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What if its 3am & the main page says Im the lone scroller rite now..?? What if I have 7 clocks in this place & they all have different times on them so its 3AM for quite a while here..? What if no one cares ... not even me..?? What if its too loud & too cold with the Air-Con on & its too warm & too quiet with it off..??? What ifim obviously too tired to what if..?? What if I go to bed & have NO dreams at ALL thanQ nora.??? What if I died in 1 of my dreams once maybe 6 or 7 years ago..??? What if life IS but a dream..??? Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if Australian Idol 2 is on? What if it makes me laugh when people are told they can't sing when they think they're really good? What if I wish I was a judge just so I could stand up and go HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!? What if god I love the judges? What if there was a malamute out the front of our house today? What if my mum went out to see it or play with it or somehting but as soon as she opened the door it came bounding inside? What if it wouldn't leave? What if well it did eventually? What if we had no idea where it came from? What if my mum was checking its collar but it had nothing on it and when it was outside it ran off? What if I hope it's home nice and safe wherever it's from? What if Pokèmon Emerald was announced today and comes out in Japan in September? What if it came out today and was announced in September? What if that was a nice asian person, they were told they didn;t make it through but he still thanked everyone and and the show for giving people a chance at their dreams, instead of what everyone else does and goes and bitches about how dicko is a bastard and they missed out on a good talent? What if one girl said she wanted to sing one more line, because it would've made a difference? What if riiiight? What if Nicole Kidman is on Rove tonight? ![]() What if I wonder where Maddie is? What if she's dead? What if I'm going to feel really bad if she does turn out to be dead? What if why do all these people auditioning that are younger than me look a lot older? What if I should go on TV and see if I look older? What if I look 10 years younger? What if oh yeah I meant to say somewhere that I felt really sick today? What if I think I'm hungry? What if I had a strange urge for it to be Summer today? What if Animal Crossing and its crazy backwards seasons isn't helping either? What if speaking of, a dog named Lucky moved into my town the other day, with a bandaged head and only one visible, bright yellow eye amongst the darkness? What if it's creepy? What if I hope Skye leaves Neighbours, she's really annoying? What if and what about that little backstabbing american girl!!? What if what a little bitch she is? What if they should just get rid of all the characters under 20 on Neighbours? What if it'd make things much better? What if I'm going to get food? ____________________ ![]() | |||
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what if Salem's malamute incident made me laugh? what if the malamute is by nature a quite friendly beasts? what if i could totally imagine my Stella paying someone a visit like that? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
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What if damnit, zoom, I'll be in Galveston that weeked as my cousin is getting married? What if but anytime after that and I'm free? What if we should drag Nora down also? What if thanks WP9 it is nice to be home? What if ah yes, it's always good to get compliments from pretty girls? What if yeesssss, so nice? ![]() What if I need to wash my clothes and pack for yet another trip? What if it feels like I'm going to be on the go for the rest of the month? What if I'll need a vacation from my vacation? What if okay, work to do? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if, hehe, looks like Keri had a good time? What if hmmmm felt up? By a girl or a guy? If by a girl at least you could have enjoyed it. ![]() What if, was she cute? ![]() What if I just woke up? What if I'm about to have breakfast but don't really know what to have? What if I'm just lounging around in my nightgown trying to avoid the day? What if cuz it'll be a pretty big day? What if laters for now? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if the malamute incident makes Salem's mum's cat fear seem even more strange? | |||
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what if i imagine there will be plenty more future Roller Derby opportunities, so we can find one that works for all? what if it will be quite the challenge to drag Nora further down than she already is? what if the Roller Derby is a prime place to try though? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Ultimate Scroller |
What if thanks Kate I am having a good time so far? What if Julie is crazy fun and kinda reminds me of a best friend I used to have that was the same way in-person? What if however, she also seems to tire me out just a bit 'cause I'm feelin' it today? What if therefore we're just hanging out and going to watch a sappy movie (The Notebook) instead of doing some big California tourist-y thingie? What if lol, it was a girl? What if lol, trust me it really wasn't all that? ![]() What if my coworker saw me at work today back in my normal Work!Keri attire and said, "NOW you look normal! You looked so cute and attractive yesterday and now you're just Keri"? What if......was this is a compliment? What if lol, 'cause it sure seemed backhanded to me? ![]() What if I always wanna be cute and attractive *pout*? ![]() What if I have successfully recorded three of my speeches on videotape? What if I only have one more to do, and I need to do it sometime tonight? What if it's the same-sex marriage one and I ended up being two mins over, so I need to cut some stuff out, dangit? ![]() What if oh and Kate, I saw Heart CDs today at work when I was putting music away and thought of you? ![]() What if I'm tired and it's only 11:00 am? What if that's wrong on so many levels? What if tomorrow Julie and I will be babysitting Baby Claire for a few hours, and I'll give my speeches to my cousin to put on DVD for me then too? What if I am one busy girl? What if I'll look forward to some relaxing sometime in the near future? What if I think I'll shut up now? ![]() | |||
