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what if 2020 election really isn't about Biden? what if it's all about whether you want four more years of Hitler or not? Anyone who at this point, after the response on covid, after troops attacking peaceful demonstrators, after all the unemployment and slim chance of another relief check, still supports Trumpenstein or hasn't made their mind up who to vote for- oughta get a lobotomy to match their stupidity! | |||
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what if dentist office phoned? what if i have appointment Sept 1? what if not sure i'm going? Just doesn't seem safe or maybe i'm overly paranoid. | |||
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What if electing Joe Biden will Help the CONservatives in the long run.. they are always goin for the long con..? What if It looks close then I will eat that 1/2 a bowl of shit..! but THIS is the Last Time..? | |||
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What if my daughter has found me a new doctor to try..? What if maybe she wont be a narcissistic Know-it-All..? | |||
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what if i still believe the election is all about Trumpenstein? what if the only vision for a future is one without Trumpenstein? what if they could put GW Bush or Raygun's corpse in the White House and it would be a vast improvement on Donald Hitler? | |||
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What if Ok but I think tRump is a SYMPTOM of whats wrong with Neo-Con agenda not a once off..? What if Val has come thru again....she found info on a Govt run clinical trial for EXACTLY that disease I have that A-Hole doctors tell me doesnt exist..? What if of Course Imma gonna look into it..YaY !?!!?!? | |||
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what if good luck, BrucE, hoping you get the answers & help you're looking for? what if my California relatives will have a ceremony dispersing my brother's ashes in the mountains tomorrow? what if they are gonna tape the event for me and my aunts? what if thanks to Kate for first mentioning it? what if still hasn't sunk in that my brother has passed? what if just uncomfortable with death? | |||
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what if 1% of returning college kids have the virus? what if that equals about 80 dummies? what if idiot college students have parties, no masks, no social distancing? what if there oughta be common sense classes required in high schools & colleges? | |||
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Originally posted by xenacrazed: what if good luck, BrucE, hoping you get the answers & help you're looking for? Thank you.... its certainly taking long enuff..no? what if my California relatives will have a ceremony dispersing my brother's ashes in the mountains tomorrow? what if still hasn't sunk in that my brother has passed? What if I understand this....good luck with your sorrows..? what if just uncomfortable with death? What if aren't we all.....its part of our deepest survival instincts I suspect..? what if there oughta be common sense classes required in high schools & colleges? What if yeah IQ test-y abilities have little to no correlation with wisdom or common sense...& youth has especially embraced living on the wild side.? | |||
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What if that doctor ..NOT Takin new patients..? What if I have had a place called Buffalo Medical Group recommended to me by many times...usually by strangers.? What if maybe 2 dozen docs..well,I have an appointment with one that seems promising in @ 2 weeks? What if Imma gonna give Dr Useless a call for 1 more chance @ a NEW Medicine that should be perfect for me..? What if I really dont expect much from him, hes a Passive Aggressive lil twit....? | |||
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what if good luck with upcoming doc, BrucE? what if working on edit of book 2? what if my story never gets published? what if i have the books printed for me & a few others just to have it done & outta the way? | |||
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What if thats one way to go....whats important was/is if you Enjoyed writing it... Im not sure my brother does anymore he just doesnt know when to quit & move on...with anything | |||
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ERIE COUNTY, N.Y. — On Saturday, the daily COVID-19 percent positive rate for Erie County was 2.3 percent, according to Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz. This means that out of the people tested for COVID-19 on Saturday, 2.3 percent of tests came back positive. Poloncarz tweeted that the Erie County Department of Health had received 2,260 COVID-19 diagnostic tests on Saturday, and that 52 cases came back positive. This rate is helpful in understanding how many people tested positive in a single day, and will contribute to the average percent positive for the week. Additionally, Poloncarz shared that the total confirmed cases in Erie County since the start of the pandemic is now 9,295. He added that the total number of confirmed cases in Erie County is "a little more that 1 percent of the County's population." ============================================================ What if Peeps is gettin Sloppy.....our infection rate has doubled since I last looked on it. Tho that is still pretty good... | |||
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What if I watched 'Dopey Joe' speak at the Democratic cornvention... What if he slurs his speech like he is slightly drunk..? What if I think 'Moldy Joe' can beat tRump in fair election..? What if but he cant win against Lying Fox News, Vajayjay Putin & will get Savaged by tRump in ANY debate if there is one..? What if..WoW we wanna elect someone who will struggle in a 2 hour debate against 'Mr UnCLEAN'..WTF? What if I Really dont think he will have much of Chance & will fail when the 'Rats-Ass Republicans' make up something as a October Surprise..? | |||
