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what if i'm wondering if Lucy isn't shackin up with BrucE & the reason he so mad at me is he thinks i'm attackin a BrucE wifE? | |||
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what if there are rumors of making Xena into an animated series? what if with LL & RoC as the voices? what if can't see why they'd do that? what if the Xena animated movie years ago was a bore? what if even with best possible animation i don't see a reason for it over live action? what if i can just see Xena vs the Road Runner or Bevis & Butthead? ![]() what if then again i might enjoy seeing the chakram chop off the head of the Family Guy? what if they do the anime series & LL & RoC's voices sound too old lol? what if xc waits for BrucE to condemn me for the what if above? | |||
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What if I can understand all of them not wanting to jump right back into for a while..??? What if I had heard that USA Network bought ALL rights to Xena:WP & THEY were the ones who were not interested..?? What if Couldnt even be bothered to negotiate to sell it back..??? What if THAT annoyed the shit outta me..LOL What if I always thought it was a big F-you to Xena fans..??? | |||
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what if watched "Devi" tonite? what if loved both it & "Paradise Found" before it? what if Gabby as Tataka was enticing? what if too bad they didn't keep Eli as just a magician? what if dogs chasing Xena & Eli was a weird scene? what if wonder what happened to Eli's assistant after demon left her? | |||
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What if I disagree any thing thats a reboot & starts over from the begining is "Major Suckage"..??? what if i'm wondering if Lucy isn't shackin up with BrucE & the reason he so mad at me is he thinks i'm attackin a BrucE wifE? What if ...NO WAY Shes way too Old fer me...LOL...?????? What if the last Spider-man movie was pointless...smae as the first 1 not bad but just pointless.... a new & different story wolud have been better... What if YES with FLASHBACKS,.........I LOVE flashbax...heehee.???? | |||
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what if ya have too many flashbacks, BrucE!? what if i loved the last Spiderman movie? what if i liked how they tied in Parker's parents to the lizard guy & to Oscorp (ya know that means Green Goblin gotta show up sometime)? what if i luv Gwen Stacy & was glad not to see Kristen Dunce or anyone as MJ? what if luv Emma Stone too? what if stoned on Emma Stone? | |||
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what if looks like pt time temp job starts Aug 12? what if at least training does? what if still be lookin for full time job? what if my hrs look like they'll be Wed-Fri all day (8 or 9 hrs)? what if not much mullah & no insurance? what if but will have foot in door & be learning the university comp systems? what if it'll lead me to full time job, i hope? | |||
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what if gas is 40 cents cheaper in surrounding towns? what if being college town means higher prices? what if also greed? what if drive to surrounding town just to buy gas? what if drive home s-l-o-w-l-y to save gas? | |||
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what if applied for hospital job? what if its full time job? what if hospital closer than college to home? what if should pay better too? what if definite insurance? what if applied before but never heard back? what if oh well if i do i do & if i don't i don't? | |||
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what if seen some jobs i could apply for? what if they are full time w/insurance? what if they also involve too much physical labor? what if i don't wanna retire with a bad back? what if but i need the mullah? what if i hate the hassle of a warehouse job? what if but i need the insurance? what if but the college job will be a step in the right direction? what if but it won't pay diddly & no insurance? what if but it may lead to full time job at college? what if but it may not or it may take too long? what if ack! torn between what to do...? | |||
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What if I Flashed back to this little nugget that has been buggin me fer a while..??? What if I hafta ask just WHO are these Rabid Lucy hatin Xeeeena Fans..You spend SO MUCH time yappin with..???? ![]() What if the other voices in yer head dont REALLY count as other people ...OK????? WHat if I confess I dont know .. nor have I ever known another Xena fan IRL..? What if sad butt true..? ![]() | |||
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WHat if Im watchin Beauty & the beast..??? What if its OK ? What if it Kristen Kreuk is too small & too young for her part..?? What if it would be better with a 5'10" middle aged Amazon..like Lucy...? What if she could do it for the next 55years ..Until shes all old & wrinkly..???? | |||
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what if i like Kristen Kreuk for that part more now than when i first started watchin (half-way thru the season is when i started)? what if Lucy too old for that role lol? what if i'd like to see LL in a reoccurring suspense, drama or supernatural show role? what if and with RoC in the show too? what if a show with no involvement from Rob or that Raimi guy? | |||
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what if laundry day at the crazed homestead? what if gotta repair back porch gutter with hole in it? what if maybe mow some yard? what if nice weather today? what if luv sunshine, warm & dry? | |||
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what if mowed front & part of back yard? what if mowing always makes me sneeze? what if allergic to lawn mowers? what if didn't get gutter repaired? what if next week when have stretch of dry days? | |||
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what if got HBO/Skinemax free for a few days? what if taping some movies on the free channels? what if they show some good stuff, some not so good? what if so far nuthin i really really really wanted to see cuz i couldn't find the dvd to rent? what if had HBO yrs ago but gave it up cuz they show same ol same ol? | |||
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what if *ahhhhchoooo!*? what if just finished mowin back yard? what if always makes me sneezey? what if dead tree in back lookin awful? what if it looks rotten n ready to fall? what if hope if it falls it hits the spot for the least amount of damage? | |||
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what if can't get ppl who won't use turn signals? what if how hard is it to use 'em? what if can't get ppl who drive slow in passing lane? what if can't get ppl who almost cause a wreck to pull out in front of other ppl & then they proceed to drive way slower than speed limit? what if can't get tailgaters? what if can't get ppl chattin on cell phone or textin & not payin attention to drivin? what if wish i had jet pack or flying car invented to soar over the road mess? | |||
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what if forgot sleepin pill last nite? what if finally remememembered around 2 am? what if finally got sleep round 6 am? what if slept til quarter past 11 am? what if still sleepy? what if hate being dependent on sleepy pills? | |||
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what if fathers day in usa? what if means little to me? what if haven't had papa for 19 yers? what if not a papa? what if well as far as i know i ain't? what if maybe go somewhere with mama xc later? | |||
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What if I always Preferred Gwen too..? What if MJ seemed too bold & brassy to be PP's GF? What if & for my taste too..?? what if luv Emma Stone too? What if I have maybe a slight preference for KD..?? What if other Spidey movies were just as good..?? | |||
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What if I just hadda flash of GENIUS..?? What if I prefer LUCY to both Emma Stoned & Kirsten Dunce..?? What if LuCY Played MJ & GWEN STACY..??? WHat if one in her tits flashin Uncle Sam singing outfit..? What if and the other as a Chakram wielding wrinkly old lady..????? What if then XC will see she fit enuff for XENA still..???? | |||
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What if on the overnight they ran EVERYTHING Lucy ever did that wasnt Xena so Xc would have Xrna nightmares & become Callisto crazy by the end of the week..??? What if'n I cant WAIT for you to play that tape..? What if I need 2 more what ifs..? What if only 1 more ..? what if made it..??? | |||
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What if I have no luck with them either..? Whaat if they made 2 doxen Xena movies starring Lucy as XENA ..? What if maybe THESE will put you to sleep..? what if you can watch them over & over again..til you cant take it anymore..??? | |||
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