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Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if still no one online? what if still no one at the scrolls? what if my rat has not as yet been eaten by the cat? what if i may or may not suffer from hyperventillation and panic attacks? what if, so very very tired? what if and now my hand is sore because i'm resting it on the edge of the desk in a badly pressure-pointed area? what if ow and also damn it? what if i'm leaving for uni on friday? what if my carefree days with you are history? what if, in short, your pal is doomed? what if *eye twinge*? what if i'm drinking tooth paste? what if i expect i'll die soon? what if, but at least i'll leave a corpse with less-cruddy-than-usual teeth? what if one can only hope? what if i leave a not saying that i wish to be mummified in vinegar? what if not the cheap stuff either, the good $100 stuff? what if i end up being rolled up in some butcher's paper, springled litely with fish-shop vinegar and chicken salt, and then taken to the beach by a young couple of lovers who unceremoniously throw my various parts onto the sand for the seagulls to squabble over, while they laugh and kiss and share a sunset over the ocean together? what if i've thought about this way too much? what if i haven't thought about it at all - that's the problem? what if the fluride is starting to repeat on me? what if *buurp*? what if, now that you're all fully informed of my bodily functions and the arangements that should be made in the event of my death, i should probably find something else to amuse me for a while? what if i try to figure out what i'd do if i could only have 6 of every posession? what if 6 cds, 6 dvds, 6 shirts, 6 pants, 6 books, 6 etc? what if what a crazy life that would be? what if i feel like giving away all my worldy possession anyways, so this could be a good way to get started? what if i'd sell everything, but that just seems wrong somehow? what if doing these things for monetary gain - selling off pieces of my soul and history to complete strangers - that thought can't keep me warm on the long winter nights? what if it is a long winter night right now as i type this? what if funnily enough, i'm relatively warm? what if i think i have asthma and i know i have a cold? what if the sound of the keyboard is disturbing my attempts to sneeze? what if when i cough people think i'm faking? what if, just becuase it's dry and weak and my lungs can't handle doing anything majorly vocal? what if i can't even sing anymore? what if that sux? what if it's the onset of silicosis? what if i'm slowly dying for my art which i don't even value or like? what if i go back to drawing where the worst harm that can be done is a paper cut or the dreaded "ink poisoning"? what if, oh, and "lead poisnoning" from the lead pencils? what if i feel ill? what if i think i may have implied that already? what if 6 appliances? what if fridge, tv, microwave, computer, printer, scanner? what if i assume the computer will have both cd and dvd capabilities? what if still cold, still bored? what if still taking issue with breath? what if i invest in another tape recorder and simply talk to myself until i get tired, and then replay it and listen to myself until i'm ready to talk again? what if you're never alone if you've got a tape recorder? what if i'm sure i'll get disconnected if i don't post this soon? what if i've already been disconnected and i've just been so caught up - so enthralled in my decent into madness, if you will - that i simply neglected to notice? what if i take a scriptwriting course and, again i say, go to hollywood? what if heitie claims to have relative contacts? what if i'm in? what if i go offer to be an animal trainer and simply fabricate a few credentials and past experiences? what if not lie, faaabricate? what if it all ends in me being mauled by a rabbid chipmunk as the disney studio tries desperately to reclaim their crown as king of the reality tv juggernaught by reinstating their wild animal movies where small woodland creatures are put through all kinds of things, but it's all ok because they have cute names and an informative yet friendly narrator? what if "chip and dale the movie"? what if "this isn't what i signed on for, where are the hot nekkid guys dancin'!?"? what if, oh well, such is the life of a fake animal tamer? what if they actual do try to have someone be an animal tamer on that series "faking it"? what if "how did you know she wasn't the real deal?"? what if "well, out first clue was when the tiger ripped her in half"? what if, sounds like fun ![]() what if, so i ever think anything i DON'T type?? what if i'm still curious about that punctiation book? what if heitie photocopies every page and sends it to me in the interest of adult education? what if my mind went to a very inappropriate place upon hearing that phrase? what if, what i mean is, the educaltion of adults - ie, those no longer of the schoolong age? what if, but of course that's what you all were thinking all along - i'm the only true deviant here? what if i'm typing at an alarming speed again? what if slowed down as soon as i tried to start writing that? what if i wonder how long this what if is? what if i've been writing it for at least 15 minutes non-stop? what if possibly half an hour but my mind doesn't go back that far? what if i have a 10 second memory? ehat if everyone has a 10 second memory but the memories are all linked so