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What if I have a 'Nodule' on my Thyroid..? What if it was needle biopsied in 2014 or 15..? WHat if thats as unpleasant as it sounds..LoL What if just a growth no cancer no Thyroid problems ...No worries..? What if it got a little bit bigger starting say Nov 2019..? What if its been growin crazy... like a California wildfire last 2 months..? What if I been meaning to do something about it but my experiences with 'Doctoring' have been so underwhelming & aggravating that I am developing a revulsion to the thought of it..? What if neck is swollen & uncomfortable enuff I couldnt sleep well last nite...? What if went to the Emergency room of my Daughter's hospital..? What if umm she works there she doesnt own it... at least not just yet..?? What if the jumbo+ fried egg squishy in my neck is just a fatty growth called a lympoma..? What if 2 of the cutest doctors I ever saw gave my squishy a good feel & said ..Fuh-Gitt About it...!?!? What if its unsightly & uncomfortable but so harmless they didnt ultra-sound it or X-Ray it or biopsy it {thank Gods}... What if SO it appears Im not done suffering just yet.....I have Miles to go before I ..uhhh Dirtnap..? | |||
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what if couldn't you have at least taken a cute doctor home? ![]() | |||
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what if i suspect Trumpenstein will try some kind of trick in Oct (post office related or really fake news or doctored photo, etc)? what if Americans being extremely stupid would rather have a dictator (Trumpenstein) than someone who may be dopey, sleepy and all the other dwarfs but isn't a dictator or mass murderer like Trumpenstein? what if the protestors in Portland, Wisconsin, etc. are playing into Trumpenstein's hands, who will play the law & order card to woo voters who might not have voted for him? what if to BLM & other protestors- vote Trumpenstein out, the ballot is mightier than your loud mouths! what if only time will tell if the protestors will put their vote where their big mouths are or else stay home and whine for the next 4 years when Trumpenstein steals the election? | |||
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What if I agree with alla this 100% ? what if couldn't you have at least taken a cute doctor home? Smile What if in New York State thats called Kidnapping..? What if Im to old & slow to get away with anymore..? | |||
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What if I decided to look in in on presidential poll updates? What if it seems my fears/predictions for 'Weak Joe Blow Biden' were not unfounded..? What if 'Lyin Weasel tRump' seems to be getting a bounce among low information voters..? What if as Corona virus tracks down tRump tracks up..?? What if most voters feel about Biden like I do...about as happy as when I slip & fall on my ass in dog-shit..? What if ..well I guess its better than fallin face first in Dogshit tRump..?? What if Hay AMerica..Fuck You All..?? ![]() | |||
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What if I've been catching up since I fell behind this past week? What if I'm glad your family is gonna tape the dispersing of your brother's ashes, xc? What if I also agree with you about the election...it's all about getting Donald Shiteler out. What if, yes, Dopey Joe is weak but if enough people working with him can put him together enough for the debates, he might just make it? What if, unless he doesn't, in which case we're gonna be in hell until 2024. What if, I went to a family gathering last Saturday and no one was wearing a mask? What if that made me nervous so I told my mom and sister about it and they thanked me for the info? What if, next time if that happens again, I will go home? What if I'm not above reality...I'm not one of those anti maskers...this shite is serious? What if I'm tired of the U.S. being such dumbasses with this thing...college students only scratch the surface? What if Donald Shiteler is to blame for much of it, since all his supporters will do anything he does and says? What if I hope this vaccine comes soon and I hope it's mandatory that everybody gets it or we'll still be in lockdown? What if anti-vaxers really kinda confuse me? What if I just don't get what the problem is with protecting yourself from getting a disease? What if I think ppl just need something to protest because they're bored and tired within? What if, the most ridiculous things people can do are being done so often it's a wonder we even know basic right from wrong anymore? What if, some ppl just like to fight, there's a certain adrenaline rush from fighting and protesting stuff, so they're hooked? What if, they might as well just sit back and play video games and channel it that way!!! "Even when you're down and blue, just remember that someone out there loves you, even if you don't know it and even if you haven't yet met them. There's someone out there waiting for you, remember that and keep faith. You'll get there." ~~Johnny Depp. | |||
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what if during WW11 Americans willingly sacrificed, rationed gas, oil, other things for the war effort? what if during the COVID war, Americans boo-hoo like babies over masks, social distancing, other things? what if Trumpentsein had been president during WW11 he would have tried to make a deal with Hitler, would not have sent troops to Normandy or helped our allies, and we'd all be dead, in concentration camps or speaking German? what if Trumpenstein would call Roosevelt 'crippled Frank' or 'polio Roosie' or some stupid nickname? what if i never thought any president would make me miss GW Bush but the orange haired baboon had done it? | |||
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what if insomnia got worse? what if maybe too used to zzquil? what if doc recommended melatonin? what if it did okay one night but i was dead tired anyway? what if Thurs morning i woke up 40 min before alarm went off, couldn't get back to sleep & yawned thru work? what if this morning i woke up an hour & 40 min before alarm went off, couldn't get back to sleep & am twilight zoned cause lack of sleep makin me dizzy? what if barely made it through office work, but taking rest of day off work or else i'd mess up work load? | |||
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What if Hay-Soos I wish you'd aim a lil higher..than GWB? .This message has been edited. Last edited by: Brucy Braless, | |||
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What if just being alive makes me dixxy..?? What if part of my sleep problems were a lack of Brite Morning light in my eyes? What if this caused my sleep cycle to slowly drift to 4-5PM Wake up time..? What if every time I get up at an acceptably early time I Run outside in my underware & look up into the sky sorta at the sun..? What if alla the neighbors scream 'think of the children' & keep callin the cops but who cares what they think anyways.??? What if needs to be done within 15 minutes of get up or its kinda useless.. but its slowly helpin me..? | |||
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