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what if president's day? Is this just another excuse for the gov't to shut down...again...and no mail delivery? They ought to make it like it used to be when it was two non-federal holidays celebrating Washington & Lincoln's birthdays. A lot of presidents are not worth celebrating, especially in my lifetime. oh well. | |||
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what if i mailed off my taxes today? My refund will be smaller than last year. They say that's either cause a) Trumpet screwed with it all or b) we get more back on our paychecks. Exsqueeze me? My paychecks are no bigger from last year over the previous year. Oh well, we will get screwed no natter who's in the white house. | |||
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What if I have a friend who is going through the same thing with his taxes, and he blames it on being single and childless? What if, apparently married couples pay less taxes and if they have kids it's even less? What if, I've also heard that since Trumpoid's been in office, married couples get some kind of weird "penalty" come tax time, which didn't make much sense but then neither does Trumpoid, or the government for that matter? What if, I think they all just like to mess with our heads 'cuz they can. ![]() What if where is Ray Gun and the "trickle down" theory when ya need him??? ![]() ![]() What if Nicaragua's starting to look better every day!!! ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if to be fair, Obombya was no easier on taxes as his "health care" plan penalized people who did not shell out big buck$ for having health insurance? Trumpett will probably win a 2nd term cause the Democrats can't pick a winnable candidate. They need a MOR candidate & who can bear Trumpette, someone who is likeable (not Hilarious again) and Bernie, nice guy that he is, can't win in a major election. Biden...maybe. | |||
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what if writing 1st draft of book 6 now? i'm hoping to get done with the first draft of the final book- book 7- in July...i hope Then comes the editing on book 1. There's a writer's seminar in Indy this fall that i might go to. i'm kinda excited about it but i'm not going to get over anxious or confident about it. If some publishing company- a reliable one, not amazon- snags up book 1 & wants to buy the others then that's great, if not fine, i can live with either downloading on amazon or else keep it a private thing just between me & someone else. i never thought i would ever get this story started after three false starts since 1977. i had the story in my mind since i was a little xc. So it is something to get this far with it. | |||
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what if helll-ooooo in here? Tomorrow is 1st day of spring i would rather jump straight ahead to summer, and let it remain summer all year long | |||
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what if will it ever get warm again? i long for a drought- tumbleweeds blowing, the ground all dry & cracked, grass turning yellow & steam comin off the pavement from the heat. btw i rule the scrolls now...i guess | |||
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What sniff I pretty much forgot about this place? Id like to say Im busy doing stuff but Im mostly just running around in circles. Tho I did but 40" TV thats making an AWESOME monitor for my computer. Only $139 @ best buy....a few weeks ago. 15 years ago a 40" Comp monitor would have been in the Thousands of dollars. Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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what if i hope i ain't gettin insomnia again? A few nites in a row i been fightin to get to sleep. Meanwhile, Natalie Adele acts like she hears mice or bugs of maybe Trumpett has bugged the house & she hears him plottin to collude with Satan over something. But i need my sleep so i can do better writing in the morning before i go to work. | |||
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what if my middle brother is pretty ill in California? He had an aorta dissection & is in intensive care, & has been since Tuesday. Yesterday i heard he is in improving & am still waiting to hear about his condition today. i hope he gets better very quickly. | |||
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Oh my Lord ! Thats Awful... I hope hes better real soon. I also hope your luck in life improves.. How have ya been,lately? It winter here again.. for one last day... supposed to snow overnite. Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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Hey BrucE, thanks for the kind words. He is getting better though very slowly. i've been working (hating it), writing the first draft of my 6th novel (none of the other 5 books are finished yet, just in the first draft stage) & hoping for a dry, rain-free rest of the spring and all of the summer. winter sucks. yuck. | |||
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what if my brother had a pacemaker put in & is still in intensive care? He is doing better, though, from last i heard yesterday. The father of a friend of mine had a heart attack this week. She told me he was doing ok. i had a bad four day cold, virus, whatever over the weekend and into this week & still am congested. Being sick sucks. | |||
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Great Demeter's Ghost! He's Still in the hospital?....That is/was serious! I hope he fine real soon. Cold... Oy Vey! Im ridiculously run down lately. Mine cold was 2 weeks & 1 day my liver & kidneys ached....next day I had a pain in my spine mid back to skull base.....Which also came though to my chest.....I ALMOST went to the hospital.. Then I thought about it.... how much different is this from past bad colds/flus... Day after .....pains were gone & I slowly began to feel better. And Yes ...being sick sux!!! {{{ Edited to change Mexy to Next...} | |||
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My brother is doing better although each day seems to be something new & it can always change for the worst. It was very serious, and his lifestyle is going to have a major change he won't like if he wants to live longer. Yeah, colds seem to progress worse every few seasons & the OTC drugs just don't improve fast enough with new strains or whatever. Maybe that's the fault of the FDA or some bureaucrat's rule book. It almost seem like walk-in clinics are becoming the new answer to better OTC drugs which sucks. | |||
