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What if I'm so sorry, xc. ![]() Death sucks. I don't know if I'll ever make peace with it until it comes for me, and I can't avoid it. Meanwhile, all we can do is hang in there I suppose. I wish there were some comforting words I could say that I haven't said before. I'm not an atheist but everything I and others who believe in a higher power can say...it's all been said. How many times can one say, "They're in a better place."? You know that but that doesn't make you miss them any less. I could say "They're watching over you," but you know that too. You still miss hearing their voices and hugging them and all. I miss my dad. I was thinking of him recently, wishing I could have just had one more conversation with him. Even with the dementia that was hard to deal with, he was a great person to just listen to as well as talk to. Hang in there xc! And keep writing. That's amazing you have all those pages. I don't think I ever wrote that many in one book before. Awesome! "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if, I shot a movie on Saturday, it went really well, now it's just the waiting game, all the editing. This time this guy is a pro, and I trust him. The whole process took about 8 hours including getting my makeup put on by my friend who is a pro with makeup. All in all, I'm hoping I did a halfway decent job with it all. It was nerve wracking doing this outside. There was a wedding there and I was like, "NOOOO!" You always take a chance with noise when you shoot movies outside. Now it's just chill and down time, listening to old 90's tunes and wondering if I want to do any writing today. I haven't wanted to do much of anything, but I will have to get this pool disassembled outside. I got almost half of it done today. I also moved everything, my computer and boxes of stuff I utilize during the day over to the dining room table. I'd had it in the living room for awhile and was posting from my couch. I can't recline on the couch anymore while at the computer. It's hard on my back. My chiropractor finally told me to just sit up straight and walk straight, and not to bend over. This pain in my back has come and gone. Hopefully it goes away for good some day. Oh well. That's the report of the day. My cats are doing well for the most part. Even money isn't scaring me too much right now...I'm learning to manage it, slowly but surely. Onward! "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if good luck to Kate with her filming? what if i'm spending too much mullah this year? i need to get back on me budget & stick with it. i have to do that before the recession comes that's been predicted. 2nd draft of book one proceeds. Not as much fun as writing it out in the first place but nice to visit old friends i created. | |||
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What if I installed a thermostat for the first time in my life? What if my old one stopped working after nearly 10 years of service to us, and at first I thought my heater was faulty? What if, thankfully a contractor told me otherwise? What if it was kind of scary installing that thing, playing with wires and such, and making sure it turns on the gas okay? What if it turned on higher than I'd like, but I'm gonna leave it alone until it gets too hot then turn it down. What if...home improvement 101...so long as I don't blow up the house I think I'm doing okay. What if thanks xc for the kind words and enjoy writing your second draft! "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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What if ...Yay you ... I'm impressed..!!! What if I also wish you good luck with your movie & all other stuff.. Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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What if I slowly developed a fairly large surplus of cash in the last 2-3 years..? What if fate has found some thing i need to spend it on....$900 re-crown of a lower molar on the left & a $3200 dollar rework of my bridge due rot on the back side of a molar holding that..? What if I kinda do have enough....Luckily I have only Inet & rent bills during the winter so that will help..? What if the redo of the bridge will be the single most expensive item I have ever bought in my entire poverty infested life..LoL..? What if my $2300+ van outside is gonna drop to #2....? What if I have now gotten maybe 2x the money from disability that I actually earned in my short working 'Career'..? What if maybe 3x... it would be hard to get exact numbers..? Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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What if there was a televised debate between a woman I sorta respected & our fine democratic county executive? What if she in typical lying republican style.. has made this statement...CE poloncarz has engineered a $52 million dollar tax increase since he took office..? What if sounds drastic right..? What if what REALLY happened is he lowered property taxes 3x for more than 10% but the local economy has perked up so much that in spite of lower individual taxes ... more people & businesses are now paying taxes & thats where the extra cash is coming from..? What if WTF..? What if I have completely lost respect for this woman & will never vote for shitty dishonest "independent" ass EVER..? What if Poloncarz did stick her with voting with Chris Collins our local Criminal congressman now convicted of insider trading? What if that was probably a little harsh but I dunno who started the shit show first..? What if I think she has little chance... she should have run for CC's seat...? What if ....FUCK ....I hate republicans they have gone from the party of greedy liars{RonnyR & GWB} to the party of traitors with Trump.... What if ..if I could wish them "dead,dead yes all dead" I would ..LoL | |||
