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I lovvvve that Through the Looking Glass is getting great reviews! Yay! Not that I wouldn't love it anyway, it sounds entirely too epic. The Mad Hatter expands as a character, discovering layers of himself...we meet the master of Time(Sasha Baron Cohen) and it just looks...Phenomenal. GO JOHNNY! <3 ![]() Here's Johnny in a virtual "live" poster in Disneyland as the Mad Hatter--hilarious! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mo83rqYoAeU Here's Johnny with the Looking Glass cast talking about the movie. Lol...kinda cute about mocking his apology vid, but I think that's becoming old hat now(no pun intended lmao... ![]() ![]() ![]() https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APL3iPA9vIY "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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I KNEW I was right about the Heard. http://www.tmz.com/2016/05/25/...amber-heard-divorce/ Tried to step back, tried to give her the benefit of the doubt, and look what she goes and does. Files for divorce THREE DAYS after Johnny's mother dies(RIP Betty Sue Palmer ![]() Well, Johnny is fighting that spouse-support shite lol...good on him!!!!! Poor Johnny...omg, much as that concert rocked, he looked utterly miserable. Miserable. When it rains it pours! ![]() Hugs to Johnny Angel...you are loved, honey! Your band, your family, everyone supports you. <3 And screw old Barnyard Joyce, lol...he's not even worth your spit. ![]() ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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HERD OUT THE HEARD!!!! That divorce document...I don't believe her. She is demanding spousal support AND demanding that he pay for attorney fees. ARRRG!!! Where's Xena when you need her? ![]() *Xena strolls into the divorce lawyers' office and sneers at Amber. Xena: You're pretty fierce, Amber Laura "Depp," taking a grieving man to the cleaners. Amber(sneering): Um--do I KNOW you??? Are you, like, in costume or something auditioning for Pirates of the Carrabean? Xena(laughing sadly and shaking her head): I suppose it was before your time, Amber. I am Xena--Warrior Princess. As for you? (Throws Amber up against the wall and hits her with the pinch) Xena(smolderingly): Soooo what are you intending to take Johnny for? His whole savings? His house, his islands, his KIDS??? What, m'dear? Speak fast, you only have 20 seconds to live! Amber(choking): Everything! I--deserve it--because--because--I'm--AMBER HEARD! (Xena takes the pinch off of her and sighs, disgusted. Amber rubs her neck, gasping for breath, then glares at Xena) Amber: What are you, some kind of PSYCHO? Xena: I'm a problem solver. Amber: WHAT? Xena: I just figured out what YOU need, Amber, to keep you niiiice and comfy in your little fantasy world of money, money money. How would YOU like...MORE money than Johnny could ever give you? (Amber looks suspiciously at Xena, but her eyes start to glow as the dollar signs form.) Amber: More--money than Johnny Depp? Who--(narrows her eyes):who could THAT be, bychance? Xena(sighs and rolls her eyes as Gabrielle walks in, a shadowed figure behind her): And Johnny said you were brilliant! Gabrielle: Xena--no. Johnny said she was--KINDA brilliant. There's a difference. (grins) Xena(shrugging, then pointing out the shadowed stranger, whom Amber is now fixated on): You can come out of the shadows now---DON! Amber(breathless): Don? As in, Don Juan? (Enter Donald Trump, dressed to the nines in a black suit.) Trump: Well...in a matter of speaking. (grins): See--Amber, love...you went for the wrong guy. Johnny's not your type! He's too bohemian, too wayward! You need a man who has REAL money that you can bathe in forever and ever! AND, I say what I think and am a VERY fiercely independent spirit!!!! Amber(as Tsaikovski's "Romeo and Juliet" plays and they run in slow motion to each other): I--have finally found my--my--OTHER HALF! (She and Trump share a passionate kiss. Xena and Gabrielle share a smirk, and wink. The lawyer's face is plaster-white with shock. After a moment, she clears her throat.) Lawyer: Um--Amber? Amber? What about the requests for spousal support from Johnny? Do you still want him to pay the attorney fees? Do you still need time to think about--all you're going to--get? Regarding his assets? Trump(sighing): Ah--I guess I can take care of all that, plus Amber's needs. I mean--let's be fair. The guy DID do a good impression of me. Had me down PAT! Might as well--get him off our backs.(raises his eyebrow to Amber): Maybe he'll even stop insulting me. Not that I care.(they share a wicked look) Amber: Oh, don't worry about Johnny. He's got his teeth in Barnaby Joyce now. Or--should I say--Barnaby's got his teeth in HIM!(shrieks in laughter): Did you HEAR that he's comparing himself to Hannibal the Cannibal now, and that Johnny is his "Clarice" from the movie "Silence of the Lambs? And THIS is during the time of the Australian election campaigns! Trump(rolls his eyes): I CAN'T imagine what this country would be like if Joyce ran for president here!(shudders violently) Gabrielle(yawns): Xena, can we go now? Xena: Almost. Um--AMBER? I think your lawyer is waiting for an answer. Amber: What? Oh--the divorce! Um, assets, support...