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Someone took my dog
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Picture of Brian
posted 23 December 2005 12:04 AM
My best friends are away for the holidays, so I went to their house to walk their Doberman. I took Bravo, my 14-year-old Jack Russell terrier with me.

Bravo has a neurological condition. He walks slow and awkward and doesn't see well either. He was in the driveway when I went in to get Katie, and when I came out 3 minutes later he wasn't there. I saw a car at the end of the block sitting at the curb, running, and I didn't think much of it. I thought someone was just parking on the street. I was looking and hollering for Bravo and then this car backs around the corner and drives away. I never found Bravo.

He's way too old and feeble to wander off. He wasn't lying dead in the road or the bushes or in a yard nearby. No one would steal a crippled half-blind dog for any gain, so I'm trying to believe they were concerned he was lost or abandoned. I want to believe some dog lovers spotted him and are hoping to find his owner.


I've called a dozen vets and the police and county and private animal shelters. I'm now about to go post flyers in the neighborhood. I keep praying some good people are trying to do good for the dog, but I'm also very angry at them and at myself. And underneath all that anger my heart is breaking.

Bravo only wanted one thing in this life... to be with us. That dog was never fazed by anything as long as a family member was around. Strange surroundings, loud noises, big crowds, empty wilderness, kids, adults, all the things that make dogs nervous or jumpy or loud... Bravo never gave two sh*ts about any of it. He'd just look at us, content and secure because he was with us. That was enough. Total, simple blind trust for the humans.

And I lost him. I can't believe I took that relentless trust and unconditional love for granted and let him out of my sight for 3 minutes.

I know he's just a dog. But it feels so much worse than "just a dog."

I have to go hang flyers. Maybe someone will call me.

[Edited for swearing.]

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Argeaux, 23 December 2005 01:02 AM
Posts: 207 | Location: Tennessee, USA | Registered: 23 June 2003Report This Post
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Picture of Smirk Morgan
posted 23 December 2005 12:36 AMHide Post
Oh Brian. I'm so sorry to hear that. He's not "Just a dog". He's family and you've every right to be upset.

Here's hoping it was just misguided Good Samaritanism...

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Chief Chesty Forlock

Picture of Argeaux
posted 23 December 2005 12:40 AMHide Post
Brian I really feel for ya, buddy. Frown

I do hope you find him again.


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Picture of zoom
posted 23 December 2005 07:52 AMHide Post
"just a dog" my ass...Bravo's your dog. and you, his person. i know i'd be losing what little remains of my sanity if i lost my Stella. i feel for you, bud. good luck & hang in there--sometimes these things still have happy endings even after time passses and you want to lose hope...don't!

This message has been edited. Last edited by: zoom, 23 December 2005 08:16 AM


are you sitting on the soap?

sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'

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posted 23 December 2005 08:11 AMHide Post
Oh no Brian, hoping by now you've found him. I'd be losing my mind if it was one of my dogs so I feel for you. And echoing what zoom said, don't lose hope.
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Picture of XF3
posted 23 December 2005 10:01 AMHide Post
I am so sorry. FrownMy thoughts are with you and your dog.

My Space

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Picture of Sara
posted 23 December 2005 10:19 AMHide Post

Man Brian, you're in my thoughts buddy. Here's hoping Bravo is returned to you safe and sound, very soon.


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posted 23 December 2005 10:47 AMHide Post
I hate to hear that, Brian, I hope Bravo is returned to you safe & sound. Considering his condition, myself i'd go to some local news media & get their help. Newspaper, radio or tv- it can't hurt, my friend, in getting the word out faster.
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Ultimate Scroller
posted 23 December 2005 10:58 AMHide Post
That sucks Brian! I can understand how you feel cause our dogs are our kids-our family. I'd feel the same way if something happened to our dog. I'd do what XC said use the media. I hope someone returns him to you or casn tell you something about him.
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Picture of Free Madness
posted 23 December 2005 12:14 PMHide Post
Sh*t that sucks.Frown How very frustrating! I know how I'd feel if I lost one of my animals. They are like my children, well at this point I'm not even expecting to have any children. so my animals are it.

Keep at it, Brian, don't give up. I assume you described the car to the police...even if you didn't get the liscence plate number, just describing the car could help...yeh i know there's probably tons of cars that look alike but still it gives them something to go on. If they can track down the people who took Bravo then this misunderstanding could get cleared up hopefully.

Best of luck! Let us know how things go.

Edited for swearing.

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Argeaux, 24 December 2005 01:23 AM

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

Posts: 3539 | Location: Dreamland | Registered: 06 April 2004Report This Post
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Picture of Brian
posted 23 December 2005 03:35 PMHide Post
Bravo is back home again.

A concerned party took him away and dumped him into the night holding area at the county animal shelter. This morning the man saw one of my flyers and recognized the dog, and called me at 7:30am.