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What if The CE said that there are 5 States with a smaller population than Erie County..? What if Damn..? What if maybe we should split NYS into 3 states & gain 4 new senators..? What if I was gonna insert this into the above but it totally breaks up the coherency of said rant..? Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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What if thanks Brucy, much appreciated!!! ![]() What if it's nice and warm in here right now and I'm just sitting around watching a Johnny Depp hour-long interview. Not much to report, except that I'm going to have to give my own book that I'm writing a little overhaul. New things I'm trying aren't working as well as I wanted them to, so it's time to go back to the drawing board. That's a pain in the ass, but I think/hope that I'm getting out of the experimentation phase with this book and actually starting to solidify it. Of course, I thought that about a month ago but things happen. Oh well. "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if local Demo-rats have wasted over $46 million on a park nobody wanted? what if the entrance to the multi-year in the making park will block traffic in both directions? why is it that the park is on the outskirts of town where no one goes anyway? who cares if they donkeys could have spent the money on widening & or building roads? what if that's cause the Demo-rats hate cars, preferring bikes & walking, which is unrealistic for most people? what if dumb-ass Demo-rat Mayor wants to annex county properties like mine so that our property tax can pay for this crappy park no one wants? why not tear down city hall, put up some trees & call it a park? why not put some Repooplicans & Independ-ants into office & have a fair democracy against the tax & spend Demo-rats? what if should have residency rule where no one in city can vote in local elections unless they have lived here for 6 years then stupid college kids who vote Demo-rat cause they think they're hip cannot vote here- ha!? | |||
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What if, it's definitely not realistic to just bike and walk, especially for those with chronic pain? What if, of course that brings up the medical situation here in America. I don't think Obamacare helped anybody really. I mean, the idea that you HAVE to have health insurance and you have no choice is bad enough, but the amount of money people were expected to pay per month, I think it was 800-something...is preposterous for people of my poverty level. I didn't always have insurance but I always hooked up with county clinics that had their own coverage. I never used Obamacare. It was obviously not for poor sods like me! I'm just going by my gut feeling and conscience at this point, when it comes to voting. Both the Donkeys and the Elephants have horrific dark sides, and much of those dark sides has hurt this world too much to be dismissed by "balance" speeches. "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if i have a new PC? i am just getting used to it. Windows 10, updated Microsoftie Office...my books are on a new fangled version of Word. Old PC still running in one of Natalie Adele's rooms (she has more rooms that are hers than i do!). My old PC still runs okay but i wanted something faster. i dunno much about PCs, i ain't no BrucE, i just turn the thing on & hope it works. i do know my way around the music downloads & all that stuffage. | |||
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What if, congrats to xc on the new PC! I have Windows 10. I like it, and I like Microsoft Office and the Word I use for all my books and stuffage. It's real easy to navigate and I don't know much about computers either except just learning certain programs and hoping what I learn works every time. I need to get another computer tho. Still have the same HP laptop I had since 2009. 10 years is a long time and it's hard to even find a battery for this without having to order it. I just plug it in and keep it plugged in since currently it has no battery. But I need something smaller and more compact, with all the fast features I need. It's all about money though. My mom might give me some Christmas $$ this year and maybe, if she gives me enough, I'll treat myself. If I don't end up using it to pay bills anyway. What if, in other news, winter is FINALLY here it seems? I have my heat on with my new thermostat, everything is in working order, I just have to keep up with things. Payday was yesterday, got the gas bill off and the phone bill paid, now it's just getting the other less expensive bills taken care of andd then stretttttch that money as far as it'll go til December. Not much else going on, Julius and all the cats are the same, getting into mischief as usual lol. We had a bunch of candy for Halloween but only one kid came to our door. Now I have all this candy to eat. John won't eat it and no one I know wants it. Oh well!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if new PC is also an HP? Natalie Adele loves the heat being on, curling up by the floor register. Me, i miss summer & the sweltering heat. Lotta Halloween candy leftover here. Too many leaves, too. Glad i having them cut down a couple trees at a time. | |||
