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what if cool, i'll have to decide between good flicks? what if we only have AMC chain theatres? what if they bought out the cool local theatres? what if AMC throws hissy fit when anyone suggests opening a cheap theatre? what if the college has its own couple theatres but its mainly for students & not cheap either? what if the cool, old downtown theatres are all gone thanks to AMC? what if we no longer get movies off-the-beaten track like we used to? what if now its only the same ol same ol hollywood crappola? what if i enjoyed indie movies & foreign flicks & film festivals & late nite showings of cult films & 3 Stooges stuffage nyuk nyuk nyuk? | |||
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what if relatives have landed? what if aunt & cousin from Allah-bama? what if now theys in Indy? what if visiting uncle's grave? what if reunion tomorrow? what if i'd rather stay home? | |||
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What if maybe XC needs to shut off the computer, leave the scrolls & get outside once in a while..??? What if maybe his relatives can find him a Job..? What if the neighbors who dont seem to live in the apartment they have rented Decided to come here & blast music @ 3:30 AM..? What if I hate ignorant trash & dislike that Im too poor to live where they arent...?? | |||
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What if I just made my 700th post in the 'Why is it that' thread..?? What if this is 701..?? What if Salem & the others dont come here because most of the posts arent worth the bother to read ...like this one..?? What if maybe they have just turned into a buncha old farts ......who like ignorin the scrolls..???? | |||
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what if don't matter if posts are worth readin? what if what matters is they come here post sumthin? what if i'm more interested in what other ppl got to say than my boring life? what if dunno what's happened to Salem but Ame did promise to post more often? what if i fly to Aussieland & hunt these ppl down Crocodile Dundee style, g'day? | |||
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what if reunion was ok? what if i didn't stay long? what if errands to run? what if i was probably the young un there? what if mentally & physically? | |||
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what if tummy ache? what if something don't agree with tummy? what if ulcers & acid reflux oh my!? what if life long prob? what if no biggie? what if it'll pass? | |||
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what if i's Ruler of the Scrollerverse? what if that's my new karma title? what if what responsibilities comes with title? what if what mullah comes with title? what if does this mean i get to be a mod again? | |||
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what if where's my Ruler of the Scrollerverse crown? what if where's my Ruler of the Scrollerverse throne? what if where's my Ruler of the Scrollerverse gold & jewels & rubies & emeralds? what if Ruler of the Scrollerverse is akin to that creep James Cameron being king of the world at the oscars? what if but i'm a bigger creep? what if dontcha all agree so quickly? | |||
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what if it's July? what if darn? what if year's going too fast? what if too fast but no funnage? what if summer & July used to mean funnage? what if not any more? what if hope so again tho? | |||
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what if feel like travelin? what if feel like leavin town? what if feel like leavin Indhickiana? what if got no mullah but still wanna hit the road? what if road trip? what if would luv to return to Kelley's Island? what if to Jungle Jims & Traders World too? | |||
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what if maybe see movie at theatre tomorrow? what if i do, i'll see new Superman movie? what if gotta find out matinee prices? what if only pay a few bucks? what if otherwise wait for dvd? | |||
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what if ate supper in college campus quad? what if humungous cafeteria? what if saw former co-employee who works there now? what if this place is near where temp pt time job will be? what if provided i still get job & not a full time job elsewheres? what if yummers good food? | |||
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what if whoop-de-do almost Independence Day? what if national firecracker day? what if ppl get their pinkies or worse blown off? what if politicians & other bozos on parade? what if don't care for holidays? | |||
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what if Superman cost too much for matinee? what if i could pay for rental & popcorn at the price of matinee? what if with a couple more bucks i could buy used copy of dvd when it comes out? what if we need the kind of good cheap theatres here that BrucE has? what if BrucE & Val moved here & started a cheap theatre? what if i knows they'd draw in plenty of ppl sick of AMC? | |||
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what if sneakin in past midnite? what if scrolls is deader than Jimmy Hoffa? what if refuse to believe ppl haven't got enuff to say or too busy to post? what if cowards!? ha ha | |||
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what if boring holiday? what if don't like holidays? what if cept when working they sometimes mean days off? what if still they're depressing? | |||
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what if i really think its just me here now? what if forever? what if can't find the scrolls light switch? what if the other Xena forum is so lively? what if i post a lot there & drive them away? what if they come here? what if i return & drive them away again? what if endless circle? | |||
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What if I love the idea but I cant afford to hitch-hike to indiana..??? What if Val is nearly as allergic to work as I am....LOL?????? What if Buffa-low & surrounds is a rather poor area..? What if larger greedy restaurant chains come here thinking they are cheaply priced & just die from low quality/High price syndrome...? What if Buffalo is where dreams go to die...?? What if Bwhaahahhahaha ?? | |||
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What if alla life is circles..?? What if until you get circles under your eyes ....&....? What if the F-ers next door just started with the LOUD MUSIC again & its 4:44 AM?????? | |||
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what if rabbits in the carport? what if skunks up the street? what if deer roaming backyards? what if possums scatterin in the mornin? what if plenty of kitties stalkin the streets & yards? what if chipmunks & squirrels pouncin round trees & gutters? what if critters everywheres in the 'hood? | |||
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what if traffic was weirdly lite this mornin? what if too early for ppl? what if nah maybe ppl are on vacation? what if Krogers wasn't as busy as usual on Saturday mid-morning? what if good cuz i get thru quicker? what if still can't find lime ice cream? | |||
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