(thinks it over) Lawyer(impatient): AMBER! What am I supposed to tell Johnny's lawyer about your requests??? Amber(grinning): Um--just tell him--never mind!(rolls her eyes): I never liked those bratty kids anyway. Gabrielle(under her breath): Thank the gods! They never liked her either! Music swells again as Trump picks up Amber, holds her a bit in a Rhett/Scarlet pose, and carries her out of the room (Aphrodite appears, wiping a tear away and sniffing) Aphrodite: I just--LOVE a happy ending! Xena: Your'e not done yet. Aphrodite: Oh right! KATE! (nods her head, and we see a scene where Johnny mouths "I love you" to Kate, from onstage. The scene changes, and Johnny and Kate are in a beautiful woodsy area near Philadelphia. Kate sees Johnny, Johnny sees Kate, and without a word, fall into each other's arms. Aphrodite, sobbing, turns away and the vision ends.) Aphrodite: I can't TAKE it anymore! It's so--BEAUTIFUL!(runs crying out of the room) Gabrielle(shaking her head at the door): You know, for the Goddess of Love, she gets really saturated after awhile. Xena(head bowed, in a choked voice): I guess--(composes herself, blinking rapidly); Then again, it's not every day that you reunite with the other half of your soul. Gabrielle(grinning): Got to you a bit, eh, Xena? Xena(growling): Shut up. (She smiles, and she and Gabrielle leave the room, as the lawyer sighs with relief) Lawyer: Well! This is the easiest celebrity divorce I'VE ever done!!!!(takes out a joint and lights it up.): This calls for a celebration! (Alice Cooper's "School's Out" blasts the room as the lawyer gets quietly stoned.) EPILOGUE Trump dropped out of the presidential candidacy but Amber didn't mind because he already had plenty of billions. Natalie Adele and Julius won the election, and the whole world was ridded of Wall Street moneygrubbers because they all fell in love and decided to hole up on islands together for the rest of their lives. And THAT, my friends, is that. WEEEE! ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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Article Title: "Johnny Depp's response to Amber Heard's request for alimony: No." Pretty much says it all there!!! You GO, Johnny! BATTLE ON! Let Amberger DogTerd pay her own damned attorney fees, AND take care of her stoopid finances herself. ![]() ![]() http://www.usatoday.com/story/...alimony-no/84982576/ Lmao...and then People magazine, which ended up eating out of DogTerd's hand after an article on their "Separate Lives" was retracted? Posted an article saying she supported her mother-in-law through her illness and always visited her...yeah right. I'll buy THAT for 50 cents--NO. ![]() THE HEARD HAS LEFT THE MARRIAGE!!!! Get along, li'l doggie. I knew ya would. Oops, don't let the door catch yer tail on the way out! ![]() Now, enuff of this. I'm goin' back to the bed chamber to wait for my Johnny Angel--he's MINE now! Hands off, ladies! ![]() ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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Just when I think I can relax and let the ocean flow as it will? Guess what ELSE the Terdberger pulled out of her bag!!!! ![]() http://www.tmz.com/2016/05/27/...p-restraining-order/ Domestic violence? Um--I don't think so. Way to go for the sympathy, Ambyatch, pull out one of the worst things any man could do to a woman and use it to hurt Johnny. You FIEND! DumpTrump is too good for you. Oops, did I just stand up for him now? ![]() Wenchwoman, you went to that court office this past Monday. And this vid and article has you walin' around with a bruise TODAY! And WHEN did the lovely bruise Johnny supposedly gave you happen??? LAST SATURDAY? Ummm..wouldn't that there bruise have been WORSE on Monday when you went to court??? There was no mention of anything like violence then, you named "irreconcilable differences" as the reason for the divorce. But...you got yourself turned down for spousal support and payment for your stoopid attorney fees, PLUS the Range Rover, and all other such shite. And NOW? Ppl are bustin' all over you more than Johnny because your li'l "sources" say it was Johnny's decision not to see his own mother much after the marriage...but YOU, Saint Amber were there by her side the whole time. No one buys that, and they wouldn't believe it if they were offered millions to believe it. Now...you say Johnny beat you all thru yer marriage and you got a VIDEO to prove it??? Where's the video then, hey??? The apology video went viral, why not that one?? They can just put a stinkin' disclaimer sayin' that this has violence in it before anyone watches it. But nuthin would stop the media from postin' it, nooo sir!!! Oh--and WHY did you not let the cops chase after Johnny last Saturday after this so-called "incident," hey? Ohhhhhh, Amberger, you done screwed up, honey. You are SO Busted!!!!! I seriously hope they call out your arse, and fast. No one needs this shite after they lose their mother. No one. Great, so now Johnny has a restraining order. I don't think he'll mind, he probably wouldn't want to be THREE feet in front of you now...ESPECIALLY after your antics, you creep!!! YOU, and people LIKE you, are the reason many women are not taken as seriously now as they should be...you know, the women who actually DO get hit??? Or are raped, or some other horrible thing??? I hope that judge slaps you with absolute ZERO PENNIES of Johnny's "massive fortune" for your horrible slander against him. Also...lady....your makeup trick sucks. You should have used Joel Harlow! Oops...he's Johnny's makeup artist, right? TOO BAD, so sad!