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What if, my cat Crystonian is now sleeping in our candy bowl? What if there's not much left in there now? What if another payday on Friday and another large amount of money dumped into the bills? What if...now the long STRETTTCHHHH throughout the month to keep from running outta money. What if I feel like the little engine that could? ![]() What if, I like doing things that don't cost money anyway. Like sitting outside in the back yard when it's nice outside, or just chilling at my computer surfing, or writing. Money can't buy that. My cats love the heat too, one of them is curled up near the radiator right now! ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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Originally posted by xenacrazed: what if i have a new PC? Bizarrely ...so do I ! i am just getting used to it. Windows 10 Me too & mine also is W-10... My old PC still runs okay but alla mine too but... There was what SEEMED Like a really good deal on a Gamin PC..on Craigslit...ummm.... Craigslist...{justa Typo!} I glanced at EVERYTHING Before I bought it... Except the power supply Cause, as we ALL KNOW a Dell 7010MT comes with a 275W Power Supply...just enough to run the 120Watt GTX-1060 that he put in it. Well ...when I got home...I opened it up & looked again in pride at my bargain.... the Power Supply is ONLY 240 watts....Its just barely enough to run a 75 watt card... I dont even know how the FUCK he got it to run at all.... AND the memory is NOT the DDR3-1600MHZ =PC3-12800 I had Hoped,nor the DDR3-1333Mhz =PC3-10600 I was fearing its some God forsaken DDR3-800Mhz =PC3-6400 most of Inet & I have never even heard of 1/2 the speed of the good stuff... Its in this exact Internet PC Im using right now & its chokin on it..LoL The only saving grace is Idiotically bought 2 RX-460s when cards were astronomically expensive so I now have a good spot for 1 of them..& it IS in & running. A few weeks ago I picked up 2 8Gigs sticks of the needed RAM @ best buy on sale...so it will all be ok..sort of.. ELDER SCROLLS ONLINE Here I COME !!!!! This message has been edited. Last edited by: Brucy Braless, Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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Ahh... Too bad your so far away....I could sell you 1 & let you pay as you can... If you want to buy a used laptop you could tell me the name of your local craigslist & I could look for a bargain for you....I would not be able to tell if the PC is running great ..you would have to determine that on site...BUt I know what $ells for what around here to a$$i$t in gettin you a good deal. Answer if interested here cause I dont check PMs{ever} or email more than 2ce a month.After that we can go to email.. Or ... If you prefer new I could watch Best Buy for a deal... It would be $400 or more probably,thats a real sweet spot on their HP laptop sales. This message has been edited. Last edited by: Brucy Braless, Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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What if, thanks Brucy, I appreciate that! I'm in Philadelphia PA. I've looked on Craigslist for stuff before and once bought a bike on it for about 250.00. It was a very nice bike. I know you can get good deals on Craigslist. You do seem like you know what you're doing when it comes to shopping for computers. I'm a little impaired about that myself...I don't know a lot about computers enough to really know what to get...I tend to trust the salespeople which only works if they're honest and on the level. I don't care if it's old as long as it's good. New is fine if I can get one cheap. 400 sounds doable, maybe even 600. I need to save money. I'd need two or three months to save that but I could do it. I just need something fast that has a lot of RAM and a good hard drive. I tend to load up my computers with programs and files. And I love streaming on the internet. I watch movies on Amazon and YouTube a lot...I don't even have a TV anymore. I keep up with the news online. A laptop would be perfect, perhaps even smaller and more portable than what I have now. This one is approximately 18" by 12."