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Besotted Scroller![]() |
what if i've got the flippant covered? what if in light of this new information, i should probably clarify that my friend did not actually die, i just feel a bit like she has? what if, but as you may know, my feelings about death are inhuman? what if i had a deep and meaningful discussion with my ceramics teacher about what the point of it all was? what if it was in reference to university and all the "hoop jumping", but i think i may have been looking for the meaning of life? what if that may have been a little too much to expect from a ceramics teacher? ~what if page 8 - upright infinity and my favourite number - how appropriate? -------------------------------------- ![]() | |||
What if I ask Nora if said family member was the one you were telling me about who you bought the t-shirt for (the son) What if my condolances? What if I miss seeing Maddie all the time on Aim What if this makes me cry? What if, not really, but i love her? What if *hugs maddie* What if Mick is coming to the funeral with my on Friday which is good, since he did know her, and more so the husband? What if I haven't seen Argy scroll, since the weekend? What if, I hope she didn;t have too many margaritas? What if hardly anyone seems to what if anymore? What if i feel like doing a HUGE what if, but i can;t think of anything to say? What if I am now permanent at work now, instead of casual? What if's it's mother's day this weekend, here in Oz? What if i think it is in another month else where? What if it annoys me that Angel is on thursdays now? What if 11.30pm! What if i used to set a tape to tape something at 8.30, and then leave it running for angel at 10.30, since it was the same channel? What if i even forgot to tape angel last week? What if, and i forgot about friends on monday? What if, therefore i shall have to visit salem to borrow the tape he is doing for maddie to watch angel? What if, and his friends tape when it's complete? What if this is enough what ifs for a while? ********************************* | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What Maddie forgot to watch Angel last week as well? What if what would you people do without me and my superior memory? What if Sarah Michelle Gellar was just on The Simpsons? What if, well, her voice was? What if I got Peter Pan on DVD today? What if *spins around and triumphantly holds DVD in the air*? What if I did my good deed for the year today? What if I child had let go of their balloon and their mother was jumping trying to grab the string but couldn't reach? What if, so out of the kindess of my heart I stepped in and got it down for them? What if there was a disturbing horoscope on the Fast Forward DVD for Aries? What if it was somehting along the lines of 'A gun toting rapist prison escapee will break into your room in the wee hours of the morning. They do not have your best interests at heart.'? o.o ____________________ ![]() | |||
What if i need to ask, did you have to stretch, or was it an easy reach for your 7 foot height? ********************************* | |||
What if Salem tells us what they say for Aquarius? What if, since his two fav scrollers are water bearers? ********************************* | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I had to slightly extend my arm beyond its normal range of reach? What if I can't remember what they said for Aquarius? What if I was gripped with fear? What if also, I don't think they did all of the signs, so they might not have done them? ____________________ ![]() | |||
WHat if, oohh i reached 1700 posts and didn;t notice? What if higher up Scroller Moutain I go? What if I ask Heitie what luxuries I get going from 1600 to 1700? ********************************* | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if you get one of those little robot vacuums, a muffin basket, and your choice of flowering tree? What if I'm almost to 1800 and I can't wait to see what happens *crosses fingers for a TiVo*? | |||
Scroll Guardian![]() ![]() |
What if I'm just starting to feel normal again? What if I've never actually been normal? What if okay, so normal for me? What if dude, I'm still massively sleepy? What if but hopefully this weekend I can catch up on sleep? What if heh, I had to laugh cause I heard "Jessie's Girl" by Rick Springfield on the radio? What if, don't ask? What if ugh, HUD is coming the last week of May, God help us all? What if bleh? What if I wish airline prices were dirt cheap again? What if capitalist bastards? What if there's still WAY WAY WAY too much alcohol in my fridge? What if lol? ![]() What if okay, back to work? ____________________________ ![]() I <3 4 foot 11, blonde, operatic wonders from Oklahoma. There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness | |||
Scroll Desperado![]() |
what if i used to sing Rick Springfield's song "i wish that i was Jessie's girl" instead of "i wish that i had Jessie's girl cuz he always seemed kinda gay to me? what if my comp is making some way wierd noises? what if there's a woodpecker in my hard drive? WHAT WOULD XENA DO? ![]() are you sitting on the soap? sometimes, you just have to say 'what the f...' | |||