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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Well, Terdberger is gonna end up with more egg on her face than she had in that Australia apology video. I can see the egg being MUCH more lavish than those painted on bruises lmao!! ![]() First Lori Allison, Johnny's first wife, THEN Vanessa and THEN Lily speak out about Johnny not having a violent bone in his body...just a loving, caring man. Lori said he never even screamed at her during their marriage. Mickey Roarke, Paul Bettany and other stars also are sticking up for Johnny. Amber is so busted, it's sad. California law states that anyone who alleges abuse to the cops, even if they don't file a report? The cops go get the guy anyway and lock him up. The cops' words when asked about when they met with Terdberger? "There was no evidence of a crime." Ha! After THOSE pictures with glass all over the floor and her lovely li'l bruises taken in oh, so dramatic light? Puh-lease. She staged that whole scene after the cops left. The judge gave her a temporary restraining order telling Johnny not to come near her until June 17th, the hearing. Anyone can get a temporary restraining order if they even mention that they feel unsafe. But Terdberger refused to file a report with the cops even tho she later said she "lives in fear that Johnny will return to terrorize me." Brilliant, Amber. ![]() The judge would not issue protection for Pistol, who turns out to be Amber's yorkie(Boo is Johnny's), NOR send Johnny to anger management. No one is pursuing any criminal case with Johnny at all, but Terd's lavish descriptions of PAST abuse in her statement to the court, PLUS that so-called "video" would have any judge ruling that Johnny be jailed until the hearing. Yup, yup! That's California law! And why don't those pretty little bruises have swelling to go with them, hey? My best friend, who was hit many times by men, always said that her face swelled up with bruises of that nature. No matter what, it always happens. It happened to me when I was slapped around by my evil ex Jeff whom I dated before John. Terd has literally perpetrated all women, children AND men, because men suffer abuse too in many cases. It's not just Johnny she hurt. She hurt the entire cause for the fight against domestic violence. And SHE Wanted positive change in the world...for women as well as LGTB? Holy crap. She proved herself as a delusional, narcissistic opportunist. Betty Sue would be rolling over in her grave. Wait, wasn't Amber "at her side" during her illness and took such good care of her? NOW she goes and accuses her OWN SON of domestic abuse. Well, at least she's showing her true colors now! One thing I'll say about Amberger, she is an amazing actress! The people that are buying into this shite? They're OUTRAGED at anyone who questions it, and some are even boycotting "Alice: Through the Looking Glass." ![]() The Oscar goes to....Amberger Dogterd, for her riveting and moving performance in "The Ballad of the Hilariously Fabricated Abuse Story." Best picture nominated, too!!!! ![]() Ah, Clintyawn would be so proud. ![]() BATTLE ON, JOHNNY! ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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Amberg pressed charges against Johnny at last, apparently feeling forced to do so by people who came out in his defense including comedian Doug Stanhope who called her out on blackmail. Johnny will not be prosecuted because LAPD still reiterates that Amber had no bruises when they went to her house and there was no evidence of any violence. Also, Johnny's two security guards spoke out that they were there when the alleged fight took place and claimed Amberg was sitting on theh couch and Johnny was in the kitchen. Apparently Amberg screamed "Stop hitting me!" which caused the guards to come busting through the door. But they were no where near each other. Now Johnny has come out of hiding and was signing autographs just awhile ago. Yay! I hope there is peace in the village soon. People will continue to hate on him and hate on Amberg. I am still hurt by what she did but I am resolving not to hate on her anymore. She is a very sick person who needs healing and professional help for what seem to be great delusions on her end. iO Tillet Wright, her friend and LGTB activist, also works to promote mental health awareness. She also lives with Depression. Amberg named her as the one she spoke to on the phone when Johnny supposedly was attacking her. iO was said to have called the police on Johnny. But iO has not spoken a word in public, either on Amber's behalf, or Johnny's. Speaks volumes. If anyone can help Amberg, it's iO. And a very good therapist/psychiatrist. It's time both sides of horrible stories like this were treated with encouragement for those who point fingers at others for horrible things they didn't do...to get help, and hope for the best for them. So, I hope Amber gets help and finds peace in her own village as well...far away from Johnny and his family. It's the best thing for all of them(and us) that they split up. I hope people stop boycotting Johnny's movie and stop the hate on him as well. Hate is useless. Useless. I dedicate this song to all. ![]() http://www.singsnap.com/karaok...isten/play/baa9eb5bf "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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No more Mr. Nice Guy. ![]() I can just see Xena laughinng at me for my temporary possesion by Eli...way of love, right. To HELL with that. I won't go all Xena Jr. zombie or anything but I love Johnny too much to put on some goddam rose-colored-glasses.