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What if, cool, go do a relaxing thing, relaxing is good? What if i woke up at four am today and couldn't get back to sleep til 7? What if therefore i dind't wanna get up at the appointed time? ![]() What if still avoiding the student loan crap? What if blah? What if coooooool, Heart CD's? ![]() ![]() ![]() What if bye for now? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if I'm willing to go down to Austin for the Austin City Limits Music Festival? What if there's nothing like getting drunk in the hot Austin sun and singing along with Scottish musicians? What if I'd go to a Roller Derby if there was a string of crappy bands playing at the same time? What if I keep getting people calling me, making appointments and then not showing up? What if I've got two clients I'm supposed to meet with next week? What if they show up? What if I make enough money off of them to actually, like make a profit? ![]() | |||
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what if Nora should be aware that the highly-rated (no pun intended...) Basford Arms Hotel is open for free Austin City Limits accomodations? what if ain't nothing cheaper than free? what if the Roller Derby has live local music before and during halftime which wasn't half bad the time i went? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I think I suddenly get what despair is? What if not the N64 Xena game one, though? What if it's a shame because I can beat that one? What if only if I'm Gabrielle? What if her staff throwing is awesome? What if I should start getting more cats now so I'm up to 30 in time to be The Old Lady With 30 Cats? What if I school my children in the ways of mouse trapping because I can't feed 30 cats on a budget? What if I miss my Paco? What if yes, I feel as pathetic as I sound? What if bouncing between it's ok and it's really not is wearing me out? What if I look 75 years old when I'm 40? What if it happens overnight and my cats don't recognize me? What if I keep thinking of all our family memories and I'm terrified we won't have more like them? What if it stinks? What if I go get my daughter's bath ready and we laugh about shampoo beards for a while? | |||
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What if geez? What if I promise that's my last morose post for a long while? ![]() | |||
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What if Heitie the more morose you are the happier you'll be when it's all truly over? ![]() What if, anymore, when I feel sad I say LOOK I"M SAD and then boom the sadness usually goes away? What if with that said, I'm a lil tipsy? ![]() What if I'm a gunna have another? What if I love this opera i'm doing? What if it's just plain hilarious? What if shame it's so long people might fall asleep but then again maybe not? What if I'm in love with a girl in it? ![]() ![]() ![]() What if okay technically speaking she's playing a guy but still she's cute? ![]() What if I have a thing about girls in guy's clothing? ![]() What if there's an operatic version of Romeo and Juliet with a girl playing Romeo? What if sweet? What if I wouldn't mind singing that role even tho technically I'm a soprano not a mezzo? What if oh well sopranos have done it? ![]() What if I'm off to have some more merlot now see ya laters? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if I'm listening to the Who right now? What if i'm in a time warp? ![]() What if sweeeeet? What if yes I admit I was born in the wrong decade? ![]() What if I just tune my guitar tomorrow and write some new tunes for the fark of it? ![]() What if take care for now? ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if thanks, it's not working yet, but I hope it does? ![]() What if I just kissed my daughter and she reached up to wiggle her loose tooth in her sleep? ![]() | |||
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What if does anybody else hate it when you had plans to what if all day and when you get the chance you just can't remember what you had to say? What if *dramatic sigh*? What if it's lucky the Malamute was friendly and not mean? What if it was, it would've been good if my house had a really high ceiling and a chandelier so I could've recoiled in fear and shot up to hide on it? What if but that wasn't the case? What if all it did to me was sniff my legs? What if it was all over my mother though? What if it could sense that I was a cat lover? What if it was Stella and she had somehow managed to get from Texas to here and back again all without zoom noticing? What if a movie was made all about the journey? What if it involved a wacky chase sequence with Stella outwitting some dog catchers? What if I feel like watching the movie now, because it sounds like it would be fun? What if I saw some production photos of series 3 of Kath & Kim? What if I'm so excited ![]() What if I wasn't? What if The Panel returns tonight? What if Glenn isn't on because he's too busy filming Kath & Kim?? What if I wouldn't know if that was a good or bad thing? What if I think the 5 main people will be there tonight? What if one of them isn't and Jo takes their place? What if I could see Maddie not being too pleased? What if assuming she's still around to watch it? What if I just remembered I almost commited suicide accidentally today? o.o What if I was trying to twist something and slipped and cut my wrist? What if, okay, so there was no blood, but it was still a scratch and it was red? What if I should take 3 weeks off to recover? What if that'd be nice? What if I'm left with a scar down my wrist and whenever I wear short sleeves people see it and whisper "that boy tried to kill himself"? What if oh well? What if I hope Heitie had fun laughing about shampoo beards? What if I hope she is feeling nice and happy now? What if she watches Australian Idol and all the bad performers cheer her up? What if she just feels bad for them and gets depressed? What if Andrew G looks like Travis from Home & Away? What if he was? O.o What if *sudden realisation* I have to watch Boston Public from last week before The Panel starts!!? What if *flees and causes stacks of paper to be disturbed and blown about*? ____________________ ![]() | |||