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What if, just catching up with y'all after a little hiatus? What if I needed a break from the internet...too much nonsense in the news, didn't want to know, and some people on Twitter were gettin' on my last nerve but it's like a vortex sucking me in every time I'm online...so I'm slowly weaning myself away from there, Facebook, other "trendy" forms of social media!!! ![]() What if, forums are still better so...anyway. I'm back! ![]() What if I'm glad your brother's doing better, xc, sounds like quite an ordeal...wow? What if, Brucy, I hope you feel better too? What if health problems suck??? What if so does getting old? What if, I was pain free for the most part for several months but then it came flaring back after a show I did where I had to stand for several long periods onstage? What if, it wasn't like a huge deal, no gymnastics or serious stage work...we're talking mostly "stand and sing!" What if, but the pain went right back to where it was and my chiropractor/physical therapist is most surprised!!! What if, and speaking of lifestyle changes, I gotta go back on little to no carbs again. What if Bruce Springsteen will be 70 this year and he is doing GREAT!!!!! What if...at least that's some comfort!!! ![]() ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if RIP, Doris Day? What if, 97 is a GREAT long life tho, I would love to live that long? What if, provided of course I have QUALITY of life during that time? What if that makes me think of my ex-boyfriend Nick's grandmother, who was 92 in 2017? What if I don't know how she's doing now but she seemed to have a goodly amount of energy...certainly was sharp as a tack in the mental faculties! What if...ah well, Doris might be singing "Que Sera Sera" in that great big auditorium in the sky now... She did a lot for animal rights here on Earth so that's great too!!! She'll be missed.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Free Madness, "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if hey ya's to BrucE & Kate for still being here? My brother is in physical therapy now, re-learning to walk, also taking therapy for his writing & talking to be more like it was before he became sick. Jeepers, next week is Memorial Day. i have no plans for summer. i just hope it's warm & dry. | |||
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What if hey ya, xc!!! Still here even if I don't post all the time. Sounds like your brother's getting some good attentive treatment...here's to a full recovery for him!!!! ![]() I spent the last few days assembling the above ground pool. It was NICE yesterday well reasonably...it was 70 degrees. Memorial Day should be great, very relaxing, we never do much but chill around the house. I may get a harbachi(sp?) if I can muster up the cash and grill veggie burgers and shishkabob veggies, etc. Just cuz. ![]() It was kinda annoying at first with the pool becuz there were a bunch of missing parts and I tried to replace one important part and couldn't find it at the pool supply place. So I improvised. So far so good. Then the pump broke down and I had to pay 75 bucks for a new one. OUCH! Fortunately I still have a "bit" more cash to spare... I canceled ALL my subscriptions with everything but Microsoft office(I need Word for writing so gotta pay the 10 bucks a month). Money was being EATEN Alive before my eyes by automatic debits so I did a budget without the subscriptions and found I could save extra. YAY! On a more controversial but GOOD note(at least for me!!!), my psychiatrist approved when I mentioned medical marijuana to him. PTSD gets bad and I found that a few hits off a joint helps eliminate the anxiety. I'm even able to laugh at stupid things that go wrong rather than throw a tantrum which is important. So I went to a medical marijuana center and gave them info and a release form, so just waiting to hear about my next appointment. It's out of pocket but still within the budget! What if, other good news was, I found out why I was in so much renewed pain before. I'd started spending a lot of time sitting in a chair that had me on a bit of an acute angle...kinda leaning back, still supported by canvas but all the leaning was bad for my back. So I ditched that chair and now the pain is going away again YAY! This is why I was able to assemble the pool. (It should be noted that John is not a mechanically attuned kinda guy. I'm more of the "fix-it, assemble it" person of the family. John does the housework, dishes, laundry, etc. It's a wild-assed reversed stereotypical gender role thing that I rather like, as it seems to work. My dad was the fix it person too.) What if, on another good note, the movie I wrote, produced and finally DIRECTED after the first director dropped the ball should be ready and edited soon. I'll post a link when I can. ![]() Aside from that just chillaxin' and ready for Summer. YAY!!!! ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if, gonna test a new sig pic again, if it's too big I'll resize it, usual drill. ![]() EDITED: Stoopid Google, I resize the thing down to a thumbnail but I upload it onto my picture account and it still blows it all up. Guess I'll figure something else out. Oh well!!! Moving forward for now...This message has been edited. Last edited by: Free Madness, "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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WoW I really wish him {& You} well. Im up at 6:30 AM Bcoz my neighbors left their dog out all night & isnt used to it & is Barking. WTF is it with some people. I Hate Animal abusers,which they are...tho they are too stupid to realize it. Sorry ..Just Venting LoLThis message has been edited. Last edited by: Brucy Braless, Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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What if not much to report, but thinking of xc and his brother whom I hope is continuing to make progress and such. What if, if I had a dog they would stay IN the house all night just like my cats do and get the love and care they deserve...like anyone who has pets SHOULD treat them? What if those other people should be made to stay out all night in their yard themselves to see how it feels!!!??? ![]() ![]() ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if thanks ya'll to the good thoughts about my brother? He's home now as of yesterday, wondering about his missing days from his memory which my sister-in-law & others will fill in for him. i hate animal abusers, too. People shouldn't have pets if they aren't going to treat them good & with respect. | |||
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Thats good to hear... A funny thing happened in Walmarts 2-day... An Egg-Zasperated Cashier...Looked at me & said.. "Dont you hate it when you KNOW you're right & someone just keeps arguing with you anyway?" to which I smiled & made a slightly smart-ass reply: "Yeah!...Im an Atheist!" She laffed & said so am I. Atheists in my age bracket are single digit percentage at best .. even here in liberal NY. I had heard that they science believers were higher in the youth, but I didnt expect that.. | |||
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