(I hate glasses anyway they give me a headache. ![]() AmBITCH Smelly Terd's unnamed "pal"(probably that Raquel wwannabe loser that follws her around and echoes her evil lies) said in some exclusive shite that Johnny tried to suffocate Amberger with a pillow last December. ATTEMPTED MURDER! Where will she go next, RAPE???? ![]() NOW, they're saying she's dropped the farkin' charges cuz she doesn't wanna "bury" Johnny--awww, way to be all nice-nice now, bitch after you put out that BULLshite that now people are hatin on him for. Too little, ,too late, Ambitch! You just did that cuz you knew your arse would go to jail for perjury. You KNEW you were lying all along. Don't try to make yourself look all good by backing out of pressing charges. You got the whole world "lovin" all over you for awhile, got YOUR fifteen minutes of the fame you always wanted...putting on a HELLUVA performance too but it was too flawed to be believed. ![]() TOO many holes in the plot! ![]() I dedicate THIS song to the likes of you and all other evil nasty bitches LIKE you. I am NO longer a "feminist"...FARK that mentality. I am a humanist. ![]() Julius is back in the game and your eyes are gonna be all clawed out. Attempted MURDER honey? You ain't seen nothin' yet. ![]() Your time is gonna come!!!! ![]() https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeweFJpz2ac Love this song... ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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This is the year of feminism obviously. Of course it is, since Clintyawn won the nomination. ![]() All them Ambush DogTerd supporters will feel SO farkin' stoopid once the truth comes out. iO Tillet Wright, activist for gender-neutrality or whatever, calls himself "he." Born a female human "he" is a he and he supports Ambush. This article...good lord! Check out his detailed "evidence!??" http://www.refinery29.com/2016...1-call-famous-friend Okay, Mr. Wright, you SAW the wreckage, bloody pillow, Dogterd's bloody face, whatever, bruises, her SOBBING, yeah okay okay. You describe Johnny apologizing profusely but what was he apologizing about? Did you, iO Tillet with your proud words, actually SEE Johnny BEATING Ambush or DID Ambush make it all up and THREATEN Johnny into not tellin' you what really happened??? Okay I wasn't there I wasn't no fly on Johnny or Ambush's wall but it doesn't add up unless that there video DogTerd told the court she has detailing Johnny beating her comes out. My guess? It won't come out cuz she's still editing it. Maybe even using CG's! ![]() ![]() Based on speculation...yeah only speculation but still! Watching Johnny's decline since being with DogTerd...I strongly suspect that HE was abused and by HER. He looks like I looked after four years with an emotionally and physically abusive dickhead whom I finally ditched before I met John in 1996. It's just too frighteningly similar. So much so it brought up all that shite I thought I got over twenty years ago. No WONDER I always hated Amterd to the point of being afraid for Johnny's sanity and life! People worried that I was "too obsessed" but I was literally RELIVING my own past! All by following Johnny's news since 2014 and watching him physically change like I did every morning when I looked in the mirror during the abusive relationship I was in from 1992 to '96. AHA! When I realized that, it all came home. Before Ambush, did Johnny stutter like that? Did he speak as slowly and painfully as he does now? Was he nervous and wild-eyed? Was he DRUNK like that in public? No. Ambush is nothing more than the female version of the abusive tard I had to dump like Johnny dumped her. Only difference is, Ambush is a woman so she's using that to her advantage to "get back" at Johnny(or lure him back? Fat chance, byatch). And facists--cough, "feminists' like iO Tillet Wright and others...are buying into it. IDIOTS! Prepare to wipe the egg off your faces when Johnny shows HIS evidence, which he's probably keeping quiet about which is GOOD on him. Why join in the social media/media war anywho? In fact, I might need to back out of it too but I had to make this video just askin' "what if." ![]() ![]() i know men who went through this shite too. It ain't pretty! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGL5biuEyjo I am with you, Johnny. BATTLE ON! I got your back. <3This message has been edited. Last edited by: Free Madness, "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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Happy Birthday, Johnny my Love!!!! <3 ![]() https://www.youtube.com/watch?...rls&feature=youtu.be My Birthday Tribute to him. I love Windows Movie Maker hehe! ![]() ![]() ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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AmSycophant Turdberger is losing serious ground...hahahah I knew she would! ![]() Johnny is doing better and better, stepping out in the public again and he's even lost weight and has his "signature cheekbones" everyone swooned over and lamented the loss of when he was with the Heard. ![]() I always thought Johnny was being totally drained by a psychopathic sociopath of a NARCISSIST...and sycophant to boot!!!! But check it out here...he went and altered one of his tattoos that APPARENTLY was designed with her in mind. A pinup girl, whom he totally covered up with black. Black Mass, anyone? ![]() ![]() This is what it USED to look like, but there were already outlines around it hehe...probably he meant to black it out as far back as the Grammy's! ![]() Johnny has NOT been giving AmSyco Turd the attention she craves so guess WHAT? SHE goes and takes a trip to CHURCH!!!! ![]() http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvs...rce-Johnny-Depp.html Aww, she's shedding crocodile tears again, boo hoo. ![]() ![]() Well...now the news is totally focused on Johnny and his getting on with life, and I for one am THRILLED that he's moving on! you GO Johnny Baby! ![]() Three more days til Sunday and HOLLYWOOD VAMPIRES in Atlantic City for me! Whoohoo! ![]() Love you Johnny....<3 ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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BEFORE: AFTER! Trivia: Johnny's nickname for Amterd was "Slim" prolly cuz of Lauren Bacall, whom he once said she reminded him of. AS IF!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Well, she's SCUM now and all the news is abuzz about his "public diss" to her. Well good for him!!! Sometimes an image, a TATTOO speaks louder than words. ![]() Oh, and furthermore: A Few Days Ago: ![]() Last Night as he rocked in Bethlehem, PA! ![]() The meaning? The emblem of the dolphin and anchor which has been used since Roman times to illustrate the adage. Festina lente or σπεῦδε βραδέως (speûde bradéōs) is a classical adage and oxymoron meaning “make haste slowly” (sometimes rendered in English as “more haste, less speed”). It has been adopted as a motto numerous times, particularly by the emperors Augustus and Titus, the Medicis and the Onslows. Makes sense to me!!! Make haste but don't rush it, don't panic, just make sure all the ducks(or dolphins ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() But BEYOND her...I believe the anchor and the dolphin represent Johnny moving on to a BETTER and BRIGHTER FUTURE! I think the anchor is his decision to root himself in a place of Wisdom, having learned from the past, and ready to start fresh. The dolphin is his love of the sea. He'll probably spend more time near the sea. He loves it. ![]() Johnny's not looking back. That's why the dolphin is moving downward...taking root in the sand/earth and all that is REAL. ![]() Go Johnny, Go! You are a classy man with an awesome job. ROCK ON, ANGEL! <3 ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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Latest: Assbag Terd has come out of "hiding" after a lengthy silence, which had ppl wondering if they put a gag order on her( ![]() ![]() But...never trust silence...Johnny is proving that!!!! EEheheh, Assbag looked scared shiteless when she was spotted out with her ex-wife(whom she was arrested for ABUSING back in 2009, how's THAT for irony??? ![]() ![]() But Assbag did look kinda nervous. GOOD! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() She also had band-aids on her arm...what's THAT about? She prolly be shootin' heroin or some shite. ![]() Now the press is hatin' on Johnny again, calling him a cult celebrity leader and that the Hollywood Vampires isn't about rock and roll it's all sensationalism..bla bla bla ![]() Joe Perry seems to be doing better but the band is gonna finish the tour without him it seems, so he can rest. That's good cuz we want Joe around awhile! I can't wait until this shite is over. Johnny is apparently selling a bunch of other stuff, like his French estate and his Venice mansion. Guess he wants to get rid of excess baggage and have less taxes to pay. Don't blame him. I wonder if he's thinking of quitting the scene altogether and just retiring on his island with his kids and family. Hey I'd miss him but I certainly wouldn't blame him if he at least took a long break!!! Cuz you know, now he's getting picked on for music too and there's just so many eyes on him...it HAS to get old as hell. He probably would be happier jamming in his house with his buds for awhile. ![]() Either way...he's gonna pull out of this, but the suspense is still kinda painful man. I HATE every article, even those about Joe collapsing last week, having some shite about Assbag, cuz there's so much unresolved crap. Wonder how her suing of Doug Stanhope is going? Lmao... ![]() Guess she'll get the house on the border of Mexico and then what, start a Domestic Violence center there??? ![]() Oh well. Enuff of this, gonna light some candles and incense...maybe Johnny'll stop by on the way to his next gig for a quick respite!!!!! ![]() Love ya, Angel! ![]() ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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Soooo to update, here's a few tidbits: Johnny filed a non-disclosure agreement