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Back in the sadle...
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Picture of KSena
posted 08 January 2007 06:51 PM
*pokes* So it is still life here, eh? Wow.... Smile This most be the forum/community that has more lifes then a cat. I am in aw.

Yes, this be Moonshade from old. I am back, in a matter of speaking. Smile Sat reading a Xena-fic, an old favorite, and just rememberd this place, and the people. Got all warm and fuzzy, and well. Missed you all.

Probably new people here now. And old, that I never got to know the last time. Well. I hope to get the chance now.

If anyone remembers me: Hello again!
And the those that don't remember me: Nice meeting you all!


My LiveJournal: A look inside KSenas mind...
Posts: 1120 | Location: Borås in Sweden | Registered: 30 June 2003Report This Post
posted 08 January 2007 09:27 PMHide Post
Hi, I'm xenacrazed pretending to be Gabris, Falsey and now you. Boy, am I having fun!!!!
Posts: 20 | Registered: 31 December 2006Report This Post
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Picture of XF3
posted 08 January 2007 09:50 PMHide Post
Hey you! Glad to see you back. Big Grin

My Space

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Chief Chesty Forlock

Picture of Argeaux
posted 08 January 2007 10:10 PMHide Post
Hey you!

How goes the search for work?

I'm thinking about going back to study this year because I can't really think of anything I'd rather do.

I saw Prof X around here the other day. Plenty of oldies and newies still hanging around these parts, the pace is just a little bit slower.

Good to see you back. Smile


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Scroll Guardian

posted 09 January 2007 07:47 AMHide Post
Hi there! Welcome back!
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Scroll Guardian

posted 09 January 2007 07:49 AMHide Post
Fave live performances of 2006...

Damien Rice (CT)
Jenny Lewis & the Watson Twins (Boston)
Earth Wind and Fire (NY)

I did not make it to as many shows as I'd hoped to last year. Hey, that's a good goal for 2007- more live music! Big Grin
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Picture of KSena
posted 09 January 2007 08:28 AMHide Post
Oh my gosh! People still remember me! OK. Fussy feeling = check! Smile blush

Seriously though, I am very glad to be back.

Yeah, Argy, Prof X is one stubborn man, isn't he? *grin* He usually jumps me on MSN now and then. Smile Always fun to talk to him. And slower pace, not a problem. That means I can actually keep up! Big Grin

Seems like there has been no big changes here... *points at XC or Gabris or whoever that is...*


My LiveJournal: A look inside KSenas mind...
Posts: 1120 | Location: Borås in Sweden | Registered: 30 June 2003Report This Post
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Picture of Shawn
posted 09 January 2007 11:55 AMHide Post
Welcome back. Shawn here. Good to see some of the old crew show thir faces.


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Picture of Fahrenheit
posted 09 January 2007 01:31 PMHide Post
Hi Smile
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Picture of Prof. Lurker
posted 09 January 2007 03:23 PMHide Post
hi there! It's fun to talk to you too Cool

stubborn, me? hmm, right joxer
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posted 09 January 2007 04:19 PMHide Post
Originally posted by Original Gabris:
Hi, I'm xenacrazed pretending to be Gabris, Falsey and now you. Boy, am I having fun!!!!

Pay no attention to that crazy crayon creature behind the curtain!

Welcome back, Moonie. Glad to see you here again.
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Picture of KSena
posted 09 January 2007 04:23 PMHide Post
You see me as one of the old crew, Shawn? Funny, I still feel like a newb. Razz I am silly like that. Smile

Yeah, Prof. You are a stubborn man. In all the good ways. Wink

XC!!!! Good to know your still around and your self, with all that that means! Big Grin


My LiveJournal: A look inside KSenas mind...
Posts: 1120 | Location: Borås in Sweden | Registered: 30 June 2003Report This Post
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Picture of Sara
posted 10 January 2007 12:23 AMHide Post
Originally posted by KSena:Funny, I still feel like a newb.

I see what you did there. Wink

WB. Smile


I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.

There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
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posted 10 January 2007 12:26 AMHide Post
Hello! Nice to meet you Smile
Posts: 35 | Registered: 12 December 2006Report This Post
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Picture of KSena
posted 10 January 2007 01:38 PMHide Post
Nice meeting you to, Meredith. Smile I am always happy to see new scrollers show up.

Who, me Sara? I would never... *cough* And thanx. Smile And yes, I agree. All paladins must die. Except the bloodelfs, of course. Wink


My LiveJournal: A look inside KSenas mind...
Posts: 1120 | Location: Borås in Sweden | Registered: 30 June 2003Report This Post
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Picture of zoom
posted 10 January 2007 04:51 PMHide Post
hey cool! welcome back.


are you sitting on the soap?

sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'

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Picture of Sara
posted 16 January 2007 10:01 PMHide Post
Originally posted by KSena:
And yes, I agree. All paladins must die. Except the bloodelfs, of course. Wink

Agreed. Blood Elves are the hawtness. I'm going to roll a BE priest and prolly a mage or lock once I get my priest up onwards of 65.

Ahhh someone who understands my WoW speak. Smile


I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.

There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
Posts: 2158 | Location: Seattle, WA | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
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Picture of KSena
posted 21 January 2007 06:42 AMHide Post
Oh yes, Sara. I am very much a WoW-crazed fool these days. Razz Can't really get enough of that bloody game. It is just so much fun!!! Big Grin

Working on my huntard, soon on 61. And on my bloodelfs to, a mage and a very, very gay priest... Big Grin Oh the fun one can have with rp-servers... Big Grin


My LiveJournal: A look inside KSenas mind...
Posts: 1120 | Location: Borås in Sweden | Registered: 30 June 2003Report This Post
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Picture of Sara
posted 21 January 2007 03:33 PMHide Post
Nice! I dinged 61 on my priest last night, it was fun to say that again and to see the xp bar and to train new skills. Smile

I'm having a blast in BC with the new content. lol I always wondered about RP servers. I don't have the guts to roll on one. I'd say something OOC and get flamed and called a nub and told to gtfo.

So I stay on my carebear server. Heh. Smile Glad to see you still playing and having fun on WoW and here. Smile


I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma.

There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness
Posts: 2158 | Location: Seattle, WA | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
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Picture of KSena
posted 22 January 2007 10:58 AMHide Post
I choose an RP-PVP server because, well... I have been doing pen-paper roleplaying for years. Not to mention the many years I've been playing LARPs (Live Action RolePlaying). It just came natural. I really can't help myself figuring out background stories, and write short stories about my characters. Smile To me, thats part of the fun. Big Grin


My LiveJournal: A look inside KSenas mind...
Posts: 1120 | Location: Borås in Sweden | Registered: 30 June 2003Report This Post
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