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Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I've been sifting through the crap at the Home & Away message boards to get to the good stuff again? What if one of the writers of the show occaisionally throws scraps of information to the people to go crazy over? What if the latest information that I found was that Laurie Foell (Angie) will apparently be returning to the show as a cousin of Angie? What if lord I hope it's true?? What if oh yeah, sorry if I've spoiled anyone (Madogis) but it's only a a little tidbit of information that the writer almost certainly posted just in spite of me? What if, not that I've ever posted? What if also: crap? What if I've been invited to another party? What if WHY do these school people continue to invite me places? What if I haven't assosciated with them for months? What if why can't they just leave me in peace? What if to make things worse, the friend has gone and moved to Sydney with their boyfriend and another friend, so I'd have to go somewhere new and stay the night? What if siiiiiigh? What if also, saying I can drink lots isn't really a good argument to get me to go? What if I haven't watched Labyrinth for a while, so I think I will? What if, my crappy VHS copy? What if post 550 belongs to me? ![]() ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if there's noone online? What if that's so weird? What if everybody is hungover? What if I'm not so now I'm jealous? What if I'm so lonely? What if I've been forcing myself to create billing invoices? What if I've done $300 worth of work for a woman out of the goodness of my heart? What if I'd agreed to discount my usual fee by half? What if I still don't really expect to get paid any time soon? What if I'm watching Waiting for God on OETA? What if everyone's voice is terribly high-pitched for some reason? What if I think the tape speed is off? What if it's like the parrot version of Waiting for God? What if Diana sounds almost right, but Tom, Harvey and Jenny sound like the new Chipmunks? What if I think speed problem is rather amusing because the movements are so fast? What if OETA just put a "One Moment Please" message onscreen? What if the voices are all correct now? What if I've seen this episode many times before, so it was kind of nice to have a bit of novelty? ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if jackpot! ____________________ ![]() | |||
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What if this thread would drift slowly to the bottom the page .. like a sinking ship if not for me..?? what if we all have a purpose in life & this humble one is mine..?? What if ummm...I think of alot of what ifs when Im outside doing stuff.. but Im blank when I have the thread opened in fronta me..??? Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
Scroll Tragic![]() |
What if a Drive -In had Day After Tomorrow & Van Helsing up as a Double Feature & Val is Outta town & No one else will go wif me..??? What if by the time val gets back they will have split those 2 up almost fersure..???? What if...the Bastards..?? WHat ifI wasted 1/2 the day trying to get stuff to happen & hadda keep changing the Agenda as time moved past ripe.. for each item..?? What if thats a confusing statement ..even for me..??? :tongue: What if I just took a wild guess at a Smiley code..?? what if Im wrong ..?? what if it remains there in this thread makin me look like a fool..?? What if its SSDD...??? What ifI post now to learn my fate..?? | |||
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What if OhNo Im an Abject failure..?? What if I feel like Chris Brown dressed up as FatXena for a Halloween party Ive just been refused entry to..?? What if I now must boldly go where no man has gone before..& stuff..??? What if this drivel is so bad even XenaCraSed wont quote it to diss it 100% What if I make a few more lame guesses at smil;ey codes.. Hell I got al nite..since I wont be out till 2am .. watchin 2GREAT MOOVEEES!!!!! ARGH!! What if.... ![]() ![]() What if WHOA...?? What.. if ![]() What if this is the greatest set-up of Windoze 95 EVER!! | |||
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What if I check out the correct code for tongue out Atcha smiley..??? ![]() ![]() What if the Smiley window just hangs out in the opemn position after ive made a selection..?? what if it boggles up the post nearly completely.. What if the only way, fersure, to make it go away is to hit the post selector..??? What if ... uh oh...??? What if all the buttons for color,smileys,Bold Italics .. just folded up & went away..?? what if this means this browser has discovered Im using Windoze 95 & remembered its not compatable with it now too..?? :sad: What if I have guessed that smiley wrong too..??? | |||
Scroll Tragic![]() |
What if YaY all the control boxes.. immediately above the typin box have returned ..?? What if I feel like Ive been granted a pardon by the Powers that Be,..?? What if Im allowed to post until I hit post 99 before this goes Blooey..?? What if 1 more smiley for the road..???? ![]() What if I shout..."Are we there Yet..??? | |||
Ultimate Scroller![]() |
What if my friends and I watched this crazy Anime tonight? What if very raunchy stuff? What if I feel unclean after even watching it? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if xenacrazed only came back for a week to tease us and has disappeared again not to be seen for years and years? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
