny Angel...and that goes for the rest of you too!!!!! <3
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
Johnny on "Life's too short!" Lmao. An oldie but goodie! I love these little spoofy shows where they write skits and people go as themselves and act totally like...well...not themselves--buahahahaha!
Johnny: Why do you pick on movie stars? What have I done wrong? I'm trying to express myself, man, I'm, I'm, I'm...I'm trying to help people! To bring joy to the, to the masses! Is that a crime? Is that a crime--seriously? (Breaks down and sobs, softly, hand held to his face, eyes totally brokenhearted)
(But what lies on the cutting room floor is when Kate walks in and hugs Johnny close and he weeps on her shoulder--only to have Ricky Gervais throw a fit and order Kate out of the room, "Dammit you're ruining my skit!" So then Warwick Davis jumps down and stomps on Kate's foot and she turns around and yells loudly and passionately, "NOBODY disses Pirates on MY watch--and gets away with it! Don't say anything--just keep that in you." However, to retaliate, Warwick, Ricky and Stephen all begin singing this totally out-of-tune harmony "version" of "Bring on that Horizon," and Kate's head starts spinning with the horrible voices! Oh, so out of tune! She holds Johnny close one more time and says, "Meet me outside baby, I can't take this anymore!" No, that part was cut but then what was left in was when Johnny says to them after Kate leaves--"No! No more! NO MORE!" )
Ah, Johnny Angel you are just too sexy for my cat! You can kick my wastebasket across the room anytime, and don't forget to point to it after you do it!
Yo ho, yo ho--a pirate's life for me! Epic. This message has been edited. Last edited by: Free Madness,
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
23 January 2016, 05:12 PM
Free Madness
*sobs* Oh, God. Whyyyyy? Just WHYYYYYY?
Seriously,'s really just SUCH a joke anymore.(Hey, did I do an oxymoron in a sentence?)
Ok so she's having a baby because....Johnny wasn't smoking and Amber wasn't drinking at the Art Elysium! GASP! Omg, it MUST be true, that's the ONLY thing it can be.
Scrollll down to the comments section and check out the cool pics of Amber with a glass of white wine in her hand at the Art Elysium(oops, did they MISS that? Well, it wasn't exactly obvious...*sigh* )
Then there's the pic of Johnny smoking with Amber sitting in his lap. Yeah and THIS was the next night, folks, Stella McCartney's fashion show where Hollywood Vampires performed.
Ok. Sooooo...can't use the not drinking or smoking clue tabloideers! What next, heyyyy? Oh, right! Amber was rubbing her stomach at the Golden Globes. How do you know she wasn't just checking her dress, or maybe like, nervous about the Danish Girl film not winning anything--or whatnot?
*Pssst! There's a pic of her sipping a nice-sized goblet of wine backstage while a hairdresser gets her ready for an event. The commenter said it was the Golden Globes. Well, whether that's true or false, the pics of her and Johnny with their matching goblets of red wine at the Stella show? MAJOR woops, tabloids, check yer pics next time! Don't miss a spot! HAHAHAHAH! *
And while you're at it, Google, man, LEAVE the tabloids at the bottom of the news page, lol. I will look forward with baited breath to hearing more about Johnny's possible "Triple Frontier" involvement! Sounds like a truly epic film.
Go, Johnny, go! <3 This message has been edited. Last edited by: Free Madness,
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
This looks adorable. Very much for kids and teens, it would seem, and Kevin Smith, who directed it is a kindred spirit of Johnny's in that he really doesn't give a rat's arse if it's "good" or not, according to critics. Sounds like Johnny's kinda pal lol. Anyway, so I read a rather pitiful review on this movie, but who cares, it looks cool to me, so I'm going. Johnny has an awesome cameo in it, and Lily Rose is cool in this trailer. Even the little bit I saw of her, I can tell she's quite a good actress and I can't wait to see the whole thing. Overall, looks like a lot of fun--gonna try to see it tomorrow yay! This message has been edited. Last edited by: Free Madness,
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.
HAHAHAHAHA! Nup, I knew this morning, xc, you just beat me in posting about it, hehe.
Totally diggin' Johnny's acting range here, and JOEL HARLOW as his makeup artist(he did Johnny up as Bulger in Black Mass and Tonto in Lone Ranger to name a few), just HAD to be the guy behind the appearance! Man, if that dude doesn't get nominated for some kind of award for makeup work--someone is a total moron!
Go Johnny--go Joel--and RIP that Trumpazz to shreds like no one else could!
"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp.