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What if YaY #600 or if Ames around *sigh* .. #601???? Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
What if, I know where Salem is? ********************************* | |||
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What if Im the one being IGNORED...??? what if .....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ..?? What if I stop with the laffter right there because any more would be too much & I might be perceived as being a bit Odd or something..??? *damns brucy for stretching the page*This message has been edited. Last edited by: Amethyst, Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I was just looking at Brucy's "from" information and was rather amused that he shortened "buffalo' in order to fit in USA? What if he thinks that most people won't realize Buffalo, NY is in the United States? What if it's not the non-American scrollers he's trying to inform, but the geographically challenged Americans? What if most people are surprised to learn Buffalo is not in Canada? What if Brucy is one of those people? What if Brucy was so impressed when he found out Buffalo, NY was in the USA he had to share this information with everybody? ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if it perplexes me that nora can sound so shocked when telling us that something called "wee heavy" is the worst beer going? what if she's not shocked at all and i've missread? what if, if she had been shocked, i expect there may have been a one a these ![]() what if i shouldn't have passed on that toasted cheese sandwich earlier? what if i've been eating like crazy? what if it's a reverse diet? what if i eat till i think i will throw up and die, and then i eat some more? what if it's a cunning strategy to train my metabolism or..something? what if people should just stop buying me free food? what if, judging by the bowl of soup that was dinner, i think the vast quantities of food have already dried up? what if i feel all empty inside? what if i'm home right now? what if salem isn't? what if everyone's left me? what if everyone meaning ame? what if she kicked my arse at literati, and then i had to go off and lick my wounds? what if i fear that isn't painting the most pleasant of mental images? what if i've been watching all new episodes of yu-gi-oh? what if, oh yes, the yugi posts are back? what if i've had dear bakura (the efeminite lad in my sig) holding the flame up brightly till i could finally get back to a tv that airs the damn show? what if, and here i am? what if it's 10.10pm - 10.10pm and i'm what iffing? what if it's all like old times? what if, except that certain people have DESERTED ME!!!!!!? what if i just got a whole bunch of pokemon books and toys for no apparent reason? what if i have the most adorable little poliwag looking up at me right now? what if i also have misty and ash figurines who don't appear to know what they're doing? what if i've accidentally positioned ash so that his hand looks like he's feeling the posterier of my little wooden elephant? what if i'm sure you needed to know that information? what if *makes no attempt to move ash's hand*? what if it looks like no one's coming on line anytime soon? what if i've been living with a semi-nymphomaniac, and now every thing i say sounds like it might be interpreted as sexual? what if we're all nymphomaniacs here? what if i'd issue a challenge that on the next page, no one should write anything suxual, just to see if we all could handle it, but i really don't think we could? what if it would be the most skimmed over what if page in history? what if such a challenge would kill the thread, as no one would have anything to write about? what if besides some comments on the weather? what if that does seem to be a hot topic right now, so maybe it's just crazy enough to work? what if i put the idea out there just in case anyone thinks they're up to it? what if i don't put the idea out there, and instead i just watch to see who gets all sexy first? what if i had an extreme urge to use the phrase "get's their freak on first", but...i didn't? what if i'm looking at a couple of explicit gummy bears right now? what if...i need help? what if *sets out to find the smuttiest yu-gi-oh fanfic she can find*? what if...definitely need help, definitely.... ![]() -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if generic 'what if'? What if ah!? What if oh!? What if eek!? What if hmmm!? What if ack!? What if phooey!? What if lol!? What if ---!? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if this was a lounge? What if i were a lounge singer? What if i start singing a loungey type song? What if 'Que Sera Sera'? What if 'when i was jus' a little boy'? What if 'i asked mama xc what will i be'? What if 'i asked will i be stoopid will i be an internet spammer'? What if 'here's what mama xc nagged to me-'? What if 'que sera sera, whatever will be will be'? What if 'the future's not ours to see, though we all know a failure you'll be, xc'? What if 'que sera sera, what will be will be, this is a dumb song, dontcha all agree'? | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if you are so not right? what if i really like ya that way? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if xc lounge singer sings another tune just for zoomie? What if the tune's a lounge medley of "McArthur's Park" & "Close To You" done xc-style? What if 'McArgy's Scrolls is melting on the net, all the sweet bingoze forums flowing down'? What if 'Someone left the What If thread out in the rain, and I don't think that I can take it cuz it took so long to post it and what if we never read xc's stoopidity aaaaaaa-gain!?!?" What if loungey piano break between tunes? 'What if scrollers appear everytime zoomie's here Just like xc, they long to be Close to zoooo-mie' What if 'Why do Ame and BrucEEEEE Bow down to zooooo-mie Just like xc, they long to be Close to zoooo-mie' What if any requests for xc lounge singer? What if the only requests is to stop singin' & stop postin'? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I spent several hours pulling excess vegetation out of Mom's rose bed today? What if I didn't finish the job? What if perhaps one evening this week? What if I got a bit scratched up? What if that shouldn't be a surprise since I was playing with the roses? What if the nastiest scratch on my hand is actually from a blackberry vine? What if we actually got some of the blackberries before the birds did? What if there were only four? What if they weren't bad? What if I have little green tomatoes on one of my tomato plants? What if yay! What if they actually mature into ripe tomatoes? What if I actually enjoy the fruits of labor? What if xc swears never to quote the Carpenters again? What if that made us sad? What if he's really half of Steve and Edie? What if I'm not sure which half? What if Madogis needs some shocking? What if I'll have to think of something? What if I'd played Literati with her last night and she'd won? What if that's not much of a shocker considering how I've played lately? What if Ame and I played gin the other night? What if we probably should have drank gin while playing? What if the rules would have made more sense to us? What if we really don't know what we're doing? What if that never stopped us before? ![]() | |||
Chief Chesty Forlock![]() ![]() |
quote:What if it's supposed to be a mail slot with an envelope going in? What if it was put there by Infopop, not me? What if my claim to fame is making the icon Xena go "alalalalalalalalalalala"? What if that's not really much of a claim to fame? ~~~~~~~~~~ ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i'm impressed by the "lalalalalala"? what if, but i'm easily impressed? what if no one is online again? what if, well, SOME people are, but they're chosing to be "away" or "busy" or some such? what if that's fine, i don't need them, i have 5 really good cds on shuffle, i've been watching yugi for most of the day (mum taped a marathon for me in my absence ![]() what if i'm just FINE?!? what if, though somewhat depressed that i seem to have lost what little ability to sing colplay songs i once had ![]() what if no matter - no one but i can here the atrocity of my vain attempts? what if i should be writing crazy stories? what if crazy but pretty stories? what if crazy but pretty but morbidly painful stories? what if i've worked out how to fix my dilema of how many books to have in my series of books? what if i thought i'd only have four, when we all know that four is just a terribly incomplte number for a book series? what if the only alternatives were 3 or 5? what if i didn't think i had enough story for 5 books, and there was far too much for 3? what if, so i've decided to write a prequal to what i already have? what if that makes 5? what if i plan to go all george lucas on its ass and release books 2 - 5 first, then book one? what if it's pure genius!!? what if, saying it out loud makes it seem less genius though? what if it actually seems confusing and not very clever at all when i read it back? what if i just discovered a good "study" song? what if "amsterdam" by coldplay? what if i forgot it was on and was not distracted by it at all as it played? what if, then there was a whole other song and i was like, "wow, where did amsterdam go?"? what if, so that makes it good to do stuff by - it's non-distractivity? what if i enjoy using words that i'm not sure exist but sound like they probably should? what if distractivity? what if unfortuitous? what if idiosyncratic (i'm pretty sure that does exist, but it still sounds crazy)? what if i think it's a method i learned from the lazy lazy witers of buffy? what if they just seem to add "y" to every word there is, and also use peoples' names as adjectives/verbs? what if i appreciate this new language and hope to treasure it always? what if it creates a new society where only people who have watched buffy understand the rules of language, and those who are ignorant of the buffyverse can no longer function in our world? what if that would be everso strange? what if, but i'd be one of the "in" crowd, and therefore i'd feel all superior and exhaulted when compared to the remaining fragments of the old world speakers? what if i enjoy scenarios where i'm better than someone - anyone - else? what