What if i feel i haven't what iffed in ages! What if, i also feel i just haven't had time? What if the world must the turning in the opposite direction, and eveything is going haywire? What if other old scrollers start coming back, and try and overthrow all the mods? ![]() What if bring it on!, i'm tough? What if Herculena and Gabber are on aim and neither have messaged me? ********************************* | |||
What if Miriam, from 'There's something about Miriam', will be going into the aussie big brother house? What if ![]() What if, i'm sorry, it's just wrong, not telling people someone is the opposite sex to what they look? ********************************* | |||
What if i found this pic of Xena online ![]() What if i am also curious what xena game you get to fight hope? ![]() ********************************* | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I spent a good bit of the morning listening to Triple J-an Aussie internet radio station? What if there were some interesting selections? What if I try something else tomorrow? What if there was a really bad storm today? What if I was in a 2 o' clock meeting on the 40th floor and saw how black the western sky was? What if the winds were up to 80 mph? What if the building was swaying in the breeze? What if it moved so much that doors were swinging? What if I felt a bit like I was on a ship at sea? What if we were evacuated to the stairwell? What if the the neighboring building was badly damaged when the wind blew out many of its windows? What if the security fellow was rather brusque on the loudspeaker? What if he finally started yelling because of those silly people who tried to leave the building? What if my co-workers decided for some reason to walk down the stairs? What if we walked down from 41 to 16? What if I have no idea why I participated in this folly? What if I'm pretty sure I'll be damned sore tomorrow? What if bleah? ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
quote: What if I have had fun teasin' ya'll this last week or so? What if I say I'm sorry to those who didn't like being teased? What if xc just can't go home again? What if I'm not the original xc? What if the original (and better) xenacrazed died and a cousin of xc's took over being xc when said cousin inherited this comp? What if that said, what is the deal with "eggnog" and "dancin nekked Gabbies"? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if you post a 'what if' and no one reads it, was it really posted? What if the your online persona has taken over your offline existence? What if your online persona controls what your offline persona says and sends painful volts through you if you OUCH! try to OUCH! get heOUCH!lp? What if there is life on other planets but they only exist online? What if some of us here at the scrolls are alien onliners? What if these alien onliners can transfer their online-only "souls" into the bodies of online earth ppl by taking over earth ppl's online handles? What if that's really stoopid but really true!?!? What if then, aliens are taking over earth via forums, message boards, and chat rooms? What if I say YAY to that? What if BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if that's Xena: Warrior Princess: Talisman of Fate for the Nintendo 64? What if I haven't played in a while, but I don't think they allow you to have Xena vs. Gabrielle so they call her Hope instead? What if if I'm remembering correctly I like to be Ephiny because she's got these Amazon arrows, and Gabrielle because she can throw her staff? | |||
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What if theres NO what if from me today...??? | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i wonder if nora was listenening to the triple j breakfast show? what if, if so, i wonder if she heard the talk of angel and wesley getting together "in a bizzare twist" and having a child that might look something like the guest host they had on the radio this morning, i.e: a nerd with really good clothes? what if it made me giggle for hours ![]() what if i also found the complaints about the miss universe pagent not being representative of the entire universe quite amusing? what if the marsians seemed very upset? what if i've finished ceramics for another semester? what if hooray for me then? what if i have a little ceramic sculpture of madogis (see avatar) sitting on my desk right now? what if he's so cuuuwit ![]() what if my mummy and daddy are coming to get me in TWO DAYS!!!!!!!!!? what if my mummy told me that even if i don't pass design (which i know for an honest fact that i wont), she and dad will still be proud of me ![]() what if i wanted to cry ![]() what if there'll be plenty of time for that when i'm at home...IN THREE DAYS!! ![]() what if i expect much of the crying will be done whilest watching HP3? what if there's bound to be some terrible terrible scenes in that movie, if the book's anything to go by...*refuses to take book from out of the freezer* ![]() -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if my experience with Triple J was in the wee hours of the morning? What if before the breafast show? What if the damage from the storm is still quite evident? What if the wind managed to blow shards of glass quite far away from the origin? What if it also picked up and depostied willy nilly and awful lot of gravel? What if I first stepped into the broken glass just above 2nd St. and looked around to see where it had come from? What if there was no obvious source? What if that really was some wind? What if I'm glad I wasn't outside while all those sharp objects were flying about? What if this morning I settled on KEXP a Seattle Public Radio station? What if they played new stuff from PJ Harvey and Modest Mouse? What if it's a nice low-key kind of a station? What if I think it's my new morning distraction from my dull work? ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