What if, i am Jessie's Mummy... What if i woke up this morning with my periods and had no tablets left from last month? What if, and the shops don't open till 9am? What if, so i took one of mick's leg pain killers, to see if it helps at all? What if i ask heitie what a TiVo is? What if Mick wants me to ask Salem just how tall he is, after i told him the balloon story last night? What if I want to go to Erina Fair after playgroup today? What if, i bet Ezy DVD put Angel and Buffy back up to their normal price? What if, ok no, but Angel s4 and Buffy s7 are full price? What if bummer dude? What if i ask Slem if he got said Peter Pan dvd from Ezy, since i know he got it from erina, cause if you buy it from there, you get a free colouring in book? What if hehehe? ********************************* | |||
What if, ohh..CSI is out on dvd? What if, Mick quite enjoys that show? What if, he doesn;t have many shows he enjoys watching that have nothing to do with sport? What if CSI (normal, not miami), smallville, and relick hunter? What if i should be glad he doesn;t like x-files, since 7 seasons are out on dvd already..lol and thats alot of catching up to do? ********************************* | |||
What if, i see what's coming soon? What if i am trying to take my mind off my sore belly, so bear with my ridiculous dvd related what ifs? What if, May 12th looks like a good day for dvd's? What if old movies and new? What if Lion King 3, The - Hakuna Matata (2 Disc Set), Freaky Friday, Freaky Friday (Original), Parent Trap, The (Original), Pollyanna, Cheaper By The Dozen.? What if, 20th of may, Andromeda - Complete Season 3 (12 Disc Box Set), not that i watch it, but it annoys me, that charmed isn't out at all, and Andromeda is up to s3? What if, 3 days before jess' birthday, LOTR3, and then 2 days b4 her b'day Buffy s7? What if, do you think she'd appreciate them for her birthday? What if hehehe? What if June 3rd, Tomb Raider 2? What if, 9th of June, Alias, season 2? What if, my god even darned 'Dawson's Creek' is out on dvd? What about this, mid june? What if Better Sex Through Yoga (3 Disc Box Set) ********************************* | |||
What if, Salem or Argy, go here and tell me what you see? http://www.ezydvd.com.au/mech/search.zml?id=t7xOI%3AKcaQT&f=title&q=xena&x=15&y=14 ********************************* | |||
Scroll Tragic![]() |
What if Ame goes to the movies once in a while insteada sittin around waiting for 'whatif's to magically appear before her eyes... What if I tell I havent gone bald yet..?? What if she *gollum snicker* believes me..? What if I have a sudden urge to have a deep & menaingful relationship with CERAMICS !!!! What if there are no Non-News shows on TV anymore that I watch...?? What if better sex thru Yogurt ???(the Motion Picture)..???? WHat if my Cat...the Warrior,Princess, has spent so much time sitting on my shoulders my Back aches 24-7...???? What if she WUVs me .. but only when I behave..????? WHat if Im too old & WAY too BORING .. to what if with the Best of Em..???? Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I went to the link Ame provided and almost died? What if so they're ALL coming on the 28th of July? What if I go into a shop and grab the three boxes and sit on the ground and cry? What if I'm doubting they'll have any extra features? What if it'd be nice but the episodes are the main thing I care about? What if I bet sometime next year they'll release deluxe box sets with all the extra things? What if Ame shows Mick that picture of me next to the giraffe height chart? What if though, the balloon did have a long string and it's not like the ceiling is as high as it is outside Big W near where Fundamentals is? What if because that would be crazy? What if I was Inspector Gadget? What if "Go Go Salem Arms!"? What if Ame goes over to JB HiFi when she's at Erina? What if also, I got Peter Pan from Big W, because Ezy DVD didn't have it for some reason and I didn't want to wait? What if, so I have to survive without a colouring book? What if I watched the movie last night though What if love love love that movie? What if it was 1am by the time it was over, because I started it at 11pm? What if I went outside afterwards because there was a full moon and everything was bathed in a soft blue light? What if it was pretty? What if someone was watching me with a telescope? What if "there's a sinister looking kid in that yard!"? What if it would have looked strange if anyone did happen to see me, because I was just out there, standing in the light? What if at least I know I'm not a werewolf? ![]() ____________________ ![]() | |||
Chief Chesty Forlock![]() ![]() |
What if, thanks to Ame, I am now in even more of a quandary over whether I should purchase the Aussie or the non-Aussie DVDs of Xena? What if I REALLY like Salem' new sig from Big Girls' Blouse? ![]() ~~~~~~~~~~ ![]() | |||
Warrior Scroller![]() |
What if there's a church named after Salem not too far from me? What if I just have a compulsion to photograph every Lustron house I see? What if Lustron houses were really created by extraterrestrials and that's why I have to photograph them, because the extraterrestrials have a probe in my brain and I wear a tin hat and get radio signals and also? | |||
What if, you get the yank ones Argy, so you can tell us how wonderous the commentaries are?? What if i didn't mean to put you in a quandary, i was trying to make y'all happy! ********************************* | |||
Ultimate Scroller![]() |