if it's a sad little live with small amounts of innapropriate joy, and i take them when i can? what if i feel i'm overanalysing things again? what if matchbox 20 are proving to be very distracting to me indeed? what if they made me hit the alt button and everything? what if, well, it is the cruddier album of the three, so i guess it figures? what if i can't remember if i brought the new album home with me, but i hope i did? what if, if you all don't own it by now you should be ashamed of yourselves and people should have the right - no, the duty - to spit on you in the street? what if, ok, that may be a bit extreem, but it is a really good album? what if i'm almost certain there was a point to this what if when i started it? what if going back throught it to find said point would be cheating? what if i never cheat? what if i'm a good little girl? what if i haven't blinked in a while? what if that could have something or everything to do with the alarming speed and incoherance at which i'm typing? what if *blinks* that's...not all that much better and has certainly made no diference? what if i watched a sitcom starring what i'm pretty sure was the guy who shagged stiffler's mom? what if i was thinking that with an accent, hence the americanization? what if that z was just to make a point? what if i'm not sure what the point was exactly, but i'm sure it's there? what if we all just trust in the heart of the cards? what if i forgot that this song had a secret song after it? what if HATE that when i have a bunch of cds which are set to shuffle? what if it eats up valuable listening time and ...mum just started talking to me so i have no idea what i was saying? what if i seem to have calmed down a bit? what if STILL no one online yet? what if...is it me ![]() -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
What if Maddie has alot of pent up 'what if frustration' as you can tell from her previous what if? What if i am going to have another get together with Argy and we'll drink vidka shots all night? What if one every 10 mins? What if, i wonder how long we'd last if we ever did that? What if I am almost better? What if Salem is missing in action? What if he was abducted by aliens and is being anally probed? What if, he isn;t back because he keeps saying 'oh... again!' ********************************* | |||
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What if I think Ame for Un-stretching my post..??? What id=f my overlong verboage was un-intended...?? What if I get a kick out of Nora .. setting me up as a punchin bag in one thread & also makin a fun-type mockery of my Bflo NY USA What if I just think Bflo is a Really cool way to Abbreviate Buffalo.. Especially since the only Buffalo ever to have lived here were/are in the Zoo..??? What if Yes its called the Buffalo Zoo.. but NOT because of the Buffalo animals but because of the Bufalo City..?? What If I miss the Buffalo nickel..?? what if it was a Way way nicer coin then the Monticello mickel we use now..?? What if Ame thinks thisd post is Bitter too..?? What if she thinks I should Die,like a good boy & be put on a coin..??? What if she comes to realize I ONLY hate the 'Bad Guys'..?? What if Just Like----> ![]() ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i'm effin' tired of some certain subjucts being brought up over and over and OVER again? what if this post has nothing to do with any previous what ifs, which i should make clear right now? what if the really annoying thing is that the people that tend to bring up these subjects nearly always refuse to see my point of view on them, and keep asking the same stupid questions? what if they also never seem to be able to take the hint to just DROP IT AL-FRICKIN'-READY!!!!? what if i just thought i'd like to get that of my chest? what if god i miss salem, he'd understand my pain ![]() what if *tries to lure salem, ame or heitie to msn with the awesome power of her mind...*? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Chief Chesty Forlock![]() ![]() |
What if I'm considering a name change to Al Frickin Ready? What if some people might then think I was Helen's daughter? What if that would be kinda cool? ~~~~~~~~~~ ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if Argy's wise but it's wisdom born of pain? What if I'll be humming a tune now all day? What if ah! I just remembered there's a new identity theft commercial!? What if I haven't seen it but I'm quite keen to? What if the hot weather seems to have set in now? What if it lasts until freaking September? What if we've got two zoo trips, a couple of Renaissance fairs (or fayres, or whatever), and other outtings that now I have to do in the 1000 degree heat? What if agh...? What if I become obsessed with weather forecasts to try and find days with low humidity (fat chance) or under 85 degrees so I don't die? What if I really hate summer? What if I would've liked to have gone to the zoos while it was cooler but it rained almost every day all through April and May? What if sure, nice green grass, but still? --what if I think it's come to editing just for the sake of editing? --what if one likes to streamline?This message has