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What if Maddie lives? What if she just rang? What if she RUINED all my plans to watch Boston Public before The Panel? What if her computer crashed so she won't be on til she gets back to uni? What if she also says to tell Ame she won't be taping Angel this week so you're on your own? What if my only chance to speak to Maddie is before 6:30pm when she's at uni? What if that's the last bus to get her home in time for Home & Away? What if she told me not to make her choose between me and Robbie, because she doesn't think I can win? ![]() What if I bet I miss The Panel? ____________________ ![]() | |||
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what if Malamutes are almost always friendly, it's the Huskies you have to watch out for? what if and most Huskies i've known are pretty friendly, too? what if by 'friendly' i mean total attention sluts who completely forget who their owner is as soon as some other person who can tell them what sweet precious pretty doggies they are come on the scene? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
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What if the whole "attention sluts" thing made me laugh? What if I need to laugh today? What if I feel like I'm being pulled in 100 different directions? What if HUD is coming tomorrow and yes people, I'm definitely having the wiggins? ![]() What if I went and bought new clothes last night? What if I bought things you wouldn't normally suspect me of wearing ever? What if this includes some camis, otherwise known as 'boobie' shirts? What if that makes me laugh too? What if I got some rather nice cargos and khakis? What if I like Old Navy? ![]() What if okay, must get back to work, so much to do today and this evening? What if laters? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if thanks, Salem, but apparently my daughter is too old for shampoo beards, or at least she was yesterday? What if that's depressing in itself? What if the sleep-wiggling of her tooth was hilarious, though? What if she later had a nightmare of a tarantula being right in front of her when she was trying to sit on the couch? What if she screamed loudly and I was so alarmed that I picked up a pen before I went to her room? What if that's right, bad guys are no match for a PaperMate stick pen, so watch out!? What if the dog had been a Trojan malamute with many cats hidden inside? What if the sides had opened and Salem's house was overrun in a flurry of tails and whiskers? What if their forces took hold and Salem's house was never again catless? | |||
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What if I'm still at work but I'm almost done? What if ugh, I wish tomorrow was already over? What if I'm tired and cranky and crampy and bleh? ![]() What if I need to do laundry, go to the pharmacy, get my hair cut, go return some stuff, etc. all before Saturday morning? What if I need a vacation? What if so I think I'll have one? What if here's hoping people that tomorrow goes well? What if I'd ask for divine intervention but ever since I tried to take over, they're not too keen on helping me out? ![]() ![]() What if I'll do all those things on Friday cause I don't feel like doing 'em today? What if and I know I'm going to be a puddle of goo tomorrow anyways? What if and now, I'm going home? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
What if, i haven't been online in over 24 hours? What if i was un able to find Hp and the CoS game, so i bought POA.. and it's heaps harder than the first one? What if, but the graphics are better? What if also, if you don't complete a challenge, you can go back at your own leisure and do it? What if, and also this game several of them sound more like their characters and look like them better too? What if Lupin, for example? What if i was going to have tomorrow off work, but when i woke up this morning, i had a headache, so I had today off instead? What if i am meant to be doing, or at least starting the 2nd coat on our pergola? What if, grumble, mumble.... ********************************* | |||
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What if I want another glass of wine? What if i just have one? What if what harm will it do? What if I just listened to a beautiful opera that I want to do someday? What if Phyllis Curtin ROCKS? What if she's cute too? What if pasta is good but i really wanted Antipasto Salad? What if hmmmmm tomorrow? ![]() What if that farkin director better let us out before they stop servin food at this place??? What if well if wishes were fishes we'd all walk on the sea? ![]() What if oh well catch yas later? ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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Who cares if I had a great 'What if' but by the time I read alla this I forgot it..??? What if HEY its a what if even if it doesnt Start with ehat if..? What if I just wish Hietie luck & lay off with my own personal stories.. What if no one wants to know me THAT well... ![]() | |||
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