that Turdburger has to sign, no matter what. Whatever finances are discussed between them the public can NOT know about, no holds barred. Enough financial information was leaked, apparently. Johnny doesn't want anymore financial information leaked. Johnny Depp: I refuse to give Amber my Financials Until She Shuts her Trap! He still has yet to, in his words, publicly deny the abuse allegations. Interestingly, no one seems to be discussing that now, and even in these cute little documents Turdburger filed in retaliation to Johnny's non-disclosure "demands," no mention was made of the alleged "abuse." Amber Heard says to Johnny, "Stop Stonewalling the Divorce Settlement!" Awwww, I'm-a gunna cry. ![]() Guess she's saying "I dun wanna!!" to keeping quiet about financial details. Nice Job, Turdeater! ![]() My question is...why the HELL is Johnny even remotely willing to discuss a settlement with this bitch anyway? She lied about him, committed perjury, SWORE under oath that Johnny did something he obviously did NOT do! Why in the world is he being so fair to her? She doesn't deserve a penny. She should either be locked up for perjury and denied any settlement whatsoever, OR denied any settlement, given a gag order about marriage details AND a permanent restraining order to stay away from Johnny AND his family. What is the farkin' deal here? Why is Johnny allowing this settlement discussion at all? I get wanting to make it all go away but she needs to pay for her actions. NOT be indulged so she might "slither under her rock" and leave him alone. We all know she won't do that. She never will. Unless she signs the non-disclosure which she obviously refuses to do. ![]() Imo, Johnny needs to make a video or do an interview where he sets the record straight, at LEAST tells the world that Amber's a liar. He doesn't have to open the whole can of worms about the marriage, just say, "No I didn't f---ing hit her, she lied, they all lied." Why they lied doesn't matter unless Johnny just wants to call a spade a spade...Amber's a gold-digger and wants all she can squeeze out of him. After all, NONE of us doesn't know that, not really. WHY can't they make that fiend pay for her lies by refusing her a settlement? Why can't Laura Wasser fight that and make the Turd ADMIT under court of law that she lied under oath? What, is WASSER afraid of Amber? I don't think so, but obviously she wants to respect her client's wishes. Yes, narcissistic as Amber is, I can imagine Johnny's still processing all the shit she laid on him. She didn't just drain him financially after all. Yes I get it that Ambooger could drag the hell out of this thing and keep herself in Johnny's hair indefinitely. I understand why he wants it over with. But she needs to pay her dues for her perjury, and, if Johnny doesn't want to deal with it, let his lawyer do it! What's the big deal? Wasser can make a judge see what a liar Amber is by having Johnny's bodyguards and everyone else who SAW the real deal, no bruises on Turd's face on Sunday(get that deleted Instagram picture in court too!), get the LAPD in on it(no evidence of a crime, remember?) and the concierge at the condo who saw Amber on Sunday and complimented her on her complexion. (Look Ma, no bruises!) Jeez louise! There's plenty of evidence against Turd that she really CAN'T drag this shit out anyway. Wasser needs to convince Johnny that trying to quietly make it all go away is NOT the way to do it with a monster like Amber. On a side note, it was rumored that Amber was "spending time" with that billionaire Elon Musk, famous for the Tesla cars. I don't know if that's true or not but it would make sense lol. Bottom line, Turdburger's such a shady character she should be a politician. Whaddya wanna bet she'll start speaking for Scary Clitbomb like that doofus Scott Baio already spoke for DumpTrump at the repooop con recently??? ![]() God help Clitbomb if she starts speaking up for Turdburger, hahahah! ![]() If Natalie Adele and Julius were in office now, celebrity gossip would cease and desist. No more tabloids, no more lies. Freedom of the press can still be honored so long as it's TRUTHFUL. None of this one-sided crapola either. If someone accuses someone else of a horrible crime or whatnot, DO not publish it until the other side speaks. End of discussion. ![]() And dammit, Johnny, let the Turd pay for what she did to you and your family. Let her eat cockroach poop in Alcatrez for the rest of her life! ![]() Love you baby! I want you AVENGED. Let Wasser do that. Sometimes ya gotta fight fire with fire right???? ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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Ok cool. Assbag Liar will be deposed and grilled on Saturday, August 6th about the stoopid abuse allegations. They're calling them "meritless." Lmao, just like Ambooger herself--MERITLESS!!!! ![]() And pointless. ![]() Amber to be Deposed August 6th Good enough! Let her drop the stupid bullshit lies and turn the damn thing into a mutual restraining order. Let her farkin' PAY for lying under oath. Perfect! I still say she should not get a dime, however. ![]() ![]() Good on ya, Johnny honey for fighting that ridiculous stain on your character. It's frightening how far Turdbag got with it but hey, it's "PC" right?? ![]() Still, it's even worse when a woman lies about that because SHE is the one who makes it difficult for ANYONE(male or female) to speak out about domestic violence. Well f--- her, let her be deposed and completely humiliated in public as she deserves. ![]() And penniless!!! ![]() Love you, Johnny! Behind you all the way sweetheart. ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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i dunno if even Natalie Adele & Julius can fix this! Much as i hate conservative neo-Nazi Faux news, i also hate liberal, politically-correct news like CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, etc. There is no fair & unbiased news- even BBC & PBS are biased in what they cover & don't cover. The media is why- out of 300 million Americans- we end up with two of the worst humans for president! Freedom of the press is a privilege that the press abuse, and they are apt to lose some of those privileges if they aren't careful. There are things that the public has a right to know and there are things that the public does not have a need to know- the press these days cannot differentiate between the two. And there are things that the public should be told that are held back for political and favoritism reasons. As for "If someone accuses someone else of a horrible crime or whatnot, DO not publish it until the other side speaks", they should also not accuse when someone is dead & can't speak for themselves anymore. Like JFK, Elvis, John Lennon or these "reality" crime shows where speculation is thrown around concerning deceased victims who aren't there to defend themselves. Why criminals are even given the spotlight on such shows is beyond me...oh yeah, ratings, money. | |||
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True that, all of it. ![]() ![]() It would be kind of interesting but I just don't want no bloodshed. But hey what's change without some moron coming out and killing people??? ![]() ![]() I just ain't having this U.S. government anymore. I don't even wanna call myself American. ![]() ![]() Maybe Natalie Adele and Julius can change the name of this country to Animal Nation! Or maybe United Earth Life. Maybe. It's a thought... ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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Jennifer Lawrencecrazed said the same thing about Trumpett. i don't believe it meself. i think Trumpett is too wishy washy & changes his mind so much. i don't think a billionaire is going to do anything to risk his losing his empire. Plus if ISIS & the middle-East remains the biggest threat, i think Hitler-ly would be worse that Trumpett (can't believe i'm stickin up for Trumpett...now i feel nauseous...) as she won't do anything against ISIS (just like obombya) and she already is responsible for deaths in Syria. | |||
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All right, whoa Nellie, BACK up, BACK the fark up here!!! Okay this is "Hollywood Gossip," I get it, a total tabloid if there ever was one. But the title of this article--ARE YOU FRICKING KIDDING ME????? Johnny Depp Wants to SUE Amber Heard for HOW MUCH?? Excuse me, kind sirs and madams who OBVIOUSLY don't know how to write, let alone you're probably on Amber's side anyway and don't even know what common decency IS? Hello, HERE'S an idea. Instead of Johnny wants to sue Amber, how about Amber merely SIGNING the ding dang confidentiality agreement and SAVING herself 100k, heyyyy???? Or...is that thought just too HORRIFYING for Turdbag to manage? ![]() Talk about farkin' stupid as shit! ![]() It's THAT SIMPLE. Johnny doesn't want his financial information out in the public eye. Hey, average janes and joes out there...do any of you want YOUR financial information available all over the media?? I mean how many people freak out at the very thought of that? Ummm, can you say, "Identity theft?" Hello...Johnny's majorly famous as it is, WHY does Ambitch and her moronic lawyers need the RIGHT(as if they have it) to tell all 20 million or so people on God's Green Earth what Johnny Depp makes a month, a year, whatever, how much money he spends on what, WHAT he spends it on, WHAT his utility bills are...come on! ![]() Aside from that, I REALLY don't need to know, okay? If Johnny buys one latte or 300 lattes a day, lmao, you can keep that information private, dudes. Don't go thinking I need to know that and while you're at it(Ambitch) WIPE that egg off your face and admit defeat! ![]() Amber Heard's Fifteen Minutes of Fame Account....OVERDRAWN!!!! ![]() ![]() Now, get outa here, has-been, Johnny and I wanna relax in this here jacuzzi in the Bed Chamber. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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Bitch has her deposition tomorrow where Johnny's lawyer Laura Wasser questions her on her "abuse" allegations. They better nail her ass and she better drop them charges, or something tells me we're gonna be here all year. ![]() Meanwhile rumors are making me annoyed. First Ambitch is seen partying with that billionaire dude from Tesla I mentioned before--Elon Musk. So everyone thinks they're an item now and articles are all over it. That don't bother me much--but of course someone has to "counteract" those rumors by spreading one about Johnny and THAT is annoying. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It would be pretty farked up if Johnny were dating some babe in her 20's again though. I hope he doesn't do that whenever he falls in love again. I mean come on now. Another youngster half his age??? After Ambitch, REALLY? Johnny never struck me as just--ooh I'm old now, I can go for the hot li'l twenty somethings and maybe make more kids" type. No way, he loves soul to soul, heart to heart. I think he really fell for Amterd cuz she studied everything Johnny loved, down to the obscure blues songs and Jack Kerouac and of course Hunter S. Thompson(Rum Diary ![]() ![]() Just for laughs, I YouTubed a clip from Ambooger's movie that never really made it, back in 2015--starring poor Christopher Walken as her dad. ![]() ![]() And her acting? Well. She's playing herself. Just watch. ![]() ![]() ![]() Amber Heard in "When I live my Life Over Again" clip "My poor ludicrous heart, it just rattles the bars, it rattles the bars of my pain." Something like that. DumpTrump could write better lyrics! ![]() ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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Lots of things went down since my last post, but first? I have written a blog about the "big video" Amterd said she had back on May 27th showing an altercation where Johnny "beat her up." Well. All I can say is...watch the video. Really watch it and see what happens. Do you see him hit Ambooger? What happened at the end of the video? Would she not have screamed out if he had done anything besides take the recording device out of her hand and throw it somewhere?? The Big Bad "Abuse" Video--starring Amber Heard and Johnny Depp. It's clear the Turdbag was setting him up. Why would she take a video of a man swearing and cursing by himself, obviously just venting his anger at something? Why did she have to start a conversation with him? If he'd hit her, surely that would not be okay. I have, in spite of how much I love the man, investigated each side of the story as thoroughly as I could based on the media's accounts. For more details on what I've deduced from this, here is my blog post from this morning. Have a read, and follow if you would like to comment on it. ![]() ![]() I'll Give You Justice, Amber Heard P.S. Amber is now denying that she even leaked that video, and furthermore, wants to settle?? Huh??? I guess she let the cat out of the bag entirely too many times. ![]() I Didn't Do It, Nobody Saw Me Do it, They Can't Prove Anything! ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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i try to avoid reading about celebrities online as ya never know what's true or what's just some biased reporter's nonsense or what is like half-truths passed down thru a couple dozen ppl til it doesn't even come close to what was originally passed down. If i catch a headline about an xc wife i don't click & read anymore cuz whatever it is ain't gonna get 'em kicked out of the harem- they'll never get that lucky! | |||
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True, I'm very picky about what I read and normally these days I'm able to call the liars out lol. Actually to be honest, I never take reporters who write crap about movie stars or musicians, whatever--seriously at all. I never take 'sources" seriously either. I am more apt to trust something from a live interview. Or in this case, a lawyer's or other court document. I am definitely concerned for Johnny's integrity being vindicated because it's only right. If this were about something stupid like, oh...maybe Johnny's dog took a poop on Donnie TrumpTrash or Hissary Clintsnake's yard, I'd laugh hysterically and just go on to the next music video. ![]() ![]() ![]() Battle on, N.A. and J.! ![]() ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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Actually when I watched that stoopid video again I realized it's not even Johnny lol...there's no tattoo on his right hand, and everyone knows he's got a crow there. Ambimbor hired a look-alike lol. Gimme a third of a break, lmao! ![]() That's almost funny when you think of it. A lot of others are calling it out too. ![]() ![]() They're trying to get Johnny to do a "West Memphis 3" himself now and sign a statement confessing he abused her. He is adamantly refusing. Good on him! ![]() ![]() And hey, what's the big deal if he has to stay away from trailer trash like that anywho? ![]() ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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IT'S OVER!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() Amber dropped the charges(THANK YOU!!!! ![]() Not a bad amount of money. It's less than she wanted lol but I'm glad she settled on it. Equally glad Johnny won't have a legal "mark" on him for domestic violence. ![]() Here's my blog with more of my thoughts on their "mutual statement." It's a tad wishy washy but Johnny DID not admit to doing any physical harm to Amber. The wording was just a little "softened." ![]() THIS IS THE END, "BEAUTIFUL FRIEND." Hopefully the public will leave him alone about this from now on. Let him do his music and movies in peace, and let Lily Rose rock the Yoga Hosers movie. ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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