been edited. Last edited by: Fahrenheit, | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I'm flying to Philly tomorrow? What if I have to get up at *cough* 5:45 am tomorrow? What if aw suck? ![]() What if but it'll be nice cause I'll get to meet WP9? What if and I'll take pictures too? What if I'm scrambling to get everything done in time for tomorrow? What if and I'm listenting to Weezer's "Island In the Sun" and it's helping me calm down? What if that's just a great tune? ![]() What if okay, off to go and cause mischief in another state? ![]() ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if i've seen the new identity theft comemrcial and it's good but not as good as the first two? what if i have no idea what Madogis is talking about but i hope she egts that all worked out or at leaswt found someone to vent to cuz hon, you sound stressed? what if i change my name to Big Ol' Ruby Red-Dress? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if now I wonder how many identity theft commercials zoom has seen? What if we've had the leather bustier guy, old lady cleaning her pool "mamacita!", guy on a lawn tractor who's the prettiest girl in the whole development, the guy building a girl robot, and larry with the waxed chassy? What if I do not know how to describe the new one as I haven't seen it? What if these are almost as good as Giles and his Taster's Choice liaisons? | |||
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What if the Bass Turds across the street at the Arabs storwe have brought out a Stereo system on a folding table & are blasting cRap Music to promote/sell something..?? What if Yay Im drowning them out with PBS ..??? What if Finest Hour: The Battle of Britian Woo HOo! What if Winston Churchill trumps Rap Crap Everytime..??? What if "I m feelin mistreated this morning & I could kill most any man"..??? What if thats a Song lyric not my present state of mind..?? | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I'm back!? What if they thought they could keep me away? What if I don't know who They are, but I just reminded myself of when everything went downhill in Majora's Mask? What if I tried to defend the barn, really, I did? What if I don't explain my absence? What if it needs no explaining? What if it does? What if I was at a Zoo? What if recruiting animals to my cause? What if I have an army of meerkats ready for look out duty all across the globe? What if I believe my lunch is almost ready? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i don't think i've understood anything i've read so far? what if did work it out for now, thanks for the concern, but i'm sure it'll come up again sooner or later? what if best not to think about it then? what if i've been cleaning out computer files? what if i keep finding all sorts of writings? what if found one entitled "a pathetic cry for help"? what if i laughed at it, thinking "oh how dramatic i must have been back then," until i read it and found that i was still thinking and feeling many of those things right now? what if it's quite a sobering experience hearing your past self describe your present self so acurately after so many years? what if freaky too? what if i don't think i'm quite that suicidal anymore though, which is good? what if the urge to kill at random is fading also? what if i guess i've just learned to deal with things a little better? what if it helps that there's people like you all to talk to when i need it? what if thanks guys ![]() what if i had poorly cooked chips for lunch? what if there was a semase seed bun involved? what if all very badly microwaved? what if i was incrusted with seeds for minutes? what if i've been writing my story? what if, and reviewing ancient texts (from my story) which may or may not be useful to me? what i it's part of the cleaning process? what if salem's not dead? what if that's good then? what if i saw an ad for HP3 and it claimed that it was to be rated M15+? what if that scares me? what if it almost certainly means that the PG dumbing down i was counting on wont be present at all? what if everything's going to be horribly real and very graffic? what if i can already see buckbeak thrashing with fear as the people try to hold him down? what if i can hear sirius' screams echoing through the darkness of the misty night ![]() what if i can feel the icey breath-taking cold of the dementors trying to suck the happiness from me...*passes out*? what if *wakes up* - i need chocolate! O_O? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
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Originally posted by Smirk Morgan: What if _xc_ swears never to quote the Carpenters again? - What if 'We've Only Just Begun' to hear me quote the Carpenters? What if that made us sad? - What if sad like 'Rainy days & Mondays always bring us down'? What if he's really half of Steve and Edie? What if I'm not sure which half? - What if I'm sure i'm a half wit & a nit wit & a dim wit? | |||
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quote: What if you're keeping the scrolls alive & well is a great claim to fame? (It is! ![]() | |||
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