seemlessly that we think we're recalling things that happend 6 years ago, when really we're recalling things that we only thought about 9 seconds ago? what if it's an interesting theory, if not insane? what if, but it is insane, so ignore it? what if that's an order and i wont take no for an answer? what if you brought this on yourselves? what if see what happens when you leave the young and mush-headed to their own devices? what if their devices becoe windows to madness and the madness becomed that which they cannot distinguish from snaity and the sanity is that which they cannot distinguich from a leading chain of music distribution? what if i wish i could stop but i've gone to far now? what if my computer is going to crash any second? what if i use "perish song" as a way to end this all once and for all, for in 3 what if, we both shall faint, regardless of our hp status? what if i could hear my watch ticking as i searched the silence for the name of that pokemon move? what if i wonder if i'll ever love my pokemon again the way i once did in the past? what if, if only i knew the cause of this loss of sould, mind, and general will for life and all it has to give? what if *perish song sounds, all pokemon faint, the madness is at last relented*? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if you all thought i was mad, but then i started a new page? what if your uppence has come and my victory is sweet? what if to blame you for something over which you had no controll - how pety and deranged and ludicrous of me? what if i relax severity and drift into eternal slumber where the waking day is far away and my dreams shall amuse and bemuse me till morn? what if the high-pitched ring of the system as it warns of eventual collapse is not enough to deter me from my musings? what if poetry, so foolish and lax, yet so prophetic and spiritual as a gasp of air caught trembling in a salted sea bottle, washed upon the shore with a message from no one and read aloud by the wind that carried it there - this is the fault of speech, that it should so easily be heard but never so easily understood, for we are all but wind and passengers there on, we know not where we are to be taken, but we know never to stop questioning how the best way to get there might be? what if, as earlier suggested, i take my leave of this world and join you all again in that of dreams? what if, to you, my dear fellows, adiue and god's rest ---------? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if my grandparents and sister and her fiance were over for dinner? What if I was planning on coming back up here sooner but somehow got roped into watching Gilmore Girls? What if after that I watched Tomb Raider 2 for the first time? What if I enjoyed it very much? What if there was a scene that reminded me very much of Labyrinth? What if I just tried speaking to Maddie but judging by her what ifs she's gone? What if possibly forever? What if there is someone masquerading as her on MSN? What if it was a Masquerain? What if or of course she could also be too insane to speak? What if she's in no mood for my sarcasm? What if shut up and get me a bloody dippity bix? What if o.o? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I'm listening to Jefferson Airplane? What if I was listening to them while reading Maddie's above posts and it was quite a surrealistic experience? ![]() What if I lost a pound this week? What if that brought me to my 25 pound milestone? What if I got a nice teal star from weight watchers for that? ![]() ![]() What if I'm making vegetarian chili tonight? What if yayyyyy something different? ![]() ![]() What if I lurve chili? What if my cats are so lovey dovey today? ![]() What if maybe they love the music too? What if I'm remembering my first and last LSD experience? What if it was wonderful? ![]() What if and therefore I felt no need to ever do it again? ![]() What if I like being thinner, now I wanna show off my form to an opera audience? What if it was fun telling the costume designer I want a more form fitting costume? ![]() What if my costume is really cool? What if laters for now? ![]() ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
What if i want to see tomb raider 2? What if i got absolutely shit faced last night? What if, i mean totally? What if i rarely drink? What if i even more rarely drink to total excess? What if, i had the vomitting, i had the head spins, i had the emotional 'crap' coming out of my mouth? What if, ya'll know what i mean... 'i love you man... NO.. i love you man' What if, yeah that sort of stuff? What if it's almost 9.30am, and i still feel like crap? What if major hang over, and i hardly ever get them? What if, i hardly ever drink this much either? What if i suprised myself? What if, all of last night's yummy dinner.. wasted...lol What if, i still have some slight head spinniness, i should lie down? What if, since we drank till 2am (ok, i drank, mick watched), maybe i am still drunk? What if we watched 'sweet home alabama' What if also, the footyshow dvd, he got for xmas, and we hadn't watched yet? What if we're on our 2nd day of rain? What if, i don't have a clothes drier (that works)? What if i am neopetting, while i what if? What if i have taken to doing screen caps when something interesting happens? What if i bought a cheap HP 1 PC game... What if, i just took Norbert up the tower to give to Ron's brother Charlie, to take back to Norway? What if, now i need to sneak back down, and then i think i am up to the bit where i have to get past fluffy etc etc? What, if, i know this what if won't rival maddie's so, i'll just stop now? ********************************* | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() |
