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Human emotions, but only female names
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Picture of Brian
posted 04 August 2007 12:55 PM
A short time ago I met a young couple with a new baby girl, whom had been named "Esperanza," which is Spanish for Hope.

Faith, Hope, Charity, Chastity, Prudence, Patience, Sophia (the ancient Greek for "wisdom") and maybe Constance, though I'm not sure that really is the same deriviation as the others... human traits that only females have been named for.

I'm curious why such universal concepts were assigned by sex.

And yes, I realize I think waaaaaayyyy too much about stuff but just the same, I can't help but wonder.
Posts: 207 | Location: Tennessee, USA | Registered: 23 June 2003Report This Post
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Picture of Sara
posted 04 August 2007 02:34 PMHide Post
My thinking would be it goes back to the days when the roles of men and women were firmly established and people went out of their way to keep themselves in that mold. Men are strong, smart, logical, analytical, etc. Women are soft, emotional, intuitive, blah, blah.

While this is true to an extent just because of how our brains are wired differently, it's not how people see the world (mostly) anymore. I think in terms of names, emotions and the gender these names are bestowed upon, it's probably a leftover product of that antiquated notion.

Or I could just be talkin' out my ass. Y'know, that makes sense too.


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posted 05 August 2007 01:02 AMHide Post
What about Dopey, Grumpy, Happy and Bashful? Those guys oughta count.
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Picture of Smirk Morgan
posted 05 August 2007 12:26 PMHide Post
Of course there's the many variations of Fidel, Fidelio, Fido that are derived from "fidelity". These usually seem to be male names.

Maybe it's the exception that proves the rule?

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Picture of Brian
posted 05 August 2007 03:52 PMHide Post
Originally posted by Smirk Morgan:
Of course there's the many variations of Fidel, Fidelio, Fido that are derived from "fidelity". These usually seem to be male names...

I hadn't thought of Fidel, that's a good point. Perhaps there are other exceptions too, but I can't think of any.
Posts: 207 | Location: Tennessee, USA | Registered: 23 June 2003Report This Post
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Picture of Free Madness
posted 05 August 2007 05:34 PMHide Post
What about Dopey, Grumpy, Happy and Bashful? Those guys oughta count.

Good point, xc!Big Grin

I never thought of Charity as an emotion, more like something we do? Maybe I'm wrong. I've read "name" books where names actually have a certain meaning, either an emotion or a state of mind, or a trait. It's really intriguing. In fact, if I remember right, John means "pure" and so does Kate.

Appropriate that two people whose names mean the same thing end up marrying each other, although some people would call a "Betazoid" type wedding "unpure"...Big Grin Woops, got off topic...

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

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Picture of Brucy Braless
posted 05 August 2007 10:41 PMHide Post
Hay I went to skool with a guy named Greg Anger..Does that count..???

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Picture of zoom
posted 06 August 2007 07:47 AMHide Post
Stewart, maybe? that might be pushing it...


are you sitting on the soap?

sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'

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Picture of Shawn
posted 06 August 2007 01:35 PMHide Post
Awesome topic Brian, and very well put Sara.

One thing we may want to keep in mind is that we are not familiar with other cultures. We may be surprised to find out that some cultures may do something similar with male names, or that names may not be gender specific at all.


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Picture of zoom
posted 06 August 2007 05:58 PMHide Post


are you sitting on the soap?

sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'

Posts: 5103 | Location: Austin Texas, baby | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
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Picture of Shawn
posted 14 August 2007 01:26 PMHide Post
EMOTION sister, not appendage. Wink


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Picture of Failte
posted 14 August 2007 02:31 PMHide Post

<When I was just a little girl,
I asked my mother "What will I be?
Will I be pretty, will I be rich?"
Here's what she said to me...
"Honestly, son, don't be such an effin' pansy.">
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Chief Chesty Forlock

Picture of Argeaux
posted 15 February 2008 08:19 AMHide Post
Why do some guys call their motorbikes, cars and ships "she"?

I've always thought that they see these things as there, at the ready, to serve them, just like their Mummies did.


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