I bailed Bravo out of the county lockup and he's home, safe and sound. And though I went to pick up one dog, I came home with two. A nice man was at the shelter trying to give away a female jack russell rather than turn her in to the shelter. On impulse I took her. Her name was Molly... but I changed it to Callisto.

This was the best Christmas present. I am extremely grateful to have my dog back.
Posts: 207 | Location: Tennessee, USA | Registered: 23 June 2003Report This Post
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Picture of Free Madness
posted 23 December 2005 04:10 PMHide Post

That's awesome. Not only is Bravo home but he has a new friend! Sweet.Smile

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

Posts: 3539 | Location: Dreamland | Registered: 06 April 2004Report This Post
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Picture of Smirk Morgan
posted 23 December 2005 05:45 PMHide Post
Thank goodness!

A father-Jack Russell terrier reunion--I'm all misty-eyed.

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posted 23 December 2005 05:47 PMHide Post
Hooray for Bravo and his new friend MollyCallisto! You're a good man, Brian.
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Chief Chesty Forlock

Picture of Argeaux
posted 24 December 2005 01:25 AMHide Post
What a terrific Christmas story ending!

Hope you enjoy your new pooches these holidays. Smile


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Scroller Needing Therapy
Picture of Salem
posted 24 December 2005 03:49 AMHide Post
That's excellent to hear you got your dog back! AND getting a new addition to the family! ^_^


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Picture of Brucy Braless
posted 24 December 2005 03:52 AMHide Post
Im glad everything is all-right..

My daughter just moved & has found that a beloved cat has wandered off....

He was an indoor only cat until late this summer...

So hes not particularly adept out of doors.

Its been at least 36 hours....
I hope this has a happy ending too.
Posts: 4276 | Location: Bflo,NY USA | Registered: 28 June 2003Report This Post
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Picture of zoom
posted 24 December 2005 09:40 AMHide Post
now there's a Christmas miracle for ya!

glad it turned out well for you, Bravo & Callisto. cause for even a Scrooge like me to say "YAY!"


are you sitting on the soap?

sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'

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Picture of Free Madness
posted 24 December 2005 04:46 PMHide Post
I hope your daughter finds her cat soon, Brucy. No animal should be homeless on the holidays...or any other time.

*positive vibes*

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

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Picture of KSena
posted 27 December 2005 07:21 AMHide Post
That is some christmas-story, Brian!!! Wow!

And Brucy, I hope things work out for your girls cat to.


My LiveJournal: A look inside KSenas mind...
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Picture of Shawn
posted 27 December 2005 04:31 PMHide Post
Whew, I was damn relieved when I got to the bottom of this thread. It's had enought o lose a pet, but to have one 'taken' from you... well, in Texas cattle theft is still a hanging offence. Dog theft should hold a stronger punishment.

I'm so very happy for you and your family of people and dogs. So good to hear that Bravo has a girlfriend.



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Picture of Brian
posted 28 December 2005 08:53 AMHide Post
Thanks for the kind thoughts, everyone. Brucy, I hope your daughter's cat was found. Is there any word yet?

A Callisto update... she is adapting very well. She's learned her new name in just a few days, and has settled into the routine of our household very well. I was concerned she might bother Bravo, mainly by wanting to play when he's too feeble to do so. Callisto just jumps around him every now and then and goes on her merry way, content to let Bravo be the old fogie that he is. She gets along great with other dogs and doesn't do evil deeds such as chewing shoes, tearing up papers and books, or killing Gabrielle's husband. Apparently she is the redeemed Callisto, the beautiful angel that fathered Xena's baby. Not once has she looked at me with white glowing eyes and said "Here comes Trouble..."

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Brian, 28 December 2005 11:44 AM
Posts: 207 | Location: Tennessee, USA | Registered: 23 June 2003Report This Post
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Picture of XF3
posted 28 December 2005 11:07 AMHide Post
I am so glad that you got Bravo back! I would hate to loose either one of my babies. It's so great that Callisto is adapting so well and not turning evil on ya! Wink Make sure you gives us updates!

My Space

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Picture of Brucy Braless
posted 30 December 2005 05:23 AMHide Post
Well thank you for all who took note...
No, Vals not had any luck with the missing kitty...

He just vanished...

Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...?
Posts: 4276 | Location: Bflo,NY USA | Registered: 28 June 2003Report This Post
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Picture of zoom
posted 30 December 2005 07:08 AMHide Post
so sad, Brucy. my beloved Rusty did that vanishing thing. he had a bad habit of getting in pick-up truck beds and open car windows, and i think he just got driven away one day never to return...

if your girl's cat doesn't make it back to her, i hope it finds a good home elsewhere.


are you sitting on the soap?

sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'

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