what if mother nature is a bitch? what if no what if's about it, mother nature is a bitch? | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if, well i'm back from the trippy side? what if seriously though, you people shouldn't leave me alone, lest i have anothe psychotic episode? what if i should probably stop "tweaking" my "crystal" ![]() what if i'm sure that's lost on everyone and i dread to think what you're thinking it means? what if best to smile and nod? what if my computer's been crashing a lot? what if that's not good? what if it sometimes won't even start? what if it scares me? what if i'm getting me own computer anyways on teusday ![]() what if it's official? what if i'm sure it's no where near top of the line, but i really only want it to write stuff while i'm at uni? what if there's talk of an upgrade at christmas so i can draw fancy stuff too ![]() what if i'm hungry and there's a makeshift shepherds pie on the way? what if "what's in a shepherds pie?" what if..."shepherds?...sheep?" what if an abstract quote from will and grace, if you don't mind? what if, ooh pie's done ![]() -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Ultimate Scroller |
What if oh good Lord, I have been going non-stop today? What if you would think "Saturday" and think "calm and relaxing" but nope, not for me? ![]() What if lots and lots of physical stuff at work, I was literally beet red in the face by the end of my shift and had guzzled all my water by then? What if the physical fun didn't stop there though? What if I've been cleaning my house up all day, and yes, I do mean all day? What if it's lookin' spiffy but I'm also lookin' ragged, heh? ![]() What if I haven't been able to do anything I've wanted to do today 'cause the clock is a tickin' down? What if I'm getting a video camera from my cousin tomorrow so I can tape all four of my speeches? What if I hope to accomplish taping them all that day? What if that may be a lofty goal? ![]() What if then my cousin is going to put them on DVD for me to send in to my teacher? What if this has to all be done by the 19th? What if I thought I was allowing enough time but now I realize maybe I didn't and am slightly panicing, hehe? What if I am a busy woman? What if what I'd REALLY like to do right now is listen to one of my new CDs (40% employee discount appreciation days are fun), scan some Baby Cousin Claire pictures, drink more water (I'm suddenly thirsty again), and simply relax? What if that's lofty too? ![]() What if instead I will be making notecards for my speeches and practicing them for the remainder of the night? What if joy to the world? ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if Ame is abandoning me because she's still hung over? What if she drank half a liter of bourbon? What if she's not sure if it's really bourbon? What if the label said "bourbon Whisky"? What if she didn't know if it was from Kentucky? What if it was cheap, "but not super cheap"? What if I found this distinction rather amusing? What if only because it's been awhile since I've been hungover? What if I shouted at Ame just 'cause I could? What if she frowned at me? What if I apologized....NOT? What if I know one day the tables will be turned? What if I expect just as much sympathy? What if I also expect her to say, "Well, have you had any water?"? ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if it's almost 5? what if i've had more negative feedback from the freaks at the home and away message boards? what if i vowe never to post there again? what if, cause they keep yelling? what if i'm not interested in yelling? what if i'm only posting here and now because ame told me to? what if i'm too afraid to say no ![]() what if, but on the upside of life, the robbie site has let me back in ![]() what if they like my robbie and kim pic what i posted here a few posts back as well ![]() what if, at least SOMEone appreciates my questionable talents ![]() what if we've been doing some winter cleaning? what if, when i say we, i mean my dad, and i've been having to hear about it ![]() what if my neck is itchy? what if i'm pretty sure i almost perfomed "the pinch" on myself wile i was scratching it last night? what if, must be more careful? what if i think the whole "christmas in july" concept is starting to get to me? what if i just had a desire to watch "rudolph the red-nosed reindeer" - that old claymation thing? what if, oh, but now i'm thinking of nester the donkey..and his mum...and the blizzard ![]() what if, why are children's stories always so traumatic ![]() what if *subtly pushes the saddistic fantasy novel she's been writing away with her foot* >.> <.<? what if, ya didn't see nothin'? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
What if it was Cougar Bourbon Whsky, which is bottled in Australia? What if it costs less than Jim beam, but i know others that cost even less? What if that therefore makes me the leader of the cheaper bourbon world? ********************************* | |||
Scroll Tragic![]() |
