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Whadja get??
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Picture of XF3
posted 25 December 2005 08:17 AM
Okay spill it....get anything good for christmas?? Razz

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posted 25 December 2005 06:44 PMHide Post
Lots and lots of clothes, does Santa think i run around nekked? ok, i do, but still...

Gift cards, yep. Season 2 on dvd of "Remington Steele" to quench my thirst for Stephanie Zimbalist *droool*.
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Picture of Brucy Braless
posted 26 December 2005 03:44 AMHide Post
Mother Nature actully gave me a 1 of a knid treat....

A skunk seems to have gone under the house & let loose.......
I smelled it when I got home at 1:30 in the morning & opened the windows & turned on a fan Cause ir was worser INSIDE than outside....

I tell you this because I know Ame wil get a good Xmas Chuckle outta this....

That Wicked lil.......aetheist.....Big Grin

I hope you all feel even better about your holiday now too...

Always remember this:

When things get bad....
They can always get worser.. you could be me.

Merry Xmas...Big Grin

Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...?
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Picture of Free Madness
posted 26 December 2005 05:15 PMHide Post
I gots Harry Potter 1 and 2 dvd from John.Smile

John got about 5 dvd's of old christmas specials that he loves...including Rudolph and Little Drummer Boy, from me. He was very happy, which made me the happiest.

We gots a couple tickets to see Peter Nero and the Philly Pops in Philly next may...also, i got slippers, a night shirt, a couple sweaters, place mats, a pot holder, and a dishrag. Practical gifts but good ones all the same...actually needed, since my place mats and dishrags pretty much made a date with the trash bin recently.Razz Oh yeh(xf3 I know you'll appreciate this...), my sister gave John practically a lifetimes's supply of coffee...about six pounds of assorted blends...all good arabica beans...mmmmm.Big Grin

Good holiday, good times. I ate too much, drank too much and tomorrow i will do it all again. Festivity never ends here!Big Grin

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

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Picture of Discord Man
posted 26 December 2005 06:27 PMHide Post
I got the family guy volumes 2 and 3, Some wrestling DVDs, A couple Xena books, and a mp3 player(my first, but these things are great!).But I hope everyone had a great christmas! Big Grin

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Picture of XF3
posted 26 December 2005 07:32 PMHide Post
Originally posted by Snow Miser:
Oh yeh(xf3 I know you'll appreciate this...), my sister gave John practically a lifetimes's supply of coffee...about six pounds of assorted blends...all good arabica beans...mmmmm.Big Grin've definately been enjoying my brand spanking new Mr. Coffee. It was an American Idol christmas with Kelly Clarkson, Bo Bice and Carrie Underwood CD's, Romy and Michele's HS Reunion, leggings that I loved so much I went and got two more pairs, Tara and Willow action figure set with the great Miss Kitty Fantastico (the plastic is actually in the shape of a heart), and a starter charm bracelet with a black cat charm (SO CUTE). Ohhhhh...and my new wireless router that allows me to play with Salem and Argy and any one *cough*Ame*cough* else that wants to join in. Big Grin

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Picture of Free Madness
posted 26 December 2005 09:20 PMHide Post
I had to do it...we were in staples getting extra cd's for burning, when my eye spotted "A Charlie Brown Christmas." I got it for John, as it was his favorite when he was a kid...and man, his whole face lit up.

I just love a man who recognizes the importance of not growing up.Big Grin

So...we got TONS of dvd's to watch in the next few days! WHOOHOO!Big Grin

"Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there."
~~Johnny Depp.

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Picture of Smirk Morgan
posted 26 December 2005 09:53 PMHide Post
I got this shirt:

Some pjs

a Creative Zen Micro (so far I'm liking!)

an attache case that will hold my laptop. It's a croc style leather. Nice 'n professional looking.

Best gift though? My dad had Xmas off for the first time in like five years. We all just had a nice, hanging out kind of day.

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Picture of TiggsWP
posted 26 December 2005 11:18 PMHide Post
Okay, well I'm only half way through with Christmas, but we'll start the rundown now.

I got...
clothes (most of which I probably will never wear)
A new Broncos hat *YAY* my old one died
Holiday Tigger
A laptop (Dude, I got a Dell) LOL
And a very generous gift from my grandfather that will go towards finally getting a house!!! HOORAY.

So far this has been an awesome Christmas. All I really wanted was to be able to spend time with my friends, and I got so much more.
Posts: 265 | Registered: 13 December 2005Report This Post
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Picture of Shawn
posted 27 December 2005 04:52 PMHide Post
My GF gave me some awesome art for my house.

My Mom gave me socks, a cool folk art rooster for my kitchen and some cool kitchen/cooking stuff.

My Dad gave me a new Maglight, a set of drill bits and my grandfather's 22/32 kit gun that he carried every day but Sunday for 30+ years. I cried.

Both of my parents gave me a new stainless Whirlpool dishwasher (I just standin my kitchen and stare at it like an idiot) and something really special. It was my Mom's idea - My Dad took wood from my old friend's lake house and barbed wire from my bro's ranch and made the most beautiful cross to hang in my house. It's pretty amazing.

And one of my favorite things was getting Xmas cards from lila, Zoom and le, Tam aka Goober, and others. I'm sorry I'm so bad about sending them guys, but I really enjoyed getting them.