What if it's been suspiciously sunny here for a few days? What if Sunday's flooded basement prevented me from visiting with SX-chan that day? What if SX-chan had a sore throat that day as well? What if I had visited SX on Sunday, I would have meet up with some bad-as* tornadoes in Indy on the way home? What if I'm still pouting that instead of meeting with SX Sunday, I was mopping up the basement? What if hopefully I'll meet with SX soon & on a tornado-free day? What if I'm getting my yard tore up tomorrow to have new drainage put in so the stoopid rain doesn't flood my basement so that if it storms the next time I'm planning to visit SX that I can actually leave home without worrying that my house may be floating down the dead end street when I return home with my cat on the roof pouting that I left her to fend for herself with the floods and rain and stuff while I was off meeting with SX but my cat can't come along on the trip cause she'll cry and meow and have a fit as she doesn't like driving in cars and- and- what if I've gotten off subject in the middle of a what if and I can't find my what if'n way back to where I started so what if I just post and leave before people start emailing the mods saying 'stoopid xenacrazed he is ranting and raving aboot nothing again why can't you mods block him from posting we was so happy here before he returned acting like he's funny when no, he's just funny looking even though we've never seen his pic we can tell by what he writes that anyone who is so confused mentally has to be so disfigured physically and maybe if we just don't talk to xc he'll go away and not return so ssssshhhhh everyone sssshhhh' so what if that happened and maybe The Powers That Be here tell me I can only post at Scrolls 2 where people post in case of an emergency and I go there and ramble all I want and have the biggest post count and when these scrolls are down for whatever reason and ya'll post there til these scrolls are fixed then I can na na na here come the scrollers I can ignore them til the old scrolls are up but that wouldn't be much fun now would it though those who are sssshhhhing me aren't gonna answer are ya no because you know that xc is nothing but one them sharp objects that fly around in the wind like Nora saw this week and ya'll might be afraid I'll fly around where ya live and ya might run into me or I might fly into you and gee whiz what the heck am I ramblin about and why don't I shuddup ok I will if that's ok? | |||
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What if XenaCraSed.. {gasp} Sends me some Pleasant used weather..??? What if WOO HOO ..but too bad it will be too late as tonite's foul chill will probably do in my Zukes & my Cukes...? ![]() What if Xenacrazed loses his P-word....No NO notTHAT P-word.. the login foe here .. What if he has to re-sign up as XenaCracKed..???? What if I found that more amusing than a man my age Ought to..?? ![]() Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
What if it is 5.30pm and there is no Salem to be seen? What if this is a very strange occurance? What if i best run around in circle till his arrival? What if i am feeling a bit icky? What if hopefully i'll eat dinner and feel better? What if the oven is pre-heating right now?? What if, it isn't? ********************************* | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if never fear, Salem is here? What if I got home later than usual and then went to get food? What if I got licked on the face by a bulldog today? What if I was sitting and it came up to me and put its paws on my lap and then struggled to pull it'self up more and stretched it's head forward? What if it was after my lamington? What if through some bizzare miracle, I managed to remain calm and collected on the outside? What if on the inside: "Waaaah! There's a dog on me!! Get it off! Get it off! *arms flailing about*"? What if I'm tired? What if it was caused from readiong xenacrazed's gigantic what if? What if the longer a what if was, the less tired you became when reading? What if I forgot to send something today? What if someone is going to be annoyed? What if I've got some splainin' to do? ____________________ ![]() | |||
What if after 10 loses, Salem finally won a game? What if he now deserves to die? What if Mick is watching ' Not Another Teen Movie' What if there is alot of cameos in it? What if, ok it's corny, but there is nothing else on? What if i did there word whores? What if then he did the words, Nora and Keri? What if then i did, Lap Dancing on Brucy? ********************************* | |||
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