(I don't have a tape measurer right now so I'm just guessing lol.) If there's anything smaller than that without it being a chrome notebook(I don't want that), that'd be great. I want a CD/DVD burner/player in it like I have now too. And I want to have a good battery that I can find whenever I need to replace it. This battery is so outdated and Staples doesn't have it anymore. So yeah if you see any adverts for something like that, do let me know! You can put the link here or email it to me at jyenkotah@keeptruthalive.org Thanks so much!!!! ![]() "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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Yes ALso its REAL easy to get Screwed on Craigslist,too! Laptop are quite tricky when buying used ..Desktops less so... Almost no one ever drops their desktop out in the parking lot. Screen & Keyboard are separate and of higher quality,usually.... It sounds like you have a 17" laptop {measured diagonally}...they are nice but not so transportable. If your eyes are good {mine get semi-permanently blurry from squinting} a 14" in might be your ticket. They Deliberately make it confusing....Oh its an i5 or an i3.... i5 is usually better but there are same generation i3s that will slaughter a slow i5.... Upcoming months & years will be a good time as AMD is starting price wars with 2 greedy, sloppy companies that have been milking the public for years... Intel has been passing off 2-7% 'improvements' to their CPUs since maybe 2013 each generation.. AMD socked it to them with their Ryzen Series ...stronger faster & cheaper...recently. NOw they are going after nVidia...whose been Way way over-pricing their Video cards since the Crypto-Currency craze started. Sounds like run-of-the-mill video will do ya just fine....Its greatly improved since 2013 This is Prob whats in my 2010 laptops,Yours may even be Slower Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator HD = 216 - G3D Mark 2012 2xxx series CPUs { note the GENIUS Naming conventions} 2xxx series CPUs HD 3000 315 - G3D Mark 3xxx series CPUs HD 4000 457 - G3D Mark { I have this} used can be bought for @$150.... 3xxx series CPUs HD 2500 295? - G3D Mark my small older business desktops...This does youtube @1080p just fine... high end 2016 prob 6xxx series CPUs HD 650 1139 - G3D Mark these are whats in Intel $400 comp from this spring iIRc {Last time I looked} That is enough to do some simple online gaming even. there are youtube videos of people running Skyrim on HD4000 laptops{?} at very low settings. SO new should get you a small SSD{Very fast} Hard Drive or a larger 1Terabyte old style Hard Drive... 8Gigs of memory....& a decent new-ish 13 or i5.... the AMD Ryzen stuff MIGHT Be Trickier... on the newer Desktop CPUs the RAM speed{its shared} has serious effects on the Video power. This a new discovery to me...I dunno yet about laptops... Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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What if I forgot this is the what if thread..? What if DVD writers are on the way out to be replaced by USB sticks? What if its getting hard to find DVDs, CDs at a reasonable price anymore...? What if you keep your old laptop & just use that to write/play DVDs..? What if for storage Now you can buy an External USB HDrive about the size of a deck of cards.. 1Tearbyte is around $65 & on sale a 4TB is Only $99 thats pretty big... its....I dunno.... maybe the same a as say roughly 800 DVDs..?!?! but you comp might be so old that it only has USB-2...? What if a USB -3 port usually has a bright blue plastic tongue in its connector{on the Laptop}..? USB-3 will move a 1Gig file in about 1-2 minutes. I would guess a USB-2 connector might take 10-20 minutes..? What if this will allow you to clear space on the laptop hard drive for now... What if I forgot to mention I dislike Chrome Books also they are overpriced slow crippled laptops... What if the only reason I would take one if someone gave it to me is I have a 4 1/2 YO Grand-Daughter....? What if I beat XC {a VERY REAL possibility} in an Ugly Contest & the first prize was a $300 Chrome Book & 2nd prize was a $50 bill Id take the 50....at least its worth something to me .. ![]() Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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What if I caught a cold & hadda cancel my dentist appt. so I ran & got a flu shot....on Election day....O M G-zus! What if my head STILL feels like a snow globe someone will NOT stop shaking....the Bass-Turd!!! What if Scary... that Dental Appt comes back up in 8 days.....Ive not even turned the corner yet on startin to feel better. What if I wandering around without knowing what Im doing.... I just spent 10 minutes lookin for the Frozen SPring rolls Im gonna deep fat fry..... What if I didnt take em outta the freezer just moved them into the door part..WTF?? What if AGHHHhh! 1 of them started un-ravelling & theres Cabbage or Onions or whatever all ova the WOk! What if kill me now ... please..!! ![]() Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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What if more on the Genius front..? What if I always buzz me hair at its shortest weks before it REALLY Gets cold...? What if its too brutal too do it when its super wintry..? What if like a knuckle-head I Did it just before this cold snap winter storm hits the east..? What if my ears skull & neck HATE my brain this week..? Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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What if the Average temps for Yesta-day = 50/36 F What if for 4 days its not gonna get above FREEZING..not once..LoL What if one of the upcoming days the HIGH is gonna be 26F.. I think the low is near to 13F Why is it easier to fool the masses than it is to convince them that they have been fooled...? | |||
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46 guests? what if come on 'n' post you cowards? Unless these are 46 aliases of BrucE, ha ha. | |||
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