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Picture of Fahrenheit
posted 28 December 2005 01:11 AMHide Post
I got some lovely cards as well Big Grin

And season 3 of All Creatures Great and Small. Awesome. I'm watching it right now and also eating some of my delicious chocolate orange. mmmm...

The Sims 2, and it actually works on my computer. wheeeeee! I had an unhealthy marathon of playing it yesterday through today. I was so tired I started shivering and couldn't stop until I was under my covers with my microwavable heat-up thing. sheesh... Awesome game Smile
Posts: 2989 | Registered: 22 June 2003Report This Post
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Picture of Brucy Braless
posted 28 December 2005 02:41 AMHide Post
the skunk spray smell is fading away...
It wont last all 12 days of Xmas.. Big Grin

You thought I made it up....didnt you..???
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Picture of zoom
posted 28 December 2005 08:12 AMHide Post
Originally posted by something creative:
... and something really special. It was my Mom's idea - My Dad took wood from my old friend's lake house and barbed wire from my bro's ranch and made the most beautiful cross to hang in my house. It's pretty amazing.

between that & the gun...does Daddy know his girl or what? very sweet indeed.

i got some White Stripes cds, a new inflatable mattress for camping with the rechargable blower so no more having to plug the blower into the truck (yay), and shirt, a video game (which my stinkin' nephew opened and played with before i could), a first aid kid (my sister thinks she's funny Razz), some kitchen stuff, homemade candy assortment from Mom, and a Rose Bowl t-shirt from my Aggie brother (and no, it wasn't a USC actually said Hook 'em Horns...heh must've made him turn green to buy it).


are you sitting on the soap?

sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...'

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Picture of Brian
posted 28 December 2005 09:03 AMHide Post
A car. My wife bought me a car. Sort of. She paid off the loan on my car and presented me with the title. For my birthday I'm going to ask her to pay off the house.

I also got shirts, books, and some great pictures of my perfect grandchildren.

Best of all though, I got my lost dog back.
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Picture of XF3
posted 28 December 2005 11:12 AMHide Post
I also got a Scene It: TV Edition. I love Scene It! I loose every time I play Rachel but I have so much fun playing that it doesn't bother me...much. smash

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Chief Chesty Forlock

Picture of Argeaux
posted 02 January 2006 09:01 AMHide Post
I'm late to this thread, and probably no one will read this, but here goes.

I got a batch of games from Ares:

* Prince of Persia
* Metroid Prime Pinball
* Kirby Canvas Curse
* Animal Crossing

I got a fantastic book on the art of Clifford Possum from my parents.

I got some book vouchers and music vouchers from my sister.

I got a Doctor Who K9 T shirt from Ares' family.

And I got a HIDEOUS huge silver vase from my sister-in-law which I bloody hate. Frown


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Picture of KSena
posted 02 January 2006 10:57 AMHide Post
I got the best christmas gift of all, according to me. Ever since my father died, I have been talking to mom about a photo of me at one years old and my dad at 23 years old in the bath (nothing naughty showing) making this hilerious and absolutly adoreable face, same face both of us.

And this christmas, I didn't just got a magnifyed photo of that one AND a magnifyed photo of my father as a oneyear old and my brother as a one year old.

That christmas gift made me both smile and sob, I most say. Alot of hugging was done to. But it felt good and made me happy. Smile


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Picture of Shawn
posted 02 January 2006 02:37 PMHide Post
Originally posted by Argeaux:
I got a fantastic book on the art of Clifford Possum from my parents.

Was/is that Gabrielle Possum's father? I'll have to look him up. I sure love her stuff, is his similar?


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posted 02 January 2006 08:37 PMHide Post
I'm late replying too.

I got:

  • various gift cards/ gift certificates
  • comfy pajamas
  • smelly stuff (in a good way, not like Brucy's smelly Xmas surprise! Eek) : candles, lotions, perfumes and bath gel stuff
  • a couple of books that I've been wanting
  • Signed & framed Rent cast poster Big Grin
  • Serenity DVD
  • Lost messenger-type bag (has the Oceanic Airlines logo on it) w/ Lost T shirt (it has Locke and Kate and the numbers on it) fun!
  • one of those thingies that you plug your ipod into so that it plays through the car stereo
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Chief Chesty Forlock

Picture of Argeaux
posted 04 January 2006 02:19 AMHide Post
Originally posted by Bonnie Tyler:

Was/is that Gabrielle Possum's father? I'll have to look him up. I sure love her stuff, is his similar?
Yep, it's her Dad.

He's actually my favourite Aboriginal artist. Couldn't afford anything by him, though. He's too famous amongst collectors.

Her stuff is like his, with a bit more of a "modern" twist. He actually has a painting called "Bushfire", which seems to have been her inspiration for the one hanging in my lounge room.

The colours in his work are to DIE for. Definitely check him out.


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Picture of TiggsWP
posted 10 January 2006 12:45 AMHide Post
Okay, so I know I alrady posted, but I sadi Christms wasn't over and it's still not, but I got more cools stuff.

I got a wireless card for my if I could only make it work...LOL

Money that I'm probably going to use for some tools.

And the most amazing thing. My parents got a 72in widescreen tv. The thing is HUGE we watched Jaws on it the othe rnight OMG!!!
Posts: 265 | Registered: 13 December 2005Report This Post
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