What if Dubya is coming to town tomorrow? What if excuse me while I puke? What if his campaign managers are really stupid? What if because they thought that going to a 98% strong democratic town was a good idea? What if not to mention that Bush-y-boy sent 6 local units over to war in the last year? What if and I have also had the joyous time of getting to interact with members of his posse because guess which hotel they are staying in? What if that's right, the hotel I worked at? What if so many of them are assholes? What if and needy as hell? What if for serious, Dubya, go away? What if and I swear if I can't get out of my driveway tomorrow, because he's got the whole of frickin downtown closed, I will wreak my vengence upon him? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if John Howard was down here today? What if, not at Umina, but at Ettalong? What if which is right by here anyway? What if he was greeted by protesters? What if I'm happy being ignorant to the world of politics, because I don't get why so many people hate him? What if I'm happy Argy likes my new sig pic? What if someone liking it makes it all worth while? ![]() What if I finally got my Legend of Zelda Collectors Edition disc today? ![]() What if I'm not proud of what I had to do to get it, but it's done? What if *pushes aside red dress, long blonde wig and a crow bar*? What if hehe? What if, okay, so that never happened, but I did have to cut things out? ![]() What if, but it was all worth it? ![]() ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroll Tragic![]() |
What if I tried to post here with the OPERA browser just for Argy's Amusemnt & it didnt post...???? WHat if *I* wanna move to a 98% democratic town like where Jubilee lives.. What if that would make it at least 50% smarter than here...??? what if dope smokers from all over the US were moving into the upstairs apartment ...just to ANNOY mre..?? What if its all some big Conspiracy..??? What if they imported a really Nice Australian Pothead named Lindsay to act as a front man..to lull my suspiscions?? What if I know I mis-spelled that but cant imagine whats wrong with it..?? What if Lindsay isnt a mans name around here ..just like Nikita isnt...neither..??? What if Im upset about friends being over because Im afraid Im gonna have to see those idiots scattered all over?? WHat if I LIKED having them all together on a show Osama Bin Laden couldnt make watch if he unleashed ALL of Al Quaeda on me in an attempt to ...whatever..???? What if this What if was SO BIG I cut& pasted it in a safe place(ha! like theres such a place on a Microsoft controlled Computer)in case Opera Fails to post yet Again..??? WHat if ...yes,precious,it Did..??? What if Salem Sneaked a post in while I was wrestling with mostly useless Off-brand Browser..?? what if the much Maligned 'Windows Me' operating system is the ONLY one I have used that didnt crash incessantly since I got on the iNet in 1998.?? What if the Amiga I used when I first got on had a valid excuse since its 3.0 operating system came out in maybe 1991..??? Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
What if i went to the funeral today? What if it was sad? What if that is rhetorical, since of course it is? What if i forgot to log off, and came home later to see that i;d been online 7 hrs? What if, all these ppl had messaged me, and must have thought i was ignoring them? What if we had episode 100 of angel last night? What if *BIG SNIFF* What if comparitivly speaking for the rest of the season, it was a GOOD ep? What if, sad but still good? What if i was already spoiled for what was gunna happen at the end? What if my dad was in ettalong today and was thinking *crikey, thats a big croc'? What if, no he was thinking, what the hades is going on here? What if criminal people tried to put their minds together and rob the commonwealth bank while all the cops were watching little johnny, but they still screwed it up? ********************************* | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if I was even upset at Angel last night? What if I didn't know it was coming, so when it happened I was left in a depressed mood right before going to sleep? What if ![]() What if I'm looking at locations of where Kath & Kim is filmed at a website? What if there's all photo's of the houses used for Kath's place and Brett's place? What if I'm picturing the people that live there being frightened because there were strangers taking photo's of their house? What if one of these days I go to Melbourne and go to all these places? What if apparently 7 of the 8 episodes for season 3 have been written? ![]() What if the show is due to go into production at the end of May? ![]() What if, though it'll still be a while before it starts, but yay!? What if I want to watch Peter Pan but I also want to watch a movie on TV? What if the sensible thing to do would be to watch the movie on TV? What if *eyes DVD*? What if I feel sick? What if *eyes DVD*? What if Home & Away is on? What if *eyes DVD*? What if I hope Morag becomes a permanent character again? What if *eyes DVD*? What if she's decided she's far to good to be a permanent character? What if *eyes DVD*? What if this is a fun comparison picture with my sig pic? ![]() ____________________ ![]() | |||
Scroller Needing Therapy![]() |
What if *tackles DVD*? ____________________ ![]() | |||
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