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Picture of Sara
posted 19 August 2005 07:06 PM
Keri and I are engaged. Smile

I asked yesterday, and she said yes. (otherwise that might have really sucked and been awkward) We wanted to let you guys know, cause we've both been a part of the Scrolls for more than a few years now. And because this is the place we got together in the first place. So feel special, we're letting you know. Razz

That's pretty much it. Hooray for us. Smile Keri will prolly be along soon to add her own thoughts/feelings/yayness. Besides, she's much better at this stuff than I am. So yeah.

Happiness abounds. Smile


I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.

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Ultimate Scroller
posted 19 August 2005 07:12 PMHide Post
Here I am! I know you all were waiting for the details. I mean, really, a few mins to wait is a long time for details. Razz

Yes, Sara did indeed ask me to marry her and I said yes. Woooooo! Smile

She did it at one of our favorite spots... this place near the beach that I took her to on our first anniversary. It's in Rancho Palos Verdes, and we'd go there to look at the tidepools and just an awesome view overall. We did exactly that and then we had a picnic on the grass under the palm trees next to the ocean. It was pretty chilly and windy but that didn't matter to me, lol, I'm warm blooded. Sara on the other hand had issues. Razz

So yes, we ate our lunch and then she said she had a present for me. She pulled out this beautiful scrapbook that she made of us. It really is beautiful. So we're going page by page, and then we got to the last page... and it says "Will you" with an envelope at the bottom and white ribbon tied over it. I opened the envelope and on the ribbon inside was a ring. LOL, in classic Keri's not normal mode, I proceeded to simply stare at the ring. Wink I untied the ribbon to take the ring off and stared at it more. And stared. Until Sara finally died and went, "You haven't answered the question." Me = Dork. :-p I was like "Oh!" and proceeded to tell her that Yes, I would marry her. Happy Sara, happy Keri, hehe. She put the ring on my finger and we were all goofy and lovey afterwards. Smile

The ring is really beautiful. It's white gold with a channel cut (I believe that's what it's called) with 7 diamonds across. It's absolutely gorgeous... and it SPARKLES! lol, it sparkles a lot and I like that. I have been known to now go, "Sparkle sparkle" at random moments and wave my finger. Due to this, Sara's currently wondering if she can take it back, LOL. Wink

But yes, um hi! I'm engaged! I'm a...fiancee now. That's just funky. LOL.

We're engaged, we're engaged, we're engaged! Woooooooo! Big Grin

(Get used to it. Razz ) LOL
Posts: 893 | Location: Lexington, KY | Registered: 25 June 2003Report This Post
Scroll Guardian

posted 19 August 2005 10:47 PMHide Post
Many many congratulations, you two!!

<---- that's a cheerleader smiley (best I could find)!
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Picture of Smirk Morgan
posted 19 August 2005 11:19 PMHide Post

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posted 20 August 2005 12:40 AMHide Post
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Picture of XF3
posted 20 August 2005 08:24 AMHide Post the way you did it beeing the scrapbooker that I am. It's about time. You two are obviously made for each other. Here's to a very happy and healthy life together. There's something missing in my hand. Oh, Zooommm!Big Grin

My Space

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Ultimate Scroller
posted 20 August 2005 11:30 AMHide Post
That is so very romantic! CONGRATULATIONS! Here's to many years of happiness! WXF raises her glass! WXF SmileSmile
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Picture of zoom
posted 20 August 2005 11:41 AMHide Post
yayness & J(meister)-ness all around


are you sitting on the soap?

sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'

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Picture of XF3
posted 20 August 2005 12:37 PMHide Post
That's what I'm talkin' bout!Big Grin To Keri and Sara!

My Space

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Picture of zoom
posted 20 August 2005 07:23 PMHide Post
heh--you know at first it took me a minute or two to figure that out. i was wondering why i was being summoned in the S&K engagement thread. then i realized it was the bartender you were summoning.

hey. i'm slow, but i'm good....



are you sitting on the soap?

sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'

Posts: 5103 | Location: Austin Texas, baby | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
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Picture of Free Madness
posted 20 August 2005 10:11 PMHide Post
{{{{SARA AND KERI}}}}}

AWESOME! I am so happy for you both...Sara that is so romantic man, great way to propose...and on a beach! Stellar.Smile

This rocks...I remember being in touch with you guys back at the old scrolls when you were first together, talking to you, and I always knew you were meant to be. Great news. And yes, Keri I remember well what it was like to be a fiancee, when John would introduce me as that...that was so sweet, now I'm a wife. You're gonna love it!Smile

So...are we all invited to the wedding? Zoom can bring the jagermeister, I'll bring the Merlot. Big Grin

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
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Picture of Salem
posted 21 August 2005 05:43 AMHide Post
Aww, congratulations! Smile


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Chief Chesty Forlock

Picture of Argeaux
posted 21 August 2005 11:43 AMHide Post
Aw, the whole scene related by Gabber made me go all gooey inside. Big Grin

That's great, gals. I'm so happy for you.