What if a 'wet dream' isnt when you were so sound asleep you drooled on the pillow..??? What if I also have 'questionable talents',,??? what if its way early in the morning so I just post this & go to sleep & stuff..?? | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if *hugs the robbie site* lets never fight again ![]() what if there aint a whole bunch going on in the world just now? what if, oh yeah, i was on a rescue mission before? what if saving all the valuable files that will be otherwise engulfed when this computer eventually burns to the ground? what if it's starting to look a little like falks on a burning day? what if i'm hungry AH-gain!? what if that's just rediculous? what if i should go get a nummy treat before i pass out? what if i think that drool would feature heavily if that were the case? what if my eyes are getting tired and i'm all out of lemon-flavoured beverage? what if, where's the busty wench asking "more libations my imperial conquerer?" when you need her? what if there's a national life expectancy test on tv tonight? what if i wonder if i should take it? what if i already know i'm going to be dead by 35, so what's the point? what if i simply stay here instead? what if i sometimes wonder if i've been sent to a dimention where i'm constantly hungry, itchy, and nautious? what if, at least it's better than a room with a moose o.o? what if *needs to realise that no one watches anything that she watches and all of her ramnlings and obscure references are lost on the general public*? what if *goes to search for food in disgust*? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i'm bored? what if henceforth...? what if lightglobes wash up all along the beach? what if and they light me up with? what if and they light me up with certainty? what if and she calculates coincidence? what if and circumstance? what if and turbulence? what if ...*skips to the end of the other verse cause she's unclear on how this one ends*..she keeps looking for patterns? what if and the world just happens? what if baby can't see through? what if through all this matter and make-up and deja vu? what if and we drift here alone with nothing to do? what if until one of us makes the other one come true? what if yeah one of us makes the other one come true? what if.......you were warned about this? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
Scroll Tragic![]() |
What if... I think, maybe, Im nonplussed but Im ambigiously unsure.??? Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if it must be summer because I've dyed my hair red? What if not bright red, but more of a strawberry blonde? What if it fades out after a couple of days? What if sometimes you just gotta color? What if I sometimes think I should have been a redhead? What if it would have given the world fair warning? What if I'm trying figure out how much of a home mortgage I could get? What if I'd be really happy if I could bill and collect 40 hours per month? What if I found a great house today? What if it's in a revitalization area? What if it looks like a good bet that the home would retain its value? What if the roof is a problem though? What if it's a bit tricky calculating my actual income? What if I found another house that would be only $15 a month more than what I pay rent? What if I could definitely get a mortgage for that one? What if I'm watching the Trading Spaces Inside Out special? What if they're doing a profile of Doug Wilson? What if I love Doug? What if I even like him when he's being a pissy diva? What if I find myself liking about half of his rooms? What if I'm still entertained even when the others are crap? What if I'm shallow? ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if i'm avoiding student loan crap? What if, crap like them telling me i didn't tell them i filed a tax return when i DID? What if I'm just not interested in red tape? What if I'm really not interested in September? What if oh crap, but the summer's a lil more than half over? ![]() What if my personal life is still bizarre but at the moment quite bearable? What if that's okay for now? ![]() What if I'm having fun with this opera? What if I'm gonna bike there on Saturday? ![]() What if I bike home drunk? naaaa, i'll sober up before i do i promise! ![]() What if I've been swimming a lot? What if fun fun fun? What if more summer please? ![]() ![]() ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I was so hot last night? What if in bed when I was tyring to get to sleep that is? What if although these past few days my opinion of myself has been flying higher than Xena's parchment? What if I don't know why either? What if woohoo, I snagged a female Bayleef? ![]() What if now to purify it and send it over to the GBA? What if I need somewhere safe to purify it? What if she just fainted? What if my Espeon is seeking vengence? What if he held the Sunflora above it's head on top of a waterfall and screamed it out? What if I'm getting carried away here? What if Espeon just avenged Bayleef? ![]() What if I got two lifts home today hehe? What if when I was walking home my uncle saw me and drove me further from where I had been dropped off? ![]() What if my cousin was with him? What if she had two Barney toys? What if she was speaking gibberish about them? What if I could only understand "Barney"? What if I had nachos for dinner? What if I always relate Nachos to Zelda now? What if, because the first time I was playing Majora's Mask, I was interrupted to go eat dinner, and it was nachos? What if also, Rellik mentions Nachos sometimes and I tend to relate her to Zelda? What if I almost typed Xelda? What if that'd be like that crazy Xena/Sabrina crossover fic I found once, but it never got finished? What if maybe it is by now, because this was years ago? What if Xelda: Warrior Princess? What if it's only Monday? What if it's already Monday? What if I hate Mondays? What if I can use that now for good reason? What if ah Garfield? What if Garfield was wished a Happy Monday on my page a day claendar today? What if it was the mother of all oxymorons? What if it was the mother of all foxy morons? What if Monday Monkey works for the Weekend sir? ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I have returned? What if thanks all, I had an absolutely fab time? ![]() What if it was interesting in some areas to say the least? What if it was nice seeing my favorite aunt and uncle again? ![]() What if now I'm rather nicely tanned? What if though it was shocking to see just how skimpy bathing suits are for little girls these days? What if it was disturbing and I'd never let my daughter dress like that? What if heh heh, one of the cute girl lifeguards thought my bubble gum smelled really good? What if I was on a tube ride at the time when she commented and it startled me? What if I came back after the ride and gave her a piece of gum? What if she was quite appreciative? What if mmmmm kolaches from West are the best? What if I'm so sleepy and tired? What if and completely busy this week before I go on vacation? What if alright, back to the mounds of paperwork? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if Sara goes immediately to my Roller Derby thread because i so want her to come to Austin and attend a bout with me? what if i want to form an Amazon-themed team? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I have and I'm so there, just name the date zoomie? What if it'll be great fun? What if now that's sports entertainment? What if heh heh putas del fuego made me crack up? ![]() What if I dunno if I got the moxie, them chicks look mighty tough? What if but I'm down for checking 'em out? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if next bout, 7 pm, August 1, 2004--the Rhinestone Cowgirls vs. the Hellcats...? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I'm less upset today, for some reason? What if many many talks with Paco, straightening out details, etc., seem to have helped? What if also I had some Scotch and/or whiskey or whatever last night so I actually got more than 45 minutes of sleep? What if 3 hours, but even still it'd been a while? What if things look like they may be close to feeling normal again, even with Paco having other living quarters? What if he'd initially said he'd be at the apartment on work nights and nights he goes out, which translated to every night? What if I got into a panic that the kids wouldn't see him at all unless we scheduled some kind of special occasion? What if last night he said he'll try to spend a few evenings a week here and at least one weekend day, which I think will make a huge difference? What if the point was for the kids to have us both around as much as possible in a regular day-to-day context? What if anyways, enough of that? What if it was a family weekend, so Paco gave me my karate test yesterday? What if I got my yellow belt? What if woohoo? What if Paco Jr assisted because he got his yellow belt at his first big test on Saturday so he's technically my superior? What if heh? What if he also got an award in his test? What if it's quite rare for a white belt to get that type of award in testing, so yay!? ![]() What if I think I'm still a little hung from the spirits? What if a little over one shot's worth in about 12 ounces of ice and water, and I could barely stand? What if gosh, it's sure soothing, though...? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I'm drinking Merlot? What if it tastes yummmmm? What if I'm torn between having another glass or Merlot as my last two points or having ice cream? What if tough choice? What if welcome back, Sara? ![]() What if, mmmmm cute lifeguards, we have them at Warrington swim club and they're not only cute but they're sweet too? What if it's nice to get compliments from pretty girls? ![]() What if, with that said....mmmm, HEART? What if I wanna go get their stuff on cd now? What if maybe this week? ![]() What if laters for now? "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
Ultimate Scroller |
What if my best friend Julie arrived today from Washington? What if she's crazy? What if Julie is easy? What if this is from her own mouth? What if dirty men were listening for sex talk at the mall? What if Keri ran away? ![]() What if he followed? ![]() What if Julie was zooming in on my chest? What if my boobs were taped? What if this is more innocent than it sounds? What if my boobs are a prominent source of conversation? ![]() What if Julie thinks David's cute? What if Julie is only straight when Keri says so? What if Julie almost got run over? What if Keri actually looked attractive to her coworker? What if this is rare apparently? ![]() What if Work!Keri is completely different from Casual!Keri in attractiveness? What if my butt got slapped and felt up? What if this was my dog Penny's fault? What if these are all the things that can happen when Julie and Keri are together for only 6 hours? What if oh...good...Lord...we have a week to go? ![]() What if edited to put a disclaimer that Julie is happily married? ![]() What if I'm not sure if this makes it better or worse actually? | |||
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