Now, details. I need details:

1. Does Sara get a ring too?

2. When is the happy day?

3. Has Gabber run away from Borders and off to Texas yet?


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Picture of KSena
posted 21 August 2005 04:28 PMHide Post
WOW! How absolutly romantic! Amazing! And very very many congratulations from me!!!!!!!!!!



My LiveJournal: A look inside KSenas mind...
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Ultimate Scroller
posted 21 August 2005 05:49 PMHide Post
Thank you everybody for the congratulations and overall happiness and LOVE! (Sara's gagging.) Wink

We really appreciate it, and yes, everyone's invited to the wedding. Sara asks that you please bring booze. Especially zoom. Razz

Now now, I see that someone wants some details so, la la la...

1. Does Sara get a ring too?
Sara does not get an engagement ring. She refuses to let me get her one. BUT she will have a wedding band. My ring's so huge on my finger (lol and it sparkles!) that I'm gonna use it as both my engagement and wedding ring. Sara however... well... we need to go shopping at some point, don't we? Big Grin

2. When is the happy day?
Good question. Who knows.

LOL just kidding. Well, kinda. Razz We don't really know at this point. Right now, we're focusing on planning for my move and for moving in together. Once I get settled in/we get settled in, we'll start planning for the wedding. Definitely within the next year though.

3. Has Gabber run away from Borders and off to Texas yet?

I wish!!! TAKE ME AWAY!!! smash

Actually, Sara will be getting a one-way ticket out here to CA in early December...and then we're going to drive out to Texas together. So that's when I will for sure run away. HOPEFULLY I'll be running away from Borders sooner than that. Pieces of crap Borders management. Razz

Sara has nothing to add. LOL she's gonna hit me. Wink

We love you all!!! (And she's gagging again.) Thank you again... I like attention. Big Grin

(Sara's telling me to press the damn post button. I wonder if she wants me to post. Hmm. I guess...)
Posts: 893 | Location: Lexington, KY | Registered: 25 June 2003Report This Post
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Picture of XF3
posted 21 August 2005 05:55 PMHide Post
Hehe....I'm all giddy for you! Big Grin

My Space

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Picture of The Troll
posted 21 August 2005 08:41 PMHide Post
(Sara's telling me to press the damn post button. I wonder if she wants me to post. Hmm. I guess...)

Hey I think it's the post and BE damned button! Big Grin But anyway, good to hear you are happy together and planning a future. I hope for you both the best of times.
Posts: 411 | Registered: 23 June 2003Report This Post
Scroll Guardian


Scroller and Instigator

posted 22 August 2005 05:11 AMHide Post
Congrats you guys.

I don't know how i missed this thread before but i did.

I'll be waiting for my invitation.

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Picture of Prof. Lurker
posted 22 August 2005 11:08 AMHide Post
Thank you for the details SmileCongratulations {{{Sara + Gabber}}}
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Chief Chesty Forlock

Picture of Argeaux
posted 22 August 2005 11:23 AMHide Post
Originally posted by Nanzar:

(Sara's telling me to press the damn post button. I wonder if she wants me to post. Hmm. I guess...)

Hey I think it's the post and BE damned button! Big Grin
Damn Skippy! evil


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Picture of Jubs
posted 23 August 2005 05:53 PMHide Post


I'm so very very very happy for the two of you!

Keri, your description almost made me cry! Sara you definitely know how to win your girl's heart.

Oh I'm so happy for you both!!!


Posts: 920 | Location: Iowa, USA | Registered: 23 June 2003Report This Post
Ultimate Scroller
posted 27 August 2005 07:23 PMHide Post
Thank you all who posted after my last reply! We kept up on the replies (since I'm an attention whore Razz ) and loved every one of them. I'm so glad ya'll are happy for us and rooting us on and all that stuff. Smile

PLUS, I broke away from Borders! Wooo! Er, for not so fun reasons, but at least I'm done. I'd be at work right now if I hadn't quit. Blah. So yay, that's one thing taken care of. Soon enough I'll be driving to Texas with my fiancee. Smile


Love you all still! Big Grin

And yes, I'm posting finally 'cause Sara had to go back to Texas today. She should be home soon I think, if not already home. But yes, that's why I'm posting, I don't have a wonderful fiancee to smother. Big Grin I wish I did. Smile

Posts: 893 | Location: Lexington, KY | Registered: 25 June 2003Report This Post
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Picture of Shinigami
posted 10 September 2005 11:16 PMHide Post
Did somebody say "Jagermeister"?!?EekevilBig Grin

I know it's late, but...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin

I hope to get an invitation, cuz I would love to be there. Big Grin

Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin{{{S&K}}}Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin

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Picture of Shawn
posted 12 September 2005 03:27 PMHide Post
Why the Hell didn't someone point this out to me sooner!?!?!??!?!

Hello - I'm a little slow here and I haven't gotten to be online much. Please, don't think my absence means that I am not totally thrilled for the two of you.

Congrats you two, that is truly awesome and I wish you all the best.


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